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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 132

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Episode 132. Complaining (1)

“What is this?”

Nettuber’s Occupational Disease.

Park Hwi-gang muttered to himself, and the chat window matched the rhythm.

-Why what what???

– Hwigang, adjust the camera angle!!!

-I’m going crazy

because I’m curious. Just Homen

“No. It’s not that Hoyeol-nim showed up…”

The camera angle changes as soon as you touch it.

The [Teppern Black Contractor] finally appeared on the screens of viewers.

-Which is there so much? DDDDDD

– Did you kill a sunfish without being able to do anything??

-But where are they going???

Literally great.

Even after being surprised by the volume, viewers also noticed a sense of incongruity for a while. [Teppern Black Contractor] It was clear that they were monsters that were also specified in the additional update details.

“Why aren’t you attacking differently than before?”

“Can I understand if you ask me?”

“Brothers. I even drank a wasteful potion. How can I sponsor the potion money?”

I don’t know what happened, but…


A sigh of relief burst out from all over the place.

However, Park Hwigang did not let go of the tension yet.

Because there was such a thing as an explorer’s intuition.

“This is not the level of touching a trap.”


Even at this moment, the labyrinth vibrated as if it were about to collapse. Even if someone deliberately trolled, there would be no such thing as a device that would shake the entire labyrinth.

“I’m sure something more happened than that…”

In normal times, thinking about it would have been quite a hassle.

But the trouble didn’t last long.

There is only one possibility that comes to mind.

[Teppern Labyrinth] Because there was heat in the crack.

‘…That’s right, Hoyeol-nim is on a quest!’

[Teppern Fence] The incident that happened in the crack.

A conversation between Ho-yeol and the Dark Spirit.

Because the scene was on the airwaves, all sorts of analysis continued over the conversation between the two. The infinitely deep darkness is definitely Hoyeol’s class…

But there was only one definite conclusion.

-“Only you can solve this labyrinth of Teppern.”

Ho-yeol received a quest related to the Tepperun Labyrinth.

The end of the reasoning that bites tail after tail.

Park Hwigang opened his mouth.

“I think this is what Ho-yeol-nim did.”

-what? Are you Hoyeol?

-You mean Hoyeol was trolling?

-It’s blasphemy!!

“no. This is not trolling!”

I could tell just by looking at the actions of the [Teppern Black Contractors].

As if hitting a trap.

The mobs woke up, but didn’t attack.

just go somewhere

To be precise, it was only moving toward the depths of the labyrinth.

‘Isn’t this part of Hoyeol’s quest?’

The conclusion came out, but Park Hwi-gang kept his mouth shut.

It may be an overestimation.

It could have been a nuisance to Ho-yeol.

But for others to find out.

No further explanation was needed.

[Teppern Black Contractor] has been repeating the same lines since his first appearance.

Because their lines have changed.

“…After a long wait, the opportunity to right the wrong has arrived.”


It wasn’t one.

All the black contractors were saying that.

Players, including Hwigang Park, exchange glances with each other.

They opened their mouths without asking anyone first.

“This is also part of the quest!”

“What kind of quest scale is this…?”

“Really, it’s hard for anyone to get even one job quest!”

What kind of quest are you on?

Could it shake the entire labyrinth and have such an impact?

Apart from envy, my heart was pounding as a fellow player.

At that moment, someone opened their mouth.

“How shall we follow?”

As the [Teppern Black Contractors] woke up and moved, there was no need to worry about traps.

If you literally follow them…

“You might be able to safely go to the depths of the labyrinth.”

The depths of the labyrinth.

From there, you will be able to reunite with the players you have lost by entering the rift.

Among them, there must be Hoyeol. Leaving the spoils of the labyrinth, at this moment, pure curiosity was bound to rise.

“I want to see it with my own eyes. What are you doing!”

I wanted to watch Hoyeol’s performance.

It wasn’t just Park Hwigang’s party.

All players who have entered the labyrinth.

The starting point from which they fell.

“If you follow them, you can go to the depths of the labyrinth, right?”

“There will be Lee Ho-yeol there.”

“Then, will you be able to ascertain what the hell Lee Ho-yeol is up to?”

the moment you make a decision.

There was no one to say first.


Each starting point players followed the procession of [Teppern Black Contractors].

as expected indeed.

The trap no longer triggered.

“By the way, what’s so deep in this bastard’s labyrinth?”

“This isn’t really the crack that I came up with to clear.”

“If it was a normal speed, you wouldn’t have reached the depths, let alone cleared the rift until it collapsed?”

Even sticking out your tongue, underground, deeper underground.

At the end of their hasty steps, the players arrived.

In the depths of the Teppern Labyrinth.

and witnessed

“…what is that?”

The rock wall of the labyrinth.

A huge ‘something’ filling the wall.

“…a jewel? But does it seem to be moving?”

“Brothers, didn’t that just flinch?”

“for a moment. Could that be the pupil?”

“Hey Mr. don’t be crazy What kind of pupils are so big?!”

It’s so big you can’t even recognize it at once.

It was big enough to deny it.

A pupil that seemed to pass ten meters well.

Someone stutters.

“…If that’s a pupil, how big is the main body?”


The moment I realized, goose bumps ran through my body.

Arcana’s boss mobs that pass by in my head for a moment. Was there ever a monster that boasted such a huge body? Looking back, there was nothing that came to mind.


players arriving from other starting locations.

“Look. I said I was late.”

“That’s right. Was the situation on the other side the same as ours?”

“Wow. What is so much?”

“… Hey wait.”

They also faced the giant pupil one by one.

I didn’t even get a status error message yet.

As a player, you could tell right away.

“I said it was strange from the beginning of the labyrinth!!”

“What is the proper level of 500? Damn it!”

“I recognized Lee Ho-yeol from the beginning. I am!”

It’s not an enemy that we can deal with at our level.

It was intuitively obvious.

So, the gaze naturally had no choice but to turn to Ho-yeol.

“…I don’t doubt it. Is it possible?”

Lee Ho-yeol.

Estimated level Minimum level 900.

But no matter how hot it is.

Can I deal with that guy?

It’s because I was overwhelmed by his size as soon as I met him.

Those watching, including the player, felt uneasy.

“Boss mobs are on a different level. Even if it’s an advantage in level, the stat itself is different from normal monsters. But there’s no law that it’s lower than Lee Ho-yeol’s level…”

Moreover, Ho-yeol’s current power wasn’t 100 percent.

Although Ho-yeol’s individual strength will not change.

A force that follows Ho-Yeol.

mage tower.

Knights of the Lionheart.

Shadow Mercenaries.

From the Goddess Church to the Holy Knights.

Because this time, that overwhelming force was not with us.

“The only ones accompanying Lee Ho-yeol were three explorers.”

Of course, all three, including the legendary explorer Fabian, were not ordinary explorers.

However, the explorer was clearly a non-combat class.

It means that you can’t expect much help in battle.

Some players with quick brains opened their mouths.

“Then can we join? To Hoyeol.”

“Yes, of course you should join. It’s a boat ride anyway.”

“that’s right. Because I have to knock him down anyway. But…”

…Honestly, can we help?

I don’t know well, but I can’t see the front?

There was no focus on the huge pupil.

just keep your eyes open

Still, I wasn’t sure.

The tissue of the skin of the guy revealed at a glance under the rocks of the labyrinth.

“I don’t think you can even get a scratch on my level honestly?”

Players imagined the worst.

If the focus returns to his pupils.

If that gaze is directed at them…

“Damn it, I’m already scared. this.”

Is this what it feels like to play with your body and head separately?

Songgol Songgol─

My hands, which had been working so hard to grab the equipment, began to sweat.

However, players were overlooking one.

Right here.

The existence of the [Teppern Black Contractors] who gathered toward the depths of the labyrinth.

Contractor in Black The shimmering black shape began to move.


Due to the narrow passage of the labyrinth, it was impossible to accurately count the numbers.

As they entered the vast depths, their numbers came into view at a glance.

No, it was the number of heads that could not be seen at a glance.

“I don’t think it could be thousands or even ten thousand?!”

Is it because of the anxiety that has already wrapped around the body?

someone murmured softly.

“…what if they suddenly change?”

“What can I do?”

“It’s too late to run away now. Calm down, everyone.”

A dry

saliva that goes over by itself.

However, the concerns were in vain.


The contractors in black, who had been chaotically mixed due to each pouring out from different crossroads, began to move.

They formed a formation in line with Oh.

“…What is it all of a sudden?”

Behavior that seems faithful to ‘formality’ and ‘procedure’.

The first thing I noticed was, of course.

It was Park Hwi-gang, who was quick-witted and yet his faith was not shaken.

‘Hoyeol. Where is Ho-yeol?’

After all, it is clear that Ho-yeol moved the black contractor!

Park Hwigang looked around the depths.

The depths of the labyrinth crowded with black contractors and players.

Do you want to find passion in it?

It should have been like finding a needle in the sand.


Park Hwi-gang found Ho-yeol at once.

by the power of faith?

No it wasn’t like that.

In the depths of the dark labyrinth.

A figure that emits a brilliant halo from there.

[White elytra].

It was thanks to the fluttering elytra, imbued with a hundred elemental magics, exuding its presence. And even the silvery hair that reflects the light.


Ho-yeol’s presence was brilliant even in the labyrinth of despair.

Its appearance is like an infinitely deep darkness.

A ray of light shining in it.

Park Hwi-kang activated the [Explorer’s Gaze] skill to get a closer look at Ho-yeol, but was startled. I thought I was looking at it wrong, so I even looked at it with tears in my eyes.

No matter how you look at that thing in Ho-yeol’s hand…

“…a teacup?”


that was a steaming teacup.



The angle of the neck and arms without shaking.

A teacup tilted in a restrained posture.

…It’s tea time out of nowhere.

How do you look to others?

It’s okay, I don’t even want to think about it anymore.

Just thinking about it makes me suffer. Hoyeol-ah…

[Magical regeneration increases slightly for 6 hours.]

So-called crying and eating medicinal herbs.

I looked up at the huge pupil.

He was the ‘existence that should not be awakened’.

Indeed, the reputation of a legendary explorer doesn’t go anywhere.

As soon as he saw Fabian’s pupils, he identified his true identity.

“In terms of leather, it is a snake or a lizard. However, at this size…” The world’s


continued, breaking into a cold sweat.

“I think it might be a dragon-related guy.”

Fabian’s erudition sometimes hurts me.

…a dragon!

After struggling all over and finally defeating the demon king, he faced the dragon.

Now you can be sure. All of this is because I didn’t invest stat points in [Luck] Really…!

‘It’s the final content, dragons.’


To describe strength in one word, it was simple.

『The lesson of the Dragon Demon War, which left uncontrollable damage, was clear. Even the magic tower can’t stand up to the immortal dragon…] It’s

nothing else, it’s because the book I read in the magic tower says so.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration. So it is understandable that Fabian is breaking out in a cold sweat.

“Sir, now I understand. The reason why the ancient city of Tepfern, which boasted such a large scale, tried to seal it even at the cost of everything.”

Of course, dragons are not demons.

It means that there is no such thing as a [natural enemy relationship] being activated.

No, it wasn’t an opponent that could win even if it was activated.

Is it an existence that cannot be defeated even if the entire Magic Tower attacks?

The Mage Tower, who was the party, took the defeat as a lesson.

I mean, it was written as a book.

…I guess I’m pretty fucked up.

If it was me in the past, I might have spit it out like that.

But that’s it.

I’ve gotten used to it to the point where the hiatus is now insignificant.

It’s that you’ve got an eye for it.

‘That’s not a dragon.’

Why can you be sure?

Because I knew that even quests had grades.

[Ten Wonder Quest: Teppern’s Labyrinth]

Teppern, the 10 Wonders of the Arcana Continent.

Destroy Teppern’s Labyrinth.

Let the world know the true nature of Teppern.

Mysteries discovered so far: 0 / 10

─Witness the labyrinth of Teppern. (Success)

– Reach the depths of the labyrinth. (Reserved)

─Destroy the ‘existence that should not be awakened’ sleeping in the depths. (In progress)

If it was really a dragon-related quest.

This wouldn’t have been classified as a 10 Wonders quest.

It would have really emerged as a world quest rather than a world class.

[World Quest: The Seed of the World Tree]

Like the World Tree Quest.

So, I was thinking that it was worth a try.

So, are you fully prepared?

From item equipment to elixir doping.

In my heart, I wanted to take care of Fabian and the others as well.

“It’s a shame I don’t have a car I can give you guys.”

Fortunately, Fabian smiled shyly.

“no. There is nothing to worry about. In fact, even if you recommend it, I’m not in the mood to eat anything.”

“Neither do I.”

“I agree.”

I feel less sorry because everyone says that.

Besides, it wasn’t just me and Fabian and the others here.

For some reason, there are players who have entered the rift with me as it seems.

And for peace on the Arcana continent. There are proud people of Tepfern who sacrificed themselves.

[Teppern 10890 black contractors]

[Current status: waiting for orders]

And I know.

A being that should not be awakened.

Even if I don’t know if that’s a real dragon or what, I mean it’s not in a good state anyway. It was thanks to the 『Black Crown』 that was maintained through the sacrifice of the people of Tepperun.

‘He’s been deprived of his five senses.’

[Blindness] [Silence] [Paralysis] etc…

It was said that he had all sorts of abnormal conditions.

The unfocused flickering pupil at this moment is the proof.

And I am full of ‘appropriate mana’ that can make the effect of 『Black Crown』 stronger. So I can open my mouth confidently as always.

“You must not wake up.”

At the same time, suitable magic power to raise.

You will lose your hearing and you won’t be able to hear.

I spoke.

“If you’re struggling to sleep, I’ll accept it. Wherever you want to go wild.”

…Anyway, cubic.

That’s what I said, but nothing else.

I can’t just let a guy related to dragons go wild…!

My desperate will came to mind as a message.

[‘Fear’ occurs to the entity that should not be awakened.]

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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