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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 102

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Episode 102. The cold ice cap


chilling cold.

A gradual pain.

Senios could sense it.

‘Is it that I can’t overcome it after all?’

What is the purpose of life?

if anyone asks

Senios was able to answer that it was a proof of strength.

Looking back, it was a very simple life.

until you become old.

I never thought I would face this end without letting go of my lingering feelings.

‘But it wasn’t too bad. okay.’


The fire dragon Karimzeba and his own freezing magic had an atrocious relationship.

as you see in this moment.


The arcane magic of Senios that manifests.

Countless icicles fall from the sky.

Everything that touches each icicle freezes in an instant.

Among the magic that Senios can manifest.

Magic with the highest killing power.

“It is useless.”


However, the icicle did not reach Karimzeba.

Even if it’s ice caps, you can’t freeze the flames.

The icicles that touched Karimzeba’s flame scattered into the air scattering mana.


Senios suddenly laughed.

Karimzeba was puzzled.

The mana that overflowed uncontrollably also calmed down.

You yourself must have noticed that there was no such thing as victory.

“Are you finally going crazy, Senios?”

why are you laughing

“But wasn’t it pretty good for a worst match?”


“I didn’t even think about defeating you in the first place. Karimzeba.”

Senios suddenly remembered the past.

before opening the eyes.

So, after entering the Magic Tower.

Even until he was active as a senior mage.

– “My goal? It freezes the flames.”

Senios did not doubt that he believed in ice magic.

Like the current senior mages, he thought his magic was the best. But the years go by. open your eyes properly When you can look at the realm of magic.

-“Limits are unavoidable.”

Senios conceded.

All magic has limits.

That his own freezing magic was no exception.


“Isn’t overcoming that limitation also a task in life?”

to know the limits.

I didn’t even think I could beat Karimzeba in the first place.

Even if I thought about dying with him.

Senios smirked.

“Fire and Freeze. If you overcome the worst match and achieve a draw. Rather, wouldn’t the evaluation of later generations be higher than Karimzeba? What do you think?”

Sounds like a draw.

“You’ve gone crazy.”

Karimzeba felt mad at Senios.

and clicked his tongue

“What can you do when your heart stops?”

“Ha ha ha. The heart doesn’t stop. I’m controlling the speed of my heart beating. You mean you don’t know that either? The quest for magic is an important Karimzheva. It seems that you have neglected it because you were absorbed in the truth.”


It wasn’t that my heart stopped.

You were controlling your running speed?

At the meaningful words, Karimzeba looked around.

…No, I didn’t see anything strange.


The ice wings that surrounded Senios melted away a long time ago.

It means that even the stream of water gushing out of the ground was turned into steam due to his scare. Yes, if I had to pick one. I feel a little bit of chill…

‘You feel a little chill?’

It didn’t make sense.

Wasn’t he also covering his body with flames?

Is it an illusion of the body?

I thought so.


It wasn’t.


White smoke was coming out of his mouth.

Karimzeba frowned.

“It’s a masterpiece to the end. Senios.”

That word is a bit embarrassing.

Senios let out a mischievous laugh.


white breath gushed out from the corner of his mouth as he smiled like that.

“I don’t have a car, but yes. It’s a masterpiece. This ice cap Senios is only the Fire Dragon Karimzeba. It’s a magic that was manifested only for you. Can’t you think of my sincerity?”

rise to the peak

When I devised this magic.

-“I really ate too much.”

Senios thought so and clicked his tongue.

-“Will the day come when I can use something like this?”

The magic tower that entered after chasing Karimzeba.

However, he has risen to the position of an elder mage like Karimzeba.

Even knowing that we can’t settle each other. I never thought I would create such meaningless magic.

“But who knew? I never thought this day would come.”

That’s why I didn’t even name the magic.

“If I knew it would be like this, I would have given it a plausible name.”


you are me

the magic tower.

Because I found out that I was cheating on the tower lord.

So, there was no hesitation.

Senios was able to manifest the final magic.

“What do you think is the essence of freezing magic?”


A period of time that does not go away.

Displeased, Karimzeba did not respond.

However, Senios immediately continued.

“Some say it is beautiful. The ice that reflects the light is gorgeous like a jewel. But that’s wrong. The essence of freezing magic lies in coldness.”


Woo woo woo-!

Karimzeba squeezed and opened her stiff hand.

Movement and breathing became increasingly rapid.

‘This is the end of listening.’

Karimzeba was no longer standing still.

I didn’t know what kind of magic Senios was manifesting.

I couldn’t set the tone.


Karimzeba manifested a spark.

It flapped its wings of flame towards Senios.

and witnessed


unbelievable sight.

The expanding flame seemed so slow.

‘What is it that the flow of time has slowed down?’

no it wasn’t

It was because Senios’ mouth was still grinning.

“How about the chill that freezes even the senses, Karimzeba? The moment you realize it, your body and internal organs are already half-frozen.”

Karimzeva did not believe.

Because I didn’t give him a chance to manifest that level of magic.

Woo woo woo woo-!

But like it’s not a lie.

Neither the body nor the flames listened.

Karimzeba shook her head.

‘At some point, this kind of magic.’

Even I don’t notice…?

And soon, like myself.

I realized it when I saw Senios exhaling white breath.

‘…It’s breath!’

It cooled the air I inhaled.

It’s because the air around the area is cooled without distinction.

His body is also frozen.

But how is it that he can talk at a decent pace?

“Did you tell me? It’s not stopping, it’s adjusting.”

A chill that freezes even the senses.


Senios’ heart was beating in line with that frozen sensation.

Senios counted while watching Karimzeba, who couldn’t even answer.

‘Even for just one second.’

If you can outlast Karimzeva.

You can put the fire dragon to sleep under the ice cap that doesn’t melt.

‘Of course, regardless of the outcome, I’ll be frozen in the cold.’

yes, as expected.

Even if I did well, it would be a draw.

‘If it’s a draw by sacrificing the life of an old man who ate too much.’

Still, isn’t that a bad deal?

And that would be his atonement for the Mage Tower.

Senios smiled.

‘Even if I ate too much, it was a very good life. okay.’

However, the fire dragon did not go easy on it.

“I thought you would risk your life. Surprisingly.”


Karimzeba was speaking normally.

That body must have already frozen more than half?

Senios, startled, looked at Karimzeba.

Flames spewed from his mouth.

“However, I risked my life as well.”

…swallowed the flames.

That’s why you melted the organs of the frozen body.

Senios let out a laugh.

“Damn it.”

It wasn’t called the Fire Dragon for nothing.

To devour fire to thaw frozen organs.

It is a wonder that he made such a judgment.

How can you say it calmly even after doing such a thing?

‘Is it that he won’t even allow a draw?’

Is it that the limit cannot be overcome no matter what?

‘Damn it.’

eyes slowly close

The senses are blunted.

It was the moment Senios clench his teeth.


there was the sound of shoes stepping on the frozen ground.

“Senios. Your magic was wonderful.”

There was a voice calling out to me.

“But the interference process is unfortunate.”

And the voice pointing out to himself.

Senios barely answered.

“…is it?”

I knew who it was without even checking.

Because Senios knew the hero of this bold voice.

Yes, Lee Ho-yeol was the chief.

“To overcome limitations, new concepts are needed.”

The figure of him standing in front of Karimzeba with confidence.

Yes, I remember seeing that back view as well.

Pointing out the presentation of Senior Wizard Bangrit Tom at the regular conference.

It was as upright as ever.

“The search that the essence of ice magic is in cooling was great. However, there are regrets in the intervention process. If the target is cooled, how far should it be cooled? Abstract interference without limits like now only leads to inefficient manifestations.”

The flames of Karimzeba flickered.

‘How dare a kid talk about something.’

Isn’t that the same as giving a lecture in front of yourself?

In my mind, I wanted to burn that cheeky guy right away.

His bodily sensations were still not fully developed.

There was no way my body, which had been frozen and burned repeatedly, would remain intact.


‘Senios is virtually the end.’

It’s like dealing with an adventurer kid left alone.

It is possible even with an imperfect body.

Karimzeba thought so and opened her mouth.

“I will definitely kill you.”

However, Ho-yeol’s lecture continued.

It continued regardless of Karimzeba’s ilgal.

Senios could see why.

‘You’re taking care of the old man. okay.’

He knows that his breath is short.

That’s why I’m going to hurry up and finish talking.

Senios focused on Hoyeol’s words.

“If we had specifically set a goal in the intervention process, it would have been possible to achieve a more effective expression. But even so. He couldn’t have overcome the affinity for magic. However, if it is non-magic [『Giggy』], the story will be different.”

What is [“gii”]…?

To understand the concept right away.

It was impossible even for the two elder mages.

That is, vision is necessary.

Of course, it wasn’t Karimzeba who would watch it calmly.


The senses are back.

Right away, the youngster…

“In the process of interference, a [concept] that is completely different from 『magic』 is added.”



Karimzeba’s body stopped instantly.

Karimzeba could sense it.

That it was on a different level from Senios’ magic.

‘I can’t resist…?!’

If Senios’ magic stopped bodily senses from being broken, it felt as if the body had truly stopped. Even the flow of magical power…!

“What have you done to me…!”

It was incomprehensible.

Magic that even stops the flow of mana.

Karimzeba shook her head again.

‘There must be a clue to overcome this magic in the words.’

As if he had discovered Senios’ magic.

However, no matter how much I look back on Ho-yeol’s words.

The conclusion was one.

“okay. That’s [『Geez』].”

This isn’t magic, it’s called “weirdness”.

“It’s a manifestation of the strangeness that cooled the target of interference to a specific target, absolute zero.”

absolute zero.

I don’t know what it means though.

One thing was certain.

Senios quietly opened his mouth.

“Even absolute zero does it in the name of that magic. It sounds good.”

in blurry vision.

Senios raised his head.

‘I was worried for nothing. okay.’

Chief Lee Ho-yeol.

Wasn’t he the man Marcelo recognized?

Senios knew how Marcelo felt when he recommended Ho-Yeol.

So, there was no more regret.

‘It wasn’t freezing magic that was lacking, it was me.’

As you can see, aren’t you helpless with the eccentricity of Ho-yeol?

The flames weren’t enough, so I froze the Fire Dragon as it is.

Senios continued.

“You’ll do better than me, though.”

That was the first and last old woman’s heart.

“Nevertheless, I will take good care of the Mage Tower. Chief Lee Ho-yeol.”

He smiled and added a word.

“The last lecture of my life was superb.”




Senios is dead.

Karimzeba looked at Hoyeol.

‘…how about me?’

I still didn’t understand.

The magical power he felt was at a terrible level, even compared to himself and Senios.

Doubts don’t go away Come to think of it, I didn’t understand from the beginning.

‘I was fine with my flames.’

No, that wasn’t enough, so he must have been dealing with the devil. Karimzeba knew very well what kind of demons they were.

Regardless of strength, those who come into contact with demons are devastated.

‘That means it shouldn’t be perfect.’

Just like the elder mages had been swayed by them in the meantime.

But the heat was fine.

No, I was calm beyond that.

To the point of talking nonstop about the structure of magic.

‘for a moment.’

At that moment, Karimzeba felt uncomfortable.

‘How did he recognize the possessed Acampatam?’

Unless you’re a devil worshiper like yourself.

Recognizing a possessed demon is close to impossible.

And even the absurdly low magic power for a wizard….

“…Could you be a demon hunter?”


at those words, Hoyeol turned his back and looked at himself.

Karimzeba was convinced.

That’s right, this guy is a demon hunter.

Karimzeba shook her head.


I might be able to escape.

this fucking magic. No, I mean from the gimmick.

Karimzeba opened her mouth.

“Demon hunter. All I want is to witness the real truth. The devil is just a tool. If you are, don’t you know? What the Arcana Continent needs is the true truth!”

Yes, if not the others and the demon hunters.

You will have no choice but to understand the true truth.

Karimzeba thought so and said.



There was not a single change in Ho-yeol’s expression.

The cold gaze seemed to have a chill in it.

If you’re a demon hunter.

Thinking of the end of Akkshan.

I would never have a reaction like that.

Karimzeba opened her mouth, saying, “I can’t believe it.”

“…Are you sure you don’t know the truth behind the ‘Holy War’?”




holy war.

what is that.

Did this happen when Arcana was a game?

Whatever it is, of course, I don’t know.

For me, there was a gap of 10 years and several years.

Karimzeba muttered.

“If you release me, I will tell you everything. About the temple, about the real truth! If you are a demon hunter, you will surely be able to understand my meaning. I swear by the name of the Fire Dragon, Karimzeba!”

I could intuit

It’s a demon hunter.

And I thought it must be something related to Akkshan.

But I didn’t answer.

me at this moment

To Grandfell, Karimzeba was no different from a demon.

you said

Because I didn’t talk to the prey.

The real truth is bullshit. What kind of truth is not enough to turn the world into a mess, and even the demon king has to be resurrected? Of course, there was no reason to stop at the temple-like rice cakes.


The moment Karimzeba got those words out of her mouth.

Because the message came up.

[Class Quest: Extermination of Akkshan]


So I straight up magic.

No, it manifested [『Geez』].

absolute zero.

Temperatures so extreme that even molecules stop moving.

“I am…!!”

Soon, Karimzeba could not find any pride.

He froze with an ugly expression.

At the same time, a message popped up.

[Cracked Dimension Crack: ה Rift has been cleared.]

─Dispose of the escaped devil worshipers. (Success)

Stop the revival of the upper demon king. (Success)

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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