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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 153

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Episode 153. Keep the line.

The effect of [Sublime] is to have an ‘influence’ on the surroundings.

So exactly around me.

It’s hard to say this with my own mouth, but…

It means that it affects the surroundings of the ‘noble one’.

The shining Aquariu Oak Tree.

At first, I thought that only the exterior was overly flashy, but I was mistaken.

It was because the energy of life was flowing from the oak tree, which had sprouted leaves thanks to Hayel’s blessing.

It was not a common figurative expression.

[Health regeneration increases slightly.]

The effect really came to mind as a message.


I looked at the fallen citizens.


Although he had not yet regained consciousness, he could see movement from the unmoving citizens.

It must be that the vitality that ran out due to abnormal conditions and heavy rain is starting to fill up.

‘It means that the effect has become as grand as the appearance.’

A change of this level would be impossible simply by my impure influence.

As Hyel said, the influence of [Sublime] was evident.

‘The same goes for Schraig.’

I must have said it was a silver haze.

You have surely witnessed my sword-gang (劍罡).


I wondered if the small change that came to me as a message could be referring to Schraig’s growth.

But there was no time to think deeply. The


approaching with the sound of water.

As soon as I raised my umbrella, I raised my magic power.

Even if you can’t evaporate the pouring rain, it’s not a problem for you.

I chanted to the ghosts of the water.

“If it’s a figure imitating a human, it’s wrong from the start.”


“The important thing is not the appearance, but the pride in the heart. Because you can’t even imitate pride.”




[Small changes occur as a result of Sublime.]


Judging from the content of the message, it was clear that it was a buff.

But it’s a strange thing.


Of course, Sublime is a skill that has never been heard or seen.

Because Schraig didn’t have any guild members around him who could buff him.

Yes, there is only one player around.

I mean, there was only heat.

‘Unless it really has eyes on the back of its head…’

At the same time as fighting the specter with an umbrella.

It was said that he gave himself a buff.

Any other player would have denied it as nonsense.

But I don’t know if it’s that guy.

If it’s Hoyeol hunting level 600 monsters with one umbrella.

‘…but there’s no reason to buff me.’

Buff Sublime.

I didn’t know what the effect was.

But whatever special effect it has.


Schraig clenched his fists.

‘Because I won’t be able to play an active part.’

Enemy level is 600.

In comparison, he was only around level 400.

Because that wasn’t enough, her class is Fencer.

Even the compatibility with the enemy is the worst.

‘It’s not a problem that can be solved with one buff.’

That means you know yourself better than anyone else.

But Schraig gritted it.

It was painful to face reality again.

It’s because Ho-yeol said it.

‘…if you can’t trust me. Trust Lee Ho-yeol who believes in me.’

It was definitely unfamiliar.

Schraig had only come across Ho-yeol through the media.

Disrespectful questions are ignored.

Wasn’t it Ho-yeol’s move that forced him to think that his nose was as high as his skills rather than humility?

So, I didn’t understand it any more.

‘Why even to a guy like me.’

Leoni Hisagi, the South Taemin of the Great Alliance.

And even Archmage Jesse Heinness.

They could understand.

‘Same forces.’

Besides, each one of them was a player with tremendous potential.

It means that they are gemstones of talent that are on a different level than themselves, who are barely able to inherit the glory of the past.

‘…it’s okay. It’s not the time to get drunk on sentimentality like this.’

But the worry didn’t last long.

overcoming any doubts that arise.

Schraig raised his head to face reality.




Because the sword of Ho-yeol was clearly reflected in his vision.

…Could this be the effect of the sublime?

Shraig was perplexed and asked Ho-yeol.

But no answer came back.

clack clack.

As if five was just the beginning.

Ghosts appearing all over the city.

‘Which break?’

Schraig raised the foil.

I was able to witness something called swordsmanship, but I couldn’t figure out exactly what it was.

Of course, there was no way to damage the specter.

‘That’s why I can’t just watch.’

I saw citizens who fell helplessly.

Until Ho-yeol defeats the ghosts.

It was said that he had to protect the citizens by acting as a meat shield.

Schraig took a fighting stance.

Then, he looked at his own sword that extended like a needle.

Damn, no matter how you look at it, it’s not reliable.


‘…All these are just excuses.’

Wasn’t Ho-Yeol’s umbrella much poorer than this?

Even so, it did damage to the specter.

Schraig caught his breath.

I muttered a little while looking at the foil.

“The responsibility lies with me.”

Even the swordsman could barely see it thanks to Hoyeol’s buff.

You’re going to imitate swordsmanship with such a trivial talent?

enough to laugh out loud.

I know that sounds nonsense.


– “Believe in me who believes in you.”

Ho-yeol’s voice lingers in my head again.

‘Yes, I don’t know, but I can trust Lee Ho-yeol.’

The corners of Schraig’s mouth went up.

“I will join you. Use me!”

class fencer.

Even the worst class has a unique skill.

Inherent skill [Duel Master] is activated.


the moment Schraig raised his sword vertically.

The gazes of the ghosts all turned to Schraig.

It was the effect of a unique skill.


Master of Duel: Provokes the target until the duel is over. The target invited to the duel receives additional fixed damage, but this effect applies to the user as well.


To put it simply, inviting the target to a fencing match.

I never thought I’d do something stupid like this.

Even though I had already committed it, I was surprised again.

‘Even one-on-one would be too much, but twenty at once.’

Activates [Duel Master] on all specters.

It was to protect the citizens by focusing the aggro of the specters on himself.

It’s definitely reckless. As it was written in the effect, the additional fixed damage effect was also effective for yourself.

‘I’d die if I brushed against it, really.’

But Schraig had faith.

Even if you are wrong.

The belief that if you are passionate, you can protect everyone.


Shuraig soon aimed the foil at the ghosts.

And I was startled.


The sharp edge of the foil.

It was embarrassingly faint and blurry.

Because it was still blooming.

“…sword skill?”

Sword skills become clearer at the crossroads of life and death.

Schraig risked his life to protect someone.

It was enough for [Sublime] to respond to his sacrifice.


[Noble one. Your sublimity led to a small change.]

The message flashed again.

Then Schraig succeeded in unleashing his sword energy.

Looking at the scene, I thought.

‘Sublime. After all, this is not only plausible on the outside…’

It seems to have a considerable effect…!

Looking at it, the difficulty of getting it didn’t make sense.

I don’t know exactly what the acquisition conditions are.

Because I was certain that I had to die once.

‘If it wasn’t for the Last Adventurer effect.’

Are you saying that you acquired such a fraudulent title and closed your eyes without even checking the effect? If I found out even late, it was an effect that would make me wake up with my eyes wide open.

I calmed down my excitement and cleared my mind.

‘So let’s sum it up.’

The exact effect of [Sublime] is the Sublime One.

So, I, Lee Ho-yeol, bring about changes around me.

Literally, it seemed that if you were around, you wouldn’t choose a target.

From Hyel to Oak Tree and Schraig.

Because it was all valid for elemental object players.

The problem was the degree of change.

‘The message clearly said it was a small change.’

However, it was not a change that would be considered small by any means.

‘Even if I skip the high-el or oak tree.’


No matter how much he risked his life and his talent was outstanding, ‘Sublime’ must have had a very big impact on witnessing his sword skill in a short time and being able to emit it, albeit weakly.

‘…Wait, then later.’

Like stats or skill proficiency.

If the effect of the sublime develops.

What if you could make a big change instead of a small change?

‘What the hell is going on?’

Roll your hair like a flower garden, Grandfell.

I mean, I can’t imagine it with Lee Ho-yeol’s head.

In any case, it unexpectedly reaped a significant harvest.

I never thought this effect would be hidden in the sublime.

Blessings come when you live with pride.

Of course, I don’t know about Grandfel, but I can’t live with pride alone.


Because Schraig witnessed and succeeded in unleashing his sword skills.

You won’t have to wield an umbrella inefficiently anymore.

Then, from now on, it is a speedy decision.

Pride is good, but you have to take care of things.

The second [Sexy Star Brooch]!

It would be very annoying if I took out my tail.

“Is it afternoon already?”

Expedited exploratory interference manifestations.

I’m sorry for you guys, but this is my specialty again.

To boil water with magic.

“But you can’t make tea with rainwater.”

Bubble bubble!

Indeed, my power to give up tea time.

Level 600 ghosts didn’t matter. It’s not a named or boss monster, and it doesn’t change anything even if you attack it in a group when [Natural Enemy Relationship] is activated.

[The level has risen.]

The specters evaporated without a trace.

On my side, that was the end.

I looked at Schraig.

It is indeed a sword skill that can make up for the level gap.

Besides, unlike the demon hunters who had no swordsmanship skills. Schraig’s class was a swordsman-type fencer. that the root itself is different.

Shush shush—

and even the mobility of a fencer that differentiates it from other swordsman classes.

Dodging everything and hitting everyone is like that.

It was such a perfect move.

‘That must be the performance of a real swordsman.’

demon hunter.

It’s bound to be ambiguous, but it’s also an area that I can’t reach. However, there is no discouragement.

Because no ordeal could damage Grandfell’s lofty self-esteem.

end of duel.

I said calmly to Schraig who defeated the specter.

“It was a great duel, Schraig.”

…Don’t talk like you’re Master, Grandfel.

“no. If it wasn’t for the sublime effect, I would never have done it alone…” ”

No, it was only possible because of your determination.”

“It’s a decision. I will keep in mind what you said in the future.”

…Don’t tune in, Schraig.

My chest has always been proud, but somehow I feel more proud. But being conscious of it only makes me suffer.

I quickly shifted my gaze.

“Unless the root cause is removed, specters will continue to be created. You’d better hurry, Schraig. Hiel, I will ask for this place.”

What does a demon hunter need to handle swordsman better than a swordsman?

If you’re good at hunting demons, you’re good.

At my words, Hiel bowed her head politely.

“Please leave it to me.”

water and plants.

The moment I confirmed with my own eyes that Higher, who handles {nature} abilities, has an advantage in terms of compatibility. I was able to entrust the fallen citizens with less old age.

Above all, the sublime effect was still effective on Highel.

“Then please. Hiel.”


Shraig bowed his head to Hayel as if he had seen the spirit king, and hurried to his feet.

Indeed, like a local, I crossed the shortcut, and soon a large building came into view.

Is that the AAU London branch?

The whole area was as calm as the eye of a storm.

As if you’re holding your breath and hiding in silence.

[You have entered the deepest part of the dungeon ‘City of Dark Rain’.]

A message comes to mind when entering the AAU building.

Schraig opened his mouth with a troubled face.

“The one who investigates while descending from the top floor…”

“No, there is no need for that. Schraig.”


But no matter how much I hold my breath, it’s no use.

To me, it’s clear to a demon hunter’s intuition.

With the sense of a demon hunter who has developed a natural enemy relationship.

I glanced at the floor plan of the building.

“There you are.”

Finally, the cause of this situation was revealed.


The rain has stopped.

I rubbed my eyes several times in disbelief.

The scenery beyond the window did not change.


It was perfect.

It was the perfect plan.

The low-class demon, who didn’t even have a name, couldn’t believe this situation.

A human being possessed.

A name he never had.

The guy didn’t have enough, so he was widely known to the world.

At first, I couldn’t understand even though I was possessed.

Somehow, not even an adventurer, but an insignificant human being.

Do you have this level of knowledge about the Arcana continent?

It was an amount of knowledge that neither he, who was born on the Arcana continent, nor even the most advanced demons and demon kings knew.

So I got greedy.

If it’s his knowledge and the vibe of a fucking gloomy city.

He thought he could swallow the whole city and obtain power beyond that of the demon king. And the moment the rift turned into a dungeon, my thoughts became certain.

That’s why I couldn’t understand.

“…that’s nonsense!”

Unfamiliar trees sprouting all over the street.

Shining so brightly that it was frightening.

What do you mean by those trees?

After the trees rose, the rain stopped and the rain fog disappeared.

It was a variable that was not in the plan.

Is it that effect?



My heart had been beating fast ever since.

It’s so intense that even blaming the wrong situation isn’t enough.

Of course, that question did not last long. It wasn’t long before the



At the same time, a man’s voice was heard.

“Chief Baker? Are you coming to your senses?”

thank god.

It was the adventurer Schraig.

He was a stupid human being who was still deceived by his outer shell.

‘…Let’s throw away our lingering attachments. Just aim for the next opportunity.’

It’s not that hard to fool a fool.

‘I pretended to have just woken up…’

But it was too soon to feel relieved and move on to the next move.


I felt another wave of popularity.

Soon, a black long umbrella came into Baker’s field of vision.


At the same time, my heart broke.

Thump thump thump thump thump!

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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