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Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 416

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Doctor Player Chapter 416

It was an impossible task.

To say things happened at the time?

‘But there is one way. There is a way to obtain evidence of what happened at the time through the staff.’

Raymond swallowed and said.

“Can I see the staff used in the crime at the time?”

“As much as you like.”

Since she hadn’t been dethroned yet, Catherine had that level of authority.

The staff was kept in the Imperial Guard Knights.

The head of the Royal Guard, who is said to be in charge of the investigation of this case, said to Raymond with a hard face.

“You can’t touch or touch it, Your Highness. Just look with your own eyes.”

Raymond stared at the knight commander in that strong tone.

‘They said they were members of the Kingdom of Gears.’

“I will ask you one thing. Who brought the staff to this storage location after the incident?”

“I brought it myself.”

“How did you get it? Did you bring it with your own hands?”

The knight commander shook his head.

“No, we can’t treat His Majesty’s symbol like that. Touching the symbol carelessly is a felony that belongs to the crime of insulting the imperial family, so I wrapped it in a cloth and brought it.”

Raymond’s eyes lit up at those words.

“So that means no one has touched this staff member since the incident.”

“Yes, it is.”

The knight commander made a face as if asking why he was asking such a thing.

Instead of explaining, Raymond asked another important question.

“Then the first witness, the Royal Guard Knight, would not have touched this staff.”

“Your first witness entered the room and confirmed that the victim had collapsed and was dead, but neither the staff nor the victim’s fingertips were touched.”

“Are you sure?”

The knight commander twitched his eyebrows.

“Yes, this has already been investigated. Or should I confront you directly?”

It was a disrespectful speech.

He probably didn’t like Raymond’s way of sprinkling ashes on finished bread.

However, Raymond paid attention to something different than the opponent’s disquieting appearance.

‘You’re welcome. I got an important opportunity thanks to the Royal Guard’s maneuvers to cover up the crime.’

The Guard Knights and those who committed the crime were all in one.

Therefore, the interrogation would have been carried out only formally, and they would have been consistent in their claim that they had nothing to do with the crime.

But thank you for giving me a chance.

‘As long as we secure evidence that the first witness swung the staff, we can reverse the case.’

Initial witnesses said they had no contact with the victim. The staff didn’t even touch it.

But what if there is evidence of swinging the staff?

Then he could be confirmed as the murderer.

‘The problem is that it’s not easy.’

How could anyone prove that he wielded a staff when no one witnessed it?

The answer lies in the staff.

Evidence must be obtained through the clues left on the staff.

‘No fingerprints. A lot of time has passed and it will not remain damaged during the preservation process.’

Raymond looked at the staff first.

“You mustn’t touch it. Just look.”

The knight commander warned again with a hard face.

Raymond focused on observing the staff without any response.

‘It’s a typical ceremonial symbol.’

ceremonial symbol.

A decoration without a practical purpose.

In fact, the staff was engraved with all kinds of jewels and patterns as an art object rather than the purpose of all kinds of wands.

Especially the highlight is the head part.

The flags of the ten kingdoms were embroidered with jewels in the shape of a cross.

Contrary to the beautiful decoration, it was wet with blood, probably because the head was hit with that part.

‘Still, it’s a light material, so I don’t think it’s suitable for a blunt weapon.’

It seemed that I would have to wield it with all my might to hit him in the head with this staff.

In fact, the impact area was crushed.

‘There’s no way Emperor Catherine could wield a staff so strongly.’

Raymond shook his head.

This was a blow that only a knight with strong power could do.

‘But this alone is not enough to be used as evidence. I need a crucial clue.’

Raymond is the most important part.

I checked the handle area.

Like a symbol filled with all kinds of jewels, the handle was also dazzling.

The part held by the hand is also engraved with various patterns, and the inside of the circular ring that surrounds the part is also studded with jewels.

‘… … If I bring this and sell it, how many heads of the finest beef… … Oh no, that’s not important right now.’

Raymond shook his head.

At first glance, there seemed to be nothing special about it.

But Raymond didn’t give up.

‘Use hawk eye!’

His vision changed with the activation of the magic.

As if looking through a microscope, the field of view was enlarged.

and looked


Raymond swallowed.

Faint bloodstains were visible on the handle!

‘I swung it with all my might, and my hand was scratched by the jewelry, leaving bloodstains on it!’

He clenched his fists.

‘it’s okay! I can use this as evidence!’

It was a curious thought.

It’s just a faint bloodstain.

Bloodstains that you can’t even see with the naked eye.

How do you use this as evidence?

However, with Raymond, it was possible with the power of medicine.

Raymond remembered the method.

‘Just do a DNA fingerprint analysis!’

DNA fingerprinting.

It was the crystallization of modern earth forensic science.

With that method, the culprit could be identified even with this faint bloodstain.

* * *

“Is it possible to prove your innocence?”

Catherine’s eyes widened.

Raymond nodded firmly.

“Yes, it is possible.”

“iced coffee! thank you! thank you so much!”

Catherine bowed her head.

It seems that you have suffered a lot in the past.

However, Raymond shook his head in surprise as it was too much for the emperor to see.

“I am just happy to be of help to Your Majesty.”

“also. That’s what I heard.”

Catherine’s face was greatly moved by Raymond’s humble words.

“you are… … It really hit the light.”

“… … .”

Raymond made a puzzled face.

Hearing that from the emperor… … hmm. I felt something strangely uneasy.

The moment I heard Catherine’s next words, I was able to shake off my anxiety.

Catherine said brightly.

“Thanks to you, I was able to serve the Crusader Alliance Empire.”

‘If your innocence is confirmed, you can make the saint of poverty the crown prince, the next great emperor. The light of the saint of poverty will shine brightly on the Crusader Alliance Empire.’

That’s what she meant, but poor Raymond understood her words this way.

‘is it so. Your Majesty will continue to work hard for the Crusader Federation Empire. I’m making money. Hehe.’

The two dreamed different dreams, and it remains to be seen which one’s dream will finally come true.

Catherine said resolutely.

“I have to tell my aides that I can prove my innocence.”

However, Raymond reacted unexpectedly.

“No, I think it would be better to refrain from that. No, I’d rather pretend I’m failing to prove Your Majesty’s innocence.”

Catherine made a puzzled face, but when she noticed Raymond’s intentions, she admired them.

“You’re trying to damage the Kingdom of Gears with this.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

‘The Kingdom of Gears will cut its tail if it knows that I have the potential to uncover evidence.’

The highest possibility is to kill and silence all those involved.

Then, even if Catherine is proven innocent, the crimes of the Kingdom of Gears cannot be revealed.

‘I can’t do that. In order to make money in the future, I have to reduce the influence of the Kingdom of Gears in the ecliptic.’

The knights of the royal guard, the chief of security, and others were all members of the Gears Kingdom, so I could see how strong their influence was.

In order to make money smoothly in the future, it was necessary to reduce the influence of the Kingdom of Gears.

‘I’m going to deal a blow by revealing that the Kingdom of Gears was involved in this incident!’

Meanwhile, Catherine greatly admired Raymond’s plan and thought to herself.

‘also. He’s not just a dreamer. He’s a revolutionary who also has terrible resourcefulness.’


It was the thought of many people who experienced Raymond.

It is said that he not only harbors vain ideals for the sake of his people, but also has the terrifying ability to put those ideals into practice.

see even now

Not wanting to miss the chance to tear apart the Kingdom of Gears.

His face was also full of determination.

‘I have to drive out the Kingdom of Gears and earn money while sucking honey under Emperor Catherine!’

It was a face of such a promise, but Catherine only repeatedly admired it.

So the two had different dreams in the same place.

‘I will make the poor saint into the light of the empire!’

‘Emperor Catherine’s sister! Best wishes in the future! Hehe.’

It remained to be seen which of the two dreams the sky would realize.

* * *

Once Raymond had the skills needed for DNA analysis.

‘Molecular biology knowledge is already sufficient. The additional skill required is alchemy!’

[Skill alchemy proficiency has risen to grade A!]

Originally, Raymond’s alchemy proficiency was not low.

This is because alchemy knowledge was essential to implement modern earth medicines in Leifentaina.

In particular, in recent years, it has entered the stage of synthesizing drugs similar to organic chemistry through alchemy knowledge beyond simply extracting necessary ingredients from herbs.

‘Anyway, there is a limit to extracting similar ingredients from herbs.’

Raymond thought to himself.

‘Of course, I lost a lot of money because I invested in alchemy equipment. Sobbing.’

It took a lot of investment to hire an alchemist and prepare the necessary equipment to synthesize the drug, but it was necessary.

‘Anyway, since I have A-level alchemy, DNA fingerprint analysis is possible… … I don’t lose.’

Raymond made a troubled face.

If it was A-class alchemy, it was a great level of knowledge.

Even if you go to the magic tower, you can hear the voice of an expert?

However, even with this knowledge, it was not easy to implement DNA fingerprint analysis.

‘It’s possible until PCR. The problem is cutting.’

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player, 닥터 플레이어
Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of the noblest, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend. [MTL]


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