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Regressor of the Fallen Family Chapter 138

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Episode 138 In fact, it is easier to sweep them all at once with a range attack than to attack them one by one.

Unlike ordinary knights, Logan also had vision that could be useful in times like this.

However, Logan dared to swing his sword and face the pouring blades of wind.

It was also because the transcendental sense allowed me to fully feel the intangible blades rushing around me.

‘You have to conserve your strength.’

Roger Bipros’ madness made me realize that this battle would not be easy to overcome.

However, as I was continuously blocking Roger Bipros’ wind blades and Aslan’s attacks pouring in between them, a strange inspiration suddenly occurred to me.

A way to block this crazy attack more efficiently.

It was easy to remember because I had personally experienced such a method several times.

‘Do you think it will work?’

The sensation of bursting out over a hundred liberatios at once still feels vivid.

And the appearance of the brilliant ‘Silver Force Blade’ that blocked similar attacks from the front.

The inspiration that tickled his brain soon became reality and unfolded in his hands.

Clap la la rock.

The golden force blade, which only showed simple changes of shrinking and expanding at intervals of 1 to 3 meters, suddenly compressed into a thin string-like length and stretched nearly 7 meters.

Then, according to the will of its owner, it freely bent and struck the surrounding area.



A bright smile appeared on Logan’s lips as he imitated the enemy’s special skills and instantly destroyed Roger Bipros’ magic.

It was not simply an increase in the application of the Force Blade, but an achievement that allowed one to feel that one’s level had advanced.

I felt like I was getting a feel for the 4-type flame cleavage of Shingeom Vision, which had been at a loss for so long.

However, that smile, or more accurately, the whip-like force blade that made him laugh, also made someone who was watching right in front so angry that they lost their reason.


A clear red haze rose from Aslan’s whole body, even his eyes turning red.

An explosion of dynamic power that goes beyond overheating, which raises the power beyond its limit, and seems to burn the life force itself.

Aslan rushed like a thunderbolt into the space where Roger Bipros’ magic had disappeared.

‘Now is the time!!’

The skills of an old friend were resurrected in the hands of an enemy who had just killed him.

The anger was anger, but Aslan did not want to miss this opportunity, so he was being so unreasonable.

Yes. opportunity.

The whip-type force blade created by his friend had excellent practicality and applicability, but it contained a fatal flaw in that the cutting power of the force blade was fundamentally weakened.

The disadvantage is that the moment a force blade of the same or greater force is struck at any point of the freely bending force blade, it breaks helplessly.

That shortcoming turned Plantz into a deformed powerhouse that was overwhelmingly strong against the weak but weak among its peers.

Planz also tried hard to overcome that weakness, but ultimately failed, and even when he tried to throw it away and practice it again, it didn’t work out the way he wanted.

The unique Force Blade, created from a moment of inspiration that transcends the realm, has never changed in its characteristics.

And it will be the same for that guy now.

‘Die with a grudge against that genius!’

The timing is also perfect.

Instead of the rushing blades of wind, the air around the creature was seen to instantly become a chain that bound the creature, strongly restricting its movements.

A short gap created by the master’s magic.

He poured out red lightning with amplified power for an instant.

‘No matter what we do, we will ignore it and break through it all at once!’

With that determination alone, I threw myself away with all my might.

And that became his fatal mistake.

As expected, the golden Force Blade moved freely even when the enemy’s body was restrained.

However, unlike Planz’s, it was not cut off by Aslan’s red lightning, but rather showed an absurd feat of gently wrapping around and spinning around, changing direction ‘very slightly’.


The moment when a blow struck with all the might of one’s life is deflected into thin air.

The golden force blade bent in the air, avoiding his arm and sword, and went straight into the back of his neck.


The fluid and sharp movements, like a living snake, were also something that could not be seen in his close friends.

‘How on earth…?’

Aslan could not understand the situation until the moment his vision became dark.



With just a light application of wave cutting, the binding spell that had bound Roger Vipros’ entire body was released.

After gaining freedom, Logan jumped over Aslan’s falling body and rushed towards Roger Bipros.

All around are enemy knights falling one after another.

The McLane Knights, who were on the rise, also rushed towards the enemy camp.

“Stop it!!”

Roger Bipros’s scream-like shout.

The knights hurriedly blocked the way.

However, the enemies below the level were helplessly defeated by the golden whip that shook and changed at the slightest touch and wrapped around the front.

There was no need to use the divine sword Vision or the iron blood sword’s strong sword, which requires a lot of movement and energy consumption, to sweep away weak enemies.

Logan calmly approached the enemy commander, defeating each and every enemy that stood in his way.

When I finally saw my long-time bad relationship in front of me, about ten meters ahead.

The blue eyes that were once full of composure were seen flashing with madness.

“You absolutely have to…!!”

Along with a voice full of strange heat, a huge energy that instantly overwhelmed the son-in-law began to move.

“Count Bae!”


“This can’t be happening…”

The twelve wind wizards who were supplying mana around Roger Vipros suddenly withered away and started pouring out red mana instead of white.

The mixed white and red mana poured out like a storm inside Roger Vipros’ staff.


With a cry as if he was vomiting blood, everything around Logan began to change.

It felt as if the entire air around me had suddenly become the hands and feet of an enemy.

Starting with the sudden difficulty in breathing, the surrounding air suddenly began to press against my body, applying pressure in different directions as if tearing my limbs apart.

And outside, the transparent wind turned into thousands of transparent awls and poured all over the body.

The moment one of the blows hit him, he vividly felt the bloody force that felt like a hole would be blown through his body, but the alien feeling behind it shocked Logan even more.

‘Mana… no.’

An energy containing similar but different feelings, much denser and more heterogeneous forces.

Logan had recently experienced a similar force, albeit indirectly, and was able to clearly understand the identity of that strange feeling.

Magic force.

A power called the power of magicians who have reached the 6th circle.

Roger Bipros went beyond his own limits, even if it was only through expedient means.

In the end, Logan also had no choice but to use his hidden secret.


The warm light that started from the beloved sword Lux instantly enveloped his entire body.

A luxury weapon filled with soul that a master dwarf would create at least once or twice in a lifetime.

It was a legend passed down as a lie even among magicians that such a luxury item would resonate with the owner’s soul for a long time and would exhibit its unique characteristics the moment it was fully enchanted.

The power of a natural magic Natural Artifact of unknown class that awakens a magical power that best suits its owner.

Lux awakened this trait by blocking Juan Douglas’ magic in the last battle.

And coincidentally, it was a similar magic to something Logan had experienced once before.

‘Time acceleration.’

A similar but different feeling enveloped Logan’s soul as when he used Aslan’s beloved sword, Velochitas.

Just like back then, my consciousness was accelerated, and instead of feeling something uncomfortable and alien, I felt a familiar feeling as if I had originally had it.

A unique magic that completely accelerated not only the consciousness but also the body was revealed.

I still didn’t know why this was the magic that best suited me, manifested through Lux, but I didn’t have time to think about the reason.


Waves of golden force poured out from his entire body one after another, tearing away the power of the wind that oppressed his entire body.

The temporary shield created by the 16 layers of golden waves was certainly powerful, but it alone could not block the pouring Exterminating Storm of thousands of wind fangs.

But for Logan, breaking the bonds for a moment was enough.

‘Ghost Shadow.’

The swordsman’s vision, combined with time acceleration and the power of the Wind God’s Boots, allowed Logan to escape the magic’s range in an instant, as if he had shortened space.


The snake blade, which was rather an evolution of the golden force blade Planz with its front wrapped in a semicircle, tore apart dozens of wind fangs blocking his path.

Then, the face of Roger Bipros appeared right before my eyes.

Is it an aftereffect of magic or is he really just crazy?

The blue eyes that were once full of composure were turned upside down, showing only the whites, and the distorted face had oddly visible veins sticking out here and there.

I can’t believe that this is the end of a bad relationship that lasted for such a long time.

Logan, feeling some sense of futility, rushed towards the guy with a stern expression.

‘Let’s end it here.’

A particularly strong beam of golden light struck Roger Vipros between the eyes.



‘Stop it?!’

The transparent protective film covering the front is broken and Roger Vipros is pushed out in a miserable manner.


“Ro…Gun Macline!”

Strangely enough, my heart felt cold for a moment as my blue eyes began to sparkle again, but Logan did not stop his attack.

The flexible, curved golden force blade bypassed the protective shield that had just begun to be regenerated and bit the neck of the wizard, who had barely come to his senses and had a pale complexion.


The protective shield disappearing again along with the gushing blood.

Logan was inwardly relieved to see Roger Bipros’ eyes rapidly fading, but that was not the end.

“Let’s die together!!”


The mana that began to rapidly gather in the staff in his hand began to fluctuate again, binding Logan’s body.


“I hope you die alone, Count.”

With a cold word, the golden Force Blade cut off the hand holding the staff.


As soon as the wand fell from his hand, his face stained with madness showed a rapid change.

The blond hair faded to pure white in an instant, and the protruding veins turned into age spots, instantly creating the wrinkled face of an old man who looked well over 100 years old.

“This can’t be possible…”

He looked like a half-corpse, with almost no mana or vitality.

The blood continuously gushing from the cut right elbow was also black and dead.

An enemy that is sure to die soon even if left alone. The last sight of their long-standing relationship made Logan feel a little empty in his heart.

“Do you have any last words?”

There were still some who were fighting on all sides, but they were already a small number.

The victory on the battlefield had long been confirmed as McLane.

“Khehehehe. You! If it weren’t for you…!”

“Is that the end of your will?”

Roger Bipros was about to curse even as he saw the golden light flashing on Logan’s sword.

His eyes glanced behind Logan as he sat down, and then he held out his free hand. He pointed to the rear and suddenly started laughing like crazy.

“Kkkkk. Kkkkkkk. Don’t think this is the end. You and your family will immediately follow in my footsteps! Fuhahaha!”

Logan’s expression began to distort as he looked back following that ominous hand gesture.

The symbol of an eagle soaring toward the sky, wrapped around a whirlwind.

The appearance of about 500 knights and one person charging in front of them. When Logan saw this, an expletive came out of his mouth.

“Damn it!”

“Kkkkk. It’s over for you too…”

“Shut up!”


Logan cut off Roger Bipros’ head in one go and shouted loudly to the family’s troops who were clearing the battlefield.

“Weaken Calia! It’s the Army of the Storm Sword! Quickly clear the battlefield!”

A true crisis has come to McLane, who thought he had passed a critical juncture.

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Regressor of the Fallen Family

Regressor of the Fallen Family

Returner of a Ruined Family
Score 8
Status: Completed Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
A life filled with regrets. Once he realized his faults and decided to lead a new life, it was too late. His family was already gone. He had borne through each day with pure rage. Finally at the end of his misery, his wish reached the heavens—an unforgiven one. He goes against fate to raise his sword.


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