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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 148

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Episode 148. Know the subject.

Hisagi’s snake-like eyes widened.

Not to mention the other two.


Nam Tae-min slapped his mouth, scolded by the hot green tea.

“You can see the shape of the Arcana continent? Are we?”

[Magic Eye’s Telescope].

There was still a cooldown left, so I had to wait, but there was no reason not to see it.

It’s not a one-time effect like Man.Tong.Zi. Above all, I needed to look at the Arcana Continent from multiple perspectives.

‘From the point of view of a non-Arcanine player.’

Of course, I am a player.

Because I had a hiatus of well over 10 years.

No matter how much modern culture and the Internet help, there are bound to be limitations.

However, the three people, including Nam Tae-min, were not.

Rankers who have been active since Arcana was just a game.

It’s only natural that he has more knowledge about the Arcana continent than me. If you look at the continent from their point of view, wouldn’t it be possible to find out something helpful?

I took out my telescope.

It was a cooldown, so at least I had my eyes closed.

The wriggling veins were clearly visible, and the aesthetic was also not good.

“Is it an item? But this is the first time I’ve seen an item like this.”

“…sorry. You cared. Ugh.”

“What? Mr. Hisagi, your eyes look much more frightening.”

Nam Tae-min shoots.

Hisagi kept his mouth shut, but I spoke generously.

“I understand.”

yes i have no choice but to understand

It was a telescope that had been rejected several times from the aesthetic point of view of Grandfel.

In that sense, Leonie’s stomach was great.

Even after watching this, if you see that you are holding a teacup tightly.

‘Does green tea suit the taste of Europeans?’

Well, it suits the taste of Grandfel, but there is nothing strange about it.

After all, I had to wait for the telescope to open its eyes again.

He asked about his regards and threw a question.

“Can I ask how you are doing?”

“Oh sure!”

“Did Ho-yeol get along better than us?”

“…Hey, Mr. Hisagi. Why don’t you suddenly interrupt the conversation and keep your mouth shut? I ask politely and formally.”

It’s a great union.

I don’t know who among the three thought it was, but it was a great decision.

It must be intertwined with national relations beyond simple interests.

It was because they were three guilds that gave up many things and united.

“Everyone has made remarkable growth.”

It wasn’t empty words, but I could tell by looking at the level.

Nam Tae-min and Hisagi have reached level 400.

Leonie, who was lagging behind, was also level 399.

It wouldn’t be normal to cover the experience required for leveling up. Looking at the steady rise in level, it seemed like they were really just hunting in the rift without a break.

Nam Tae-min put on a shy expression.

“It feels new to hear Ho-yeol praise this again.”

From my point of view, compliments have no choice but to come out on their own.

It was a situation where the allies, who were already strong, had joined forces by joining forces among themselves.

But somehow, the nuance of Hisagi’s continuation of the words was unusual…

“Sorry, I doubted Mr. Ho-yeol’s decision at first.”

…Wait a minute Decided?

what decision?

did i make a decision?

It was embarrassing, but as always, there was no expression.

One thing I realized while suffering from dark history.

If you keep your mouth shut, half of it will go.

‘…Let’s shut up for now.’

After listening to the story in silence, I slowly understand.

…This means that it was ‘I’ who created the gigantic coalition?!

What kind of dog eating grass is this!

Even if it’s more than a dream, it’s a dream, but it’s a serious degree, right?

I have shown it through actions rather than words.

as far as that.

‘I just didn’t want to be cubic.’

[The Swamp of Predators].

No, the interpretation of dreams seems to have started from the [Secret Garden of the World Tree].

Come to think of it, I guess I did provide the cause.


a teacup that is slowly tilted without worrying about the troubled mind.

Soon I opened my mouth.

“I had a lot of trouble with my sudden decision.”

…the real me!

Not once or twice, but embarrassingly shameless.

Yes, I’m glad the results were good no matter what, even if I try to move on.

My self-doubt doesn’t go away because of my proud shoulders.

“no way. No, Mr. Hoyeol. What about suffering?”

“sorry. It was only now that I realized what it meant.”

“I didn’t fight. They fought all the time.”

You know how to filter out my harsh words and listen to me.

I couldn’t help but be more grateful to the three of them.

So, the decision cannot be postponed any longer.


cooldown ends.

The telescope opened its eyes again. From an aesthetic point of view it was even worse, but Hisagi didn’t stop.

He must be aware that this is an important moment.

“The name of the item is Mystic Eyes Spyglass. The effect allows you to share vision with the magic eye floating in the sky of Arcana. You can get a glimpse of the Arcana Continent through the Mystic Eye.”

“…A demonic eye?”

It’s no wonder you don’t understand right away.

But likewise, it is not worth seeing.

I immediately activated the magic eye telescope effect.

A flash of light—

then the image of Arcana Continent immediately came to mind.

A landscape floating in the air like a fantasy.

The three of them exclaimed in admiration without saying who was first.

“…Wow, what kind of item effect?”

“I’m sure it’s not an Epic grade item for nothing.”

“Wow, crazy…? Oh no! It’s not that great.”

Is it night time?

Then there is no need to add an explanation.

Naturally, the admiration did not last long.

Because I was able to witness the horrors of the Arcana continent soon.

“Could it be that everything floating in the sky is the Mystic Eye?”

“…Wait, there’s not a single place that’s intact.”

“I guessed, but I didn’t expect it to be this much.”

Effect lasts only 10 minutes.

10 minutes went by quickly.


the silence that came when the eyelids of the telescope closed.

It is the same reaction as during the round table meeting.

Likewise, you would have realized the seriousness of the situation.

If there is anything else, is it the difference of position?

‘Because it’s not my hometown or anything.’

The position of the player and the Arcana people was different.

Even if it is the turn of reality after the destruction of the Arcana continent. Because it’s clear that the threat won’t come right away. So, it is natural to feel burdened by participating in the Holy War.

‘Thank you, but I have to be sure and move on.’

Because they are grateful.

that needs to be checked more clearly.

In the silence, Nam Tae-min opened his mouth.

yes any answer is fine

Even if you come now and step out, you will understand.

‘I’m a human being too, so I’ll be a little lonely…’

But the answer I heard was a greeting.

“Thank you, Mr. Hoyeol, for telling us the truth.”

A thank you note that I could not have imagined in the slightest.




It wasn’t just Nam Tae-min.

Leoni Hisagi The three of them had one experience.

It is an experience that has already risked its life.

Urgent update.

[Cracks in broken dimensions] cracks that were created simultaneously.

Wasn’t the expected appropriate level around 900? It meant that there was a past where he was prepared for death even when he was level 300 and had no abilities or anything.

Of course, I couldn’t really risk my life.

Thanks to ‘someone’, the portal in the Mage Tower disappeared like a touch.

However, the experience of that day gave the three people a realization.

That you have the ability to help.

If you don’t have the ability, it’s just a simple nuisance.

So, the feeling had to be new.

“Thank you, Mr. Hoyeol, for telling us the truth.”

Nam Tae-min raised the corner of his mouth.

Because it seemed like it was finally recognized.

Recognition that you are qualified to move forward together.

But whatever, you have to be sure.

[Quest: Unfinished Crusade]

From the Arcana continent to reality.

The crusade against the devil is not yet over.

At the end of this war, there are no rewards or loot.

All that remains is pride.

Prove yourself proud.

─Prove your worth in the area. (in progress)

Like quest objectives.

I’ll have to prove my worth.

Hisagi spoke in a stern voice.

“We will definitely prove our worth.”


Leonie also nodded violently.

In fact, the moment I was served tea.

It is safe to say that the objective was achieved.

Leonie knew.

‘Because it’s obvious that I’ll have to take it on myself again. Just like back then.’

Their reasons were slightly different, but the conclusion was the same.

Whatever the test, I will prove my worth.

Soon, Ho-yeol opened his mouth to the three of them.

“There is no need for that.”


“Because I know enough about your pride.”

At the same time, the three quest windows blinked.

─Prove your worth in the area. (Success)


What did you do to be successful?

Ho-yeol calmly continued to speak to the three embarrassed people.

“With my ‘permission’, I will omit the proof process.”

Let’s hold on to it before he changes his mind, just in case.

Because the power of the giant coalition was too precious.

It was impossible for such a passionate heart to be revealed on the face.

“I feel like I’m more successful than when I was a real ranker.”

It was natural for a smile to appear on the three faces.


Elder Yugweed.

Senior Marcelo.

And all twenty senior wizards.

The leaders of the Mage Tower held a meeting in the Crystal Hall.

It was not an extension of the roundtable.

It wasn’t even a secret story that had to be hidden from skilled apprentice wizards.

Because it was just a place for simple exchange of opinions.

There was no obligation to attend.

Nonetheless, the fact that all the leaders were present.

It meant that even the high-ranking wizards of the Mage Tower, who had strong pride, felt so frustrated that they could not come up with the right answer without listening to the thoughts of others.

“What do you think?”

The first to speak was the elder and elder Yugweed.

She looked around the crowd.

Still, no answer came.

“There’s only one missing, but it’s quiet.”

Is it safe to say that Chief Lee Ho-yeol’s presence alone is the best among the wizards of the Mage Tower of all time? Yugweed shrugged and looked at Marcelo.

“Do you see the odds in this war, Chief Marcelo?”

Marcelo immediately shook his head.

“It is thin.”

Even if it was unfavorable, it was a very unfavorable condition.

“The enemies are not even on the continent of Arcana, they are extending their demonic powers to the world of adventurers here. However, we have only just begun to explore the strange space of cracks.”

It was a story about Marcelo’s own research.

I haven’t been able to come up with any results.

Even that would have been an impossible result without Chief Lee Ho-yeol.

Banshi, who had been silent, raised his hand.

“Sure! Chief Lee Ho-yeol, haven’t you been to the Arcana continent? Of course, he said it was because of the effect of the spoils of the demon king… but if you study that magic tool, how can you find a clue?”

A study on magic tools.

Naturally, his eyes turned to Kiko Armin, the senior in Enchantment.

Kiko shook her head.

“Otherwise, Chief Lee Ho-yeol made a request about it. However, with the current level of enchanting science, it is impossible to extract the effect from such a magic tool…”

Kiko bit her lower lip.

‘I can’t believe that the effect will be a one-time thing.’

He didn’t say anything like that, so I couldn’t even guess.

If only I could give you a little hint.

If you had given me a little more time…

I would have stayed up all night looking for a way.

– “Sorry for taking away your golden time. Senior Kiko.”

Chief Lee left only one word.

He passed through Garnet Hall without regret.

As Chep Bansh licked his lips, Marcelo continued.

“The quest to raise unfavorable conditions to equal conditions was a joint research task between me and Chief Lee Ho-yeol. However, at this point, it is impossible to even guarantee when the theory will be established.”

Long story short, it was simple.

“In the end, we have no choice but to continue an unreasonable war.”

Because there was no way to go to the Arcana continent.

Even if they won a big battle, it was impossible to completely counterattack or take the initiative.

But Marcelo knew.

No, now all the wizards in the Mage Tower knew.

“However, there are still people fighting against demons on the Arcana continent. The news of our victory will have a positive impact on them as well.”

So, what the Magic Tower had to do was simple and clear.


Yugweed smiled kindly and opened his mouth.

“Isn’t it enough to perfectly cut off the demonic beasts that are simply reaching out?”


A sense of tragedy lingered in the eyes of the twenty senior mages.

The moment when Arcana’s strongest armed groups unite.

Marcelo closed his eyes for a moment.

‘…is it simply a coincidence?’

Chief Lee Ho-yeol Among the millions of demons he hunted.

What is the probability that a demon related to the Seymourd family’s ‘time-limited curse’ was accidentally included? You said that millions of demons are but the blood of a bird’s feet.

Marcelo shook his head.

I kept thinking about it, but it just made my head throb.


‘I cannot miss this opportunity.’

It doesn’t matter if the curse of the time limit doesn’t completely disappear.

The current state of the body is excellent.

If it wasn’t for Chief Lee Ho-yeol.

Because I should have died already.

Marcelo murmured at the devil.

‘You guys didn’t know the fountain.’

Marcelo remembered the purpose of establishing the Magic Tower.

Seeking true truth.

Devil worshiper Karimzeva.

Considering that he longed for the true truth until the moment of his death, it is possible that the Mage Tower is a group that has been rotten since its establishment. But didn’t Chief Lee Ho-yeol say something?

-“If it is out of order, it is just a matter of correcting it.”

As you said.

It’s not too late even now.

Marcelo finally opened his eyes.

“Now is the time to set the ‘true truth’ right.”




It’s a surprise.

Suddenly, my vision flashed.

It was a quest window.

Nothing happened, but what happened?

…Couldn’t it be that the amount of class quest training has increased?

I couldn’t help but check the quest window.

[Quest: Reconstruction of the Mage Tower]

A long-forgotten Mage Tower quest.


The goal of the last quest was shining.

-Find the true truth. (in progress)

Is that so?

Is it because the magic tower started to move in earnest?

Progress has been made on the quiet quest.

I don’t know what the true truth of the magic tower is.

Good news for me.

‘It’s also a mage tower.’

I’m satisfied if I can just meet the quest goal.

Of course, I’m not saying I’m just sucking my fingers again.

I also have some things to deal with in real life.

I skimmed the headlines of emerging Internet articles.

[A government official said, “I am sorry for Lee Ho-yeol’s arbitrary behavior… I think it is necessary to consult with the Korean government in advance.”]

[Excessive concentration of power? Voices of concern grow louder…]

[AAU official “Holy war? There’s no way to know if it’s really going on.”]

Then, like me, I commented on my impressions.

“The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. However, the position of the shadow is always confused. I had no intention of interfering if I followed the order.”

no, he spat out a warning.

“You should make the shadows that are moving ahead aware of their situation.”

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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