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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 113

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Episode 113. Naming (1)

Outskirts of Muon.

Marcelo and several senior mages were watching the situation.

Can I stay still?

Banglet Tom, senior in pure magic sciences, cautiously opened his mouth.

“Hey… shouldn’t we join them too?”

“It’s better to wait until the sir signal.”

“…If Chief Marcelo said so.”

Could it be because of the experience of playing with that trick?

Bangritt knew something about the race of demons.

Dealing with the devil, regardless of one’s abilities, is something one must always be vigilant about.

Bangrit recalled the sensation from the past [Crack in the Broken Dimension].

‘I don’t even know when I had that thought…’

At some point, I came to my senses.

He was acting according to the devil’s intentions.

‘If it was just me, I’d think it was my fault.’

Didn’t the elder mages also have their judgment clouded by the devil?

‘Chief Lee Ho-yeol should be careful too.’

There was no doubt about his ability, but…

as I just said, the opponent was a demon.

It is also the devil who made fun of the Goddess Cult.

Marcelo said when Bangrit could hardly straighten his face.

“I can’t tell you specifically because I don’t know what the homage means.”


“There will be nothing to worry about.”

Unlike Bangrit, Marcelo knew.

The fact that Ho-yeol is a demon hunter, not a wizard.

The only natural enemy the demons feared so much.

“Because this is no different from your field of study.”

…specializing in dealing with demons?

What the hell are you talking about?

It was at that moment that the wrinkles between Bangrit’s forehead deepened.



far away with vibration.

A tentacle could be seen spurting out of the muon’s core.

Its size was insignificant when viewed from a distance.

“It’s disgusting.”

Matisse, the senior black magician, suppressed his emotions.

I guessed it from the moment I extended my magical powers to the magic tower.

It seemed that the Arcana Continent was really being played by demons.

It would be impossible for human beings to perfectly control their emotions.

The wind stained Matisse’s ring black.

“It’s as if we’ve left them unattended.”

If only the magic tower could move in advance.

Arcana Continent wouldn’t have been messed up like this.

Marcelo opened his mouth to Matisse who was brooding over his anger.

“That’s right. It’s late, but it’s our job to make things right.”

It was.

Originally, it would have been their responsibility to dispose of that demon.

For some reason, the Lord stepped forward this time as well.

‘I don’t know, but he must have a meaning in his actions.’

However, soon Marcelo was able to understand the meaning of Ho-yeol.

The eyes of the paladins changed at some point.

Eventually, they risk death and run into the devil.

As I look at it, a thought of Ho-yeol suddenly comes to my mind.

‘…Could it be to prevent the Goddess Bridge from collapsing?’

So that the Goddess Cult, which was manipulated by the devil by the saintess, can defend its final pride. Did Lord give them a chance to dispose of the devil with their own hands…!

Likewise, Matisse guessed the meaning of Ho-yeol.

He exchanged glances with Marcelo.

The two men spat words in admiration.

“I didn’t even think about it until I saw it myself.”

“Me too. Sir, really…”

“You seem to be thinking on a different level than us.”

Marcelo changed his mind.

‘If I were Sir…’

Even if he was played by the devil, the goddess cult that betrayed Akkshan in the temple was no different from Sir’s enemy.

Even if I knew it in my head, it was clear that emotions would have to take precedence.

But what about heat?

‘To think of the pride of the Goddess Church even in front of the enemy devil.’

I couldn’t help but admire it.

Come to think of it, it wasn’t the first time.

Didn’t Lord generously forgive the original sin of the Mage Tower?

So, the only ones who didn’t understand were Banshee William, a senior in flame magic, and Bangrit.

The two also exchanged glances. I couldn’t stand the frustration, so I whispered softly.

“…what are you talking about?”

“An accident on a different level? What are we going to do if we can’t understand that?”

“…Why don’t you just ask me honestly?”

“Seriously, Senior Bangrit Tom?! Do you know what kind of hardship I went through when I entered the crack with senior Matisse last time? Just thinking about that time makes me breathless even now!”


Talim Ever, leader of the Order of the Holy Knights of the Goddess Church.

I didn’t learn anything new from my conversation with him.

Everyone in Muon, including him, was only swayed by Nepripit’s [Status Abnormality].


[Magical regeneration increases slightly for 30 minutes.]

I opened my mouth as I put down the teacup.

“I understand.”

If so, I guess I just had to lay it down.

Just like the magic tower had no choice but to stay still.

The muon seemed to be the same.

Of course, unlike the Mage Tower, which had no interest in the Holy Temple.

Because Muon seemed to have stepped into the temple and then withdrew.

Although it hit Akkshan in the back of the head worse than the Magic Tower.

‘It’s not the back of my head.’

A gap of over 10 years.

On top of that, the character of Grandfel, who is not happy with anything.

Lastly, because there was a heavy pride.

“Akkshan just kept his pride until the end.”

holy war.

Akshan’s demon hunters were wiped out fighting demons.

Even if they fell into the devil’s scheme and were annihilated.

Their pride is not fading.

To sympathize with their deaths?

At least among demon hunters.

We do not sympathize with each other’s deaths.

Grandfell’s pride said so.

“…sorry. And thank you.”

Of course, Talim can’t understand my complex state of mind.

To Talim, I’m just a generous demon hunter.

With that evidence, Talim was thrilled and continued.

“We, the Goddess Church, will no longer be played by the devil. If it is the Lord who saw through the identity of the saintess. We must also know where the Goddess Church should go.”

As long as there is a [natural enemy relationship].

I can figure out the direction in which to go.

Again, that’s an overestimate.

However, overestimation is also natural to me.

Of course you shamelessly agree.

Talim’s voice sank seriously.

“Even now, the Goddess Church will keep the promise with Akkshan that it failed to keep.”

A promise with Akkshan that was not kept.

What he meant was simple.

“The Goddess Church will join this holy war.”

The Arcana Continent is playing in the hands of the devil.

Even in reality, the devil’s demons are reaching out now.

It is safe to say that it is an extension of the past temple.

I had no reason to refuse.

More than anything else, it was because I had seen the power of the Goddess Church with my own eyes.

‘It must have been daunting.’

Tens of thousands of paladins.

Even the priests who assist such paladins.

If they had failed to get them out of [Abnormal Status]… It

‘s complicated to imagine how the development would have flowed.

That such a Goddess Church would join the holy war.

Following Arcana’s strongest armed group, the Mage Tower.

Even Arcana’s largest religious goddess church.

It was the sound of being a strong support force.

Besides, after all, they weren’t alone.

‘Frost of Yusra Kingdom. and.’

Even guilds entangled in business relationships.

There are so many of my supporters.

So, one thing is certain.

I just need to do well Lee Ho-yeol.

You just need to do well, Grand Fel.

‘…Please, it’s not just the outside.’

The conversation was wrapped around that point.

As long as Muon is updated to reality.

It was enough to have a way to communicate.

If necessary, it would be necessary to manifest the portal like now.

“I, Talim Ever, will not forget today’s grace.”

“I will serve you tea next time.”

“…thank you. Sir Lee Ho-yeol.”

…No, I am truly grateful.

It’s a shame because there was an elixir that improves magic regeneration in the Goddess Church. If it wasn’t for it, I wouldn’t have the magic left to activate a portal by now.

Another lesson learned.

It’s not about imitating light level magic…

Let’s get to know my topic.

Promising, I headed for the portal.

Of course, the coordinates are the magic tower.

Level raised by hunting Nepripit.

past messages.

up to the acquired item.

It needs some maintenance time.




Looking at Ho-yeol disappearing beyond the portal.

Talim murmured softly.

“May the wisdom of the goddess be with you in everything.”

Because you said you don’t believe in God.

It’s impossible to pray audibly.

However, the only thing Talim could do for Ho-yeol was prayer.

“I believe.”

Talim looked out the window at the crowd.

To be precise, those driven by the ‘tears of the saint’.

Hoyeol’s words passed through my mind.

-“It’s not like a miracle from a goddess.”

He finds out that the saintess is a devil.

When even the tears of the goddess’s miracle saint were denied.

He had no faith in the goddess.

But Ho-yeol said.

– “But there is also no hard evidence that God does not exist.”

At those words, Talim thought to himself.

‘Maybe wonder is proof that a goddess exists?’

Tears of saints and saints.

A goddess who took pity on them who were swayed by lies.

I wondered if he might have sent his passion to them.

Talim laughed bitterly.

“…Your lord would say that’s nonsense, right?”

Ho-yeol, who does not believe in the existence of God.

To be such a passionate person is proof that God exists.

It was absurd even thinking about it.

However, Talim murmured softly.

“However, please understand. kyung.”

Then I looked at Muon.

Muon passed through a commotion once.

The young priests were in shock and shed tears.

The Paladins were making complicated expressions like themselves.

Yes, they were on his shoulder.

“Please be my strength so that I will not collapse even for a moment.”

Of course, as much as Ho-yeol served as a support.

She herself should be the greatest strength to Ho-yeol.

It was a law that required a decision to do so.

The tears of a saint were still visible in Talim’s eyesight.

“First of all, revealing the truth of the miracle of the goddess.”


By the way, such a coincidence would happen.

‘It’s misleading.’

tears of the saint.

I never imagined that the ‘Demune Moon Stone’ at the bottom of the fountain would bring out the effect of ‘Aria Moss’. It was an aria moss that was nothing special in its natural state.

Currently, the true value is not revealed.

Its value was nothing compared to its effectiveness.

Of course, I can’t ask for it now.

I bought all of them a long time ago.

Why, while preparing a birthday present for our Mrs. Choi?

An herbal tea bag sent to Mrs. Choi.

Because that was a tea bag made of aria moss.

For some reason, the older sisters were more upset than the first lady.

what is the name of that car

It’s not a joke, it’s to the point that if you go outside with your mom, you’ll be mistaken for four sisters. As I recall that memory, it seems that the voice of No. 3 Wen-su is ringing in my ears.

‘Oh noisy.’

Anyway, unless Talim speaks first.

The effect of Arya Moss will not be revealed.

It would be better for the players.

Aryan moss with such an effect.

Find out that you sold it for a cheap price.

‘If you’re like me, I can’t sleep because I feel unfair.’

Same goes for the ear.

It is not for nothing that the word unknown is medicine.

Of course, knowledge is power.

Although I had piled up a lot of Arya moss.

“There should be no shortage of materials for research.”

The incarnation of integrity and innocence.

It’s not all about greed, it’s the [Nurture Method of Elixir Herbs].

It was part of a study.

[Name: Grandfell Cloudy Arpheus Romeo]

[Title: Last Adventurer]

[Class: Demon Hunter]

[Level: 390]


Strength: 65 / Agility: 70 / Magical Power: 335 / Luck: 6 / Aesthetic : 下

[Possessed Points: 10]

Saint Freyza.

His level rose by 10 by hunting the True Name Demon Nepripit.

Only now do I feel it.

It’s lousy compared to the pouring overestimation.

Still, it’s a level worth watching.

‘It’s a ranking right.’

Is that why

I can understand what the rankers said.

It’s too hard to level up.

Those interviews whining about the amount of required experience.

I absolutely agree.

It’s only level 10.

However, considering that he had shared experience with tens of thousands of paladins, it was a good number again.

Of course, even if tens of thousands of paladins contributed to the killing. I was the one with the highest contribution.

I mean.

It was not for nothing that he manifested similar level magic.

[Ceremonial robe stained with evil]

[Rating: Unique]

[Restriction: None]

[Effect: Sealed]

[Description: The effect was sealed by the devil’s curse. To know the proper effect, you must purify it.]

A demonic item obtained by defeating Neferpit.

It’s a unique grade, but there were no restrictions.

If it was me in the past, I would have regretted it, saying that it might be a bad thing.

Didn’t I put my feet on enchantment now?

‘It would be nice if only the effects were usable.’

It was enough to extract it and give it to another item.

Oh, because it’s a devil’s item. Suddenly

, it reminds me of a devil’s item

that was ripped off by the magic tower… No, it was lent to me.

[Vampire Count’s Orb]

[Grade: Unique]

[Limit :


. Every time it comes into contact with magic, that blood bursts out and damages the target.]

The item obtained after defeating Ascura.

There are only 10 levels left before level 400, which was considered a far-off figure. Good luck Lee Ho-yeol. Until now, how did you endure without sinking into pride?

‘I have to collect it as soon as I reach level 400.’

I’ve thought about it in the past too.

Because the effect of applying additional damage was infinite in its versatility.

I didn’t forget the ear iron in my inventory either.

‘Finally, if I can smelt even noble iron with decent equipment.’

I don’t know if I’m going to be a mogul myself.

One piece of equipment should be able to hit it with a heavyweight.

Of course, it wasn’t something to swallow already.

Especially worrying about how to use the iron.

It won’t be too late to do it after encountering the dwarves.


It was about time to organize my thoughts.

Suddenly, the writing on the parchment came to mind.






Payyan Lot, senior magician of the Spirit School.

She energetically put down the feather pen.

…I did it!

So what to do?


a contractor of a high-level spirit.

Because of that contract, the gas mileage of the body is terrible.

The gluttonous Pei Yan chewed on the cookie as a habit.

“Chief Marcelo. Well well. I only trust you Mumble.”

Are you sure you said you weren’t as hardhearted as you worried about?

The reason why I wrote down the feather pen even though I was worried.

It was all because of rumors about Chief Lee Ho-yeol.

The rumor that Lee Ho-yeol signed a contract with the Spirit!

I was surprised as a senior of the Elementary School, but I didn’t leave a letter to Ho-yeol based on the topic of the conversation.

another rumor. Yes, it was because there was a rumor about the Arcana Continent that I had heard from Fire Drake.

“If only the seed of the world tree had sprouted with the power of the spirit…”

The spirit that sprouted the seed of the world tree.

Obviously, it should have achieved a tremendous rise in ‘class’.

It was a rise in rank that all the spirits of the Arcana Continent noticed.

However, Payyan did not hear anything from his spirit, Fire Drake, whom he summoned from the rift.

So, I felt like doing something.

no matter how basic.

Because the knowledge of animism is not widely known.

“I don’t know if this will help or rude.”

Feiyan muttered as if to make an excuse.

“It’s not that cumbersome. Even if you give a new name to a spirit, its rank will rise. The feet of the World Tree. With that level of achievement, I’m sure you’ll become an ‘indigenous spirit’ that’s unbounded by rank. Besides, you probably don’t have any special reason not to give it a name…!”

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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