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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 140

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Episode 140. Arcana (2)

Time was tight, but preparations were thoroughly completed.

Even in order not to die in Arcana Continent, overwhelmed by pride. One of them was to align with the Dwarves.

– “I understand the great will.”

It was shameless to have coordinated the timing…

no, it was the trustworthy Hi-L.

Because he resembles someone, he is sure to handle the work.

There was no breach of procedure.

Anyway, I hadn’t even thought of this message.

[You have entered the continent of Arcana, which is heading toward destruction.]

Below the entry notification.

Messages that came to my mind one after another.

[You have met the conditions.]

[Reward will be given.]

I could tell just by looking at the first two lines.

…It’s a quest-related message.

Including class quests.

There were several quests currently being performed, but only one quest that would be rewarded could come to mind.

[Demon King Plauros vs Dwarf].

It is clear that the war quest that accumulated a million public achievements.

How is it right?

[The ‘oath’ with that faction is valid.]

[The relationship with that faction is already at maximum.]

[Influence with that faction is already at maximum.]

That’s right.

I checked the message without even being conceited.

That faction is, of course, the Dwarves.

The oath must be between Akkshan and the dwarves.

This was the message I had been guessing so far.

So, what kind of reward is given instead?

He even drank kimchi soup secretly.


[You have obtained command of the flying mechanical Iron Castle.]

…This was a reward that exceeded expectations.

It was me who had attained command several times.

So I had no choice but to make a fuss.

‘I can command the Dwarf’s decisive battle weapon?’

I, Lee Ho-yeol, also have a conscience.

Even if you call it the last demon hunter.

I’m not brazen enough to worry about Akshan’s oath that I didn’t even know about.

At most, one Dwarven weapon or armor.

It was me who expected it as a reward.

Giving me a reward like this will shake my conscience…!

Who are the dwarves?

They have different directions from the Mage Tower, but possess technical skills comparable to the Mage Tower. The ‘Iron Castle’, the culmination of that technology. It means that the boat that flies in the sky serves as my back boat.

‘Really, all of them attack me.’

demons and monsters.

[Natural Enemy Relations] is activated and I leave Malgo.

If it wasn’t for bad weather, wouldn’t there be nothing that could stop the Iron Castle? Why, even now, more than a hundred per day.

from earth to sky. Because it was the Iron Castle, which was flying leisurely even on the continent of Arcana, which was full of demons.

But i know

this tired personality.

Damn integrity.

‘I can’t use it against my pride.’

I can’t be straight, so I have a stiff personality.

Could the Iron Castle be used for things not related to the ‘Oath’?

But for today, this moment is fine.

‘After all, the purpose is to hunt demons.’

This too was like an extension of the Holy War.

“Now we have arrived.”

While diligently rolling my head.

We finally reached the entrance of the mansion.

Again, the scale is large.

A mansion like this in a location not far from the imperial capital.

Marcelo, you were the master of a very well-to-do family, right?

It’s different from our ignorant Grandfel.

“The gardening is thorough.”

“haha. It is an honor to recognize our hard work. For the Simoard family. The users, including Seo Seo, are doing their best.”

I am Lee Ho-yeol.

He suffered from the pride of Grandfel and cleaned up every day.

Around the time I was worried that I might get housewife eczema.

I realized one thing.

‘It’s not normal to do housework properly.’

Even tidying up the office in a studio was such a hassle.

The hard work of the servants who manage this mansion.

I just can’t get over it again.

“I know your pride.”

“It’s such an exaggeration.”

Did my words make you feel better?

Seo’s gaze turned to the shore of the lake.

“The scenery of Lake Narnia is as beautiful as the garden. If you don’t mind, I’ll guide you to a room with a great view of the lake.”

It is a beautiful lake scenery.

So you’re talking about that lake where the devil’s pupils are reflected in the sky? If I hadn’t known anything, I would have been shocked. I wonder if it’s right that you’re looking at the same thing as me.

‘A hallucination of abnormal status.’

But I know why.

We also know that the culprit is the devil.

That means you know it’s not Seo’s fault.


What came out of my mouth was an appropriate answer.

at the same time.

Seo placed her hand on the door of the mansion.

“Then welcome to the Seymourdes.”

Snuggle Geek—!

When the door opened, I felt a demonic energy.

Even if you’re not a demon hunter, you have no choice but to stop.

First of all, the inside of the mansion is too dark.

It’s hard to find one light.

to such an extent that the activity is unreasonable.

“It’s a lot of work. Miss Emma.”

“Ah, boss. Who’s by your side…?”

“You are a guest. Please give me another place to eat.”

However, employees including Seo are unaware of it.

As expected, it wouldn’t be strange if it was a status ailment.

belly of the devil.

When I came in and checked the scenery, I was a little concerned.

‘Least advanced demon.’

He was the one who swallowed an entire Mado family.

Considering that Bellier, of course, Marcelo is also in a state of abnormal condition… What is the reward? I really did something I wouldn’t have dared to do if it wasn’t for the [Last Adventurer] effect.

But even if you realized it.

There was no change in my confident demeanor.

I calmly opened my mouth.

“Thank you for the hospitality.”

“no. It’s time for the family lord to come down soon…”

Seo gestured as if guiding.

“If you don’t mind, would you like to be seated first?”

according to his recommendation.

I sat down at the table.

Tableware placed neatly.

Even in the dark, the servants move without breaking the formality. It’s hard to say such a thing in a situation like this where I walked into the devil’s mouth, but…


I am very satisfied at this moment.

No, beyond being satisfied, I feel comfortable.

『He was born as an heir to a great family and tasted the end of abundance…』

Yes, it must be because of his setup!

Because of that, a medieval mansion that modern people should be unfamiliar with.

What makes you feel as comfortable as your own bedroom?

There is no law that makes a rattling sound even when putting down the tableware.

Looking at my snout, which can’t get over even a small pod… It must mean that the servants of the Simuard family really have no flaws.

of course.

[The skill ‘Natural Relations’ is activated.]

Except for that one.

A presence felt from upstairs.

Swallowed the Seymourd family.

The root cause of the time-limited curse.

The devil was approaching.

The boy’s voice was heard.

“Did you introduce the mansion to your guests, Seo?”

“More details will be provided after dinner.”

“is it so. Do what is convenient for you.”

You were aware of my existence.

Well, it must mean that Seo noticed my approach from the moment he came out to meet me.

But you wouldn’t imagine me being a demon hunter.

Until [Exorcism] is activated.

A shadow soon approached the table.

Countess Seymourd.

The devil greeted me.

“This introduction is late. This is Yula Seymourd. Unwillingly, she is serving as the head of the Simuard family. By the way… are you wearing unfamiliar clothes?”

When it comes to unfamiliar clothes.

I’m talking about a suit that is indispensable to me.

That’s right, even in real life, it’s my outfit that gets weird looks.

There’s nothing to say on the Arcana continent.

But I didn’t respond.



I do not engage in unnecessary conversation with my prey.



I wonder if the servants noticed the sudden silence.

The hand that filled the cup paused for a moment.

But noblesse oblige.

Because I have to thank the workers again for their hard work.

“Thank you.”

I said hello even though the silence was overshadowed.

“…Oh no.”

How can you thank yourself without answering your wife’s question?

The servant seemed perplexed, but his mouth could not remain still after it opened.


I raised the glass and stirred it in the air.

challang challang.

A wine that exudes a subtle red color.

I’ve never had a single glass of wine in my life.

I spoke shamelessly.

“It’s a heavy, non-sticky scent.”

I don’t know what makes it different from the smell of grape juice.

“A maturation period that is neither insufficient nor excessive.”

Of course, I don’t know how many years this wine has been bought.

“This wine is perfect for dinner.”

…What is a sommelier?

It’s what I said, but I can’t help but be suspicious. Because I was the one who added all sorts of rhetoric while drinking only a few hundred won worth of green tea bags.

I put down my glass and continued.

“I know you’ll be fine without drinking.”

“Thank you for…”

Not only the servant but also the head butler, Seo, seemed flustered.

Because it was me who chattered while ignoring the important words.

To me like that, Yula Seymourd again.

No, the devil’s question flew in.

“…You are quite knowledgeable about wine. Are you coming from the South by any chance?”

But this time, he doesn’t respond.

did you say

Noblesse Oblige.

I’m just for the servants who serve Marcelo’s Simuard family. It’s just following the ‘procedure’. That is to say, do not cross the line on the subject of inferior race.

The cold silence flowed again—

I didn’t open my mouth until the food was served in front of me.

“It’s a cooking method worthy of a great source.”

By the way, even if you don’t drink, you need to eat.

‘Why is the ghost who died after eating the stain…’

It’s not.

Before and after strenuous activity.

Because protein intake is not an option, it is a must.




Seymourd family.

Godmother Yula Simuard.

Since when did she claim to be the mother of the Simoard family?

no one knows exactly

Even family members.

However, no one doubted Yula.

A status ailment that has been passed down through the generations of the Simuard family.

‘The devil’s curse’ was such a thing.

Through the window, Yula looked at the night sky reflected in the lake.

“It is an enchanting view.”

I thought that the scenery that I had only seen in the Pandemonium would unfold on the Arcana Continent.

Indeed, it was worthwhile to rot in an insignificant human body for decades.

“In the future, just as leisurely as now.”

I had no intention of rushing out to Yula.

I had no intention of being thrown into hell like the stupid demon lords or pitiful colossal greed. Unlike the foolish ones, he knew how to increase his strength without stepping out.

“You too, Marcelo.”

Humans are stupid.

Even among humans called wizards, even those who are at least clever are not exceptions.

A deal that lets your talent bloom with your lifespan as collateral.

“Not even a god. Would that be possible?”

It was a trick.

It was thanks to a status ailment that made me believe that the deal was real and that it really worked. To trade life for modest self-confidence. Yula let out a laugh.

“A weak human being. Thanks to you, I grew up like this.”

Yula knew.

That quality is just as important as quantity.

In that sense, the lineage of the Simuard family was the highest quality offering.

Among those sacrifices, Marcelo Simuard was an ecstatic prey.

‘If I take his life, I will…!’

for the first time.

You will seize the power to change the order of the demon king.

You can also stop wearing human skin.

Compared to the years that had passed, only an instant remained.

“Luckily, the entertainment is rolling in.”

Why do you greet guests while acting as a householder?

As I said, it was a simple play.

It’s always been a pleasure to watch a human being terrified.

So I exercised a trivial limb.

to receive guests.

And now it was.

‘…what is it?’

Yula was in a state of incongruity.

The silver-haired man’s reaction was the most heterogeneous.

If you are a normal human from ancient times, before you reveal yourself.

Even if it’s not already horror.

It was necessary to show a certain degree of agitation.

A mansion buried in darkness. The limbs who do not feel uncomfortable in such a mansion. In other words, being overwhelmed by the atmosphere that comes from there is a response suitable for humans.

But to behave so naturally in a mansion like this?

‘It’s a strange outfit.’

Yula shook her head.

Currently, the Arcana Continent is distorted by the Pandemonium’s tectonic shift.

Could it be the man who was pushed from a faraway area in the aftermath of the tectonic shift?

Is that why you can’t even comprehend the situation?

Yula spoke to him to get a feel for the man.

“…You seem to be wearing strange clothes?”

…However, no answer came back.

I wonder if you didn’t hear me.

It was nothing like that.


It was ignored.

“A heavy, non-sticky scent.”

“A maturation period that is neither insufficient nor excessive.”

“This wine is perfect for dinner.”

It was because he was arrogantly upright, shaking his glass and talking.

It wasn’t even once.

While having a good conversation with the insignificant servants.

He was blatantly ignoring his words.

As if he wouldn’t even talk to me.

‘You dare to be human. me.’

In an instant, anger flared up.

Yula suppressed.

‘Rather, it worked out.’

It’s been a long time since I’ve broken such a person.

In that sense, I was rather interested.

If you imagine how that arrogant face will be crumpled and collapsed.

“It’s okay to clear my seat. Emma.”

Yula put the tableware down and looked at the man.

This time, he blatantly released his instrument.

To a level that a normal human could not endure.

However, the man emptied the plate cleanly.

“Can you tell Chef Seo that it was a great meal?”

I didn’t even forget to say hello.


The discomfort grew more and more.

Yula also couldn’t hide her feelings forever.

Are you aware of your own discomfort?

“We will step aside for a moment.”

All the insignificant limbs withdrew.

You won’t need any more acting.

It was the moment Yula was about to speak.

“The acting is over.”

On the contrary, a cold voice was heard.

At the same time, the silver-haired man looked up at him.

The instrument he had been spouting was colorless.


There was not even a hint of trembling in the man’s eyes.

“I will move you to a suitable place, you inferior race.”

…an inferior race?

before even figuring out the meaning of the words.

Yula’s vision changed.


I was able to recognize it because I belonged to the Mado family.

It was a magic portal.

So I couldn’t help but be shocked.

‘I wasn’t vigilant for a moment…?!’

But at what point did the portal appear?

Yula came to her senses and looked around.

Fortunately, it was a familiar place on Lake Narnia near the mansion.


the ecstatic scenery was reversed.

The surface of the water where the demonic eyes of the night sky should be shining.

However, the only thing that floated above it was the silver-haired man.

“…Has the Mystic Eye disappeared?”

no it can’t be

Even if the demon’s eyes were closed, it didn’t make sense that only one man was reflected in the lake. Does that mean I’m seeing an illusion…?

“no way?”

At the same time, Yula noticed.

It’s a gut feeling.

Instinct as a forgotten prey in front of a natural enemy.

“…Demon Hunter!!”

However, what came back was a question that was neither positive nor negative.

“Are you done talking? Ugly devil.”

A cold voice continued.

“Because from this time on, the only thing you can say is an apology to the Simoard family.”


Magical power welling up from the man.

Only then did Yula realize correctly.

…a bastard!

That guy.

He is a survivor of Akkshan, which sent one giant evil and four demon lords to hell.




[The first world tree has noticed your existence.]

[The first world tree blesses you.]

[Your vitality and magic regeneration greatly increase.]…

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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