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Absolute Regression Chapter 190

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Episode 190: Should I take you on that boat too?

“You’re still swearing behind my back?”

I smiled at my father’s words.

“You mean swearing? You are mistaken! Oh, and even if you do, how can you do it in front of someone who swears at you? That’s something even the Murim Lord can’t do. Now, please sit down.”

I was probably the first to notice my father entering the bar. So I deliberately told them to listen. Don’t just stay in Cheonmajeon, go out and have fun.


Ian and Cheon So-hee jumped up to greet their father, but their father raised his hand to stop them and sat down.

Even though he did not say a special prayer, the atmosphere in the hall changed completely. This floor of this shabby guesthouse has suddenly become Cheonmajeon.

“What brings you here?”

“I stopped by while passing by.”

You always say this, but is it possible? Did you really come to see me? Or did he come to see the fighting horse?

Ian spoke cautiously.

“Let’s talk. “We will leave.”

“There is no need for that. “It will wake up in a moment.”

“yes! “Then we will remain silent as if we are not there.”

Seeing Ian answering bravely, his father blurted out.

“You’ve grown a lot.”

Ian was surprised because it was something he had never thought of. I was so surprised that I wondered if I had ever been so surprised these days. Not only was she surprised, but I was also surprised. I never thought my father would pretend to know Ian.

“thank you.”

Ian’s voice trembled as he bowed his head.

Even though the greeting was just one word, Ian was moved. Her eyes turned to me. She said with her eyes. Did you see the master? The religious leader was remembering my childhood. ah! I’m touched. I can’t believe the leader remembers me.

Really, if it weren’t for this place, she would have screamed and jumped up and down with joy.

This time, the father’s gaze was directed at Sohee Cheon.

“They say they fight best in the East Gate, right?”

Sohee Cheon was also so surprised that she almost fainted. Does the Heavenly Demon know about you? It was also something I couldn’t have imagined.


“Then was I mistaken?”

“yes? no!”

I said no as an expression of humility, and then I said no again. She was embarrassed and didn’t know what to do.

I went to the rescue.

“you’re right. Cheon Sojeo is the most skilled in Dongkwonmun. “I consider myself a candidate for the next Gwonma.”

Although it didn’t feel like they were being rescued at all because Cheon So-hee was even more embarrassed.

“No, no! Are you the next recommendation? “This is an absurd statement.”

She even waved her hands and strongly denied it.

The father’s eyes turned to the horse. It seemed like he was asking you if that was what you thought too.

Gwon Ma just looked at Cheon So-hee in silence and did not say anything about her.

“You don’t have to worry because you’re just teasing me for no reason.”

I didn’t just pass it off as a joke.

“I said that because I sincerely thought so. father. There were no women among our school’s champions, right? “Don’t you think it would be cool?”

I said this on purpose. Becoming a candidate for the next Kwonma in front of the Cheonma. Wouldn’t it be more motivating to her than telling her to work hard a hundred times?

My father, who understood my intentions, said something to Cheon So-hee.

“To further improve.”


Sohee Cheon, I slept all the time today.

After taking care of the two women, my father spoke to Gwonma.

“How are you?”

“Yes, master.”

No matter how scary he looked, no matter how good his body was, and no matter how big his fists were, he became as gentle as a baby in front of his Heavenly Demon father.

“You said your son is bothering you?”

“I’m bothering you these days.”

“What does it mean?”

“Today, we are holding a welcome party for new members. “I’m a newbie.”

As if he didn’t know that far, my father made a surprised expression and then smiled. This is the point where I feel disappointed every time. He smiles like that in front of his children, a smile that he never shows to his children.

My father said to Ian.

“It must be hard work to receive such a great new recruit.”

“it’s okay. Madam Kwon….”

For a moment, she hesitated about what to say. This was because I had never really thought about how to express and introduce Gwonma. Besides, it was in front of Cheonma.

There was no way I was going to miss this great opportunity to make fun of the embarrassed Ian.

“Please understand. “It’s because Ian can’t lie.”

Then Ian spoke quickly.

“no. Madam Kwon is so nice, gentle, gentle, has a good body, and takes good care of us.”

For a moment there was silence there.

“Are you feeling well?”

Since he didn’t expect Ian to say such a thing, Gwonma also looked slightly embarrassed. Ian, who spoke, was also embarrassed.

“Did I do that?”

“huh. “That was the only truth among your lies.”

At my joke, Ian looked at me and his eyes tightened. Stop teasing me! This is the place where the religious leader is!

My father poured alcohol into Gwonma’s cup.

“You must be having a hard time because of your mischievous son.”

Gwonma politely accepted the drink with an expression that said, “You just need to know.”

Two people drank alcohol.

They were two people who seemed comfortable but not comfortable. Apparently, Gwonma found it difficult and uncomfortable with his father.

Still, if you look closely, there is a vague resemblance between my father and Gwonma. Regardless of their actual personalities, both of them also have a strong feeling that they want to destroy it first. The same goes for the way he looks somehow lonely.

“Is this your first time attending a gathering like this?”

“This is my first time.”

“What do you think?”

Is the reason your father came today because he was curious about why Kwon Ma came to the meeting?

“I like hanging out with young people because I feel like I’m growing younger together.”

“Are you old enough to say something like that already? It seems like just yesterday when I was young. Do you remember? “What happened to fighting with the political faction on Mt. Otaesan for three days and nights?”

“Do you still remember that?”

“You were really cool back then.”

“It’s because I can’t cover up that memory with something cooler.”

Father and horse.

When the two people met, it seemed like the atmosphere would be stiff and they would not talk well, but unexpectedly, the two people talked easily.

Rather, my father felt a little more friendly and comfortable than when dealing with other mazons.

That was the case with Hyeolcheon Doma. My father’s favorite among the mazons is Gwonma. I thought that might really be the case.

On the other hand, Gwon Ma found his father difficult, only answering questions. Maybe that’s why this relationship is maintaining better. Problems always arise when both people are comfortable.

After a few drinks were passed, Ian, who was seeing an opportunity, spoke to his father.

“I was going to say thank you whenever I had the chance to see you in person. “Thank you for what happened last time.”

Ian stood up and bowed deeply. I didn’t say what kind of gratitude I was, but my father and I could tell. It was a thank you for giving me permission to teach him the Bicheon Sword Technique.

My father said something calmly.

“With great martial arts, great fate follows.”

It wasn’t just because of the Bicheon Sword Technique, but anyway, she was walking down the path to a new destiny.

“I will keep this in mind and do my best not to infringe upon the great grace bestowed upon me.”

I hoped this moment today would mean more to Ian.

“In that sense, please pass on a lesson to Ian.”

My father’s eyes narrowed slightly at my words.

“You mean now?”

“Then when will we have a place like this again?”

I raised my hand in advance to stop Ian from coming forward.

“It may be a one-time drinking event for your father, but it could be a life-changing event for Ian, right?”

Afterwards, the words were sent as a whole sound.

-I reached adulthood at that age. You know how hard you have to work to achieve something, right? That little girl has grown up so well, right?

Did you get the last word?

My father stood up and said to Ian.

“Come with me for a moment.”

His father took Ian out.

Ian looked at me as I followed him out. Am I going to die like this?

I waved my hand as if to say goodbye. You won’t die, but it will be a killer experience.

Of course, I could lead him to Daesung, but the experience of being taught by his father was something that would be of great change and help in Han Majin’s life, apart from raising his martial arts level to the next level.

I told Kwon Ma I was sorry.

“I’m sorry for breaking the mood.”

“When I’m with you, I always end up experiencing unexpected things.”

“Everyone likes me for that fun.”

Gwonma, who was quietly staring at me, emptied the glass he was holding and spoke to me.

“I told that kid earlier. The greater the faith, the greater the wound. False belief will bring misfortune. “Now that I think about it, I didn’t tell you that.”

The question was what would you do if you cared for others like this and were betrayed by them?

“At first glance, it may seem like I believe all Omanis, but that is not true. This person believes this much and that person believes that much. I have my own standards and lines. You can either trust everyone or trust no one. I actually think it’s easier. So, I’m going to take a somewhat difficult path. Believe it or not, it is a path of bitter and bitter. How much should I trust Mr. Kwon? How can I make you trust me more? “I plan to continue with those concerns.”

It was the first time I revealed to Kwon Ma what kind of person I was.

“so? Do you think you can take them all if you do that?”

“There will come a time when no one will be able to board my boat. “I’m either tired or my stomach is tight.”

“Why are you trying to burn it like that? “If I just do martial arts now, I could live with the freedom you mentioned.”

“I feel like the dam is about to collapse.”


After a moment, Gwonma asked.

“If the dam breaks and floods, will only the people on your boat survive?”

“no. Maybe it’s the other way around.”

“The opposite?”

“My ship is leaving to prevent the dam from collapsing. “Maybe you could die because you were on my ship.”

He said this to Sohee Cheon, who was listening.

“So you don’t have to get on my boat.”

The eyes looking at me said this. I think I’m already on board?

Of course, this time she spoke for her head, not her heart.

“Of course I have no intention of riding. I will board the boat driven by Madam Kwon. No, it’s already on board.”


“Samai? Why do you call me Samae? Master Lee!”

She was a woman who clearly drew a line in front of a winning horse.

“Yes, Cheon Muin. Please be sure to succeed!”

After speaking, I laughed first. Cheon So-hee wanted to laugh along, but she didn’t dare to laugh in front of the horse.

At that time, Gwonma asked calmly.

“Are you going to take me on that boat too?”

There was silence for a moment. Cheon So-hee waited for my answer with a more nervous expression than Kwon Ma.

“I’m not sure yet. To be honest, I haven’t really seen Madam Kwon yet. All I saw was Kwon Ma’s fist. “Right now, all I want to do is make this baby’s hand look like that fist.”

Gwonma listened to what I said and drank quietly. I drank, and Cheon So-hee also drank cautiously.

Recommendation, you can get on your brother’s boat. If you don’t like your brother’s boat, you can take him on your boat. Instead, one day I will load your entire ship onto my ship. I’m doing this because I want my stomach to get that big.

After a while, my father and Ian came in.

Ian was reminded. I don’t know what kind of teachings he received, but it could probably be said to be a coincidence for Ian.

“how is it? “Did you have a good welcoming ceremony today?”

Ian nodded.

“How is it? “Will your father also join this meeting?”

Everyone was shocked by what I said. In fact, Sohee Cheon barely covered her mouth from screaming with her hand.

Father, do you think I am such an idle person? I thought he was going to say that, but he got an unexpected reaction.

“If I go in, will there be any benefit?”

“I have to give it to you. They say it’s not someone else but the Heavenly Demon who is coming in. “There are special benefits.”

“What are the benefits?”

“First of all, the four of us can play whenever you want.”

Then Gwonma suddenly spoke.

“Four of us?”

“You like it too, Master Kwon, right? “If you have a good time with the leader.”

The horse got angry with his expression and cursed with his eyes.

I turned my head, pretending not to see, and my father asked again.

“What is the second benefit?”

“If my father teaches me martial arts, I will take it any time.”

“Isn’t that your benefit, not mine?”

“These days, young people often listen to the teachings of their elders as nagging and throw them away. There is no opportunity to go anywhere and show off. So we will listen to everything without missing a single word. “Feel free to tell old stories!”

“Everyone, regardless of gender or age, listens to what I say?”

Ian and Cheon Sohee bit their lips. I suppressed my laughter, fearing that if I got caught up in this joke, I would be in big trouble.

“It’s not just that. I will also go on a trip with my father. At that time, goodbye to Heavenly Demon Battle, goodbye to Master Sima, and goodbye to the Great Master.”


“You are also greedy. “What else do you want?”

Then my father said.

“When I want, I play baduk and go hunting.”

The moment I heard those words, my heart sank. What my father just said was not for him, but was entirely for my benefit.

“Won’t you take advantage of these incredible benefits?”

My father finished his last glass and got up.

“That’s all for today.”

My father was a father who suddenly left just as he came suddenly.

My father said goodbye to Gwonma.

“See you again one day.”

“I will come see you.”

We all stood up and greeted our father politely.

“Since you’re already here, buy me a drink and leave!”

After hearing those words, his father actually bought him a drink and left. Jo Chun-bae, who was excited, was putting aside the money he received from his father.

“It is a precious drink obtained from the Heavenly Demon.”

At my words, Ian and Cheon Sohee took their drinks with both hands and drank.

After emptying his glass again, Gwonma asked me.

“Do you know why the leader came here today?”

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Absolute Regression

Absolute Regression

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
“Send me to the past.” That’s how the first step toward revenge began.


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