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Swordmaster’s Youngest Son Chapter 606

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Chapter 606,

Chapter 156. Cleansing Chaos (10)

* * *

‘How many times has this fainted?’

As soon as he opened his eyes, Jin could see his brothers looking down at him with worried faces as always.

“Wake up Brother Jin.”

“I don’t know how many times I’ve heard that word already. I’m tired of losing consciousness now. How long has it been since this time?”

“Two days.”


A sense of defeat or anger.

Those feelings were making Jin’s heart hot like a furnace.

Big boom! No matter how many times she drank the cold water that Nata offered her, there was no sign of the heat going away. The more I thought about it, the more I felt like I was going crazy because I hated the chaos.

“What the hell happened inside? It’s been less than 12 minutes since I went in, but I thought I’d come back after being treated like that. It’s not anyone else, Brother Jin…”

“Let’s talk about it first.”

“I went in and it was his sub-space, he was bigger and he was right in front of me and knocked me out with one shot. Even read all my thoughts. Just like I did outside.”

There was no long explanation. Because the match was really decided in one blow.

“There they also said that spiritual prayer is not very threatening. I could tell the damn thing. They even taunted me about the taste of powerful paw swings… This is the first time I’ve been helpless like this.”

“Is this really your first time?”

Ban sat down next to Jin’s bed and said.

Unlike the serious Jin and other brothers, Ban was smiling as if the situation was amusing.

“When Brother Jin first came here, most of them thought him an immature genius. He probably didn’t suffer much defeat on the outside, so I guessed that his mental strength was weak.”

“Brother Tushin.”

“But Brother Jin was actually a man who was accustomed to defeat. When Brother Jin first came to Lapla Rosa, the other brothers couldn’t even use their hands until he left.”

“It is.”

“So don’t attach any special meaning to this defeat.”

Jin felt like he was waking up.

As Van said, he has already experienced many defeats. He suffered countless times of greater despair and absurdity than being deprived of his power by chaos.

In particular, compared to the time when I fell into the curse before returning, it was a ‘good enough’ situation now.

“Brother Jean.”

“Tell me, Brother Tushin.”

“Let me ask you one thing. Do you still want to deal with him on your own without the help of me and my brothers?”

“Yes that’s right.”

“Then, it’s training from now on.”

Half came to a succinct conclusion.

“The time given to Brother Jin is three years, and I will personally train the other brothers so that he can defeat him. And the Jin brothers will have a rematch with him whenever they reach a certain level.”

Unlike Jin, the Myungwang family did not experience chaos in subspace. They had no choice but to infer Jin’s inaction based on Jin’s explanation, and the gap in progress was so great that it was impossible to know exactly.

What is certain is that it is at the level of destroying Jin in the first place.

It means that it is not a matter of what will happen if you practice for a day or two, so Jin had to be prepared for death every time to find a subspace.

“I don’t know if it was luck or if there were other reasons. Brother Jin came back alive today. Even if we fight and lose next time, we just have to survive and escape.”

Of course it was dangerous, but the Myungwang family remembered what Ban had said.

“Eh, I’m worried about Brother Jin. As the Tushin brothers said, training can lead to death…”

“If the Jin brothers want to fight alone, there is no other answer than that.”

Jin and the Myungwang family seemed to agree with Ban’s opinion in an instant.

“In addition, other brothers also practice training with Brother Jin.”

“Half-brother then, when do you think my next rematch will be?”

“A month later.”

There is not enough time to bridge the gap. At that point, even the Myungwang family had expressions on their faces asking if it would be okay to go that fast, but they were half adamant.

“Fight again in a month to get more information about him. Recon Grasp Combat Escape. It will be a long and dangerous fight as all but the Jin brothers can do it. Everyone, go to the second training ground.”

* * *

That month became the most hellish time of Jin’s life.

And that was really just the ‘beginning’.

‘I never thought the day would come when I wished the next day wouldn’t come because training was so painful…’ When

I vomited up my stomach juices, I got goosebumps all over my body.

The Myeongwang tribe’s training is incomparably rough compared to that of humans. However, the standard of ‘commitment’ is higher than that.

The other members of the Myeongwang family were also staring at each other in a state of near death. However, they quickly regained their energy after taking a break for a few hours, and Jin continued to train with the taste gone.

Ban relentlessly informed Jin that the scheduled rematch date was imminent.

“Brother Jin takes a day off and goes through the door tomorrow. So today’s training is over.”

Jin almost misheard her voice as meaning ‘go in the door and rest’.

So I left the training ground 2 and went to the central training ground (of course, Ban thought Jin was going to the room to rest) and tried to enter the door, but was stopped by Tantel and Shaku who were standing guard. Without the two of them, I would have faced the chaos again.

“Do you want to go through Brother Jin’s door and rest? Brother Tushin couldn’t have said that!”

“Training… Part of training…”

“I’ll check it, so wait a minute. You are down.”

“Hey, let’s move to the room.”

When I opened my eyes again, it was a familiar ceiling.

‘Brother Tushin told me to go in the door and rest…! no, something is weird Did I hear it wrong?’

As soon as Ban regained consciousness, he laughed at Jin’s flustered appearance as if it was funny. Then, as soon as Jin’s eyes met, he erased his expression and said this.

“Let’s go, it’s the second match.”

As always, all the brothers were waiting at the door. Since they had been through hellish training until just before, the Myungwang family were like sharpened swords.

Jin only slept for a day. Of course, the fatigue did not go away, and the whole body felt heavy as if submerged in water.

Jin had to play the second game as it was.

‘At this point, it seems that the Tushin brothers have decided to kill me.’

Blind faith towards the brothers, especially towards Tushin Van. Without it, Jin would have screamed that this was crazy.

“I’m coming.”

“Good luck.”

“Brother Jin to come back alive!”

When I entered the door, it was the same as last time. Darkness spread out of nowhere and I heard his voice.

[How are you?]


As soon as I faced the chaos, it felt like all the accumulated fatigue was replaced with anger. It was time to check the results of the hell training…

It was exactly three minutes later when Jin came out the door again.

[Anyways, a kid. So at what age will you have a fight like a fight? Haaam, yawn!]

Chaos was mocking Jin to the fullest this time before the crack he cut with the spirit sword closed.

“Brother Jin is back alive!”

“Treat Otou’s brothers!”

The Myeongwang family made a fuss, but half said this in a calm voice.

“Three minutes is much better than last time.”

“Brother Tushin, but Brother Jin’s injury is more serious than last time. I think I got out of there by luck this time too, but I’m going to postpone the 3rd match…!”

“No, we will proceed with the third round as scheduled in a month. Brother Otouwang, at all costs, take measures so that Brother Jin can train from night.”

For Jin, it felt like there were two demons. Chaos beyond the door and a half-death.

Instead, Jin was feeling a strange feeling along with anger.

‘Somehow my half brother… seems certain that I’m never going to die. Is it an illusion?’

There was no time to think seriously. Indeed, Boras healed Jin ‘to be able to move’ from the night and immediately resumed hell training for a month.

“I’ll be back…”

[The idiot came again. Were you lucky enough to escape last time? Die today!]

He came back without dying.

“Two minutes and thirty-four seconds. It’s actually less than last time!”

“But the injuries are less. Looks like Brother Tushin’s only run-training for the past two months is starting to see the light of day. The battle time was shortened because Jin brothers escaped at the right time, right?”

A similar pattern continued in the 4th game, which took place after another month.

Each time, Jin was easily defeated, and Chaos seemed to miss Jin by a narrow car.

“3 minutes and 57 seconds!”

[Kkack-kyaek, try it!]

“4 minutes and 12 seconds!”

[No, no. That’s why I can’t cut even one of my scales.]

“12 minutes and 36 seconds! Besides, this time Brother Jin came back with only one broken arm!”

“barely? Barely? Would you like to break your brother?”

[You’re pretty good at avoiding powerful paw swings now, aren’t you? But what can I do, I haven’t shown the super-powerful tail wag yet.]

“18 minutes and 27 seconds…!”

[Chit, you’re running away again…! Next time, I’ll be sure to send you to the other world!]

The day I recorded 18 minutes and 27 seconds was already a year later.

From that point on, Jin was dealing with chaos with a certain amount of mental composure. It’s still very small, but hope is starting to show.

“On the subject of missing me every time. I’ve been watching you for the past year, and you’ve only lived with your mouth. See you in a month and wait. Keep my spirits well.”

[I hate it, but I hate it! Ebebebebe!]

Jin burst into laughter for the first time without realizing it. It was the first time in the past year.

“Oh, Brother Jin has finally returned without major injuries! Is it valid?”

“Not yet. I got a few cuts, but they didn’t do much damage.”

“Where is that, Brother Jin? great job!”

On that day, the Myeongwang family were in a festive atmosphere, seeing Jin return unscathed.

Some brothers even teared their eyes away as they recalled the terrible training process Jin had gone through.

Ban also tousled Jin’s hair for the first time and praised him.

“Good job Brother Jin. In our next fight, we’ll be able to really intimidate him.”

“I think so too, Brother Tushin. I regained more strength from him, and it seems that one of the ultimate skills of the spiritual sword that I am learning will reach its peak soon…” After

answering like that, Jin looked at the empty space beyond the door.

Suddenly, Chaos wondered what he would be doing there when he wasn’t there.

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Swordmaster’s Youngest Son

Swordmaster’s Youngest Son

SMYS, The Swordmaster's Son, The Youngest Son of a Renowned Family of Swordsmen, 검술명가 막내아들
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Jin Runcandel was the youngest son of Runcandel, the land’s most prestigious swordsman family… And the biggest failure in Runcandel history. He, who was kicked out miserably and came to a meaningless end, was given another chance. “How do you want to use this power?” “I want to use it for myself.” Memories of his past life, overwhelming talent, and a contract with God… The preparations to become the greatest are complete.


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