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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 173

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Episode 173. Who do you think we are (1)

[The 69th throne]

[Recommended level: Lv.700-750]

[Collapse progress: 24.8%]

New York.

A crack created in the middle of the city.

The progress of the collapse indicated just how violent the situation was going on inside the rift.

But there was no hesitation. The ones who took the lead were the Holy Knights of the Goddess Church.

Talim shouted.

“Raise the full-arms shield!”


“The moment we enter the target, we become public enemies!”

Padondon and Jurbal.

It was obvious that the pincer attack of two named monsters approaching level 800 would pour out. The players swallowed dry saliva. The pressure inside the crack felt like the skin.

“…I thought this was just a violent death?”

If only I had entered with the will.

Let alone clear it, it must have ended without being able to resist properly.

However, the goddess’s shield surrounded them.

Because that’s not enough.

“Whoops, this kind of expression is new!”

“Be careful, Jibril skilled mage.”

“Oh yes. Senior Maia.”

Senior skilled mages of the Mage Tower.

Their massive magical power made the shield even more solid. It was an unbelievable sight even though I confirmed it through messages, witnessed it with my eyes, and felt it with my skin.


“Schreig, what are you thinking?”


Second Sun.

At the words of his colleague, Schraig was taken aback.

Then he smiled.

“I had some useless thoughts for a while.”

“A useless idea in a situation like this? It’s not like you.”

“I mean.”

Is it possible for me, Second Sun, players to become as strong as they are? I mean what you think Schraig immediately shook his head.

If Ho-yeol saw himself.

‘He must have expressed his displeasure by saying that his pride had dulled.’

I didn’t even know if the sword machine existed.

My confidence at the time of the dungeon crack, when I was much weaker than now.

But Ho-yeol gave him confidence.

Wasn’t the result nested in the foil?

Soon Schraig’s eyes shone resolutely.

“Everyone, keep an eye out. We don’t deserve to be surprised or delighted by your consideration. Because we can’t depend on the Arcana Continent forever.”


with determination, everyone entered the rift.

At the same time, the view changed.


A space where the Arcana continent and reality are half mixed.

The complex city center of New York has become bloody at some point.

Green flames shoot up from the cracked asphalt floor.

Devil’s cries are heard everywhere.

I could feel it vividly.

“…If the rift collapses, this will become reality, right?”

It was the first time most players had entered a rift of this level.

It was my first time standing in front of such a high-level demon-type monster.

“What the hell are you thinking…”

I couldn’t help but feel respect from the bottom of my heart.

A reliable colleague.

Even now, when I entered with the Holy Knights of the Goddess Church and even the wizards of the Mage Tower, I felt that my body and mind were overwhelmed with fear.

Clearing this rift alone?

But the admiration did not last long.

As Talim warned, the moment we entered the rift.

The eyes of the demons were focused on the intruder.

Talim shouted.

“Do you see adventurers?”


Talim’s sword pointed towards the sky.

To be precise, he pointed to the throne floating in the sky.

“That is the purpose of the battle for the demon lord. The devil who occupies the throne will be reborn as the king of demons.”


Was that why the inside of the rift was full of blood?

Demons fighting each other?

One of the players muttered.

“…Then wouldn’t it have been better to attack later?”

Enemy of enemy is ally.

Why wasn’t there a word called Lee now?

But Talim said firmly.

“We do not play the king of demons. Either the devil who wants to sit on the throne or the devil who gets in the way. To us, they are nothing more than demons to be burned!”

He raised his sword towards the devil.

“Because that’s the resolution of us Arcana people on the Arcana continent that were trampled on by them. It was that the weight he was carrying was different from playing with kings. Advance, knights of the goddess!”




[58th throne]

[Recommended level: Lv.800]

[Collapse progress: 26%]

Banshee and Bangrit.

The two senior mages looked at the demon.

Banshee frowned.

“What do you think, Senior Bangrit?”


“I mean, did you think this would happen after you entered the Mage Tower? I never even imagined it. Until this situation.”

“If that’s the case, so am I.”

Let’s see, the reason Bangrit entered the Mage Tower was simply because he didn’t want to starve. They feed me, put me to bed, and even teach me to study magic.

To young Bangrit, the Mage’s Tower was a place like heaven.


However, the Mage Tower was overly ruthless to Bangrit.

To the extent that young Bangrit grew up crooked.

That coldness was the same even after becoming a senior mage.

Especially the feeling of being stabbed in the back by an elder mage!

Bangrit asked.

“So are you in a bad mood, Mr. Banshee?”

“no. No way.”


Benshi raised the corner of his mouth.

In his hand was the top-of-the-line magic tool [Small Magical Sun].

Banshee’s pupils flashed like the sun.

How long has it been since this feeling!

“I am rather satisfied.”

Banshi was overly candid.

Where is that honesty?

I wrote down my purpose exactly as it was in the application form.

As you can see, the purpose of the tower was obvious.

A tower for the reasonable export of high-level magic tools.

“I didn’t expect to get permission like this, but what?”

Isn’t good good?

The muttered Banshee’s gaze moved back to the demons.

Respond to Banshee’s magical power flowing out.

The [Small Magic Sun] began to rotate.

“Senior bangrit I often thought.”


“Why does the wizard of the Mage Tower have to be tied to the Mage Tower? Because of the rules? What the hell kind of guy created his ridiculous rules?”

It’s good to explore the realm of magic and the truth.

But the moment you enter the Magic Tower, you have to completely sever your ties with the world. What nonsense logic is that? In that sense, Benshi liked the change in the mage tower.

“I am always grateful to Chief Lee.”

If it wasn’t for Chief Lee Ho-yeol.

Even if the Arcana Continent had reached this point, I would have stayed in the Mage Tower and read magic books.

However, thanks to Chief Lee, I was able to face the reality that I had been ignoring. I was able to correct the distorted reality.

And on top of that…

Banshee’s eyes turned to the players who had stepped back.

“Make sure you keep an eye on it. You too can be like me. In order not to repeat the mistakes of the Arcana Continent. You must grow.”

…Didn’t the ambassador just look a bit like Chief Lee?

As you can see, I even got a chance to raise my flag as a senior.

Bangrit clicked his tongue as Banshee unwittingly put strength on his shoulder.

“But don’t get too excited.”

refining breath.

Bangrat hadn’t forgotten the plan.

Bangrit also raised its horsepower.

The target was, of course, the devil aiming for the throne.

“If you don’t want this tower to be your last.”

“yes? No Banglet seniority. What are you saying that makes you so sad? I know Chief Lee’s plan! But if anyone sees it, they’ll think that Bangrit’s appointment passed, even if it’s an application form.”

“I passed.”

“…yes?! what is it really? Why only me?!”




The number of demon lords hunted by me and Akshan’s demon hunters is ten and two.

The rising throne and rift were also ten and two.

I looked at the rift that had just formed.

[20th throne]

[Recommended level: Lv. 1000]

[Collapse progress: 33.3%]

The more you think about it, the more you think about it, Akshan seniors.

To think that even after being stabbed in the back of the head so badly in the temple, he still sent the demon king to hell.

Among them, the 20th rank Demon King is also included!

Respect for the seniors springs up to the point that the hiatus of more than ten years is colorless. Especially when you see the appropriate level approaching four digits.

‘How much was it really?’

I wonder if the demons didn’t sit around until Akkshan was annihilated for no reason. Of course, the years of waiting put it to shame. You made one mistake, though.

I straightened my clothes.

“Regardless of life and death, pride continues.”

Because I, the last survivor of Akshan, is alive and well.

Because the armed groups that were one of the best on the Arcana continent were with me.

So I had no concerns.

In fact, maybe it’s strange to be worried.

Why did you come up with a rough estimate through experience?

Three [Demon Castle] cracks.

Because I had an experience where I was trampled on in just a few minutes.

It is said that the number of rifts increased and the number of demons appeared increased. Those guys weren’t demon lords. It meant that it wasn’t a named monster boss mob yet.

Of course, there was a more important plan for this [Demon King Battle].

[Demon King] I definitely realized it during the crack.

Demons really are an ignorant race.

Three demon kings died, but I can’t take it as a lesson.

Thinking of claiming the throne!

Grandfell is an inferior race for no reason.

Isn’t it just a matter of attaching an inferiority modifier at the end of every word?

look at it now


Even though our eyes meet, you can’t grasp the situation.

[Nine-headed hell dog: Lv. 900]

[Anaconda that swallowed the great devil:

Lv. 920] [Legendary Screaming

Bird in the Underworld: Lv.

Let’s kill the levels once according to the update history.

Above all, they know their own strength.

So, he must have challenged the 20th rank throne.

Of course, there are bound to be doubts.

“What are you?”

By the way, it’s a snake that speaks respectfully.

I don’t know who the great demon that devoured it is, but he has the formality.

Are you sure you’re leveling up?

It is different from the demons I have seen so far in terms of the feeling of intimidation.

How to stop fighting and ask questions.

Because I was about to enter the rift alone.

that question.

“Oh, aren’t you a demon hunter?”

I am their nemesis.

Knowing that you’re a demon hunter won’t change much.

The snake’s eyes turn white, and then it continues.

“I watched your end clearly through the eyes of the demonic eye. It’s a strange thing, dear. why are you alive Poor demon hunter.”

Even if it’s formal, of course.

devil is devil.

Is there any way to mix words with the personality of Grandfel?

“is it. Looking at those cool eyes, I am more confident. After all, you are a demon hunter who fiercely oxidized with millions of demons. I don’t know how it was resurrected, but it’s fun!”

Dogs and birds seemed to be listening to the snake’s words.


perhaps because of his size, the sound of flicking his tongue came out magnificently.

As befits the highest level among the three, the snake spoke arrogantly.

“A feast worthy of being savored while sitting on a throne!”


The snout of a snake that opens instantly.

Even then, I hadn’t moved a single step.

I was the only one in the rift.

If I had eyes to watch, I wouldn’t have anything to say even if I heard a really crazy person.

Even Nam Cheol-min, who knew me as at least level 900, stopped me from entering.

– “Mr. Ho-yeol, even if it is part of the plan, the risk is too great. Even considering Ho-yeol’s level, dealing with three named monsters like that alone is…”

Indeed, it was a good thing that Nam Chul-min was entrusted with the AAU Yusura branch.

As an analyst, he tried to convince me by citing the patterns of Arcana Named Monsters as examples.

Of course, I couldn’t break my stubbornness.

Since I said ‘I’, it wasn’t just because of the pride of Grandfel.

Because I, Lee Ho-yeol, also wanted it.

It means that he entered the rift alone.

[Natural relationship].

[Blessing of the First World Tree].

[Sexy Star Brooch].

Are you full of confidence thanks to all the preparations?

no it can’t be

I may not know about the fearless Grand Fel, but I am not.

No matter how much buffs and tempers you have, you can clear 1,000 rifts at the proper level by yourself?

Because I know it’s impossible.

It was.

It means there is a good reason.

From the moment I entered the rift and witnessed the throne.

A blinking quest window.

– Witness the throne fallen to hell. (Success)

Below that, a new quest target emerges.

I could tell without checking.

Because I had the information obtained through [『Giggy』].


Even at this moment, the fire of hell roars on the floor.

The moment I first saw the throne, I had a question.

Even the throne comes out of hell.

Why can’t the devil come out of hell?

That question didn’t last long.

Information from the Arcana Continent Biography passed down from AAU.

Because I witnessed it in the papers.

The setting of Arcana Hell.

[Hell: The afterlife where demons hunted by demon hunters fall. A demon who has fallen to hell can never be resurrected again. Even if the gates of hell are opened, they will never be able to get out of hell.]

Because I remembered.

The Akk’shan demon hunter’s words.

『When I look into the abyss, does the abyss also look into me? Even if you fall into evil and become a devil. We only hunt demons. Because that is the way of a demon hunter.”

Hunting a demon hunter who has become a demon is also a demon hunter.

So, where do demon hunters go when they die?

Of course, he will fall to hell, just like the devil.

by the way.

You know what I’ve been saying about Grandfel since the old days?

“Even death cannot break the pride.”

Yes, as if to prove that.

The quest goal came to mind.

—Encounter the demon hunters of hell. (In progress)


At the same time, the fires of hell soared more and more fiercely.

—Encounter the demon hunters of hell. (Success)

A message popped up.

[Conditions have been met.]

[Reward will be given.]

[You have learned the class-specific skill ‘Maintenance of Akkshan’.]

“Isn’t that so? Akkshan.”

As if answering my question.

in the fires of hell.

I heard the sound of the crossbow reloading.


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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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