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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 16

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Episode 16. Whale fight and whale (4)

I didn’t know that I would say such a thing.

science best.

The restless message was the basis for that.

It was a level 350 monster.

The destructive power from that charge must be enormous.


Even just brushing against me is a certain death.

However, the greater the destructive force, the greater the repulsive force.

[Askura’s knight is ‘stunned’]

[Asscura’s knight is ‘stunned’]

[ Asscura’s knight is ‘stunned’]…

I remembered the battle with the soldiers.

‘At that time, I knocked down the wall with reverse magic here.’

But in the current situation…

it didn’t sound like a good decision.

Most of all, because there were too many players.

As much as he had built a bigger and thicker stone wall to counter the assault of the knights.

The aftermath of the collapse will inevitably be great.

“I don’t know what it is…! Attack at once!”

“This is your chance! Be sure to stop breathing!”

Players entangled with knights.

I didn’t have the advanced technique of breaking down a stone wall while avoiding players.

I wish I could do that.

They would have wiped them out without the need to painstakingly build a stone wall.


I thought a little differently.

The most unfavorable factor at present was the terrain.

‘An open battlefield is advantageous to cavalry.’

Indeed, except for the direction in which I erected the stone wall.

All over again—!

“Damn it! Coming again! Everyone, bite your teeth!!”

Dash retreat and dash again.

Knights on horseback were playing bows.

Thanks to that, the ranks of the players were rapidly collapsing.

“The way you set it up is really arrogant.”

So, you can’t just sit back and watch it.

Yes, I was thinking of changing the terrain to the advantage of the enemy.

There was no hesitation.

expression of exploratory interference.

The whole process was extremely quick.


Pillars of stone rose from the floor.

Stone pillars springing up all over the plaza.

Hee hee hee!

I could see the agitation of the horses.

This was due to the restriction of movement.

It wasn’t aimed at, but some stone pillars directly damaged the knights.

[A ‘fracture’ occurs to the knight of Count Asscura.]

[A ‘stunning’ occurs to the knight of Count Asscura.]…

I checked the remaining magic power.

‘It’s not natural for me to do this.’

The high efficiency was also a story in ordinary circumstances.

91 level.

Magic power is only 42 points.

That level of numbers completely changed the battlefield.

It was said that my magical power was only enough for us to drink a cup of green tea.

From now on, all I can do is break down the walls and pillars without the players getting caught up with the reverse magic.

But it wasn’t bad.

I don’t know what the pride of Grandfel is like.

In the first place, I had no intention of getting tangled up in a fight with that knight.

No, to be precise, it was there…

but it’s true that it disappeared.

“Aren’t these guys no joke? Be persistent.”

“shit. bleeding came out Please help me recover!”

“These monstrous bastards. Isn’t it fun to fall off a horse?”

Everyone must be at least level 300, right?

Even those players were struggling.

Indeed, it was a scene that showed the strength of the knights.

Can I get entangled with those knights and fight?

Considering the effect of [Relationship with the Natural Enemy]…

one-on-one might be possible.

But this was a battlefield.

A battlefield where the opponent changes every moment.

I am alone on such a battlefield without any allies.

So it wasn’t bad.

No, he invested all his mana to change the terrain of the battlefield.

That was the best decision I could make.

The basis was also appearing as a message.

[Contribution for killing the knight of Count Asscura is recognized.]

[Contribution for killing the knight of Count Asscura is recognized.]

[Contribution for killing the knight of Count Asscura is recognized.]…

Arcana ‘s experience system.

Players earned experience points based on their contribution to the kill.

Arcana has been able to command the highest popularity for over ten years.

As you can see, it must be because there is a system that can be understood.

My kill contribution was high the higher it was.

will never be low

Causes critical status ailments to knights.

It’s because I’ve broken that momentum to the point where I can see it.

The basis for it was also appearing as a message.

[Level up.]

One line each time the players kill an enemy.

The rationale has been added.

[The level has risen.]

I was watching on the battlefield of this proof.

Even at this moment when my mana is exhausted.

‘I might be able to follow that similarly…’

He said he was diligently struggling.

[Your level has risen]

[Your level has risen]….


Level 376.

Player Ranking 6th.

Lightning Spear Hisagi Kazuma thought.

‘Where did that monster come from again?’

First of all, the outfit was unusual.

Unarmed in the rift.

It was the new rift that even he couldn’t catch his guard.

I didn’t know what kind of threat was lurking.

Moreover, in this new rift, demons appeared.

‘Spirit-related accessories must be essential…?’

But likewise.

There were no earrings or necklaces or rings to be found.


a long coat blowing in the wind.


the proud sound of the heels spoke for it.

As if you don’t need any of that.

A look that seems to have nothing to fear.

A posture that does not show even the slightest bit of tension.

Indeed, the man’s confidence was well-founded.


Build a wall to block the enemy’s charge.

No, even that was not enough, they were erecting pillars all over the plaza.

Hisagi immediately recognized the man’s intentions.

‘…I’m trying to neutralize the mobility of the cavalry.’

As the man aimed, the movement of the knights was restricted.

Even that was not enough, and some knights were in a state of abnormality.

Hisagi was still in doubt.

‘What’s your identity?’

The class, the name, the amount of magic power, and even the level.

It was not easily guessed.

‘It’s fortunate.’

If that monster belonged to Gaon…

‘Just imagining it is terrifying.’

The most important thing was that that guy didn’t seem to belong to Gaon.

If I had belonged to Gaon, I wouldn’t have moved.

Above all, Gaon’s bewildered attitude was visible.

‘Anyway, it’s an opportunity.’

Hisagi did not miss the opportunity.

Class magician.


Lightning entwined Hisagi’s spear.

lightning spear.

Just like that nickname, Hisagi crossed the battlefield.


Barbarian’s unique skill [Berser].

As a result, Nam Tae-min was exhaling like a beast.

Gaon’s guild members looked at Nam Tae-min and said.

“Isn’t this a good environment for a complete master to rampage?”

“I don’t know who that is. Aren’t you supposed to say thank you?”

“Thank you? First of all, don’t you worry about surviving?!”

Gaon’s players are famous one by one.

Of course, everyone was as high as their fame.

The higher the level, the higher the experience.

There were eyes to see through that experience.

Indeed, it was as they said.

Walls and pillars rose suddenly.

Because of that, the ranks of the knights collapsed.

A truly chaotic situation.

In such a melee, Nam Tae-min was not far behind anyone.


All that remains is ferocity.

Nam Tae-min moves only by instinct.

It was not enough to wield a large sword with one hand.

He climbed up a towering pillar and attacked the knights.

Nam Cheol-min’s voice was ringing in Nam Tae-min’s ears.

– Taemin. No matter what I say to you right now, you won’t hear it.

Even if it takes the trouble of saying the same thing over and over again.

My mouth was so itchy I couldn’t stand it.

-…That’s the guy I was talking about!

At first, I was dubious.

no it can’t be

I repeated it countless times in a short amount of time.

But I had to admit it.

-How could I forget that face.

The man who saved himself from having his body stolen by the devil.

No matter how I looked at it, the benefactor’s face was right.

Further, as then.

Even the formal attire.

-…But actually, I still don’t know.

…How could you do that?

I couldn’t guess the class of that guy.

In the rift on Line 4, the man must have hunted an imp with a dagger.

Of course, I also used a bow.

Yes, I could understand that far.

Both physical abilities.

In other words, it was affected by the [Strength] and [Agility] stats.

-Suddenly, it’s magic. What is this…?

But this time the story is different.

Magic is affected by the [Magic] stat.

A class that requires all of your strength, agility, and mana?

I’d never heard of it, and even if it did exist, its performance couldn’t be good.

Because stat points were limited.

-I thought you were fine even in front of the imp. I just thought you were mentally strong. I never thought I could use real magic!

Does that mean that it is normal magic?

I was watching it on a screen, but the size of the square seemed to be twice as large as a soccer field.

To the extent that the man filled the plaza.

It had erected huge walls and pillars!

Because that’s not enough.


Until he properly knocked down the pillars and attacked the knights.

-What do you all think?

Nam Chul-min mobilized all the knowledge of the analyst.

From the knowledge of Arcana you know.

Likewise, the opinions of fellow analysts watching the same screen.

But no matter how much I put my head together, I couldn’t even guess.

-That’s not what I’m talking about as an analyst. I don’t know. Taemin.

But one thing is certain.

-…You have to catch him at any cost, younger brother.

Even if you can’t catch it.

Hostile relationships were to be avoided.

There’s nothing good about confronting a player like that.

Why not just now?

-Brothers help in pairs. What should I say about this?

If the man hadn’t shown up.

It was only natural that there would have been casualties by now.

Regardless of Gaon and Inazuma.

However, the man’s performance changed the situation.

It was said that the man was a player who could change the battle situation by himself.

Its value is indescribable.

-But, of course, the ones I saw together were the Inazuma guys.

There were many Korean players in Inazuma.

Among them, there were quite a few players whose Gaon was stolen.

It wasn’t a matter of conditions.

Because Inazuma was aggressively recruiting players from South Korea, even if bleeding occurred.

It was an open fact that it was a condition that could be put forward with the help of the Japanese government.

It was for this reason that Nam Tae-min was grinding his teeth at Hisagi.

-That means you can never give up.

The moment Cheol-Min Nam said that.


Nam Tae-min’s rationality has returned.

can never yield

That was the only thing I heard in my mind.

I knew right away what I couldn’t give up.

Nam Tae-min raised a corner of his mouth.

“10 to 0? call. Let’s think about what else to add to it.”

same time.

Netuber Park Hwi-kang’s chat window was busy.

-Muchhhhhhhhhh -Is

this a true story??? What the hell is that class???

-The shrimp involved in the whale fight is too big lol

-I heard rumors that this is a sacred place?

Gaon and Inazuma.

A mysterious player who intruded between the two guilds.

There is a nettuber that relayed such a player from the beginning.


Title: Relentless relay like a wheel! Hwigang’s live broadcast~

Current number of viewers: 68,923


Thanks to the rumors spreading, nearly 70,000 viewers flocked to Park Hwigang’s broadcast.

It was a shame that even fainting in surprise was not enough.


Actually, Park Hwi-kang didn’t even have the mind to check the number of viewers.

A sight unfolding before your eyes.

Because that was much more difficult to believe than the number of viewers.

“Can you see everyone? I think I almost won!”

There were only a handful of knights left.

Even they look like defeated soldiers.

It was the players who won.

“I really thought it wouldn’t be normal from the first time I saw it, but…” I never thought

it would be this much!

Besides, viewers who watched the man from the beginning, including Park Hwi-gang, knew.

It means that the man did not do his best in this square battle.

-Ahhh I guess the influx didn’t even see the ego sword~

-Ego sword?? what else is that??

-I don’t know what it is, but it’s not normal from the name?

-Those who haven’t seen it, watch it again hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

At that time,

the man didn’t even take out his weapon.

The weapon that sent Count Ascura’s soldiers away in one blow.

Park Hwigang cautiously opened his mouth.

“…You feel like you’re watching something, don’t you?”

It was.

The man erected walls and pillars and did not move much.

It was as if experience points and loot were not important right now.

-It’s strange, if you’re like me, you just wiped it all off haha

-I came here after seeing the ego sword, what is it? It’s a bitch

-The shape just changes lol I think it’s at least unique

-Isn’t that sword a knight too


It was only natural that attention was focused on the man.


the last knight collapsed.

Then, as if the sum was matched.

‘Are you Korean? Then…’

‘Do you think I’ll be taken away again?

‘I’d like to ask at least your name.’

All eyes turned to one place.

Toward the man standing alone in the center of the plaza.

There was no change in the man’s expression.

At this moment, a huge amount of attention is poured into oneself.

As if it’s perfectly natural.


In the midst of the pouring questions, I thought.

‘…I’m tired.’

In the future, refrain from squeezing your mana all the way to the bottom.

Apparently, the aftereffects were significant.

It’s probably because I don’t have any magic recovery equipment.

What is your name?

Do you have a guild you belong to?

Are you Korean?

Actually, it was not difficult to answer.

But I couldn’t accept it.

Aside from Grandfell’s prickly personality.

It means that I want to sit down because I am tired.

But I don’t have any equipment like this.

Me staggering from magical exhaustion.

Do I have to hold onto it like this?

“There is no formality to be found.”

I added in a cold voice.

“Therefore, I will not take any questions.”

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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