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Swordmaster’s Youngest Son Chapter 891

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Chapter 891 Chapter

223. Uncomfortable encounters (2)

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The moment when Orgal went to meet the enemy tribe and met Manoff, the land of fire.

Shinu quietly looked around his territory.

At one time, no being could visit this place carelessly. Even if they entered without permission, they would only die from being consumed by the fire that filled the space. Among the immortals, among the top-tier new mortals who could stand against him, only Changseong could withstand the fire.

But now, the land of fire had no majesty, and more than half of the area was empty and cold with the fire fading.

It was because of Luke.

The old faith of the Myeongwang clan, who invaded the land of fire not long ago, had pushed Shinu to the limit.

[It’s like half a fearful sleeper. If I hadn’t been in a state where the bridle of extinction hadn’t started, I wouldn’t have been able to guarantee the outcome with him.]

Kadun slowly nodded at Shnu’s words.

Because I couldn’t speak out. Most of Kadun’s body was made up of marriage, but after dying once in the last battle with Beradin, he was in a state of no better than a specter.

The power of the Fire Dragon, which symbolized Ziffle’s powerlessness, was almost completely lost, and Hongi was just putting his life on the line.

And between them, there was another person whose life was barely hanging on due to the authority of Hongi and Shinu.

Kelliac Ziple, too, was just repeating outrage and fainting. The moment you get out of the ‘ring of fire’ made by Shinu, your breath will stop.


Shnu sat down on the floor and trembled.

An hour ago, Luke had once again visited the realm of fire. The second battle with him was fiercer than the previous one and far more damaging than the previous one.

It was only because of Luke’s mercy that Shinu was able to survive and express his dejected voice.

To be precise, it wasn’t mercy, but it was only kept alive for the needs of the Sun God Church.

[Perhaps Luke will come back in the near future. If that happens, there will be only one choice for me. Threaten them saying that they will accept extinction the moment they attack more, or fight them.]

There is no exit either way.

Accepting extinction is the end, of course, and even if they fight, in the end, they will be miserably dragged away and become the material for the Demon Stone.

It didn’t seem like the threat would work in the first place. If he wanted to disappear without becoming a material for the Demon Stone, now was his only chance. Now, Luke could make the decision about Shenu’s life. Whether it is saved or killed, everything has no choice but to flow according to Luke’s will, not Shinu’s.

-[Among the priests I met this time, there were many members of the old Ming Dynasty. There are also people who are presumed to have been committed in the past. If they show up in Inse , would n’t the result be destruction?

I don’t know why the old Myeongwang family is with the Sun God, but they won’t destroy the world.

-[I expect you to keep your word. Always be on the lookout for shamans. On the day the demon world opens, this world will no longer be the place you know.]

-I expect you to perish at the right time after struggling like you are now. In other words, even if you disappear, the revival of the Sun God Church will not be affected.

Shnu was remembering the conversation he had with Jin the first time he met him.

If this continues, the result will come out as Jin wanted at that time. To disappear without affecting the revival of the Sun God Church.

For the first time since she was born as an immortal, Shinu felt futile. All the things that had been built up for so long were disappearing like bubbles.

How the hell did it get to this point…

Was it a problem trying to have the power to surpass the sun god?

Source Stone The original source stone.

An item made with the power of all immortals after the death of the sun god.

The reason why the source stone was first produced was to prepare for the time when the gods were attacked by mortals or when the gods attacked each other and the world would be destroyed.

However, the completed source stone was dangerous enough to far exceed the expectations of the immortals, and they eventually discarded it around the time that earthly history was on the right track.

And the first god who raised the need for the source stone was Shinu. He asked to make the source stone more actively than anyone else, and he was convinced that the source stone had no choice but to be discarded after it was completed.

Nevertheless, the reason why he insisted on producing the source stone was that he intended to monopolize it by making an imitation ‘Masin Stone’ later.

Is the power of the source stone really as great as the theory? Is it really capable of overpowering all the gods? Is it possible to surpass even Solderlet and Heluram, and finally surpass even the sun god? It was necessary to verify that fact.

However, since that time, Shinu’s expectations were wrong, so it was an error that he was the 5th king of the Black Sea.

[Perhaps the fact that the fragments of the source stone turned into monsters called the 5 kings of the Black Sea was a warning from Kingelo, the god of the sun. Or even that might have been witch Heluram’s prank… If at that time I had abandoned my greed for the demon stone and focused on eliminating the 5 kings of the Black Sea. The situation must have been better than now.]

Still, Kadun didn’t answer.

Keliac, gasping for air in the ring of fire, was also silent. If there was a young Fire Dragon Pai, he would have answered anything, but Pai was looking for the Fire Dragons sealed by Shinu in the past in Inse. The only thing in Shnu’s party that was intact was Pie.

At least, Pi’s existence was a glimmer of hope.

If Pi finds the ‘Sealed Fire Dragons’, they will have no choice but to help Shenu even if they don’t want to.

The fire dragons that he could not control despite the dragons he had created.

The prodigal son of fire with power exceeding that of the first Fire Dragon King, Trakalnis, and his successor, Kadun, their power was never so desperately needed.

If they were, they would be able to buy some time against Luke, and they might even be able to burn the spirit that had engulfed Kelliac.

So, in the end, all Shinu can hope for now is that Pi visits the Land of Fire with good news.

In front of Jin, he displayed the power and majesty of God to the fullest, but it was all just a bluff.

The current Shenu lost most of her powers and powers, lost her contractor, lost her most cherished guardian dragon, and was no better than a humble being abandoned by Ziffle. That’s why when Pi found Tikan, he was extremely hungry and was looking like that.

Thinking of Jin, who would have laughed at him while seeing through that fact, made him feel even more miserable inside.

[…Anyway, I think it’s better to just disappear, Kadun. Most mortals in the world are well able to overcome this sense of shame and survive.]

At that, Kadun shook his head for the first time. Every time he shook his neck, black blood mixed with blood flowed between the blackened scales.

[You must want revenge. But now I have to admit I’m defeated. My plan, which is older than human history, was actually wrong from the beginning, and the deformed fruits that bloomed in the process ended up in the hands of others. Right now, we don’t have the power to correct the wrong plan or take the demon stone back.]

Kadun shook his head again.

No voice, but Shnu knew what he was talking about.

[I guess you want to say that it’s okay to join other factions, Kadun. We have no value now. I’ll give them to you when I find the sealed fire dragons ,

so who would accept that request if I told them to protect me


[Imperial family? They are the first to sell us to Beradin in order to complete the Demon Stone. Reaching out to Jin Runkandel will only make my funny side more obvious. Orgal may protect me… but he will use Buvar’s powers to make us no longer who we are. Now that I am weak, that insignificant reincarnated piece of god can do such a thing.]

[It’s a joke.]

[Did you mean the enemy? They will use us as food and try to awaken the commitment. I can’t even just disappear. Jinma world… I don’t even want to talk about Jito. Just know that being attached to Jito in this state is the worst thing of all.]

Since ancient times, Jito has been particularly fond of torturing immortals. Besides, to Zito, neither cause nor profit mattered. Only pleasure was important. Today’s Shinu was a beautiful toy to Zito.

Shinu shook his head, resting his forehead on Jito’s image that briefly came to mind.

And as I was thinking about what I had to prepare to accept extinction, I suddenly felt the opening of the other side of the realm of fire.

Could it be that Luke has already returned?

It was only an hour ago that Luke went. Luke, too, was not completely unscathed, so Sheine was confident that it would take at least three days for him to return to the Firelands.

But after a while, what Shnu saw was a young fire dragon Pie.

And it was a completely unexpected person.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Shnu. I should have gotten permission from Sheenu beforehand… This man reluctantly pursued me into the Land of Fire…”

Sheenu stared at the man standing next to Pai. Even Kadun jumped up and his eyes widened.

[Haha… At that moment, I wondered if my insight had a problem or that’s why I was seeing what mortals often say.] The

man didn’t answer and slowly approached Shnu. Even though he was one step ahead, Shinu was not wary at all and instead extended his hand to him first.

[Welcome, Joshua Runkandel. Like you, I am a fallen being. It is Shnu, the god of fire.]

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Swordmaster’s Youngest Son

Swordmaster’s Youngest Son

SMYS, The Swordmaster's Son, The Youngest Son of a Renowned Family of Swordsmen, 검술명가 막내아들
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Jin Runcandel was the youngest son of Runcandel, the land’s most prestigious swordsman family… And the biggest failure in Runcandel history. He, who was kicked out miserably and came to a meaningless end, was given another chance. “How do you want to use this power?” “I want to use it for myself.” Memories of his past life, overwhelming talent, and a contract with God… The preparations to become the greatest are complete.


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