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I Regressed to My Ruined Family Chapter 197

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#When I returned, the family was ruined (198)

The face hidden under the robe.

It was unclear what kind of expression that face would have, but one thing was certain.

A voice asking a question.

The voice was full of interest. So much so that it felt like a very strong emotion. What the author wants is to prove his skills here.

“I’m not sure how that can benefit me.”

The nobles’ eyes widened at Ethan’s words. There is no detailed information about the author of the cult, but it is impossible to know what position he holds.

He had enough political influence to stand alone with the Emperor of the Zeno Empire, and not only that, he was the one who legally spread his religious order throughout the six kingdoms.

Even simply considering his political prestige, he is a person comparable to the emperor of the empire.

Is it simply that?

It wasn’t. Although it was only a rumor, there were many stories going around about his military power.

Although the levels were different, there was one thing in common. He is the strongest of the strong, capable of easily overpowering even a considerable transcendental.

In a way, it was a natural rumor. Each branch exists in the six kingdoms. The beings called ‘Archbishops’ who ruled those branches were all monsters with power comparable to that of the Transcendent.

There is no way that the being called the cult leader who rules over such archbishops is weaker than the Transcendant.

Great political power.

A huge force that cannot be judged.

There are hundreds of thousands of believers who can move with just a single wave of their hand.

It was safe to say that there was no one in the West Continent who could compete with the power of the religious leader.

Even the King of the Kingdom of Limedell not only assigned the position of the leader right next to the throne, but treated him with the utmost respect.

He was such a great person.

Nevertheless, Ethan’s attitude in answering the cult leader’s questions was not only blunt but also unpleasant. It was a reaction I couldn’t understand. Anyone here, even if they were a transcendental and the head of Ardan, would not be able to turn their heads down like that in front of the religious leader.


Everyone swallowed their saliva and looked at the throne. How will the religious leader respond to the duke’s reaction, which is not only arrogant but even rude?

A soft voice rang out as if answering curiosity.

-It’s a benefit. That’s right. It would be very shameless to ask someone to prove their skills with their bare mouth.

“I’m glad you know.”

-haha. Is there anything you would like?

The leader’s question was very direct. Ethan smiled after hearing his question.

“well. “I don’t really want anything.”

Cult leader.

He was an expert much higher than himself, having reached the level of transcendence.

If you are a clumsy transcendent, you will not even be able to see that you have reached transcendence.

Because the state has been hidden secretly.

However, it was different for a person of the level of a religious leader.

Even Marquis Lionel realized to some extent that he was a transcendent.

There was nothing more to say if the religious leader was much more expert than him.

When they first laid eyes on each other on the top floor, they must have immediately figured out their status.

However, despite this, he is clinging to himself, saying that he has to prove it out of necessity.

‘It means there is something you want.’

I don’t know what it is.

But one thing was certain.

There is no need for you to make the first move. Especially if the leader of the cult, who anyone can see as a complete enemy, is making such a demand.

The hand and offer were always given to those who were in regret. The inside of the huge Colosseum was so quiet that not a single sound of breathing could be heard.


A thunderous laugh echoed through the silence, as if a giant was shouting.

-I can’t stand this. Hmm… how about this?

[It’s a pretty good-looking weapon… but wouldn’t an imitation of your weapon be too low-quality?] A

sinister voice echoes in my head.

That was the cult leader’s.

The whispers continued.

[You’ll have to find the blacksmith’s god and the magic lord on your own… but I think I can help you with the metal. Don’t you need Ardenheit God’s metal?]


Ethan widened his eyes.

Literature that has been passed down about the divine sword.

One passage in the literature was about constructing a sword using Ardenheit.

However, this metal was not an item whose source could be found immediately just because one wanted to obtain it. Is it not for nothing that it is called the metal of God?

Even if he is the emperor of the Zeno Empire, it is unclear whether he possesses Ardenheit.

[You have Ardenheit?]

[Yes. Although it is a small amount. We can also pay you in advance.]

You mean advance payment.

This was no different from trying to prove that he had Ardenhair.

[What are the conditions?]

[It’s simple. Please compete with me. Officially or informally, it doesn’t really matter.]


Ethan thought deeply.

As the religious leader said, the new sword was close to an imitation. Actually, it was natural.

-Weave a handle with the branches of the world tree.

―The sword body was made from the divine metal Ardenheite.

-I visited the Land of Fire and obtained the monarch’s flame.

-The blacksmith god struck his hammer.

―The magical master blessed the sword and engraved a circuit on it.

Of the five sentences that make up the sword, only one was realized in reality.

Branches of the world tree.

This was all I was looking for.

The metal used was Menelian alloy obtained at an auction in the Dwarf Kingdom, and Porforens, which can be said to be a substitute for the blacksmith’s god, was used for the high temperature that was realized in reality in the Land of Fire.

A sword with a circuit engraved on it by Illia and Melaisis in exchange for a magical sword.

‘Compared to a real divine sword, it is far from sufficient.’

Since he held the divine sword in his previous life until just before his death, he had a detailed understanding of the power contained in the sword body.

Although it is a sword that has been around for more than hundreds of years, the new sword is a treasure that is more powerful than any sword in the Western Continent. That was the divine sword Dranion.

‘If only I could save Ardenheit.’

Unlike in the past, it is possible to communicate directly with the Fire Lord through Ysera. Visiting the Land of Fire wouldn’t be that difficult.

Instead of a sword that satisfies only one condition, it was possible to use a sword that satisfies as many as three conditions.

‘The god of blacksmiths… you can find the most outstanding blacksmith in existence.’

Inse may not have a blacksmith like him, but the Dwarven Kingdom will be different. Muradni, the king there, had such great skills that he was worthy of being called a ‘god’.

The magical journey…

Unfortunately, there was no one to guess. No, it would be more appropriate to say that there was no need to go looking for another wizard instead of Illya.

Her talent will gradually bloom over time. Although he may not be able to be labeled as a ‘master of magic’, he is a skilled mage who fully deserves the title of a magician of production.

Considering this fact…

Among those five sentences, the most difficult thing to achieve was the process of rescuing Ardenheit. The cult leader is saying that he will hand over the metal.

‘It’s a sparring match.’

It wasn’t like there was no thought that they might be attempting an assassination under the pretense of sparring.

‘If that were the case, there wouldn’t even be a need to go through this process.’

If you were a religious leader.

And if the goal was to assassinate the target, there was no need to go that far. Even if he just openly visits the duchy, there will be no one capable of stopping him. As such, the current situation was extremely advantageous for the religious leader.

‘What kind of plan is this?’

Sparring probably means that you want to get to know yourself no matter what.

[What is the date?]

[Any time doesn’t matter.]

[Then we’ll do it after the finals are over.]

[Hmm. Is that okay? If you play not one, but two games in a row, your body will be tired.]

It didn’t really matter.

Among the remaining knights so far, there was not a single one who could defeat him. No, strictly speaking, it would be safe to say that there were no talented people capable of causing any damage.

The difference in status between the superhuman and the transcendent was enormous. There would be no way to deal with a transcendental person unless he was a hybrid who had experienced a past life like himself. There was one more reason for making this schedule.

In fact, this sparring will be the real final.

By delaying this process, any irregular movements of the cult leader can be prevented as much as possible.

This was Ethan’s purpose.

Even if the leader decides to change his mind, if he makes a move on the day of the finals, he will have no choice but to reveal his move as there are many eyes watching.

[There is no need to take care of that.]

[I understand. It wouldn’t matter if I included it in the official schedule, right?]

Ethan nodded quietly.

[I will send someone tonight.]

If it is long, if it is long, if it is short, if it is short, the short conversation is over. The religious leader said while looking around at the audience in the Colosseum.

―I spoke with the duke. I think I will personally be able to prove his skills.


The audience’s eyes widened at the leader’s words. A cult leader of whom only rumors abounded. Will we be able to see his skills in person? If that were the case, this would be an even more thrilling experience to watch than the final.

The leader said, clenching his fist as if he was living up to that expectation.

―The sparring is scheduled to follow immediately after the finals of the tournament. Very transparently so that everyone can see it. So please do not leave the Colosseum right after the competition is over. You will miss out on some great things to see.


Cheers filled with anticipation erupted from all directions.

An absolute expert cult leader of whom only rumors abounded.

An official showdown between him and Duke Ethan!

This was a rare sight that could not be seen even if one paid money.

At the religious leader’s announcement, a lot of excitement rose in the Colosseum.

* * *

A dark night.

It was a time when his eyes would normally be closed, but Ethan’s eyes were clearly open.

They said they would send someone tonight.

This probably means that they will organize a personal flight to hand over Ardenheit as an ‘advance payment’. The wait wasn’t long.

Because a small new model had burrowed into his room. Ethan frowned when he saw that.

The appearance was too familiar. The same was true of the energy surrounding my body.


It was the dragon clan that raided the Duke’s house last time.

“Hello, Your Excellency the Duke?”

A lively voice pierced my ears.

The hand naturally moved towards the handle of the divine sword. Anna, who saw that, spoke slyly.

“Isn’t it too bad to treat someone who came to deliver good goods?”

“Was it you who was sent by the religious leader?”

“I’m carrying the metal of a god, so wouldn’t I be qualified to move it?”

The girl smiled.

“Anyway, it’s nice to see you again, Duke. “I’m sure you remember my name well, right?”

“Give me your stuff.”

“It’s cold.”

Anna shrugged and took out a box. As the mana was injected, a clicking sound rang out more than a dozen times. Countless security devices were being released one by one.


The box was opened.

A brilliant light completely enveloped the interior of the room.

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I Regressed to My Ruined Family

I Regressed to My Ruined Family

Score 8
Status: Completed Released: 2022
I was born as the oldest of a renowned swordsman family, and became stronger faster than anyone. Yet, I could not stop the dragons, a great disaster that had appeared on the continent. I closed my eyes in my final moments, thinking everything was over. I really thought it was over… But when I opened my eyes, I was back in the past. A past that was very different from the world I knew. “What? Is this really my body? Why don’t I have any mana?” “Where did the castle go? Why’s there only a wooden house left?” “…What? The dragons and humans made a non-aggression pact?” A family that had fallen and was on the brink of ruin. A family whose writing of divination had vanished. And a body in which no mana could be found! “…I’ll have to keep myself busy from now on.” The great hero of a renowned swordsman family. He is back in the past, in a ‘parallel world’.


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