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I Regressed to My Ruined Family Chapter 127

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#When I returned, my family was ruined (128)

Last place!

There was no need to be shocked by that.

This was because the duke moved straight toward the corpse of the Dragon Man.

Mileton asked the Duke, who was rummaging through the corpse while holding a sword.

“…What are you doing?”

The duke, who was examining the body cut in two without answering, raised his sword and began to peel off the outer skin.

Perhaps because the skin was peeled off by cutting off the flesh inside, the outer skin was able to be assembled quickly.

The outer layer of the chest.

It was the hardest part of the skin of the dragon race that had just been killed.

Mileton asked quietly as he was seen taking it off.

“…Can I help?”

“Don’t touch it. “It’s toxic.”

The blood and mana of the dragon race were full of toxins that were fatal to humans. In the past, when he was covered in the blood of a dragonlord, wasn’t even his body as a transcendental harpooned by the extremely poisonous dragon’s blood?

He was able to touch it like this because he was a high-ranking dragon, but if this body was a corps commander-level dragon, it would have been difficult to even approach it.


While Mileton opened his hands and looked in this direction with confusion.

Ethan put the dragon skin in his leather bag and immediately pulled out the heart.


Dragon Heart.

The dragon’s heart, full of mana, was still beating.

At first glance, the heart is three times larger than a human heart.

This was no different from some kind of elixir.


‘You can’t just absorb it.’

The mana of the dragon race.

This was something that many wizards had studied in their past lives, but no one had been able to come up with an answer as to how to get rid of this toxicity. However, Ethan had one method that could be used.

‘White salt.’

A pure flame containing the secret of purification.

Wouldn’t this flame be able to purify the contaminated blood and mana in the heart? It was the moment when white flame was touched to the blood flowing from the dragon heart.


The dark red blood slowly began to turn red along with a huge amount of smoke.

‘It’s possible.’

The story was that only the remaining mana could be used after purification. It might take time, but it wasn’t a bad idea considering you were getting the elixir for free.

I peeled off some more leather, wrapped it tightly around my heart, and put it inside the bag.

“egg plant.”

The situation was such that everything that could be taken from the Yongin tribe was taken away.

Now it was my turn to leave this room.

“Do you know the exit? The inside looks very complicated….”

“If you catch one person and ask him, you might be able to find out the answer. Oh. “Do you know that?”

“What are you talking about?”

“this place. “It seems like it’s a place run by the Duke of Agiles.”


Mileton widened his eyes.

‘It’s run by one of the members of the 7th family?’

But why did he want to offer himself as a tribute?

‘No way…’

To instigate conflict between Duke Ethan and Duke Lacian?

For Duke Agiles, neither Duke Lacian nor Duke Ethan, the heads of the 7 families, would be of much interest to them.

Mileton’s face suddenly became serious.

“…If this place is really run by the Duke of Agiles, I will tell my father and file a formal complaint. “But we need proof.”

“Take it.”

Ethan handed me a crystal ball.

“Is this… a memory crystal ball?”


Mileton’s face distorted as he played the video.

-Let me offer it as a tribute.

The memory crystal sphere containing the voice continued to spit out words.

Duke Himos.


Even the words “dark demon liquor” and “special tribute.”

The voice recording was almost perfect.

In addition to the video of the entire facility, the bodies of the fallen Yongin people were also engraved in the video.

“…You are thorough.”

“Recording is one useful tool.”

Mileton was secretly impressed.

The duke was not only skilled, but also possessed meticulous planning.

Suddenly, the sword he had just seen came into his mind.

A sword technique that cut off the dragon’s waist without wasting even an inch of strength.

It was a sword full of superior wisdom. It seemed as if the swordsman was saying this to himself.

The air above is clear, so hurry and follow me.

‘I learned something today.’

“egg plant.”

That was when the two people were about to go out the door.

[Le Tao Shi Kan]

A voice came from outside.

It’s the same voice that was played in the crystal ball.

* * *

Dark magic liquor.

He looked at Ilas’s door floating in the crystal ball. Hemington, a warlock who is like a limb that follows him.

By now it would have been time to leave the room with a special offering.

Nevertheless, the black door was firmly closed by Illas’ mana.

‘Could it be that we were eaten together?’

The dark magic master’s head was pounding.

Usually, bad premonitions like this always turn out to be right.

“…Damn it.”

Hemington was one of the subordinates who was not only fluent in the dragon language, but also quite quick-witted. It is said that he is a talent too good to end his life as a meal for the Yongin tribe.

I felt sick to my stomach.

‘…Whew. ‘I can’t help it.’

A dead guy is dead.

In any case, shouldn’t the living continue to live their lives?

Immediately, the Dark Demon Master’s eyes lit up.

‘It might actually be a good thing.’

Hemington was a skilled warlock. Illas would certainly have been satisfied if he had been offered as a tribute.

‘The blessing will be certain.’

The dark demon master walked diligently. The place he headed was right in front of the door where the Yongin tribe was located. The mana flowing through the door had already disappeared, as if it had been washed away.

‘It looks like the meal is over.’

After finishing their meal, the Yongin people tended to show a merciful attitude.

You will be safe.

The dark demon master who saw the front door shouted in the dragon language.

[Le Tao Shi Kan]

The phrase asked if I could come in.

At that moment, the door burst open.


Before he could continue speaking, a fist was smashed into the face of the dark demon master. In an instant, the black magic master whose nose was crushed urgently turned his mana.

However, they could not overcome the two knights who had prepared in advance.



The dark demon master lost consciousness for a moment while withstanding the blows coming from all directions. His limp body was dragged into the room.

* * *

“Oof! Cough!”

The cold energy I felt on my face woke me up.

He was astonished as he urgently looked around.

It was because two people were looking at them.

I urgently tried to rotate the mana inside my body, but the mana remained motionless as if it was blocked by something.

He urgently looked inside his pocket.

It was to find the emergency signal pager. But the inside of the pocket was empty.

It was like being completely suppressed.

“Ma… Prince Mileton?”


His face turned around.

It was because of Mileton’s harsh punch.

“You son of a bitch! Are you trying to sacrifice me?”



As these were the words of the person who saved him, he could not ignore them.

While Mileton was letting go of his anger.

Ethan said, looking at the dark demon master.

“When you ask a question, try to answer it right away.”

A terribly cold voice.

This was definitely a voice I had heard somewhere. Soon, the dark demon master who was looking at Ethan widened his eyes.

“…Duke Ethan?”

The dark demon master was astonished.

Why on earth is the author in the family’s secret laboratory?

I couldn’t understand the situation.

“This is the first question. “Does anyone know that you have been kidnapped?”


It was the moment when the dark demon leader rolled his eyes. A lot of fiery mana was poured into his body, burning inside. Danju’s eyes widened as he felt the pain of all his blood vessels boiling over.


Thanks to the blood pressure, the guy couldn’t even scream properly.

“There is none.”


“This is the second question. “What is the purpose of this facility?”

The pain of my insides becoming raw was beyond imagination.

Perhaps because of the learned experience, he answered quickly this time.

“This is…! “It’s one of Duke Agiles’ secret laboratories!”

“What are you experimenting with?”

“We are exploring the power of the dragon race in return for a monthly tribute! Like the dragon people in this room….”

“How many people are working here?”

“…about thirty to thirty.”

Ethan smiled faintly at those words.

“You know what?”

“What do you mean… kwaaaa!”

“When you tell a lie, your body’s reaction inevitably changes.”

“Huh… Huh…!”

Danju’s body trembled violently as his cold gaze scanned his body.

“What is the answer?”

“…about fifty people. Twenty of them were dispatched from the Capital Magic Association… and the remaining thirty… were wizards from the Duke’s family…”

“Capital Magic Association?”

“yes. It’s not a lie! The Capital Magic Association has deep exchanges with our Duke family…”

“Do you know anything about them?”

The dark magic master’s eyes trembled. It was a sign of intent no different from nodding.

“Blow it all out.”

Capital Magic Society.

It was an organization that had only looked at its tail until now. Since it was an organization that clearly cooperated with the church, I was planning to throw away the harpoon if I could find out its location.

Fortunately, the dark demon master did not have the same restrictions as those who had previously been harpooned.

This may be because he is a person not directly related to the denomination.

“Branches… Branch number 1, the largest of the branches, is located in the capital…”

As the story about the dark magic order continued, the smile on Ethan’s lips gradually grew stronger.

‘This is worse than I thought…’

They were operating in secret quite close by.

Branch number 1, which was located in the capital, was located within a 30-minute drive from the academy.

“What is the level?”

“I understand that there are a large number of magicians with the Gold Dragon Insignia… and that there are four Blue Dragon Insignia, which can be considered the highest level… and one bishop… in charge of management.”

The Golden Dragon Insignia were people with a level of approximately 7th rank.

That’s not enough.

‘There are four of the eight hierarchies…’

There is even a bishop who manages them all.

One thing has become clear.

The fact is that the Capital Magic Society is one of the very important sub-organizations of the church.

By the time all the information was extracted, the inside of the Black Magic Order had already been destroyed.


Ethan, who snapped the guy’s neck without hesitation, looked at Mileton.

“egg plant.”

Perhaps because he was the manager of this place, the Dark Demon Lord knew a lot.

He had already told me everything from the location of the exit to how to destroy this secret laboratory in one blow.

There was no reason to stay here any longer. The two quietly left the Dragon Clan’s room.

“A place where research data is gathered…? That’s in Building B, Area 3…”

“Uh, the Central Observation Center… There exists a means to destroy the laboratory there at once… In order for it to work… “My fingerprints… need to be recognized…”

One at the central observation station.

And three regular exits.

It was the number of exits in the laboratory.

“…Duke. What do you plan to do now?”

“Get research materials and destroy this place.”

Mileton swallowed his saliva and nodded. With a rival with incredible skills, I might be able to take down this place easier than I thought. Ethan, who was staring at Mileton, spoke immediately.

“Let’s hold a special class.”


“I will give you a chance to make up the score. Let’s try our best.”

“…Is that true?”

“Okay. Are you not going for anything?”

Mileton kicked his feet quickly.

As Ethan started to follow, a crystal ball was sparkling in his inner pocket.

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I Regressed to My Ruined Family

I Regressed to My Ruined Family

Score 8
Status: Completed Released: 2022
I was born as the oldest of a renowned swordsman family, and became stronger faster than anyone. Yet, I could not stop the dragons, a great disaster that had appeared on the continent. I closed my eyes in my final moments, thinking everything was over. I really thought it was over… But when I opened my eyes, I was back in the past. A past that was very different from the world I knew. “What? Is this really my body? Why don’t I have any mana?” “Where did the castle go? Why’s there only a wooden house left?” “…What? The dragons and humans made a non-aggression pact?” A family that had fallen and was on the brink of ruin. A family whose writing of divination had vanished. And a body in which no mana could be found! “…I’ll have to keep myself busy from now on.” The great hero of a renowned swordsman family. He is back in the past, in a ‘parallel world’.


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