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The God of War Who Regressed Level 2 Chapter 165

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< The God of War Returned to Level 2 Episode 165 >

Bang! bang!

Shizuru gritted her teeth as she looked at the connector that looked like it was about to explode.

‘I can’t last long.’

Had I known it would be like this, I would have put more devices on the connector.

In case the sword king gets a status ailment during the game, he himself should respond.

I added a function to force logout, but that was all.

Because I thought the Sword King had completely taken over anyway.

It was decided to save the power of the gift for the connector.

But now this is going to come back as a mistake.

‘In the current situation, there is only one way to rewrite the charm.’

You must release the fascination and obedience you bet on Japanese political and business figures and focus the gift’s power on the Sword King.

Shizuru Ito quickly shook his head.

Whom will you untangle and who will you leave behind?

‘Leave the prime minister and the president… … .’

Except for the key figures in the political and business world, she let go of her fascination and took a deep breath.

can do.

The sword king who passed over once anyway.

With this level of Authority, it is possible to enchant her again.


The connector eventually bursts.

On the spot, the Sword King slowly raised his body.

He was full of life.

Looking at Shizuru Ito, who was standing there calmly, he asked quietly.

“Kuh… … you… … Who is it?”

Unlike when he was enchanted by Shizuru, the sword king speaks Korean.

Shizuru replied in the fluent Korean she had learned when seducing the Sword King.

“you… … Don’t you remember me?”

“Who are you?”

‘thank god.’ When Sung Ji-han used a strange trick in the game, he didn’t seem to remember the current situation.

If he had remembered, he would have killed himself with a single knife.

If not, there is ample opportunity to charm.

Shizuru Ito took out a handkerchief from his chest with sad eyes and slowly approached the Sword King.

“I am the person Jihan sent me.”

“Jihan… … .”

Selling her sacred name, she calmed the Sword King’s vigilance.

“yes. Several people, including the National Intelligence Service, are working hard to rescue you from Japanese hands.”

He calmly said those words and approached the Sword King.

“My me… … Why in Japan… … .”

“That’s it.”

Shizuru was able to get closer to the confused Sword King.

I hugged the sword king.

“It’s simple. Because you love me so much.”

at the same time as saying

From fascination to dependence and obsession.

Shizuru Ito who casts all possible status ailments.

“Kuh… … yes you… … That was the cause!”

The Sword King quickly pulled back with his eyes wide open.

At first, it was a face full of anger.

Looking at Shizuru’s transcendent beauty, the sword king’s expression gradually loosens up.

She smiled happily.

‘It worked.’

If you get to that point, it’s over.

You’ll be a bit rebellious at first.

What if I was a man?

“eww… … this year… … ! soy sauce! Stop!”

As the twin swords are summoned, powerful swordsmanship is unleashed toward Shizuru Ito.

Power so strong that non-player Shizuru could be sliced with a single sword.

However, she was not shaken even by the Sword King’s attack.


Weiying… … !

As if to protect Shizuru’s body, a huge protective shield is created.

The rainbow-colored protective shield floated one more pure white shield in front of it and deflected all sword energy.

Seeing this, the Sword King widened his eyes.

“Ah, the ring of the Aegis… … Why go to you?”

Aegis Ring.

There was a function to summon the absolute shield Aegis for 5 minutes with the ring the Sword King obtained from

This ring originally belonged to Jiah Sung, the wife of the Sword King.

“Oh, did you say this is your wife? But you gave it to me as a proposal gift. Whoops, don’t you remember?”

“Chi Shizuru… … !!”

“Why are you angry when you gave it to me? really.”

Shizuru Ito was taking advantage of it himself.

“Come back to my love quickly, Ryuhei.”

Hey Ryu.

Upon hearing that name, the Sword King’s face completely hardened.

He remembered how much Shizuru had whispered that name to him.

The memory of making love with her and willingly serving as her slave passed by like a kaleidoscope.

“ha ha ha… … .”

The hand holding the twin sword loses strength.

A man cannot disobey Shizuru.

that… … such a creature

The anger that soared in his heart disappeared and he yearned for her.

I want to stay by your side

When the sword king gradually gave up his resistance to the change of heart that was changing in an instant.

Wow… … .

‘This… … .’

An unfamiliar energy that I had never felt before began to move in my body.

Then, the mind that had been clouded in front of Shizuru returned once again.

-Sea. I want to raise her like my own daughter.

Suddenly, what Shizuru said the other day came to mind.

-In Japan.

‘she is… … Even Sae-ah is aiming for it.’

Shizuru agrees to bring Yoon Se-ah.

I mean, I’m going to raise her like my own daughter.

It was clear that Yoon Se-ah was the means to bring Seong Ji-han.

After that, even Seongjihan was captured.

What will happen to Yoon Se-ah?

If it is useless, it is discarded.

If it is useful, he will serve as a slave like himself.

“Kuh… … kuk kuk… … !”

It can’t be.

can’t see that

Being like this is enough for yourself.

I can’t let my daughter fall into this pit.

Yoon Se-jin looked at Cizuru.

A very attractive woman.

It’s to the point where I’m distracted even while I’m angry at the beauty that shook the world.

‘okay… … That’s the problem.’

It makes me keep looking at that transcendent beauty.

This ‘eye’ is the problem.


Let the sword king raise his sword.

“There is a lot of resistance. Will you scold me later?”

Shizuru spoke leisurely, trusting the Aigis shield.

When the tip of the sword pointed not at himself, but at the Sword King himself, his face hardened.

not exactly.

The tip of the sword was pointed at the eye.

“Wait a minute… … !”

well… … !

The Sword King’s twin swords pierced his own eyes without hesitation.

* * *

Boom. pop… … .

Blood gushed out through the liver and membrane and fell to the ground.

“Good luck.”

Let the dreary life rule the space again.

Shizuru Ito asked with a trembling voice.

“you you… … it’s crazy?”

At those words, the Sword King laughed, baring his teeth.

“okay. Crazy.”

[Activation of the abnormal status ‘Attraction’ has failed]

[Activation of the abnormal status ‘Dependency’ has failed]

[The abnormal status ‘Obsession’ has been activated.]

Shizuru widened her eyes while looking at the system message.

Fascination and dependence failed and only obsession succeeded?

‘It’s the worst… … !’

“My brother-in-law said it. take your neck Then I will recognize you as Se Ah’s father.”


Let’s cross the soy sauce.

Kwak Kwa Kwak!

An intense explosion sounded.

stronger power than before.

Is it because he stabbed his eyes and blocked his vision?

The Sword King was able to exert more strength towards Shizuru.

“But I think differently. I’m the one who doesn’t deserve forgiveness. There… … I have no intention of leaving your neck in this world either.”

soooo… … .

Ganjang and Makya exude intense sword energy.

The sword king’s mouth grew thicker.

“I mean Shizuru. I don’t want to leave any trace of you in this world. Because you’re a woman who will somehow survive as long as you leave your neck.”

Maybe it’s because the activated status ailment is an obsession.

“okay. I’ll tear up all the flesh and turn even the bones into powder… … That is all I want.”

The Sword King’s will to tear Shizuru apart became stronger and stronger.

Shizuru had no choice but to admit that the job had failed.

rather now.


‘At this rate, even the Aegis will break… … !’

He had to worry about his own life rather than the re-enchantment of the Sword King.

‘If I had known this would happen, I would have freed the charm of key figures and secured only the Sword King… … !’

The sword king brainwashing procedure was not able to do its best thanks to leaving the prime minister and the chairman enchanted.

Shizuru regretted her choice a moment ago.

Looking at the situation, I need to run away right now.

‘But how can it be… … If you miss the sword king here, it’s over… … Should I unwind the charm of the Prime Minister and try again?’

She hesitated for a moment because of her attachment to the Sword King.


“Ah… … !”

Aegis’s shield explodes.

The protective shield was crushed and the sword brushed his face, only then did he come to his senses.

shit. shit.

Unlike when the sword strikes normally, Shizuru has cracks all over her face.

She gritted her teeth as she felt her face crack.

“My face… … !”

“Don’t worry. I’ll tear it apart.”


When the sword energy that pierced Aegis’s shield flew again, Shizuru hurriedly touched her necklace.


Then, her body was wrapped in light and disappeared.

When his face was shattered, he threw away any further lingering feelings and used a necklace enchanted with teleportation.

The sword king, who had lost sight, felt that Shizuru’s presence had disappeared and clicked his tongue.

“He ran away. You really care about my body… … .”

How many items are worn around the body as alternative means of self-defense?

really varied

at that time.

“I… … Are you okay?”

A Japanese staff came in from outside the door to observe the situation, perhaps because of the continued explosions.

“Hee hee hee… … !”

After entering the room, he sat down on the floor in shock when the Sword King was bleeding from both eyes.

More precisely, than the appearance of bleeding.

He was frightened by the killing spree of the Sword King.


“Hoo… … .”

The sword king, whose eyes had disappeared, smiled bloodily as he felt his presence.

“good. There are a lot of hostages here.”

* * *

=1 2 matches. Korea wins everything… … !

=As the Sword King is away, the Japanese national team. You can’t stop the holy grail!

=But what happened to the sword king? … .

The match between Korea and Japan went completely different from what was expected.

Let the sword king log out.

Japan, which had no more players to stop Seong Ji-han, collapsed in vain.

‘Ha, that’s ridiculous.’

However, Seong Ji-han did not show a bright expression despite winning two games in a row.

That would be too.

It would have been over if he burst the Black Young Ascension and fed the leaves.

It was absurd when the Sword King suddenly logged out.

‘Editing skills… … How far can it go? Controlling the connector? It’s a real headache.’

Isn’t this enough to give EX instead of SSS?

Seong Ji-han blamed herself for not talking to the Sword King and saying that she had to open her mouth and feed her leaves.

‘Is my brother-in-law being enchanted again… … .’

I must get stronger soon and go to Japan myself.

If you look at the sword king’s skills, if you go to the diamond level and shoot around 200, it’s enough to subdue him without difficulty.

I’m going to have to grow that much and forcefully feed my brother-in-law leaves and turn Shizuru Ito into powder.

Seong Ji-han thinks of Shizuru and grinds his teeth.

“That Jihan… … Are you okay?”

Director Noh Young-jun asked with a cautious expression.

Seong Ji-han is in a state of low pressure even though he easily won 2 wins against strong enemy Japan.

The director roughly guessed why Seong Ji-han was doing that.

‘It must be because of the sword king. It looks like Jihan did something… … .’

From the manager’s point of view, thanks to this, I was able to win the match against Korea and Japan.

I’m sure you’ll have a different opinion from the point of view of the Holy Spirit.

“If you’re not feeling well, you can take a break from the next games.”

Director Roh Yeong-joon thought of Seong Ji-han’s feelings and carefully recommended it.

“no. Gotta get it right, you bastards.”

Sung Ji-han stood up while grinding his teeth.

what to rest

You have to trample it down.

“Yeah… … .”

Director Noh Young-joon tried to keep a calm expression in response to that answer.

I couldn’t hide my happy expression.

To be honest, if we fight over all of the sword king holy grounds.

It was because I was worried that Korea could beat Japan.

But if Seong Ji-han joins the battle, no worries.

‘You’re really lucky.’

3 games played like that.

=3 matches are trains.

=In fact, everyone’s attention is now focused on whether or not the King of Swords will participate, not the match map. ah… … Sword King. You didn’t show up again!

=Yes. As you can see from the replay of the first match, the conversation between the Holy Land and the Sword King was very meaningful. It was as if the sword king couldn’t remember what had happened until now!

= Um… … if… … What kind of brainwashing is it… … .

= I can’t make a quick decision yet… … stalwart player. It’s amazing what you did… … In the first match, it seemed like I was finally pushed back by the Sword King!

=The explosion of the sword seems to be intentional now that I think about it!

=Anyway, if the sword king doesn’t play in the 3rd match… … We can’t wait to see the results of the match!

The voices of the commentators were full of energy.

Even when Sung Ji-han was pushed back by the Sword King, they intuitively sensed defeat.

I couldn’t hide my excitement when the unexpected 3-0 victory became a reality in the Korea-Japan match.

-no. But really… … How are things going??

-Did you really come to your senses as

the King of Swords ? When the King of Swords was there, he was so strong hahaha- Wow, when the King of Swords comes, I think we will wipe out all of the Korean national team with a pair of holy Jihan-Kings of Swords hahahaha Please wake up, Ajae. Meanwhile, the chat window is also interested in Korea’s 2:0 lead than.

Regarding the Sword King, he was in a state of complete disgrace.

– Holy Jihan! We, the Sword King family, thought you would do something for us!

-Were they still alive? DDDD

– They are the ones who cursed Seong Ji-Han the most, but they don’t have shame. In particular, as the recently quiet Geomwang family started their activities again, they were actively supporting Seong Ji-Han, who was once cursed the most.

Until now, the Sword King family had secretly supported the Sword King from the shadows.

However, with Seongjihan’s attempt, if the Sword King came to his senses, he would be able to work in Yangji again.

– Holy Jihan! holy!

-Save the Sword King!!

They actively cheered for Seong Ji-han, whom they once admired the most.

And when less than 5 minutes had passed since the train match started.

= Uh… … Strange. The sacred player’s attack hasn’t even reached yet… …

=Japanese players are also starting to log out… … !

Following Game 1’s logout of the Sword King.

In the third game, a player from the Japanese national team.

“Huh? What is it?”

“Why log out… … !”

One by one, an unprecedented situation occurred where they were forced to log out.

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Martial God Regressed to Level 2

Martial God Regressed to Level 2

2레벨로 회귀한 무신, The God of War Who Regressed Level 2, The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[NO. 4212. ‘Humanity’ was defeated in the relegation war.] [The obliteration of mankind begins.] After the last survivors on Earth failed the final mission and perished, he was given a chance to return to the ‘first entry point’ before the world was doomed to end. -I, Sejin Yoon, have decided to live as a Japanese from this point forward! –From now on, please call me Ryuhei Ito. As soon as he opened his eyes, the first thing he heard was the news of his brother-in-law’s betrayal, the “current king of swords” in Korea. “…that’s it, I’ll take care of this bastard first!” Watch the relentless steps of the Korean martial artist, Seong Ji-han, who will save the future from destruction and achieve peace with his thorough planning for a thorough revenge! [MTL]


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