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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 129

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Episode 129. Teppern Labyrinth (2)

[Teppern Labyrinth]

[Recommended level: Lv.500~?]

[Destruction degree: 0%]

[Teppern Labyrinth] crack created by regular updates.

Lee Ho-yeol, spirit of darkness, infinitely deep darkness, even the Tepperun Labyrinth.

The interest that has been going on for almost a week has finally reached its peak.

AAU closely watched the situation.

Park Min-jae, the head of the branch in Korea, widened his eyes.

“Is this a reasonable search volume, Sugyeom-ah?”

Traffic literally skyrocketed through the roof.

It was the number of searches for the keyword ‘Arcana Labyrinth’.


a pounding keyboard.

Yoon Soo-gyeom, who contributed to the search volume, responded.

“We, Ho-yeol, are the only ones who received the quest, but it seems that everyone is keeping an eye on it. This is not an opportunity that comes easily.”

Seong Hyun-joon, who was watching between the two bosses.

He intervened moderately in the conversation.

“Because it’s one of the 10 wonders of the Arcana Continent.”

The days when Arcana was just a game.

It was impossible for those who were the development team to know about the 10 wonders.

If you were the developer of Arcana, it would be strangely huge.

“It’s not a fuss, it’s a real world-class quest.”

It was.

Each of the 10 wonders has an effect on the world beyond the Arcana continent.

So, at this point, I thought that the content was not going to be released….

Park Min-jae flashed his keenly opened eyes.

“It must mean that Lee Ho-yeol’s level has reached that level.”

“you’re right. Because the estimated level is at least level 900.”

“Wait, then shouldn’t the other players intervene?”

Isn’t that scary?

It’s about their lives being staked.

Sung Hyun-jun shook his head.

“Right. How can I compete with Ho-yeol?”

“…what? Ho-yeol?”

“Didn’t that tell me not to homen homen?”

pretend not to hear

Seong Hyun-jun added.

“Still, it’s a labyrinth, so it seems like you’re betting on hope.”

“you’re right. A labyrinth is not an ordinary hunting ground.”

“You seem to think that if you know how to attack, you can break through, right?”

There were many ways to attack the labyrinth in Arcana.

For example, poles against poles.

I could have destroyed all the traps installed and escaped the labyrinth without getting hurt.

There was a way to hit all the traps and beat all the pouring monsters and get out.

“If you really don’t want to do it, just sit still.”

There was even a way to stop and wait in place.

Even when Arcana was just a game, experience was valuable.

It was said that there was a way to give up the attack and wait for the other players to attack the labyrinth before making a profit.

“Hmm, there were such complicated calculations?”

Anyway, what is the mindset of the players?

This feeling as if I was worrying for nothing.

It took a while for Park Min-jae to stick out his tongue.

Yoon Soo-gyeom helped with a word.

“Besides, the proper level is 500. Although it’s high compared to the average level of players… The cracks I’ve seen so far shouldn’t have been so vicious.”

“There’s a high probability that there won’t be any demons that bother you more than anything!”

“…is it?”

Sugyeom and Seong Hyun-joon didn’t seem to take it seriously.


‘What comes to mind of Tepfern, who didn’t even start development even though it was caught?’

Is it because of the increased old age?

There was information that was particularly intrusive to Park Min-jae.

It is the proper level of the [Teppern Labyrinth].

“Hey, Soo-gyeom.”

“yes? Tell me, branch manager.”

“That… the Labyrinth was originally at an appropriate level, right?”

“A question mark? It has been like that since the beginning.”

As I said, there are various strategy methods in the labyrinth.

Depending on the choice, the difficulty of attacking is different.

In the past, it was a system where the appropriate level was marked with a question mark.

Yes, it was just a simple systemic notation…

‘It’s not just a labyrinth, it’s one of the 10 wonders.’

Even the development team themselves.

I can’t remember the details of the settings.

Content from the far future.

Park Min-jae had no choice but to be concerned.

[Appropriate level: Lv.500~?]

What is the maximum value of that question mark?

Ho-yeol Lee Although I do not doubt his ability.

‘Can I just watch and watch?’

Park Min-jae is in trouble of his own.

Seong Hyun-joon’s excited voice pierced his eardrums.

“…what? wait a minute. It seems that the talk with Ho-yeol and the Explorers League ended well, right? The Explorers’ League has started moving! But Fabian did it himself, not just an Alliance explorer?!”

…What Fabian?!

Is that Fabian moving?

Am I right in referring to the Fabien Delon I know?

Park Min-jae asked in shock.

“A legendary explorer and leader of the Explorers’ League, Fabien Delon?”

“yes! That Fabian is right!”

“… such crazy.”

Fabian Delon!

AKA Legendary Explorer.

Including the Ten Wonders.

A man who is closer than anyone else to the rice cakes hidden on the Arcana continent.

So, like the Mage Tower.

for systemic reasons.

He had no choice but to be tied to the position of Explorers Federation leader.

To think that such a pavilion started to move!

It was also to attack the Tepperun Labyrinth with Lee Ho-yeol.

Park Min-jae let out a laugh.

“It was only then that I was really old-fashioned, wasn’t it?”




Three Alliance Explorers, including the Alliance Leader Fabian.

Getting to know their true face.

As expected, there were only explorer players belonging to the same federation.


Title: Relentless relay like a wheel! The Teppern Labyrinth has risen!


Yusura Kingdom.

In front of the main headquarters of the Explorers’ League.

“Do you see well?”

Hwigang Park’s camera captures the images of Fabian and other explorers.

Park Hwi-kang’s excited voice continued before viewers could react.

“I can’t believe that Fabian, the federation leader, is moving! It’s the first sight I’ve ever seen since stepping into the Explorers’ League. Even the president of the federation isn’t enough, even Mr. Aaron Rombus!”

Aaron and Rumbus.

Excluding Fabien, who has not been active in the meantime.

The two explorers with the highest achievements in the Explorers’ League.

– What?? Awesome people???

– No, can’t you just see it? Of course ,

they must be great gentlemen

. My heart grows magnificent.

I haven’t even entered the Tepperun Labyrinth yet.

The chat window is already buzzing.

Park Hwi-gang carefully finished the summary in one line.

“In short, the most elite of the best!”

The most elite members of the Explorers’ League have set out to attack the [Teppern Labyrinth] rift!

It was a big shock even to the players who were expecting the situation to some extent.

“driving me crazy. Was Fabian a character that could move?”

“A nobleman who doesn’t even face us comes out with that attitude?”

“no. Even if Fabian is like that… those two!”

Even to rankers, Fabian was unknown.

Naturally, the direction the arrow is pointing towards is two people.

It was in the direction of Aaron and Rombus.

“Aren’t you both notorious for ransom?”

Two men who are executives of the Explorers’ League and whose achievements are also counted on one or two fingers.

Yes, it wasn’t that they didn’t know about their expensive ransom.

“Apart from the ransom, those two. It’s not usually cheap.”

The one who sticks out his tongue is the 5th ranked Bohemian in the guild rankings.

It was Guild Master Guyver.

In the aftermath of the Holy Land Muon Incident, the guild ranking has fallen by one notch.

It was Bohemian whose rank was reversed with Inazuma.

Guyver treasured the experience.

More important than ranking is understanding the topic.

Thanks to the lesson, I was able to look at the situation calmly.

“You all remember? In the middle of a dungeon clearing competition with Second Sun. Both us and Second Sun. You recruited those two despite the loss.”

“Do you still remember that? You’re talking about before the cataclysm, that’s it.”

“How can I forget? I.”

The shame of that day!

Aaron and Rombus were as proud as their abilities.

Just like how Bohemian and Second Sun competed.

It is said that there was a rivalry between the two.

Thanks to this, the two guilds were swung between the two explorers.

“I realized that day. If I open my hands on the explorer federation again, then it’s a dog, not a human cub. Damn, it was before the cataclysm. If it was after that…”

How many guild members of both sides were forcibly logged out due to the pride fight between the two explorers? Because it was Guyver who knew that fact.

I couldn’t help but worry while shaking my teeth.

“voluntarily. It’s nice that you even declared no pay.”

…Is Lee Ho-yeol really okay?

As you said.

The level of madness of the explorers in front of the expedition is beyond imagination.

Besides, explorers have quick brains.

Like a dungeon or labyrinth.

It means that he wields authority at will when he is in a position of power.

‘Can I control three of those tired tribes?’

I don’t know what Ho-yeol thinks.

dory dory.

Guyver shook his head.

“I refuse even if someone puts it on me.”

It’s obvious that you won’t be able to find it because you’re pushed by the explorers.

“…Guyver, are you serious?”

“huh? Seriously. of course.”

“To be honest, I understand if you are envious. master.”

“what? No, it’s not like that…”

“It’s the arm that’s hurt. A sound that is not even in the heart, like a head injury.”

“No, wait. Words are harsh. you?”

However, Guyver’s nutritious explanation was short-lived.


Soon, Ho-yeol and three explorers met in front of the [Teppern Labyrinth] crack.

Because their first meeting was relayed to the world through the radio waves of nettubers.

towards heat.

Aaron and Rumbus respectfully bowed their heads.

And even Fabian, the leader of the federation.

“…is it true?”

That sight was an opportunity for Guyver to grasp the subject again.

At the same time, it gave courage to players who hesitated to enter the [Teppern Labyrinth] crack.

“okay. If it’s really hard, let’s just stay still.”

“right? Even if we can’t wake up, Lee Ho-yeol will clear it.”

“Uh huh. What is Lee Ho-yeol? Anyway, it’s a habit. It’s Hoyeol.”


[Teppern Labyrinth] On the verge of cracking.

The attention pouring out of them.

It’s been a while since I’ve been exploring.

Or is it because of too much interest?

Fabian lightly relaxed his heavy shoulders.

‘It’s a new feeling, but we live in a tired world. Adventurers.’

I hated the world without freedom.

Then he shifted his gaze.

to the heat.

Numerous nicknames and achievements that followed him.

What kind of guy is he?

Apart from the surprise, it was Fabian who had been waiting for this day.

Indeed, the wait was not worth it at all.

It was as if I was alone in a different world.

First of all, don’t you just look at that outfit?

It wasn’t even from the Arcana Continent, nor was it the outfits of adventurers.

It was hard to believe that he was about to enter the labyrinth. A dress full of formality and dignity.

Even more surprising was the attitude.

“We’ve shared our regards through letters, so let’s skip it.”

Being comfortable with yourself as the leader of the Explorers’ Federation?

I could fully understand.

After all, he had a position comparable to that of King Hakuna in Yusura Kingdom.

Since it was the Explorers’ League that had settled down in Yusra, it was understandable that they had such an attitude.

‘No, considering the consideration the Explorers’ League is receiving in Yusra Kingdom… even if it’s worse than this, we should be generous.’

So it wasn’t the trivial tone that surprised Fabian.

‘…That’s amazing.’

I didn’t feel any pressure at all from his gaze and attitude.

Fabian took another look at the air currents around him.

The moment Hoyeol appears.

The attention and gaze of the crowd focused on him.

It was a bit embarrassing to say with his own mouth… but it

was several times more burdensome than the attention he received as the best explorer in Arcana.

‘I said it was a camera.’

Besides, did you say that small mechanical camera relays the situation here to everyone in the world in real time?

Literally, the world was watching Ho-yeol.

‘It’s so great that the word ‘great’ isn’t enough.’

Despite the enormous attention, he did not waver one inch.

That’s probably why he felt like he was living in another world alone.

Fabian let out a laugh.

‘Thorough preparation for this is colorless.’

The expert in the labyrinth was himself.

Rather, it seems that he is glad to be with Ho-yeol.

It shouldn’t be like this.

The moment Fabian came to his senses.

“Do not enter.”


Soon, as if responding to the evaluation, Ho-yeol’s voice was heard.


exchanging glances with each other.

Federation explorers, including Fabian, moved on.

Fabian opened his mouth sternly.

“Don’t regret your decision. I will do my best.”


I’m glad

Looks like we’re not the only ones entering the labyrinth.

It is also a modern society that helps people live.

‘It’s not about catching the demon king, it’s a little like the four of us.’

The Demon King and the Labyrinth.

The proper level was 300 levels above the fissure of the demon castle.

But for me, the [Teppern Labyrinth] is a much more burdensome rift.

‘Still, I feel relieved.’

In that sense, the Explorers’ League is reliable.

That it requires a lot of preparation.

You mean you didn’t skim through my old-hearted correspondence?

It wasn’t a joke starting with the equipment I wore. That there is no flaw in Grandfel’s aesthetic sense.

The level of the equipment must be at least the [luxury] level.

Even if you are concerned, of course.

I wouldn’t have been able to express myself like I am now.

Still, thanks to that, I was able to open my mouth more confidently.

“Do not enter.”

[Teppern Labyrinth]

[Recommended level:



A landscape that changes in an instant.

One good thing is that the place where the [Teppern Rift] was created is an empty field.

Because the rift is a space of [『Strange』] where reality and the Arcana continent are mixed in half.

‘For example, look at a transfer station.’

A landscape where transfer stations for the hell train are mixed in an already complex labyrinth?

Just imagining it is terrifying. Seriously.

By the way…

it seems it’s been a while since I’ve been relieved?

A vision that gradually brightens.

The scenery of Teppern Labyrinth revealed.

At the same time, a message that comes to mind and a bleak voice.

[Foolish man who entered the Teppern labyrinth.]

[There is no wealth and glory here.]

[Leave this place immediately.]


“Did you hear Mr. Fabian?”

“I heard you. It’s not easy from the start, but this.”

Looking at the reaction, it seems that it is not a common production in the labyrinth.

It took a while for Fabian Aaron Rombus to startle.

The last message came.

[If you don’t want to die.]


I can hear the sound of Fabian and the others spitting.

Warning from the start.

The old woman heart that I tried to suppress wells up again.

But there is no expression.

Aside from my personality, I still had a ‘corner to trust’.

I said in the same voice as always.


A high-el appeared from the air.

The black spirit of darkness that swayed beside such a high-el.

The boy looked at me and whispered.

“The infinitely deep darkness. I have been waiting for your call.”

…waiting and everything is fine.

“Infinitely deep darkness…!!”

There are people who listen.

Even in the labyrinth, how could that title not be enough?

It’s not long before the plea echoes in my heart.

Soon the vision flickered.

[Ten Wonder Quest: Teppern’s Labyrinth]

I came up with a new quest goal.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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