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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1210

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Episode 1210

Simon and Lethe were able to safely avoid the searchers’ pursuit with the help of Davina and the revolutionary army.

I knew about the revolutionary army. From Henry whom I met for the first time after coming to this world I heard about a ‘revolutionary’ who helps residents who were singled out for voting as traitors.

And the revolutionary army was the force that followed those ‘revolutionaries’.

‘I really wanted to meet them because they were an anti-Hieromir group. I didn’t know we’d meet this early.’

Davina is seen walking ahead blowing bubble gum in her mouth.

It seemed somehow free-spirited and lively. There was a distinctly different atmosphere from the people of The City who walked with their heads down.

“Where will the sword take us?”

Lethe who was snuggled up next to Simon still seemed to be on high alert. She answered as Davina blew up a balloon in her mouth and then she blew it out.

“The captain wants to see you in person.”

The road to the revolutionary army’s hideout was complicated. There was a section where you went back and forth between alleys and went round and round like a maze and there was also a section where you had to go up a pipe on a rope.

It feels like it’s spinning around so much that it’s impossible to memorize it even by looking at it.

“Well we’re almost there now right? “Use this on your eyes.”

Davina gave her eye patch to Simon and Lethe. Lethe’s expression clearly showed her doubts but before she could say anything Simon sneaked up and put the blindfold on her instead.

‘Hang in there just a little while.’

Next Simon himself put on an eyepatch.

They walked a little further with Simone holding Davina’s shoulder and Lethe holding hers. I could tell that the brisk wind had disappeared and the temperature had warmed into the room.

“Alright we’re here.”

At Davina’s words Simone took off her blindfold.

It was a room with nothing special. There are dim lights hanging from the ceiling and a few tables and chairs. Around them members of the revolutionary army who looked as if they had been through many hardships were looking at the two people with curious expressions.

Clan clank clank-

I could hear the sound of machinery running beyond the wall.

‘There is a hideout for the revolutionary army inside the City factory! ‘You used your brain.’

Even though it was dark under the lamp it was a location where we would most likely not be discovered.

At that time I heard footsteps in the distance.

“The captain is coming!”

At that shout the revolutionary army members all turned their backs and slightly lowered their heads. Davina did the same thing blowing bubble gum with a bright smile on her face.

‘I said Davina was the vice-captain. If she were higher than Davina….’

Soon a woman wearing a tight-fitting black diving suit called ‘Searcher’ appeared in the darkness. She probably did this to infiltrate.

Soon she lifts her mask up and takes it off and her light purple hair flows down like waves. Finally the leader of the revolutionary army revealed her face.

Vertical pupils with a slightly edgy feel a smaller body than expected and small bat wings visible on the back.

“Nice to meet you.”

A cold voice rang out.

“I am the leader of the revolutionary army.”

Simon’s eyes widened rapidly and Lethe’s eyes also widened.


The identity of the leader of the revolutionary army was none other than Camivarez.

Feeling a surge of worry and relief Simon ran over and hugged Camivarez. She was embarrassed and shook her pupils.

“Thank goodness Kami! I’m so glad you’re safe! “Are you hurt anywhere?”

“What are you doing! “All right!”

Camibarez says ‘Eight!’ And she pushed Simon’s chest. Simon was pushed back and scraped his elbow against the wall. Cami Barez stepped back with a wary expression on her face.

“You are a person without a case. “Are all the people in the world I was in like this?”


The way he spoke and the atmosphere had completely changed.

The bat’s wings which were usually fluttering cutely were standing up straight like a cat’s fur. While Simon was unable to keep up with the situation and was frozen Lethe spoke in a sad voice.

“I guess I lost my memory during the transition to Banish.”

“As you said.”

Kami Barez crossed her arms and tilted her head solemnly.

“You may know me but I am new to you. “I hope you will behave accordingly.”

Simone looked at Camivarez with a blank expression then quickly turned her head and looked at Davina.

“Davina! “Can’t people who lost their memories due to the banish get their memories back?”

“You don’t have to worry too much. “I heard from a revolutionary that unless your memory was directly erased by Hieromir it is a temporary symptom.”

Davina smiled quietly.

“But if you’re worried your memories will definitely come back when you return to the original world.”

“…I have a reason to win.”

Simone clenched her fists and muttered this before speaking to Kami Barez.

“Tell me the whole story of what happened Kami.”

“It’s not kami it’s kamivarez! “Don’t pretend to be friendly and call her something short!”

Anyway her explanation began.

She said she doesn’t remember exactly when she opened her eyes but it was about two weeks ago.

When she opened her eyes she found herself in the middle of a snowy field with a cold blizzard blowing.

She couldn’t remember why she was here or what she was doing. Just rummaging through her arms she checked her ID card which said ‘She is Kami Barez Ursula No. 10 of the Continental Rune League Dark Alliance Team’ and found out that her name was Kami Barez.

However because of her hypothermia she thought it was dangerous to continue like this so she walked diligently and like Simon and Lethe she found a camp of ‘vagrants’ and became indebted to them.

Davina happened to be at the vagrant camp to provide her with food. The two talked and entered ‘The City’ together.

“So you don’t remember anything about our world?”

Simon asked in a weak voice. Cami Barez looked worried and said ‘Hmm’ before she answered.

“I only remember two things. The first is the determination that ‘I must return to the original world.’ And the second is-”

Camivarez looked at Simon.

“The name was Simon Pollentia.”


Simon was moved and hugged Camivarez again.

She panicked and said ‘Let go!’ He shouted and struggled. Meanwhile Lethe’s lips were pouting more and more as she watched and Davina was giggling happily.


At that time the eyes of Camivarez who was in Simon’s arms turned to the slim nape of his neck.

Suddenly her throat filled with saliva and a sweet sensation lingered at the tip of her nose.

That look.

There was something very stimulating about it.

“…Simon Pollentia.”

Cami Varez opened her mouth.

“You smell delicious.”


When Davina heard that she said ‘Ow’ and covered her mouth.

On the other hand the facial expressions of the male revolutionary soldiers who had been loving Lete and Camivarez who looked very uncomfortable were rotting.

“Why do I remember your name? What was our relationship like?”

Simon answered with a wide smile.

“We’ve been together at Keygen for almost three years. “You really don’t remember?”

“Now! Now is not the time to be like this.”

Lethe who was worse off came striding forward and knocked the two people away. Cami Barez tasted her regretfully.

“You never know when you might get a call from the continent and you never know when Hieromir might attack.”

“Yes that is correct. “The chase will become more and more persistent.”

Camy Varez crossed her arms and rested her chin on her chin.

Meanwhile her movements were solemn but her appearance was still small and cute so the way she pretended to be serious looked very cute.

“Still it is comforting Simon Pollentia. Looking at you it became clear that the moment I first opened my eyes the thought of ‘I must return to the original world’ was an important resolution of mine. “I will definitely go back.”

“Thank goodness.”

Simon also nodded his head with a smile. At that time Davina spoke while chewing bubble gum.

“I know you two are lucky. Because our captain has been steadily preparing for the ‘revolution’. Just go with the captain’s plan.”

“Now that I think about it it’s strange.”

Lethe looked at Davina.

“How did Mr. Kami who came to this world in just two weeks become your captain?”

“The revolutionary army is based on skill not class.”

Davina shrugged her shoulders.

“Here you guys. “He was very very strong.”

It is said that Camivarez who endured all kinds of hardships through the harsh cold at the time had a very sharp and aggressive personality perhaps because she had survived the danger of death several times.

After finding out that Davina was a member of the revolutionary army Kami Barez declared that he would challenge Davina for her position as captain and Davina accepted the challenge saying it would be fun.

The result was Camivarez’s victory.

Unable to accept this each leader of the revolutionary army rushed to deal with Camivarez but every single one of them was defeated and destroyed.

After winning the position of captain through his skills and receiving recognition from everyone the first thing Camivarez did as captain was to prepare a coup against Hieromir. He planned to find the person who had dragged him in knock him out and return to his original world.

Simon who heard the story laughed bitterly.

‘…Have I become closer to the true nature of a vampire lord since I lost my memory? ‘You look like your father.’

Kamivarez’s father a vampire lord who was a warrior and a battle fanatic naturally came to mind.

Anyway according to Davina Hiermir is very anxiously looking for outsiders from the continent including Simon.

A total of seven people including Camivarez were wanted by him in The City.

From Camivarez’s perspective he needed to find his colleagues and bring them to safety before Hieromir found them and he was mobilizing the revolutionary army’s intelligence network.

“Then I will tell you about our situation as well.”

Since I knew they were allies I had no hesitation. Lete also immediately briefed them on their situation.

Hieromir reigns as the savior of a group called the Order and is an enemy of our world. In order to attack Hieromir a huge and powerful world that cannot be compared to the White Land called ‘Continent’ is created. to the fact that they are preparing a general offensive.

The atmosphere of the revolutionary army became extremely heated due to the fact that comrades who were hostile to Hieromir would soon come here from across space.

“Support in a place full of powerful people like Captain Camivarez!”

“You must never miss this opportunity!”

Davina nodded her head and looked at Simone.

“But you don’t know the specific time when your colleagues will come over?”

“that’s right. Because time is different between us and there. Regardless of support let’s do what we can.”

Since we had joined hands with the revolutionary army here it seemed like the only place to open the portal would be the revolutionary army headquarters.

The problem is other colleagues.

Wotton and Sigmund have already been defeated. I had to bring my other colleagues as quickly as possible before they were captured by Hieromir.

Simon and Lethe discussed the remaining information about Juul and Arendia.

“I have a guess about that woman named Arendia.”

Davina echoed what Camivarez said.

“You mean the white castle on the snowy field? colon.”


According to information from the revolutionary army a castle as white as snow suddenly stood tall in the middle of an empty snowy field.

The revolutionary army was on guard as it might be Hieromir’s new evil plan.

“Arendia’s fortification ability is certain.”

Lethe heard that and snapped her fingers.

“The only weakness was that it melted in the sunlight but since there is no sun in this world we can expand the fortress infinitely.”

Simon also nodded.

Arendia’s abilities which were limited on the continent were almost like a fish out of water here.

“If we bring Arendia she will be a huge force. “You have to hurry Kami.”

“I told you not to call me that!”

After saying that Kami Barez crossed her arms.

“Anyway we dispatched troops there in advance. “I will go there.”

“I’ll go with you too.”

Lethe also raised her hand.

“We are both priests and among these I am probably closest to Arendia.”

So Camivarez and Lete decided to go see Arendia.

Next is Jules Vincere.

“A boy with black hair and a cursed sword. “I think I know where it is.”

Davina said after thinking about it.

“But it might be a little dangerous.”

“I’ll go. “I know the most about Juul.”

Simon raised his hand and spoke.

So Simone and Davina decided to team up and bring Jules.

There wasn’t much time. Before Hieromir could move he had to rally his comrades.

* * *

The City high-rise area.

White Block Mansion.

“Information has arrived. Mr. Wotton.”

“great job.”

Wotton was sitting in a luxurious room enjoying all the luxuries. The City’s slaves washed her feet and massaged her shoulders.

An outsider who entered the white block with an unprecedented rise in status. Wotton Spranger from the Holy Federation.

The watchman who brought new information said rubbing his hands.

“Are you missing anything during your stay?”

“It’s perfect.”

She tilted her head back with an ecstatic expression.

“This is the paradise on earth I wanted.”

“Haha Hieromir wants results…”

“Yes yes I know even if you don’t fuss.”

If you can’t pay for food you may be deprived of your memory at some point and fall to the lowest class becoming a mineral or caliber worker.

She grabbed the document with her information and read it.

“A white castle in the snow and a tyrant in the underground arena.”

When she guessed where she was and who was there she raised the corners of her mouth.

“Which direction should we go?”

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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Native Language: Korean
After the ‘100-Year War’ between the Necromancers and Priests, an all-time genius who’ll shake the power structure was born. “Am I a rare case or something? Do I have talent?” A potential beyond all imagination. He obtained his father’s undead army and entered the great Necromancer school of Kizen that divided the continent. Geniuses are geniuses, even when gathered among the elites. The research community was flipped on its head by the appearance of a new case. Professors wouldn’t leave him be alone, wanting to make him study directly under them. Officials from all over the kingdom and heads of organizations fidgeted over whether to scout him. “Professor! When can I make a Lich?” “Gimme a break. How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.” A genius among geniuses had appeared.


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