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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 146

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Episode 146. To keep the pride (2)

The moment you enter the golden palace of Yusra Kingdom.

“You madman.”

Leonie opened her mouth.


To protect the pride in your heart?

I couldn’t stand it because the chicken meat was sprouting.

Nam Tae-min was unfair.

“Why are you upset? It’s the same as Ho-yeol said.”

“Are you crazy? What is the same thing?!”

“It’s a position on the same boat. This is absurd, Nam Tae-min-kun.”

“Hey Kazuma Hisagi. Isn’t that what you’re talking about?”

– “There is nothing more important than pride. Because I realized it too late.”

In front of the reporters, he spit out words that are not much different from me and pretended to be silly.

Hisagi shook his head.

“Perhaps words alone have been enough.”


“I mean, I didn’t even have to knock on the chest with my fist.”

“Eh? Why is that? It’s manly and nice.”

“Original didn’t cringe like you.”

identical horns.

No further discussion will narrow the difference of opinion.

Okay let’s quit.

Because I was waiting for something more important than a trivial interview.

─Prove your worth in the area. (In progress)

To prove its worth.

Nam Tae-min Leoni Hisagi.

The three realized the moment they witnessed the quest.

-‘So we…!’

Why did Ho-Yeol unite three guilds that were not related at all? It was for this quest. The three people involved could be sure.

“Imagine. Let’s pretend we were active like before.”

One could be sure before even imagining it.

Hisagi struck first.

“At least Inazuma and Gaon couldn’t achieve the growth they are now because they were trying to keep each other in check.”

“That’s right, that’s what I wanted to say. Wait, why are you with Inazuma and Gaon again? The order is out of order. order. Even in alphabetical order in the rankings, of course we should come first…”

“Isn’t that right, Mr. Leoni?”

“okay. I can tell just by looking at it now.”

Competition between guilds in the past.

It was a daily routine to compete for first clear over a rift, as well as to have a war of nerves inside the rift.

Have you ever had one or two times where you couldn’t back down because of your pride, even though you knew it was a loss for each other?

“It’s thanks to everyone knowing and avoiding it.”

“Because there’s nothing good about entering a rift like us.”

“Even during the early days of the Arcana Continent, I had never hunted like this before.”

A berserker mad at battle.

Thanks to the great coalition, I was able to properly demonstrate my occupational disease.

The guild members of Gaon and Inazuma, including Leoni and the Berserker guild, also gained experience at an unprecedented speed.

The result was revealed as a level.

Nam Taemin level 408.

Kazuma Hisagi is level 405.

Leonie level 399.

Growth was not possible only with the synergistic effect of the great coalition.

What had a bigger impact than that was the attack on the fissure of the castle.

It was thanks to the disappearance of demon-type monsters after the so-called ‘Demon Lord Overkill’.

“Even with a simple calculation, the time to attack the rift more than doubled.”

Why are demon-type monsters difficult?

Because it was a growth type monster, it was also because of its high level. However, the biggest problem is status ailments. In particular, if someone was caught in ‘fear’, time was bound to be delayed.

Nam Tae-min vomited a passionate speech.

“We and the players all need to be thanked? to create this situation. I wonder how much Ho-yeol must have suffered.”


“No, what else is it? How can you be every horse’s tail…!”

Is this pissing you off again?

Hisagi continued talking without hesitation.

“You wouldn’t have suffered from the cracks in the castle. At Ho-yeol’s level. As you know, didn’t you clear three fissures in the castle in less than 10 minutes?”

…Now that I’ve heard it, it’s not wrong.

But even if you say the right thing, you must be so unlucky!

It was Leonie who stopped Nam Tae-min, who was about to get angry again.


Arcana’s official website.

What is player ranking?

Leonie, who was looking at the level of the rankers, opened her mouth.

“Ryuo Junchun reached level 400 as well.”

“Level 400 with the Lord class? he is also a poison Poisonous.”

“That’s why he’s occupying the position of head of a huge guild called Unification of the World.”

Looking at the levels of other players, the levels of the two collaborators naturally caught my eye. Leonie’s eyebrows twitched. … Look at these guys?

“But why do both of you seem to be leveling up a bit slowly?”


“No, what did you two do until I caught up to level 399? did you play? I’ve been told If the two of you would have hunted at least one more monster while arguing… Whew, that’s it. What are you talking about?”

Nam Tae-min and Hisagi exchanged unfortunate glances.

“Hey, level 399. You don’t know what it is yet, but I’ve seen it.”

“From level 400, the level really changes.”


“No, really, the amount of experience required from level 400 doesn’t make sense? I wonder if there will be any change in the level even if I beat monsters of the appropriate level for a few days…!”




I checked the status window.

[Name: Grandfell Cloudy Arpheus Romeo]

[Title: Last Adventurer Sublime]

[Class: Demon Hunter]

[Level: 490]

[Ability Level]

Strength: 72 / Agility: 77 / Magical Power: 401 / Luck: 7 / Aesthetic: 下

[Retained points: 50]

Didn’t your sister tell you?

Damn Arcana’s level up system.

From 100 units, the amount of experience required to level up increases exponentially. But to the extent that the complaint feels like a sham.

I returned from the Arcana Continent Expedition with the system’s limit level raised by a whopping 50 levels…!

‘Even with the death penalty.’

The message that came to mind the moment I closed my eyes.

[You died.]

[Death penalty applied.] [

Acquired EXP decreases.]


I would have been unfair if I had hastily broken the Kürnberg Machine Tower savings account.

Is it because there is clear evidence that it is a shame?

I realized what I was doing.

Yeah, it wasn’t enough to hunt down the demon king who was coiled up in the Simuard family.

Together with millions of demons, the iron castle’s magic ray cannon is hit and fiercely oxidized.

Certainly, it was a tremendous act that even the system misunderstood and gave away the title. Seriously.

“You cannot judge me by numbers.”

…Yes, I admit this cubic tablet.

It was because I realized that for Grandfell, the level and the number of enemies are really just numbers. So you must have thrown yourself among millions of demons.

It seems to be a time of gale-force and rage that was not really scary.

Anyway, let’s start with 50 points.

As always, I was going to invest all my points in magic, but hesitated.

Why didn’t people say that a kaleidoscope awakens something?

Thanks to you, I realized one thing too.

“Demon hunters have their own hunting methods.”

from the past until now.

The characteristics of demon hunters are consistent.

Except for hunting demons, he has no strengths to highlight.

This can be seen just by looking at the method of investing stat points. It was because he was a demon hunter who had no choice but to divide his regrettable stats into strength, agility and magic.

But through this struggle, I realized.

He said that training method actually helped him hunt demons.

Because I was the one who wielded a sword with strength, handled a crossbow with agility, and used magic with magical power.

To hunt the devil, he does not cover any means and methods.

That’s what a demon hunter looks like.

that it was itself.

‘It’s worth investing points in strength and agility.’

A crossbow that exceeded expectations.

More than anything else, it is an ideal that has reached the realm of sword steel.

Unlike before, the importance of strength and agility stats and cost-effectiveness must have risen sharply. It was a pity that the class quest reward alone was enough to cover it.

‘Swordsmanship and shooting. A little more on Agility, which both affect.’

12 points for strength.

15 points to Agility.

And 20 points to horsepower.

I finished distributing points.

Now out of 50 points, you have 3 points left.

It’s really a bloody point.


I closed my eyes and invested 3 points in luck.

If you ask me why I invest 3 points instead of 1 point.

That’s because double digits look better than single digits.

[Lucky: 10]

Be honest with yourself.

Because I hoped for luck at this moment.

I opened my inventory and took out the devil’s item.

The spoils of the Demon King purified through the Exorcism Ritual.

The [Map that connects to all things] has become a piece of ordinary paper due to the teleportation effect, but I still have two of the Demon King’s spoils left.

‘Even if I had time, I’d purify both of them.’

I knew that demons would come, but I never dreamed that millions would come. Thanks to that, there was only one spoils of the Demon King that had been purified. And if you ask what the spoils you chose as sacrifices are…

“It’s still hideous.”

Eye color…

No, it was the [Evil Burning Eyes] dropped by Flauros.

The reason why the pupils were purified first is simple. The higher the rank of the demon lord, the higher the chance that it will be a better item.

Of course, it is not another thing to invest points in luck by looking at the spoils of the devil alone.

‘Because I unintentionally have a lot to cover.’

For the spoils of the purified demon king.

For the effect of the title [Sublime].

Furthermore, [unfinished holy war].

I even put my heart into wishing that the quest would go well.

‘I hope I can put on the first button well.’

Putting my dirty mind aside for a while, I checked the information one by one.

And I realized

[Magic Eye’s Telescope]

1 point.

[Sublime: Sublime One, Arcana Continent remembers you.]

1 point.

[Breaking news: Giant Alliance “Decision to participate in the war to protect pride.”]

1 point.


The system says luck doesn’t lie.


Magic Tower.

The Crystal Hall, where round table conferences are held.

The skilled apprentice wizards were startled as they entered.

“…What are you doing?”

Could it be some special day?

The senior wizards were seated in the Crystal Hall first.

without missing a single minute.

However, the one that caught my attention most of all was the chief mage, Marcelo.

“Thank you, Chief Marcelo.”

“You woke up safely.”

“Are you completely okay?”

A hum—

a sound heard.

Marcelo didn’t care.

No, I had no mind to care.

Why did the body overflow with vitality?

Marcelo clenched and opened his fist.

‘…doesn’t it creak?’

The joints that had groaned just by moving were fine.

The pain in my heart that had been coming to me without even trying was gone.

Marcelo had asked Bellier with a curious mind.

– “Senior to Bellier. something about me… Did you cast a healing spell?”

Velier Yusia, the senior wizard of the Healing School.

As we have known each other since childhood.

He was well aware of Bellier’s magical talents.

without your knowledge.

Have you reached the heights of healing magic?

Could her body be energized thanks to her healing magic?

But Bellier smiled and shook his head.

– “I wish I could have done that. No.”

Even if I turned my gaze to Senior Matisse, I couldn’t get a clear answer.

Because Bellier wouldn’t have lied.

There must be another reason.


There was only one possibility that came to mind.

– “Chief Hoyeol Lee said this. I came after hunting millions of demons.”

Chief Lee Ho-yeol.

Could it be that among the millions of demons that Chief Lee has slain on the Arcana Continent, was there a guy related to the ‘time-limited curse’? Of course, I wasn’t sure that the curse was completely gone.

Mado Family Simuard.

Wasn’t it the curse of the time-limited person that neither the grandfather nor the father could escape? Even if his physical condition improved, even if the curse of the time-limited person really disappeared.

Marcelo couldn’t believe it.



Marcelo clenched his fists.

His eyes were colder than before.

‘If the curse is related to the devil.’

I will no longer be able to keep my composure in the presence of demons.

‘In that sense, the Lord becomes respectable again.’

The moment Marcelo finished thinking.

Hoyeol appeared in the Crystal Hall.

attention focused.

interest in an instant.

More than anything, it was the senior mages who were impatient.

‘I returned to the mage tower before the sun rose in the middle of the sky.’

‘You hunted millions of demons? Is that possible?’

‘Am I finally able to hear that heroic story? Mr. Ha, if I knew it would be like this, I would write the purpose of the continental expedition in the application form…!’

Twenty senior mages.

Each has slightly different thoughts, but it is natural to be interested. It wasn’t a doubt, it was because Ho-yeol’s actions had no choice but to be followed by natural questions.

“Let’s hear it. what happened to you?”

Even the newbie wizards who didn’t know the details knew that Ho-yeol had entered the Arcana continent. At this moment, everyone in the crystal hall was waiting for Ho-yeol’s mouth to drop.

in that great expectation.

Hoyeol got lucky.

“Do you guys know?”


Starting with a question no one expected.




There is a saying that even a million-nyang debt can be repaid with words.

…I don’t think that’s what I was talking about.

Stand tall in an upright posture.

You start by asking random questions.

There is no way to get an answer to a question like this.

Flowing silence─I’m

busy trying to fix the tense atmosphere.

After a while in silence, I opened my mouth.

“It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.”

Moxibustion colorlessly spits out only proverbs.

I never thought I would use a proverb from Korea to the Arcana people.

…Maybe I’m beyond the level of a kkondae?

Fortunately, however, the meaning seemed to have been conveyed.

Thankfully, I saw a few people nodding their heads.

Thank you for responding, Senior Wizard Bangrit Tom.

There is a give and take in everything.

Even if I don’t have anything to give you, I’ll gladly give you green tea.

Take a moment to promise.

I quickly took out an item from my inventory and picked it up.

Seeing without seeing a hundred words.

No matter how much I explained the appearance of the Arcana continent in words, it seemed that it would be quicker to understand it by seeing it once. What I took out was the spoils of the demon king.

[Magic Eye’s Telescope]

[Rating: Epic]

[Restrictions: None]

[Effect: Shares vision with the Magic Eye for a short time.]

[Description: Pupils that share vision with the eyes of the Demon World. But keep in mind. The deeper you look, the higher the chance that they will notice your existence.]

Arcana A myriad of mystical eyes floating in the night sky.

A tremendous effect that allows you to share the vision with that magical eye.

It meant being able to check the Arcana continent in real time.

I confidently continued as if I was proud of the great fish I had caught.

“From now on, I will show you the appearance of Arcana Continent.”




Crystal Hall.

Senior Senior Skilled Apprenticeship.

There was no class distinction.

Because everyone was shocked with the same thoughts.

“How the hell…?”

Did he come back alive and well from such a hell?

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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