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I Regressed to My Ruined Family Chapter 210

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#After returning, the family was ruined (211)

Title award ceremony.

There was one thing that needed to be resolved before proceeding with it. The immediate task was to increase the number of titles that could be awarded.

‘Because ten is not enough.’

If it had been a time when Ardan was continuing his prosperity, the ten noble consolations given to the family would have been more than enough. Since there was no way the vassal families would have any other ideas, the title would naturally have been inherited.

But it was different now.

In the past, the family was on the verge of collapse, and the number of people who contributed to developing the family to this point could not be counted on two hands.

This simply means that there is not enough space to hand out titles to two earls, four viscounts, and four barons.

Those who devoted themselves to Ardan cannot be treated poorly. To make up for this, the number of titles that a family could give had to be increased.

This wasn’t easy.

Even the king of a country takes it into consideration at least once when giving him the rank of baron.

This was because nobility was a class with certain duties, rights, and power. Simply increasing it is not a good thing.

To the king and other high-ranking nobles.

‘That’s always the case with privilege.’

The exclusive property of a few.

It is a law that has noble value because those who can enjoy its benefits are overwhelmingly more numerous than those who cannot.

Therefore, paradoxically, we must increase the number of titles that can be distributed. It was very difficult to buy a title even with an overwhelming amount of money. Something that is much more valuable than material things.

That was the title.

This was especially true if it was a succession rather than a single victory. Ethan lifted the crystal ball. This was a somewhat special item.

It was an item given to him directly by the king. The crystal ball he gave me, telling me to contact him at any time if I had anything to ask him for, because he won the continental swordsmanship competition.

Mana was infused into the crystal ball.

After waiting a bit, I saw Delprion’s face. Ethan said with his head down.

“Meet Your Majesty the King.”

-haha. Do you already have something to ask for?


-Tell me.

“I would like you to increase the number of inherited nobles who can step down from duchy.”

-How far?

“I would like you to increase the number of earls to four, six viscounts, and ten barons.”

A total of twenty.

The number was double the previous number. In particular, it was a request to increase the number of counts, who could be called high-ranking nobles, from two to four. It was much more meaningful than simply judging that the number had doubled. The king was silent after hearing his words.

That too for a while.

-That’s right.

Delprion nodded. It was true that increasing the number of nobles was quite a burdensome task, but the duke received many things.

The fact that he was able to control the throne as tightly as he does now was all thanks to the Duke who shook up the seven families of the kingdom.

Not only that, but Ethan was the bridgehead that connected him to the Duke, who was called the leader of the moderate faction.

Considering what I received, I should have given this much back. What’s more, didn’t he win the continental swordsmanship competition?

‘It would be perfect to use as a justification.’

According to the kingdom’s laws, the number of successive noble titles for each title was also set.

Ten seats in the Duke’s house.

Seven figures for the marquis.

Five seats in the earl’s family.

Two positions for self-author.

A baron can only appoint semi-nobles.

Naturally, the succession titles that nobles could appoint would give each family strength. A vassal family that received a title and continued to run for a long time was bound to become a solid power group. So this was a great privilege.

To the extent that it became a bridgehead and stepping stone for the Ardan family to rise higher in the future. If it had been a year ago, the moment the agenda was brought up, numerous nobles would have expressed opposing opinions.

At that time, Ardan was not only old, but also a wild beast whose teeth had completely fallen out.

But it was different now. It was safe to say that in the current kingdom, there was no family with a brighter future than Ardan. The power we have cannot even be compared to the past.

No high-ranking noble would be able to vote directly against this agenda.

-Did the Duke agree?

“I guess so. “I will make it like that.”

-That’s it then. Let’s put the duke’s request on the agenda and pass it by tomorrow.

A compensation plan to be given to the duke who enhanced Heidern’s honor. If the Duke, now the leader of the King faction, agreed to this, there was no reason not to pass the bill.

“thank you.”


Now that the King’s consent had been obtained, it was time to persuade the Duke. It won’t be difficult. The crystal ball radiated light once again.

* * *

The ceremony was quickly scheduled. The main point was simple. The intention is to fill the positions of inherited nobles that became vacant due to the disappearance of the 10 collateral families.

It was something that happened once every few decades. No, as this was a family that had been treated as the best swordsmanship in the West Continent, it could be said to be a large-scale incident that only happened once every few hundred years.

Usually, these families tended to be with vassal families who had been loyal to them for a long time, so it was very rare for a vacancy to be held in the nobility.

That is, unless a huge war breaks out.

That’s why there was a lot of energy inside me. As this was not even a post-war process, there was no way that a simple conferment ceremony for the successor nobles would take place. In fact, it is like a festival.

I don’t know, but middle management positions such as semi-nobles will also be awarded in large numbers.

Unless it is a special occupation such as a knight or a magician, it is safe to say that the highest rank an ordinary commoner can rise to is semi-noble.

As it was a title that could be said to be a dream of commoners, the power of the semi-nobles was powerful. There were countless benefits that could be received in the kingdom.

This means that they are in an overwhelmingly higher position than commoners. In addition, there were rumors that a significant number of semi-noble positions would be filled using this award ceremony, so it was impossible not to have expectations.

The timing was just right.

Didn’t the family head win the continental swordsmanship competition? The atmosphere in the estate could not have been more lively.

Therefore, those who had put in even a little bit of effort into the revival of the duchy could not help but have some expectations.

As of yet, there has been no announcement as to who will be awarded what title.

“It’s an official document!”

Before long, official notices were spread all over the street. It was a directory containing the names of the protagonists of this award ceremony and other people who would receive semi-noble positions.

Everyone who saw the content widened their eyes. This was because the appointments written in the directory were that shocking.

We announce that we are awarding titles in recognition of the contributions of our vassals who have devoted themselves to reorganizing the family’s internal affairs. Those whose names are written will be allowed to enter Londinium until three days later.

[Above the Count]

Elena Ardan Gailen




First of all, it was like that from the Count.

Elena Ardan.

She was the duke’s older sister.

Although she was a woman, it was not strange for her to be given the title of count as she had the last name of Ardan. In particular, when the duke was away, didn’t he handle administrative duties perfectly as the duke’s deputy?

Administrator Gailen was also a capable person. Because he was famous as the person who developed that card game. Considering the cultural and commercial benefits the card game brought to the duchy every month, it was only natural to hand over the earldom.

However, the other two were different. Considering that there was no surname after their name, both of them could be said to be commoners, and crucially, they were people whose names were unfamiliar even to the people of the territory.

Several residents of the territory asked questions to the soldier standing near the official gate.

“Do you know who those two people are?”

“Ilia is the duchy’s exclusive mage. “He is famous in the inner city for his outstanding magic skills.”

“Then the person named Sylvia…”

“I… I don’t know much about that.”


Who on earth is that person? Even the soldiers who had been working in the inner city for a long time had never heard of the name Sylvia.

However, the title of count was higher than that of anyone else. For now, I can’t help but think of the contributors who worked in the shadows.

“But why are there four counts? “Have you only appointed two people so far?”

“…Iknow, right.”

The number of nobles that could be appointed in the duchy was also known to the people of the territory.

Collateral 10.

Wasn’t it such a famous word?

However, the number of names on the official document was twenty.

[Visual work above]


Myers Ardan Erkan





The above was equally strange. Even up to the count, when listing names, people with noble surnames were clearly placed in the top row.

Viscount Wie was different again.

Because the name Irina was written at the top.

However, if the names in the bottom row had no weight, that was not the case. Myers Ardan. He was the duke’s younger brother.

What about Erkan?

He was a man of great standing who successfully created a granary in just half a year, not only achieving self-sufficiency in food but also exporting it.

What about Nerian?

He is the knight commander of the duchy.

The names Hans and Decal were unfamiliar, but all the other names were a directory full of weight.

Beyond all those people, the name of a commoner is stuck in the top row. It was rather strange that I didn’t feel any doubt.

At least the name on the top row above the baron was familiar to the people of the territory.

[Above the Baron]




The people of Toledo.

A ‘freedom fighter’ who moved their hearts and created huge waves.

The story of being given a sword by a duke who proclaimed protection in the name of Ardan was one of the most famous anecdotes in the territory that almost no one knew about.

Most of the remaining titles of baronet were given to people with names that were familiar to the people of the territory.

This is because people who were administrators or wizards in each territory were awarded titles.

Lastly, the semi-nobles….

“A whopping 100 seats will be awarded?”


Everyone could not help but be amazed.

Even if you were a semi-noble person, it was unprecedented to give away 100 seok. It was one of the great things that succession to such a semi-aristocratic rank was possible.

It could be said that it would be absolutely impossible for an ordinary noble to be given titles like this.

Unless they had that much power, they were likely to be checked.

In order to bestow such a huge title, the consent of the king and high-ranking nobles was required.

Through this directory, we were able to clearly confirm that not only did they have military power, but even their political power exceeded that of an ordinary operative.

The date of the award ceremony, which aroused curiosity throughout the territory, was getting closer.

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I Regressed to My Ruined Family

I Regressed to My Ruined Family

Score 8
Status: Completed Released: 2022
I was born as the oldest of a renowned swordsman family, and became stronger faster than anyone. Yet, I could not stop the dragons, a great disaster that had appeared on the continent. I closed my eyes in my final moments, thinking everything was over. I really thought it was over… But when I opened my eyes, I was back in the past. A past that was very different from the world I knew. “What? Is this really my body? Why don’t I have any mana?” “Where did the castle go? Why’s there only a wooden house left?” “…What? The dragons and humans made a non-aggression pact?” A family that had fallen and was on the brink of ruin. A family whose writing of divination had vanished. And a body in which no mana could be found! “…I’ll have to keep myself busy from now on.” The great hero of a renowned swordsman family. He is back in the past, in a ‘parallel world’.


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