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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 131

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Episode 131. That’s grandiose

[Legendary item – White elytra]

[Grade: Unique]

[Limit: Lv.350]

[Effect: Stores the attribute magic that the user manifests when worn. The number of spells that can be stored is proportional to the color of the elytra, and magic consumption is reduced by 30% when manifesting the stored magic. – Number of attribute magic currently stored: 100]

A magic tool that was rented before entering the fissure of the castle.

I die in the process and can’t live.

Why are you still holding the item without returning it?

If anyone asks, I had a good reason.

‘Strictly speaking, it’s borrowed again.’

[Token of Tornado].

[Luxury – Lightning-Struck Twig Wand].

[Luxury – White elytra].

I thought while returning the items I borrowed from the Garnet Hall of the Mage Tower.

Anyway, I think it’s better to leave at least one insurance.

It was my specialty of understanding the subject.

‘I don’t even have a [natural enemy relationship], so I have to take care of the items properly.’

Of the three, the item I chose was, of course, the white elytra.

Above all, because its performance was truly deceptive.

The effects of other items were also significant.

‘If it wasn’t for the elytra…’

I would never have been able to defeat the demon king Flauros.

‘If you look at the effect, it’s strange that it’s a unique grade.’

There was no procedural problem in extending the rental of magic tools.

Who am I?

A senior co-researcher who is now recognized in his own right at Parachute.

Of course, even without mentioning the chief’s authority, it seemed that there was no magician who needed the [luxury product – white elytra] in the first place.

– “There are many returned magic tools. Why don’t you look around slowly…?”

To the extent that an experienced mage from Garnet Hall recommended it.

other magic tools?

It’s good.

Beyond the good level, I also want to use it.

But all of them have seriously high level limits.


In the end, I only had one choice.

I put the elytra on my shoulders like a cloak.

The elytra clung to the shoulder blades as if they were alive.

It really feels like it has sprouted wings.

Looking at the aesthetics of Grandfel, he was extremely satisfied.

‘…Doesn’t I only like luxury goods too much?’

I had a sudden thought.

Well, at least this is the business that remains.

I checked the fluctuations in the stat window.

[Name: Grandfell Cloudy Arpheus Romeo]

[Title: Last Adventurer]

[Class: Demon Hunter]

[Level: 425]


Strength: 71 / Agility: 76 / Magical Power: 387 / Luck: 6 / Aesthetic : Middle

[Possessed Points: 0]

Thanks to wearing the elytra, [Aesthetic] rose again from 下 to 中.

When there is no [Natural Enemy Relationship], even a minor stat is regrettable.

It can’t be helped even if it’s messy.

You have to take care of what you have to take care of.

“That’s the magical tool of the Mage Tower…!”

Of course, other people couldn’t understand my complicated intentions.

Fabian and the others clearly showed admiration.

Of course, everyone came to their senses right away because the situation was the situation.

“Sir, not…. To break through the trap head-on!”




“Teppern was an ancient city.”


The Dark Spirit’s words were surprising from the start.

Alliance explorers Aaron and Rombus laughed.

including themselves.

It was Tepfern that so many explorers clung to.

The past where I couldn’t get a single proper clue.

“I didn’t expect to learn Teppern’s secret like this…”

“Don’t stretch your tongue, Aaron. Because even I lose my temper.”

“Be quiet for now, both of you.”

In fact, Fabian’s feelings were not very different from those of the two.

‘Even if the method is different for each expedition.’

Exploring with the help of spirits now.

Because it was the first time he had ever experienced something like this.

But Fabien’s brain was cool.

He judged the situation realistically.

‘Generally, it takes at least a week to explore the labyrinth.’

However, this is not an ordinary labyrinth, it is the [Teppern Labyrinth], one of the 10 wonders of the Arcana continent.

If not, it will take several times as much time.

‘…Can we destroy it?’

Even now, it took dozens of minutes to disarm a single trap.

Three explorers, including himself, clung to it.

But even time wasn’t enough.

Why did you say that time is like afternoon tea?

As Lord Hoyeol said.

‘Because this is a rift, not the Arcana continent.’

Considering the rising degree of rift collapse…

Fabian had no choice but to admit it quickly.

“It won’t be possible the way we planned.”

In that sense, it was necessary to listen carefully to the words of the Dark Spirit.

Any information about Teppern would be helpful in some way.

“They awakened the ‘unawakened one.’”

…but an existence that shouldn’t be woken up?

“Deep down here underground.”



At those words, Fabian’s intuition stood firm.

A sense of incongruity that I felt from the moment I stepped into the Teppern Labyrinth.

If neither treasure nor honor existed.

What was the reason why the labyrinth was built?

Finally, the questions in my head started to come together.

Fabian muttered softly.

“…was it to seal an existence that shouldn’t be awakened?”

If you think so, everything fits.

A trap so complicated that even the designer couldn’t break it.

An overly inefficient structure.

Even the gloomy voice that echoed in the labyrinth.

-Leave this place immediately. if you don’t want to die

Fabian laughed bitterly.

“Was it a friendly concern rather than a warning?”

Truly a legendary explorer.

Fabian’s intuition was correct. As the spirit of darkness continued to speak, Aaron and Rombus swallowed their saliva. Then I looked at the wall where the trap was hiding.

“I didn’t put a spell on it just to fuck you.”

“Magic is not ordinary magic. It is black magic.”

“Because the only thing that can survive after so many years is black magic.”

No matter what magic tool you use.

The magic manifested from magic cannot be maintained permanently.

However, the black magic that is manifested in ‘appropriate magic’ is different.

Appropriate magical power comes from the past and background.

Fabian spit out his impressions.

“It is a tragedy.”

I don’t know the specific story.

Tepfern awakened the existence that should not be awakened.

to fulfill their responsibilities.

To protect the peace of Arcana Continent.

They created a labyrinth, sealed the beings that shouldn’t be awakened, and sacrificed themselves until now. Was it a sacrifice of black magic so that the labyrinth could do its job?

Aaron, who also learned all the facts.

He put his hand on the wall of the labyrinth.

“Then, what about the presence you felt inside the wall?”

It was the inhabitants of Tepfern who never sleep.

What kind of secret was hidden in the mystery?


Fabien and the others, lost in thought, shut their mouths.

Of course, thanks to Ho-yeol’s bomb declaration, the silence didn’t last long.

“Sir, not…. To break through the trap head-on!”

It was a conversation between Hoyeol and the spirit of darkness.

It was the truth about Tepfern that even they, who overheard by the side, understood. There was no way that the Lord had misunderstood… But, no matter who saw it, the actions continued as if they were not empty words.


because Hoyeol moved his steps with his wings flying.

“Fabien is saying that I will inherit Teppern’s pride.”

“…if you say pride?”

The one that sealed the existence that shouldn’t be awakened in the labyrinth?

‘Then, does this mean that you want to further strengthen this seal?’

However, Ho-yeol’s answer was much more shocking than expected.

“An entity that should not be awakened. We just need to get rid of the culprit.”





A being that should not be awakened.

How come your name is so powerful?

Again, recall the information of the rift.

[Recommended level: Lv.500~?]

Now I think I understand why the appropriate level was not clearly specified.

Because he’s a guy involved in the world-class quest, the Ten Wonders.

Wouldn’t it be at least named and maximum boss mobs?

‘Damn it, it’s my turn.’

In that sense, I really resent this guy’s pride…

Noblesse Oblige.

You can’t help but look out for everything.

Grandfell’s aristocratic pride spoke.

“Teppern has done their duty up until now.”

From the time when the ancient city of Teppern was intact until now.

The survivors of Teppern, who became the hosts and sacrifices of black magic themselves and kept the labyrinth without being able to sleep. You deserve a good night’s sleep.

Are you saying that the system was moved by my damn tired pride?

The quest window was blinking.

New quest objectives have been updated.

—Witness the Labyrinth of Teppern. (Success)

– Reach the depths of the labyrinth. (Reserved)

─Destroy the ‘existence that should not be awakened’ sleeping in the depths. (In progress)

Do Do Do It is a pride that even the system is impressed.

…a horn.

I judged soberly.

‘Above that the rift was created. It would have been inevitable for them to meet.’

‘The existence that should not be awakened’.

He must be sealed in the depths.

If I don’t kill him, the rift won’t be cleared anyway. However, this did not mean that the conversation with the dark spirit was meaningless.

‘What do you mean? I knew first that I would be beaten.’

Even so, I should have liked that I had time to prepare.

‘This is a situation I can’t even like.’

Normal mobs and named mobs are on a different level.

Named mobs and boss mobs are on a different level.

Having to kill the ‘existence that should not be awakened’, which must be the minimum named maximum boss mob.

It was a very burdensome situation for me now that [Natural Enemy Relations] was not turned on.

But there was no hesitation in my steps.

I moved towards the other side of the labyrinth.

Fabian’s urgent voice was heard.

“kyung! The wall will come down. The inhabitants of Teppern who have become victims of black magic…!!”

Because of the heavy pride that can’t live without sinking?

Or because of the gracefully fluttering white elytra?

If that’s not the case, because Hiel and the Dark Spirit are by your side?

No, that’s not the point.

because i knew

‘Darkness is subject to a thicker darkness.’

properties of black magic.

black magic.

A different type of magic that the senior wizard Matisse Dean Carl established the concept of only in modern times. Dark magic has a short history, but my knowledge about it is sufficient.

Who is Matisse?

Before Marcelo rose to prominence, a wizard who was closer to the position of chief than anyone else.

what that word means

his ability.

In other words, there was nothing lacking in the books on black magic he had written.

In other words, I had read all of the black magic books that existed in the Mage Tower without missing a single one.


must be because he stepped forward without hesitation.

Trap triggered.

Looking at the collapsing wall, I said calmly.

“Did the 『Black Crown』 manifest throughout the labyrinth? Right. It must have been too much to seal him in a simple labyrinth. I can guess what you were concerned about.”

Intermediate black magic black crown.

The effect is to take away some of the target’s five senses. The black crown manifested in the Tepperun Labyrinth was aimed at only one target, an existence that should not be awakened.

A black shape fully revealed within a short period of time.

“In order to maintain that black crown, an enormous amount of appropriate mana must have been required. It must have been the [Black Contract] with your bodies as sacrifices to cover it.”

Advanced Black Magic Black Contract.

To put it simply, it is a type of necromancy.

The difference between horsepower and suitable horsepower, if anything else. And, unlike the necromancer’s necromancy, black’s contract can also manifest on living subjects.

Fabian hesitated at my words.

“Sir, that word… the residents of Teppern are in order to keep the guy trapped in this labyrinth sealed away forever. Are you saying that they sacrificed their bodies to black magic?”


Hyel nodded in my place.

Yes Teppern.

Like a mystery, the story is gloomy.

But whatever the consequences. The fact that they sacrificed their lives to prevent chaos on the Arcana continent has not changed.

It is understandable that this guy’s pride cannot be overlooked.

So now I understand.

There was no more whining.

“…leave. if you don’t want to die leave.”

All that remains is the resentment of the past.

The Black Contractors were approaching.

The number of them was incalculable.

“…leave. if you don’t want to die leave.”

“…leave. if you don’t want to die leave.”

“…leave. if you don’t want to die leave.”

But I didn’t back down.

I know their pride.

I also know their grudges.

“I know your heart.”

I thought it was something that shouldn’t be woken up.

I don’t know what he really is, but he must be a great guy since he’s grandiose in his title.

by the way.

This one is also grandiose enough to be second to none.

infinitely deep darkness.

…It’s a problem because it’s so grandiose that you want to get behind it.


I raised the magic power that was appropriate for that nickname.

It is on a different level from interacting with the spirit of darkness.

The entire Teppern Labyrinth began to respond to my suitable magical power.

Goo Goo Goo—!

A vibration echoing in the labyrinth.

I hear the panicking voices of Fabian and the others.

“Fa Fabian League Leader! What is going on?”

But I don’t have time to listen.

Is it because of the dark history or because of the gloomy background setting of Grandfel? Its source is unknown, but it is suitable magic power that overflows to an unknown end.

Even just controlling this is too much…!

But, as always, I was not shaken.

Soon, the black contractors who were approaching me stopped.

At the same time, a message popped into my field of vision.

[You have obtained command over the contractor of Teppern Black.]

They spat out different words than before.

“…After a long wait, the opportunity to right the wrong has arrived.”


Koo Goo Goong—!

The Tepperun Labyrinth vibrates as if it would collapse at any moment.

Players screamed everywhere.

But the real thing was just the beginning.

“It doesn’t end just because it shakes!”

“Mobs will come out of the labyrinth walls!”

“crazy! what kind of child are you Get out of here, you troll!”

Although each location in the labyrinth was different, everyone took a combat posture.

Class explorer Park Hwi-gang, who boasts mediocre fighting skills, also raised a dagger for self-defense.

“I apologize in advance. I think the transmission might be uneven.”

It is not an ordinary labyrinth.

I had a hunch, but I didn’t know there would be such a drastic change.

After all, is it one of the 10 wonders of the Arcana continent? The temporarily assembled party members also spit out their feelings.

“I was sweating even when one or two popped out.”

“…More than a hundred, right?”

“A hundred or so? It just seems like the entire labyrinth is collapsing.”

“Brothers and sisters. It seems that today is my memorial day. How can you sponsor me even if you have no money on the road to the underworld…”

“No, are you going to say something really unlucky there?!”

“What? Did you even pay me for six pieces of meat?”

Kugu Palace!

Just when the argument was about to heat up.

A labyrinth that collapsed at the right time.

However, the dry saliva he had swallowed was colorless.


[The Contractor of Teppern Black].

The gloomy monsters did not rush at them from their appearance.

No, beyond not being hostile, I turned around completely and started moving in the opposite direction.

“Over there…?”

The depths of the labyrinth.

A place where an existence that should not be awakened is sealed.

And towards the place where the ‘endless darkness’ set foot.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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