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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 155

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Episode 155. What bloomed was (2)

“It is superb.”

It was a problem that this exclamation was directed at a high-grade green tea bag of 300 won. Because the environment is also important.

‘Is it because I drink it after getting wet in the rain?’

It’s the best green tea I’ve ever had.

It feels like drinking oden soup on a cold winter day.

Of course, the tea time was not long.

Grandfel didn’t know about it, but for me, there was a much more important item in front of me than a 300 won green tea bag.

[Six Star Brooches 2/6]

Six Star Brooches in total.

I already had one of them.

…If I had to question it, it was borrowed from the Mage Tower.

Wasn’t I the Chief of the Magic Tower? I am the magic tower, and the magic tower is me. It means that the Mage Tower and I are not going to fall apart just because I rented a magic tool for a long time.

‘Still, how much did I do for the Mage Tower?’

At most, the level limit is 100 levels.

It was a hexagram brooch that boasted a low level limit that could be counted among the magic tools scattered around the Garnet Hall. So, it is natural to be shocked.

[Rating: Unique]

[Limit: Lv.500]

[Effect: Increases all physical attack damage by 10%.]

[Description: It is a part of a brooch that consists of six pieces. Because it was only a small part, the effect was considerably lost.]

Suddenly, the 500 level limit?

Unexpected numbers came out.

100 levels and 500 levels.

Isn’t this a gap enough to be grouped as a set item?

Almost 500 levels.

Even just a short time ago, you might have been lamenting your situation.

But who am I?

A demon hunter who hunted millions of demons on the Arcana continent.

‘…If I were to question this, the Iron Castle was the one that caught it.’

Wasn’t it me who obtained command of the Iron Castle? Like the magic tower, I am a dwarf and I am the Iron Castle. The evidence was shown at this level.

[Name: Grandfell Cloudy Arpheus Romeo]

[Title: Last Adventurer Sublime]

[Class: Demon Hunter]

[Level: 494]

[Ability Level]

Strength: 84 / Agility: 92 / Magical Power: 421 / Luck: 10 / Aesthetic: 下

[Possession Points: 4]

Level 490 right before entering [Dungeon: City of Gloomy Rain].

Level up by 4 while clearing the dungeon crack. In the past, there were only six steps left to level 500, which would have felt unapproachable.

So, the reason I was surprised wasn’t because of the level limit.

“You have great craftsmanship. It is a brooch that is worthwhile even in its imperfections.”

…of course, not because the brooch is beautiful. Grand Fel.

It was.

The reason I was taken aback was the effect of the second hexadecimal brooch.

I checked the effectiveness of the first six star brooch again.

[Effect: Recovers 10% of the mana consumed when using magic.]

Looking back, anyone can see that it was a wizard item effect. This.

So, I was expecting a bit.

Because the level limit is five times higher. Maybe the effect has been blown up five times. I thought that even if there was no [natural enemy relationship], there would be no need to suffer from magical powers.

[Effect: Increases all physical attack damage by 10%.]

But what is this sudden bursting effect?

A 10% increase in physical attack damage.

Anyone can see that this isn’t an effect for wizards, is it?

‘But if you throw away your prejudice and look at it objectively…’

I was able to notice it at once.

This usually doesn’t work.

From the days when Arcana was just a game to now. Items with an effect that increases damage received a lot of treatment.

However, most of these items were a double-edged sword.

You don’t have to go far, just look at the Magic Tower’s magic tools [Token of Tornado] or [Premium – Lightning-struck Twig Wand].

It increases the power of only one magic and has a cooldown of 24 hours.

Instead of increasing the amount of damage, it had a tricky condition that also increased the amount of mana consumed.

‘But there are no conditions.’

It was also not enough, so the versatility was enormous.

All physical attack damage.

Not to mention swinging a sword or shooting crossbow bolts.

In some cases, magic can also deal physical attack damage.

A stone wall or pillar.

A typical example would be magic that manifests by searching for minerals.

“There is not enough to wear.”

No, it’s not that there’s no shortage, but there’s no such appropriate effect!

Class Demon Hunter.

has only one purpose.

To hunt demons by any means necessary.

[Strength] [Agility] [Magic].

Wasn’t it me who touched three stats that others couldn’t even touch just one? Unbeknownst to a set item, the trivial effect would be rather beneficial.

Indeed, even three are not enough, so it is worthwhile to invest points in [Luck].

‘Besides, this is not the end.’

Two hexadecimal brooches.

The moment when the set item effect is activated when worn together.

This means that additional effects may occur.

So what’s lacking is up to level 500.

It’s only my level that’s 6 levels behind.

It was wet in the rain, but it was not a bad London Rift attack.

From learning the hidden effect of the title [Sublime]. The second [Sixth Star Brooch], which was different from expectations, but had more effects than expected. And finally, the danger of demon-type monsters.

“However, pride and arrogance are completely different things.”

Well done, Grandfel.

It’s not proud of it, but just arrogance to let go of it while knowing it.

Moreover, if it is an innocent person getting involved, like today’s London incident.

In that sense, maybe you need to look around?


It is necessary to check whether the British branch manager was the only one who was possessed by the devil.

There was no need to worry about how to meet the branch heads from around the world.

Figure out the subject Because I knew my place well.


I put down the teacup and opened my mouth.

“I will examine your pride.”

It’s unfortunate that I’m not.

So now according to formality and procedure…

Let’s change our clothes first.

No matter how versatile the [Warmth] buff is, it can’t stop you from getting wet even in your underwear.


[Schraig “Lee Ho-yeol is the savior of London.”]

[Eyewitness 曰 “Lee Ho-yeol’s contract spirit made the tree grow.”]

[Famous botanist “A tree that has never been reported to the academic world….”]

The media said who Without saying anything first, news about the London Dungeon crack and Lee Ho-yeol was poured out. The reason was simple. It was to avoid being swept away by a huge headwind.

VBC Press Office.

Climb up—!

Reporters tapping the keyboard as if their fingers were on fire.

“Ugh. Everyone is working hard.”

Didn’t you say there’s nothing more fun than watching a mirror?

There was nothing wrong with the old saying either.

PD Hyun Yong-seok sucked the Americano on one side and salted it.

“Yeah. There is no time to rest. A break.”

Even just before the London crisis broke out, he became a spokesman for the government.

Another anonymous AAU official.

It was the media that created public opinion about Lee Ho-yeol.

Hyun Yong-seok held back the laughter that was about to burst out.

“Even if there are personal feelings. Then write.”

Player Lee Ho-yeol’s notoriety, not notoriety, is famous in the newsroom.

Doesn’t even respond to any questions.

Even if you ask a question with formality and etiquette, all you get back is a short, formal answer.

– “It is an internal matter.”

At least, I ran into Lee Ho-yeol while looking at the player who gave me away.

How much did the reporters get burned?

I can understand how you feel, but this incident clearly crossed the line.

Tsk tsk Hyeon Yong-seok clicked his tongue.

“You make up stories that don’t even exist.”

“…Yai-san, Hyun Yong-seok! fan it up Fan it.”

“Are you there? Senior Jeong?”

“You bastard, even if you formed a team and got out of the press, do you really have to dress up like this? What did you do so wrong with you? Nope. I don’t even like to talk. go away.”

Jeong senior, Jeong Isak, gently closes his eyes.

But who is Hyun Yong-seok?

Inside VBC, it’s crazy to broadcast at best.

At worst, he was just a man who passed through as a madman.

Hyun Yong-seok’s voice brightened at the expression of the senior who was crying.

“Eh, that must be frustrating. Even if I want to pass a glass of iced Americano at a time. Did you leave your wallet at home today? How can I get you a glass of cool cold water from the bathroom?”

“That bastard, but…!!”

The moment when senior Jung, who finally exploded, widened his eyes.


An urgent voice was heard along with a loud noise.

“Are you really here again? Write my toes.”

Crispy hair.

The man who grabbed the sneakers was none other than Yoon Jong-jin, general camera director of Today Arcana. Island island island. Isak Jeong swallowed his anger when he saw Yoon Jong-jin preparing snacks.

“…they just fuck in pairs!”

Well well.

Yoon Jong-jin, who put the cookie in his mouth, continued.

“Where do you put your cell phone and make me find a real person?”

“Why are you making a fuss again? Do you want to go on a business trip to London?”

“Please don’t say anything terrible. Did you check the video?”


What kind of video are you talking about all

of a sudden …?

Of course, if you make a fuss like this.

“…Jongjin-ah, is that what I said?”

“yes! That’s it.”

“Let’s open. There are too many eyes here.”

“Hey what is it?! If you make a fuss, you should spill something!”

While ignoring Jeong Isak’s plea.

The two men walked down the aisle at a brisk pace.

Yoon Jong-jin secretly whispered.

“It looks like it was captured on a CCTV recording. Lee Ho-yeol battle scene!”

Kii’s spatial rift.

Is it because reality and Arcana continent are mixed in half?

Modern objects, including smartphones and cameras, work fine even inside cracks. So what I came to think of was the CCTV on the streets of London.

“Damn, I’m so jealous. British TV bastards!”

By now, you must be looking through the CCTVs that have been secured.

To find out the truth of what happened in the cracks surrounded by rain fog.

And to report Lee Ho-yeol’s performance to the world faster than anyone else.


“…But what are you laughing at? Are you going to get on a plane?”

“You know I’m a British student, right?”

“A bastard who sells abroad without even being able to speak basics.”

“No, even if I say it, I feel ashamed of people like that.”

Yoon Jong-jin licked his lips.

Of course, I’m not wrong, but the discouragement didn’t last long.

Besides, I had something to say for today.

“I don’t know how to speak English, but I’m with international students. One friendship has been incredibly strong. Thanks to that network, I received a video like this.”

“…What video?!”

“I have a local friend who runs a pub on the streets of London. It’s a pub CCTV recording there. I haven’t checked yet either. Lee Ho-yeol was caught on CCTV outside the pub…”



A hand that is faster than the eye.

Hyun Yong-seok grabbed his smartphone and immediately started playing the video.

A panoramic view of London.


Before long, a look of astonishment appeared on the faces of the two men.

Hyunseok’s hands trembled.

No matter how crazy you are with scoops and exclusive articles.

This case was completely out of the question.

That will be too.

“Does this make sense?”

To believe and report on only one CCTV recording.

I couldn’t believe the sight in the video unfolding in front of me.

Hyeon Yong-seok was dumbfounded and asked himself.

“Is there anyone in the world who can beat monsters with an umbrella?!”




It was a question someone posed to the community.


Title: But, is it not too much to say Ho-yeol Lee?

Description: The Arcana Continent was ruined by the devil. Think about it. How many named NPCs were there in Arcana? In addition, there are boss mobs that reigned as heads in each region. But how do we stop the demons that even they couldn’t stop?


Lee Ho-yeol?

Of course it’s great.

Estimated level Minimum level 900.

Chief of the Mage Tower.

Even that is not enough, he rebuilds the ancient kingdom of Yusra, rescues Frost, and forms an alliance with the Goddess Church. From the Shadow Mercenaries to the Explorers’ League.

In any case, it means that all the great powers were on Lee Ho-yeol’s side.

“There we are. Even the players participated in the battle through quests.”

“Even so, the holy war is a fight where we are much more disadvantaged.”

“No, so you’re only sucking your fingers?”

“It’s not that, it’s just a concern.”

[Quest: The Unfinished Crusade].

The scale of the quest had grown out of control.

Arcana giant guilds and even supernovae.

With so many players gathered, it was only natural that the mudfish that muddy the water would mix.

“Can Lee Ho-yeol not be shaken?”

It is natural for the plate to shake when the center point is shaken.

Lee Ho-yeol became a symbol of peace by crushing the demon king.

Now that the London situation has been completely cleared.

It’s Lee Ho-yeol’s swaying figure.

It wasn’t easy to imagine…

“Lee Ho-yeol has too many things to look at optimistically.”

Lee Ho-yeol’s shoulders were heavy, even heavy.

What is the standard the world sets for Lee Ho-yeol?

It was literally the standard of a superman.

A person would have no choice but to feel burdened.

“…It’s great, but sometimes it’s a bit pitiful.”

It was the moment when someone muttered that.


A roar rang in the tavern.


An even more grotesque ensued.

Kingdom of Yusra.

It was the Rock Kid who became the specialty of the Golden Calf Tavern.

Breaking the table with your fist.

You’re drunk as always.

That drunkenness is getting worse today.

It was a moment that the players tried to ignore and move on.

“…Wait, what is that video? Isn’t that Lee Ho-yeol?”

Breaking news on the screen.

London street CCTV playing.

There are level 600 monsters.

There was Ho-yeol holding up an umbrella while facing the [ghost of the gloomy city].

The action is upright but never stiff.

As Ho-yeol swung his umbrella, the ghosts scattered like water on the street.

Rockkid gritted his teeth.

‘That’s not a swordsman.’

It is something beyond the level of swordsmanship.

in that short time.

To think that even I have risen to unfathomable heights.

Inside Rockkid, resentment welled up.

“If you’re going to say something that doesn’t taste like alcohol, why don’t you turn it off, everyone. ok?!”

He shouted at the players who had been chattering since before.

“You feel sorry for that monster?!”




I looked at myself in an umbrella fight on the screen.

…You really have a good form.

Besides, are they advertising dark history in the world?

All in all, it’s a black long umbrella.

There is no one more pitiful than me in the world.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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