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I Regressed to My Ruined Family Chapter 231

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#When I returned, my family was ruined (232)

The human I had been looking for all week.

Finally, the guy showed up. The human who revealed his new form in the mountain range above was not just one.

That number was twelve. Kracetus looked at the humans’ equipment. Because he had a high status among metal dragons, he was able to determine what material the equipment was made of just by looking at it. Twelve knights. All of their equipment was made of adamantium.


In that it had a dark inky color, it was similar to ‘Yur’, which made up the tower where the tyrant lives, but in terms of quality, it was one of the highest quality metals that could not even be compared to Yur.

Adamantium was a much higher quality metal than Menelian alloy, one of the specialties of the Dwarven Kingdom, and there was a rumor going around that the only metal that surpassed this was Ardenheit, which was called the metal of the gods.

Even Kracetus, the highest ranking metal dragon, chewed and swallowed adamantium only a handful of times. The twelve knights who had just appeared were completely covered in equipment using adamantium.

That meant one thing.

The status and wealth of the authors are among the highest in human society.

Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to cover your entire body using adamantium, which you can’t get even if you spend a lot of money.

-Whose plot is this?

“well. “No one knows whether it will be a twist or a body.”

Soon, black mana overflowed over the knights’ swords. The metal dragons who saw that were shocked.

The evil energy felt in Mana.

It wasn’t just the energy that was evil. Inside the knights’ mana, all sorts of lumps appeared tangled and tangled.

It looked like a complicated strand of resentment.

I didn’t know what kind of mana breathing method that energy was derived from, but one thing was certain.

The number of creatures sacrificed by the authors’ swords will easily exceed their expectations.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be possible to create such evil energy. Kracetus’ face hardened when he saw the knights.

Twelve knights.

The authors’ skills were such that even they themselves could not easily downplay them.

This was especially true for the humans at the forefront.

A knight wearing the most beautiful and high-quality armor. Even if he was the one holding the twin swords embossed with colorful patterns, he could not guarantee victory.

Who could it be?

Was there such a group among humans? Kracetus, thinking of that thought, laughed bitterly. A tyrant was a ruler who treated humans as slaves, worse than livestock. There is no way the metal dragons operating under such a ruler would pay close attention to humans.

Even if I looked seriously, there was no way I could find out who those people were. Immediately afterwards, Kracetus shook his head. I no longer knew who those guys were.

-Tear off all their limbs.

At the words of the division commander, the eyes of the metal dragons under his command turned sinister.

Following the orders of superiors was one of the absolute imperatives. There was no need for any more questions. The group let out ferocious cries and began running towards the humans standing at the top of the mountain range.

It was the same with Kracetus.

The knights took their stances as a group of metal dragons over 2,000 years rushed in like a tidal wave. Among them, the knight who saw Kracetus running faster than anyone else spoke.

“I will deal with that guy.”

“Yes, Your Majesty Irk.”

A confident tone.

At those words, the eleven knights nodded as if it was natural.

Zenon Dran Irk.

The person who commanded the ’12 Knights’ was a person who inherited the noble lineage of the Zeno Empire, was one of the most famous artists who achieved near-perfect results in experiments conducted with the church, and was a monster among monsters who reached the state of transcendence at the age of twenty-three. .

11 articles.

The emperor’s most secretly active force and a group of the most seasoned knights in the empire.

This was also the reason why their number increased by one more recently.

Irk looked at the underground cave where the tyrant was located in the distance.

‘It’s a monster that can deal with tyrants…’

The core of the strategy handed down by the church was simple. Completely disrupting the hordes of metal dragons for the hunters to kill the tyrant.

Irk, who received instructions for the operation from the religious leader, was quite surprised.

I knew that the tyrant was a thorn in the cult leader’s eyes, but I had no idea how to actually hunt that monster.

For once, he was not the one who was ordered to hunt like that.

Lastly, one more thing about the fact that the hunter is younger than himself.

Even he, who had been trained as the emperor’s sword from a very young age and had seen all kinds of scenes, was surprised three times.

It would be a pain to explain any further how unexpected this proposal was.

‘Duke Ethan…’

Irk smiled bitterly as he remembered the hunter’s name. In order to stand tall as the sword of the empire, he did not let go of the sword for nearly twenty years.

Is that it?

It was a bonus to receive full support from the church and the empire. No knight in the world would have been able to obtain more elixirs and teacher training resources than himself.

In addition to such support, efforts were also not neglected. Even the most common external activities were almost non-existent. Fame in the world was not that important to him.

A talent greater than anyone else in the world. As if that wasn’t enough, a tremendous amount of effort was put into it. Nevertheless, the leader did not choose himself as a hunter.

The reason was simple.

―The hunter has already been decided.

-Besides, the crown prince… I’m sorry, but I don’t think he can deal with a tyrant.

It was an answer that hurt my pride.

However, he did not dare to contradict the religious leader.

He was someone who could not treat even his father, the emperor, easily. A monster among monsters who has surpassed the transcendent.

The Zeno Empire was very aware of the power he possessed.

Coming from such a person, it was an answer that could not be refuted either logically or emotionally.

‘I guess I’ll have to take a look at this opportunity.’

The thing is, he is so great that he was pushed out of the lead role. I couldn’t help but wonder how great he was.

The only information that Irk had received about the duke so far was that he had overcome the wall of transcendence in a very short period of time and that he had a talent so great that even the religious leader recognized it.

So I can’t help but be curious.

Is the real duke someone with great skills to hunt down a tyrant?

About whether the descendant of the famous Ardan is a person with an overwhelming talent greater than himself.

In order to check on him…

‘Well, I guess I’ll just have to work hard to carry out the given mission.’


The knight with twin swords rushed towards the division commander of the metal dragon. Soon, the huge fist and the two swords collided and the mountain range began to gently vibrate.

* * *

What moved Ethan’s body was instinct, not thought. As soon as I lifted the sword, a huge shock hit my body. Before I knew it, one of the tyrant’s fists was colliding with the body of the divine sword.

I twisted my head.

A vicious blow was struck at the spot where the face was just moments ago. The attacks continued without any time to breathe. Head Shoulders Heart Legs Arms Ankles. The tyrant’s fist and tail were moving whenever there was a slight gap.

A match that requires pure power and speed more than any other opponent you have faced before. A tyrant who, even for a moment, can move beyond the wall of transcendence…

‘He is definitely not an easy opponent.’

Immortal body.

If I hadn’t used the second vibration technique, I wouldn’t have been able to deal with him. No matter how talented and talented he was, he was completely helpless in the face of overwhelming speed.

[Gasp. Owner… I’m dizzy.]

[Hold on.]


Shingeom Bbangi was at a point where he couldn’t come to his senses right now. Normally, dozens of punches would be thrown in the space of a single breath. It wasn’t just a speedy weapon.

It was packed with so much ferocious magical energy that it would have exploded all the internal organs of a decent living being in that single blow, and crucially, the fist itself was strong enough to rival the strength of the sword body. That attack was so intense that even Shingeom complained of pain.

The pain did not end here.

Although he was one step behind the tyrant, he still moved so quickly that even his master could not understand.

At this moment, Bbangi was experiencing motion sickness for the first time in her life. Adaptation is also a matter of adaptation, but if you suddenly move so quickly, how are you supposed to adapt?

Before he could even blink, a shock wave was exploding, and Bbangi’s perception ability had not yet caught up with Ethan’s speed.

In fact, the battle against the tyrant was being resolved entirely by his own master. One thing that was fortunate was that the situation was moving along without any time for Bbangi’s noble pride to fall.

[Get ready.]

[Wha… what?]

Before I could even ask, a huge amount of heat rushed over the sword.

[It’s hot, master!]

[It’s so hot. Shouldn’t this battle end? Just be patient.]

If Bbang had a face, he would definitely be in tears by now. Ethan knew too. Even if it were a sword made of god’s metal, it would be difficult to adapt to his movements that went beyond transcendence in an instant.

Even so, what can you do?

If you don’t do this, you won’t even be able to deal with the tyrant.

‘It’s going to be a short-term decisive battle.’

In any case, there was not long time for either the tyrant or himself to make such a move. To be more precise, the tyrant would have a little more advantage in terms of time.

While it hasn’t been that long since he reached the state of transcendence, the tyrant must have stayed in that state for a very long time.

From that perspective, this one is bound to fall further behind in terms of endurance. There was only one reversal. Turning the situation around in an instant and fatally wounding the guy.

The amount of mana consumed by being immortal was enormous. There wasn’t much time. I raised my sword.

[Vibration type (Chapter 1)]

[Heavenly Sword (天劍)

The flames expanded beyond the tower and filled the underground cave.

The tyrant’s face hardened. It was a power that could not be underestimated. It was clearly something hidden by that person. It must have been a single move.

The dragon took control.

Transformation and runaway. The strength of the body had already reached its limit. An enormous force rushed into both arms.

Dragon Man’s Fist.

Gathered human skills and used it. A technique that was changed into a form suitable for dragons. Of course, there was a season. It was a season that was perfect for a tyrant who valued power.

[Ink Dragon Crushing Strike]

The shapes of the two arms were reversed. Before I knew it, the tyrant’s two arms were inverted. Above the fist was a ferocious dragon with its mouth wide open.

The tyrant’s thoughts were focused between the ferocious dragons.


The punch containing the giant dragon collided with the divine sword containing the season. Immediately afterwards, a huge explosion sound that shook the entire mountain range erupted.

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I Regressed to My Ruined Family

I Regressed to My Ruined Family

Score 8
Status: Completed Released: 2022
I was born as the oldest of a renowned swordsman family, and became stronger faster than anyone. Yet, I could not stop the dragons, a great disaster that had appeared on the continent. I closed my eyes in my final moments, thinking everything was over. I really thought it was over… But when I opened my eyes, I was back in the past. A past that was very different from the world I knew. “What? Is this really my body? Why don’t I have any mana?” “Where did the castle go? Why’s there only a wooden house left?” “…What? The dragons and humans made a non-aggression pact?” A family that had fallen and was on the brink of ruin. A family whose writing of divination had vanished. And a body in which no mana could be found! “…I’ll have to keep myself busy from now on.” The great hero of a renowned swordsman family. He is back in the past, in a ‘parallel world’.


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