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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 112

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Episode 112. Can you grasp the situation? (2)

Muon’s situation was relayed in real time.

It was AAU who was more aware of the news than anyone else.

There was no branch division.

Because everyone was aware of the uncertainty of this situation.

“…Can I just leave the players alone?”

“What does that mean?”

“The variable called Fraza is too big.”

Unidentified existence Fraza.

At this point, it was she who moved Muon as a saint. If I had kept the gates of Muon firmly closed, I wouldn’t have had so much trouble…

“Are our players listening to what they say?”

“Well, that’s how it is…”

“Of course, I can fully understand your feelings of concern. But let’s see. Most of all, the change in attitude toward Muon was right after Marcelo, the Mage Tower, moved.”

After being silent for a while, he stared at the monitor—

“After all, this means I have no choice but to rely on Lee Ho-yeol again.”

Because it was Lee Ho-yeol who moved the magic tower.

And this time, Lee Ho-yeol did not disappoint.

He appeared in Muon.

Same outfit as always.

However, the move was more unconventional than usual.

So much so that those who watched were startled.

“…Wait a minute, what is this situation?”

Lee Ho-yeol, the paladin knelt in front of him…!

What surprised me more than anyone else was AAU.

I didn’t know who Fraza was, but they knew the setting of the Paladins better than anyone else.

“A paladin kneels… to a player?”

“How high is the accumulated reputation?”

“No, that isn’t something that can only be done with fame.”

Yes, it wasn’t possible only with fame.

Paladins, even the commander of the Holy Knights kneel down.

It was said that Lee Ho-yeol had a considerable influence on the Goddess Church.

“Did you go through the quests of the Goddess Order?”

“Did it come true in the first place?”

“How far do you know Lee Ho-yeol is…?”

But the astonishment did not end there.

Koo Goo Goong—!


The citadel of Muon suddenly collapses.

At the same time, a mass of tentacles appeared.

“Mu Muon is a monster? what is that?”

A monster that does not exist in the database.

Fraza, who also did not exist.

An unbelievable sigh erupted from AAU.

“Was that the true face of Fraza…!!”

Even the identity of the monster was unknown.

I couldn’t tell if it was strong or weak.

But one thing was clear: he was not an ordinary guy.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to survive while impersonating a saint in Muon.

“hurry! Contact the players!”

unknown existence.

The danger is unimaginable.

Everyone must refrain from rash actions.

However, they were only momentarily forgotten in an unexpected situation.

“…Could this be?”

Lee Ho-yeol’s existence.

It seems that he also guessed the existence of the tentacle mass.

There was not the slightest disturbance in that posture.

His expression and gaze were also the same as usual.

And there was a paladin by Lee Ho-yeol’s side.


– “In the name of the goddess. Draw your sword, paladins of Muon!”

Not one.

He drew his sword towards the huge mass of tentacles.

Tens of thousands of paladins.

AAU had no choice but to acknowledge that sight.

Minjae Park, Director of AAU Korea.

At the gathering of all members of the branch, he opened his mouth.

“This is why I don’t know who the AAU is.”

Who the hell is Anti Arcana?

Arcana that erodes reality.

Isn’t Lee Ho-yeol the only one who responds to that? What was even more surprising was that Lee Ho-yeol did not express himself in the slightest even though he was doing such a great job.

“…Hyeonjun, do you think you can do that?”

Yoon Su-gyeom asked Seong Hyun-jun.

Even if we knew that the muon had tentacle masses. Muon was like the inside of that monster’s mouth.

Lee Ho-yeol had jumped into the monster’s mouth.

“This is not a game, it is reality. A life-and-death reality.”

No matter how high the level is.

I can’t.

Sung Hyun-joon shook his head.

But Lee Ho-yeol was doing it.

No, I’ve already done it several times.

Without showing condescension once.

There is only one word that can describe Lee Ho-yeol.

“Did that ‘nobleness’ make even the paladins follow?”

Tens of thousands of paladins moved under Lee Ho-yeol’s gestures.

The Holy Knight of the Goddess Church is an outsider.

To follow the player’s orders.

According to Arcana’s setting.

It was something that could never happen, but…

“You really are an unbelievable player, Lee Ho-yeol…!”

Yes, this was also a reality.


It’s a reality.

[Current status: Waiting for orders]

Tens of thousands of paladins stood behind me.

I’m not the master of a huge guild like Taemin Nam or Hisagi. It’s not the [Monarch] class, so when did he lead so many troops? It’s definitely a situation where you feel the pressure.

“Talim Ever. I accept your wishes.”

But I’m shameless.

The Paladins of Muon seized their command.

Wielding tens of thousands of troops?

Even if there is a setting of Grandfel.

There was an appropriate line.

It means that I never thought of wielding tens of thousands of soldiers even during the stormy period when I thought I was a special person.

Moreover, at that time, it was the time when I was alone and thought that Dokgodai was cool…

‘From now on, it’s my domain.’

In the end, it’s up to me.

It means I have no choice but to face it in my own way.

Yes, Lee Ho-yeol’s method.

I’m used to it now

It’s that thing that draws everything that doesn’t exist.

Kwak Kwah Kwak—!

Muon’s citadel collapsed by its tentacles.

Since he is also a mineral, the search target is extremely familiar.

Enough to omit search interference and express it directly.

Dudududuk- Duduk-



The citadel of Muon, which collapsed, is rebuilt.

A sight as if scattered puzzles were put together by themselves.

Even the paladins who were determined to see it were at a loss for words.

“What is this?”

“The building will be rebuilt…?!”

“…my goddess.”

What I see is spectacular.

Are you sure magic is great?

If you don’t know it, it’s like a miracle of a goddess.

But in reality, it’s really simple.

‘『Reversal Magic』.’

It’s just that the target has been broadened.

The cost-effectiveness of reversal magic is quite excellent.

Furthermore, [Natural Enemy Relationship] is activated.

Because it is a very familiar object of exploration called minerals.

Even after restoring the destroyed muon to its original form, I consumed almost no mana.

“This level of aesthetic value is rare. It needs to be preserved.”

The reason is really simple.

Expression only from an aesthetic point of view.

But there won’t be any problems.

Talim spoke to me in an elevated voice.

“Thank you. Thank you for protecting Muon.”

Because there was nothing to reveal my inner feelings.

And that was enough.

Even to scratch the properties of tentacle masses.

“It’s arrogant, it’s very arrogant. Do you dare to look around while dealing with this Nepripit? You are so arrogant. But at the same time I’m used to it. Because none of you guys knew the subject.”

it’s your guys

That must be Akk’shan’s demon hunter.

I feel it all over again.

The demons are certainly good at one word.

“So what was the end like? Let’s see. Your ugliness in the Holy War is still good in my memory. It was stupid. To believe in my words that I had never faced before and jump into limbs.”

Didn’t you just claim Muon?

Rather, the paladins were reacting to the guy’s words.


Talim cut off the tentacle that was extending and looked at me.

“sanctuary…? Could it be you?”

Are you a demon hunter?

It was such a questioning look.

yes i am a demon hunter

It is also the last demon hunter.

I wanted to tell you something cool.

Grandfell’s stubbornness is unbreakable.

“It’s not something to talk about in front of insignificant prey.”

one iron rule.

Do not mix game with unnecessary words.


Instead of answering, I raised my magic power.

A mass of tentacles that had been thoroughly ignored wriggled grotesquely.

[Exorcism] activated.

Because you were invited to my ceremony.

He must have been able to hear my voice in the midst of this commotion.

Suddenly, laughter was heard.

“You are especially arrogant among them. so i can’t forgive How dare you think of me as Nepripit?”

What do you think

Think of it as a saintly impersonator.

Of course, don’t be sad that you thought so.

To Grandfell, there is no point in thinking about a demon like you.

“The weak devil who hid in the shadow of the great evil no longer exists. I am me! I am Nepripit, a being that no clumsy devil dares to touch! My power rivals that of a high-ranking demon lord!”

Push shush shush—!

At the same time, tentacles gushing out.


No, thousands of tentacles came out and stretched towards the Paladins.

It is an attack pattern as broad as its size.

It seems that someone has no choice but to be harmed.

But with me, the story is different.


What is.


If I’m the one who decides to mess around.

Koo Goo Goong—!

I lifted the ground.

To be precise, the surface of the muon composed of rocks.

The intensity is considerable, but it is not lacking from an aesthetic point of view.

It is a weapon that I am satisfied with wielding.

Sweet love—!

Its shape is like a disk.

I manipulated the surface of the floating muon.

To cut off the tentacle that stretched out.

The magic efficiency of telekinesis wasn’t very high.

This is not a mere telekinesis.

Because I definitely added the concept.

It is different from 『magic』 telekinesis.

A completely new concept.

[Skill] Simultaneous fire.

Yes, it’s called [“gii”].


Dozens of discs cutting tentacles.

Its power is “magic” and “skills”.

One cannot respond.

What does that mean?


its tentacle fell to the floor.

[‘Cutting’ occurs to Nepripit, the demon of true name.]


Paladins too.

Nepripit also stopped moving for a moment.


the only moving thing is my steps.

I opened my mouth.

“You are very mistaken.”

The iron rule is not to mix the game with the horse.

However, the wrong word is a tired personality that can’t just go over.

So, this wasn’t a conversation.

It was a one-sided declaration.

“To think of himself as a high-ranking demon king just like that.”

Because I couldn’t stay still.

Resurrection of the top demon king.

To stop him, the Magic Tower and I worked tirelessly.

In the process, he collided with Karimzeba.

Elder mage Senios died in battle.

In other words, it is the resurrection of a high-ranking demon king that the magic tower of the world endured and prevented at that level of sacrifice.

So I recited coldly.

“Do not make that sacrifice lightly.”

True name demon Nepripit.

As you might have guessed, the guy was strong.

You can tell by looking at [Exorcism] that he is surrounded by tens of thousands of paladins. In the message, it was stated that it was a demon named monster with true name.

Fiend-Type monsters grow like the player.

Just like the succubus possessed by Baek Yi-seol. He must have become stronger than before, living as the saintess Fraza.

But i know

Higher demon kings are even those who have risen to the level like Karimzeba.

that it is an unapproachable existence.

But you say you’re second to the top demon lord?

It seems that you have lost your sense of reality because you are stuck only in Muon…

There is a word that fits you perfectly.

“You foolish devil in the well.”

After shooting, the magic was manifested.


If you don’t give me a chance to answer, it’s not a conversation.

The magic I manifested was simple.

If not even a saint would claim to be a high-ranking demon lord.

Try to hold on from this gyeongji somewhere.

[“Absolute Zero”].

Senios’ arcane magic.

To put it mildly, it’s not the realm, it’s the imitation of the realm.

Even so, it was [『Strange』].

‘A fake is enough for a fake.’

Oh so so so so—

even me, who was receiving the [Warmth] buff before long.

A chill that felt cool enveloped Nepripit.


The wriggling tentacles froze.

[‘Frostbite’ occurs in Nepripit, the demon of true name.]

[‘Frostbite’ occurs in Nepripit, the demon of true name.]…

How is it? This is the reality outside the grim well.





The frozen Nepripit could not be recognized.

How many people have you deceived in the meantime?

How vast are the negative emotions that have been absorbed?

Wasn’t it the one who became stronger through him?

‘How can I get this body…?’

But what about that demon hunter?

From the moment you invite yourself to the ceremony.

Even when you reveal the truth.

I didn’t feel any emotions from him.

‘Nonsense. How could a human being…!!’

The feeling of discomfort was severe.

To elicit negative emotions from such a guy.

It was the same when I brought out the fellows of the guys.

‘How can you be so calm?’

Even if I mentioned the holy war and the disastrous end of the demon hunters. He didn’t even feel the slightest bit of agitation. Even the gaze looking down at himself all the time.

‘It’s arrogant.’

So it was fun.

Falling from a high place is more fun.

But I couldn’t let it go down.

Only one human being himself.

Because I completely overpowered this Nepripit.

‘I wasn’t arrogant…’

At that moment, Nepripit remembered.

the far distant past.

The voice of the great evil that took him away.

-“I will leave the disposition of Akkshan to you.”

-“Can I receive such a great honor…?”

– “Do it yourself. Everything bothers me.”

Seven Deadly Sins.

I thought of her as a foolish, old-world demon.

nemesis to the devil

He didn’t like being afraid of humans because he became a monster.

However, the moment Akkshan was annihilated as planned.

Nepripit thanked her.

– “You are foolish. Giving this seat to me!”

Thanks to that, he who took possession of Muon became stronger than any other demon. Ability to grow stronger day by day. As I watched, my confidence soared.

– “Maybe I can be called a giant beyond the demon king.”


With a real monster greater than her foolish one.

Nepripit truly thought so.

Until you meet your nemesis.

‘…in action! I have to move!’


The gigantic body did not move.

It was an unbearable chill.

Even the flow of time was freezing cold.

‘Everyone stop. i am a virgin I am Freyza!’

Among them, he saw the Paladins approaching him.

Weak people who played on the palm of their hands.

He started cutting out his body.

and the sight.

There was a man watching with unchanging eyes.

Nepripit felt fear for the first time in his life.

‘Am I, this Nepripit, dying in vain like this?’

I was finally starting to understand.

Why were the giants and demon lords so afraid of Akshan? It may have driven Akkshan to extinction even by going through the hassle of wearing a mask.

In the end, Nepripit had no choice but to plead.

‘You’re evil. My lord sloth! Save me!’

But no answer came back.

The reason was so simple.

Wasn’t she the source of laziness?

You may come to find yourself who has repeatedly rebelled.

Because it was indolence itself that I didn’t even dispose of.

It was natural that the work of self-salvation also did not exist.

‘Get up and eat it…!!’




[The level has risen.]

[The level has risen.]

[The level has risen.]…

A mass of dissipating tentacles.

Let’s put off checking the dizzying messages for a while.

The hunt is over. I need to make it clear.

I asked Talim who was approaching me.

“I will ask the Goddess about the temple.”

Anyway, this guy’s habit.

Even if you say the same thing, you say it very arrogantly.

However, there was no reason not to hear an answer because he was arrogant.

Didn’t you check the message just now?

[Relationship with the Holy Land Muon has increased significantly.]

[Influence at the Holy Land Muon has increased significantly.]

[Friendship with the religious Goddess Church has reached its maximum level.]

Besides, I deserved it.

There was no need to explain what that qualification was.

Talim, leader of the Holy Knights of the Goddess Church.


he was in front of me.

Because I bowed my head formally on my knees.

“I will take full responsibility. Even if it’s a ‘judgment’.”

…Wait, I didn’t mean that referee.

There was no time to correct the misunderstanding.

Even though there are many eyes watching, there are too many.

“Just a bar! The Female Goddess Church is in charge…?”

“What are you responsible for?”

“Judgment…? Lee Ho-yeol judges the Goddess Church?!”

Let’s move around for a while.

“This is not a suitable place for a conversation.”

“…I will guide you like this.”

“It would be nice to have a place where we can have a cup of tea and chat.”


after the battle.

Replenishment of mana is a very important procedure to me…

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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