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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 125

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Episode 125. Endless Darkness (1)

War of nerves between unification and Shining.

Ho-yeol’s unexpected appearance cut the tension.

Shining’s guild master Rox didn’t feel too bad.

‘It makes me understand the subject in many ways.’

realize once again

He felt comfortable when he was always underdog.

Once asked, don’t let go.

Because it was the position of underdog that revealed his true nature the most.

On the contrary, Dmitry was full of dissatisfaction.

“Lee Ho-yeol, why the hell is that doing this to me?”

Even if you do this, it’s too much!

An angry voice continued.

“The demons must have disappeared too. There’s nothing to worry about about the condition. I’m trying to raise the stock price for the first time in a while. Why did a monster like that follow us to the rift we play? I mean!”

round and round

Camilla, who was twisting her hair with her fingers, snorted.

“Raise the stock price? He must have been trying to seduce a woman~”


“Why did you even promise? I’m going to call you by name in an interview~?”

“How did you know that…?”

“Is it because you’re jealous that you grumble at Ho-yeol?”

“Are you envious? who? I? Hoyeol Lee? It’s not? at all?”


Even if Jessi left the group, things didn’t get any better between the two of them.

I know it’s useless even if I try to dry it.

Rox pointed to Ho-yeol instead of interceding.

“He must have come to maintain a sense of real combat.”

“Practical sense? kid? In a crack like this?”

“Aren’t you trying to use as many different skills as possible?”


“Open your eyes wide and look, Dmitry. Don’t just look at the woman~”

“Hey you.”

[The Teppern Fence].

Compared to Ho-yeol’s guess level, the appropriate level is absurdly low. However, among the currently created rifts, it was the rift with the highest level.

“I shouldn’t blame Lee Ho-yeol, but rather the small bowl.”

Now that the threat of demons has disappeared.

Like [Demon Castle] or [Crack in the Broken Dimension].

There is no crack that can contain Lee Ho-yeol.

Rocks thought so.

On the contrary.

“It’s annoying.”

It is uncomfortable to plant.

Liuojunchun’s eyebrows twitched.

With the appearance of Ho-yeol, all topics moved there.

“Because this isn’t the first time.”

Unification of the world was achieved.

No, the achievements he had made as the monarch of unification.

Didn’t he beat Shining to top the guild rankings?

It is not enough to receive the attention of the world beyond the motherland.

His interest in himself did not last long.

“…Lee Ho-yeol.”

It was.

Every time he accomplished something, he had a passion for it.

Even during the [Mantra Mine] crack, which I was sure was the first clear, Ho-yeol was in front of me. [Demon King] There was nothing to say about the rift at all.

only about 10 minutes.

Even before Junchun Liu got out of the guild house.

[Demon King] The rift had been cleared and disappeared.


Ryuo Junchun looked at Hoyeol.

Not from the player’s point of view.

With the gaze of a class lord.

‘How the hell did you move the magic tower?’

If Ho-yeol’s class was the same [lord] as himself, he could understand.

Hoyeol’s estimated level is at least 900.

If you’re a level 900 monarch…

Wielding the Magic Tower at will isn’t a dream either.

However, Liuojunchun knew.

‘However, a monarch can’t do that.’

The monarch’s weapon was God.

It is neither magic nor sword.

But look at the heat over there.

“…what the hell is it?”

“You broke through that siege?”

“How many alternate attack skills do you have? Are you checking?”

“yes? yes! I’m doing it, but it’s hard to keep up with that speed…”

Aren’t you facing a large army alone?

Liuojunchun’s mind was complicated.

In the past, Lee Ho-yeol was not taken seriously.

Individuals are, after all, just individuals.

Because Ryuo Junchun knew the limits of the individual.

However, at some point, the magic tower was with him.

Needless to say, Yusura Kingdom had a close relationship with King Hakuna. The Goddess Order, Lion Heart Knights, and even the Shadow Mercenaries.

I couldn’t help but admit it.

‘Lee Ho-yeol was on top of The Shining.’

sky above the sky.

Is it a heavenly world?

It was only now that I understood Rox’s attitude.

Why did a man the size of Rocks rate Lee Ho-yeol so highly?

Liuojunchun’s eyes were burning.

‘I can’t even guess the class of such an opponent.’


Ryuo Junchun clenched his fists in frustration.

I shouted at the guild members.

“There is no time to be still. Start attacking.”



Are you going to make it rain now because you’re out of luck?

The sky in the rift was darkening.

Soon, Ho-yeol defeats all the scarecrows and collects his weapon.

It looks like he’s trying to get out of here today.

Liuojunchun was unknowingly relieved.


…It’s a moment, but to think it’s fortunate.

And I felt uncomfortable with myself.

It was.

Rocks and Ryuo Junchun.

With Ho-yeol in front of the same situation.

Although the two people’s thoughts were completely different.

Soon, the thoughts of the two were exactly the same.


Two people.

No, in front of all players who entered the [Teppern Fence].

Because the message came up.

[The Dark Spirit appears.]

…The Dark Spirit?

At the same time, everyone’s eyes turned to one place.

towards heat.

“…Could it be to Teppern Fence for this?”




Why are they all making such serious faces?

I was concerned

…Did I look too ugly?

After all, I’m a senior wizard like Marcelo to them. It was like fighting scarecrows who were not enough to wipe them out at once.


[The spirit of darkness appears.]

I swallowed relief at the message that came to me.

I was just surprised

I’d rather be safe if it’s like this.

‘by the way.’

Even if it exploded, it exploded greatly.

Payyan’s eyes looking at me are quite spleen.

Feiyan spoke to me in a very wary voice.

“…a dark spirit.”

a dark spirit

Unfortunately, my knowledge of elemental science is still at a superficial level.

Of course, I don’t know what the Dark Spirit is.

But I was blunt.



This guy’s iron skin.

But again, it’s not wrong.

I knew through the message that the spirit of darkness had ‘appeared’.

It’s not just a rationalization.

because I also noticed

not instinctively.

The body was reacting first.

To be precise, the mana flowing through the body.

It is also ‘adequate horsepower’.

Yes I knew this feeling.

‘First meeting with Matisse.’

It felt the same way as back then.

if anything else.

At that time, if Matisse’s magic tool ring responded to my appropriate magic power.

Right now, that dark spirit in the environment of the rift must be responding to my suitable magic power.

“I can’t tell you that you knew…”

Fei Yan continued biting her lip.

“It is entirely my own responsibility for not thinking of this possibility as a senior in Elementalism. I will accept the disposition regarding it after the situation is settled.”

Responsibilities don’t matter.

But whose responsibility is it?

A law that requires a proper procedure to accurately identify.

I asked Pei Yan according to the procedure.

“Report the situation, payyan.”

“I will tell you as briefly as possible.”

Listening to Fei Yan’s story…

It wasn’t anyone’s responsibility, it was just bad luck.

The problem was that the difficult conditions for the appearance of the Dark Spirit were met.

I said calmly.

“You are not responsible. Senior Fei Yan.”


Fei Yan was silent for a moment.

It was only then that he seemed to understand the meaning.

asked me back

“What do you mean by that?”

What do you mean?


It is said that there is nothing to be responsible for.


“adequate magic power” that the body responds to.

Just like when I manifest black magic.

It controlled the appropriate horsepower overflowing with coldness.

‘It’s not difficult.’

It’s just the same magic name.

Appropriate horsepower is a completely different concept from horsepower.

First meeting with Matisse.

– ‘Even in a state of magical exhaustion, black magic can be manifested.’

And after the first meeting.

I was the one who figured out the possibility of using black magic.

Yes, “Dark Magic” is also one of the wells I dug.

Of course, black magic was a field that hadn’t been established in a while.

But thanks to that, I was the one who devoured all the books on black magic.

So I didn’t move a single step.

“What is that?!”

The sky got darker.

A black figure rising from the air under the sky.

Is that the spirit of darkness?

“I definitely said it was a dark spirit in the message!”

“yes?! Want to get closer and take a picture? No, I don’t know how you guys are. Am I really scared? It’s getting bigger and bigger!”

“Everyone, check your status ailment resistance first!”

grasp the situation.

The players start to move in an uproar.

Players with quick brains were ready for battle.

For example, Unification of the World or Shining.

It wouldn’t be an overreaction.

[The spirit of darkness appears.]

Ever since Arcana was just a game.

Because the [appearance message] existed.

There were conditions for the message to come to mind.

“If you look at the appearance message, it sounds like a named mob even if you can’t do it! brothers and sisters From Cheontong to Shining to Hoyeol to the spirits to the appearance of named mobs. I think I’m overly lucky today…. Could it be that today isn’t the anniversary?!

In the words of a nettuber player.

It is a message that comes to mind when a monster that exceeds the appropriate level for the area appears.

It’s not like Fei-Yan, the head of the Mage’s Tower, had a spleen look on his face.

But I still didn’t move.

Hunted the Teppern Scarecrow and was full of confidence?

I don’t know Grandfel, but I don’t know fractions to that extent.

Then I stretched both legs straight on the ground.

There was another reason why the back and neck could be stiff.

– “Therefore, it is impossible to communicate with the dark spirit unless you have the proper magic power. And among the people I know, the only one who possesses that level

of magical power is Black Mage Senior Senior Matisse…”

Even if Payyan doesn’t know, I am.

The original stone of black magic that was recognized by Mathis Dean Carr, the senior magician of black magic.

Of course, where that suitable magic power comes from…

I don’t know, and I have no desire to know.

‘Whatever it is, let’s be grateful right now.’

It seemed that thanks to this, the battle with the dark spirit could have been avoided.

I stood still and stared at the dark spirit.

“Chief Lee Ho-yeol! Keeping a distance…!”

Fayyan’s voice full of concern is heard.

I’d be worried.

As Payan said.

‘Very little is known about the Dark Spirit.’

Moreover, the spirit of darkness is a heterogeneous being that only appears when the conditions are met.

You can tell just by looking at the situation.

Originally, the spirits in their natural state could not even be witnessed by ordinary people.

Because the spirit of darkness was revealing itself.

‘It must mean that we don’t know what kind of danger it has.’

But I was sure.

The certainty that I could communicate with him.

The appropriate magic power that responds is proof of that.

Besides, I was well aware of the ‘property’ of suitable magic power.

– “Black magic is simple.”

Private tutoring pretending to be a conversation with Matisse.

I learned a lot about black magic from Matisse.

Matisse gave a brief explanation of black magic.

-“As if the darkness is buried in a thicker darkness. Black magic also pursues more suitable magic power. Like what you are seeing right now.”

To explain the nature, Matisse had brought out a magic tool.

A compass that responds to the appropriate horsepower.


the spit that was rotating between me and Matisse eventually headed towards me.

…the feelings at that time are real.

It was a bittersweet feeling, as if the dark history had been acknowledged by black magic.

I’m glad I didn’t reveal my inner feelings.

– “Among property magic, it can be said that it is similar in nature to fire magic. I even had a written conversation with Karimzeba about it. That’s why I can’t tolerate his atrocities all the more.”

Because of Karimzeba, it seemed that only Bensh William, a senior in flame magic, felt sorry for him…

Anyway, there was a reason for my confidence.

Is it because of the black history?

『He was the heir of a great family, but that family was ruined by the devil.

The only survivor of the family, Grandfell Cloudy Arpheus Romeo and younger, Grandfell walked the path of a demon hunter to take revenge on that demon.

Because I was the owner of suitable magical powers that surpassed Matisse.

Then I opened my mouth to the dark spirit.

“Are you the spirit of darkness?”

if communication is not possible.

As if a thicker darkness swallows another darkness.

All you have to do is subdue the spirit of darkness.

In other words, it was the appropriate magic power raised for that purpose.


Did my words reach you?

I could feel his gaze on the black shape.

not looking at me

He was examining the suitable mana I drew.

The distance between the guy and me getting closer.

“…Can we just watch for a while?”

“What are you thinking?”

“Even for Ho-yeol-nim, the distance is too close…?!”

Among those watching, the only one who does not waver is Hyel.

However, the impetuous situation did not last long.

Because I heard his voice in my ears.

“I obey you.”

…Wait a minute. What?

I can understand until I submit.

As I said, I knew the nature of black magic.

but what?

“It is an infinitely deep darkness.”

Ha, infinitely deep darkness?! What else is that bizarre title

that makes me feel ashamed


But I couldn’t express myself.

Because it wasn’t just one or two eyes watching.

“Infinitely deep darkness…!”

“The spirit of darkness obeys Hoyeol!”

“As expected, you weren’t looking for such a shabby crack for nothing.”

It was.

He is a foreign spirit.

Even in the absence of a contract, its form and even its voice.

Even players with no empathy could notice it.


“Chief Lee Ho-yeol Lee…?”

“Chief Su has a connection with the dark spirit…?”


Needless to say, the reaction of the wizards, including Payyan.

…I wonder if I’m really shameful.

It was a moment when I barely managed to control my heart.

The dark spirit guy made fun of his snout again.

“It is an infinitely deep darkness.”

No, so how do you call him…!!

“Only you can solve this labyrinth of Teppern.”

…What? Teppern’s Labyrinth?

Do I have to listen to the Spirit to the end?

The moment when I was stunned by an unexpected back story.

A message popped up in front of my eyes.

[Ten Wonder Quest: Teppern’s Labyrinth]

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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