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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 185

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Episode 185. The air froze in an instant

to appreciate the procedure .

I felt it at the Mage Tower and at the AAU conference hall, but it is certain that my muzzle has a cooling function.

How can the atmosphere get cold just by bringing out the words!

But more than I spit out.

Even retreating is not a picture.

‘Because I have nothing to bow down to.’

One of the rules of the social hall of space and time.

All hostile acts between each other are prohibited.

Of course, there is no law that work at social venues can only end in social halls.

You might end up paying the price for cubicles outside the social hall.

But that has nothing to do with me.


Unlike other transcendentalists, I am

Because it is in reality, not on the Arcana continent!

Even if you want to go, you can’t go to the Arcana Continent.

‘I don’t have to worry about taking care of it right now.’

That’s why even if you stare at it like that, you’re not afraid at all. Shagwin.


Shagwin, called by me, did not answer.

Are you aware of your own sins?

In fact, you’ll want to know what kind of bullshit it is.

However, this side does not back down in the yard that has already committed.

I was true to my promise.

‘The work here will definitely end here.’

Yes, whether it be porridge or rice.

The price of cubic crystal must end here.

Even if it is a disconnected Arcana continent and reality, there is a variable called a rift.

Imagine that Shagwin emerges from the rift, leaving behind some sediment.

‘…I don’t even want to imagine it. just.’

With such a complicated situation, I continued.

“I will allow you to sit down with me.”


Don’t overdo it by omitting the words, Grandfel.

Just kindly release it.

The social hall is so large and grand that it would be difficult to have a proper conversation at such a distance.

So, why don’t you sit down and talk with Oh Sun Do-soon?

You can say good things, really.

However, even if I lamented it, it was already too late.

That’s because

Shagwin started walking towards me.

I feel it all over again.

The atmosphere of being a Transcendentalist was no joke.

It wasn’t just Shagwin, but everyone else at the social gathering was like that.

First of all, it was unusual from the outside. To put it in terms of the days when Arcana was just a game, it would be like a named NPC made with great care.

Of course, the action was the same.


Shagwin set the sword down on the table.

At times like this, it is amazing to recognize luxury goods.

I feel resentful of Grandfel’s aesthetic sense.

‘No matter how you look at it, it’s at least unique, isn’t it?’

From the colorful pattern on the scabbard to ‘I’m not an ordinary sword’. are talking

Well, since it’s a sword used by the swordsman and the only grand sword master on the continent, it’s natural that it’s amazing.

Of course, I know I didn’t put the sword on the table with the intention of bragging.

It must be an expression of feeling uncomfortable. But the uncomfortable thing about planting is the same here.

I muttered while looking at the sword.

“Is this the sword?”


“The thing that cut down the Kürnberg machine tower.”


Shagwin’s eyebrows twitched.

I wonder how you knew that.

Just listen to it for once.

“Do you know? The fact that the Kirnberg Mechanical Tower you destroyed had hunted tens of thousands of demons until just before that. Also, the fact that he would have hunted demons until his pride ran out.”

It means that Shagwin and the other side destroyed such a mechanical tower.

Thanks to that, tens of thousands of demons on the Arcana Continent survived.

I mean, I lost 5 levels.

It was.

Although Antonium is also important.

Before that, you need to hear the story about him.

[Quest: Futile]

Shagwin considered hunting demons futile.

Talk to Shagwin and

determine the truth of the action.

—Encounter with Shagwin. (in progress)

As I said.

depending on its authenticity.

Because the disposition of my Grandfel will inevitably be different.

I looked into Shagwin’s eyes and said.

“Why are you?”


“Did I cut down the machine tower I was operating?”






Shagwyn placed her symbol and sword in front of her opponent.

It was to get a glimpse of the man. It was a tactic often used to gauge the opponent’s ability in social halls with cumbersome rules. It was also the method he was subjected to.

‘Show your teeth.’

There is a lot of information that can be gleaned by casting the bait.

If hostility is revealed in the opponent’s expression.

That means being ignorant of the rules of the social grounds.

However, if it’s as expressionless as it is now…

‘Looks like you know the rules.’

I don’t know how he knows the rules of the social hall even though it’s his first entry.

There was nothing to be surprised about.

Because he hasn’t reaped the bait yet.

Soon the man’s gaze toward the sword.

In that gaze, Shagwin felt puzzled.

‘…The sword didn’t recognize me.’

Quicksword Atlas Sword.

A sword that is like Shagwin’s alter ego.

That’s why when I thrust the Atlas Sword.

The other party had to show this reaction.

-“…Who are you?”

-“Shagwin to such a kid…?”

– “I haven’t heard that Shagwyn had children?”



Because only a few people, including transcendental ones, knew that they had regained their youth. That’s why they put their swords up and met face to face.

He couldn’t think of himself as Shagwin, who had regained his youth.

But what interest rate?

“Is this the sword? Cutting down the Kürnberg machine tower.”

…How did you even know that fact?

Were you around at the time?

I thought so, but I shook it off.

‘No, there’s no way I couldn’t feel it.’

The present, having regained the body of its heyday.

Her senses were more sensitive than ever.

Moreover, the strong know how to recognize the strong.

How could I not have recognized a transcendent of this level…


Shagwin, who was brooding over his memories, hesitated.

It reminded me of a high-ranking demon king.

An existence that cannot be counted because it is of a different class.

He was the man who dropped such a high-ranking demon king into hell.

If you think you have the same rank as a high-ranking demon king.

‘Could it be that it’s a power that I can’t fathom?’

The words of Hoyeol that follow.

But Shagwin couldn’t hear it properly.

Because another possibility popped into my head.

‘There is only one place to watch it.’

The towering capital city of Antonium.

Iza looked down on everything from Antonium…!

In a split second, Shagwin made a decision.

‘It’s a mistake.’

There was no other reason why Antonium did not collapse despite the demon lords’ offensive.

Because this man was there. It’s because there was a man with a level that even he couldn’t fathom…!

As if admitting that fact.

The man asked calmly.

“Why are you Did you cut down the machine tower I was operating?”


The Kürnberg Mechanical Tower currently in operation on the Arcana continent.

Its existence was a question even among transcendentalists.

It was the Dwarves who built the Kürnberg Mechanical Tower.

Moving such a mechanical tower would only be possible for Dwarves or those who had a close relationship with them.

But weren’t they the dwarves who hated humans and disappeared from the Arcana continent?

The answer to the question that had been biting the tail was right in front of my eyes.

‘I finally understand everything.’

‘That means he was holding the continent.’

‘Hi-Hi. You got it wrong, the old swordsman.’

Shagwin swallowed dry saliva.

If I answered that I hate being noisy like back then.

-“According to your answer, I will decide your disposition.”

I didn’t know what kind of action the opponent sitting opposite would show.

But one thing is clear.

The man had already endured enough.

It was like that just because he didn’t show up at the Siege of Antonium right away.

‘Even though I don’t know English, I would welcome it.’

Shagwin had already made up his mind.

I will retreat from Antonium.

Trust with numerous princes?

Rather than turning them into enemies.

It was more dangerous to turn this man into an enemy.

So Shagwin gritted his teeth.

‘It’s time for me to be patient as Lee has been patient.’

Shagwin finally spoke.

“I didn’t know. I will admit my mistake.”

How long has it been since you said these words?

Even Shagwin himself felt distant.

In this siege of Antonium, he himself risked a lot. In particular, it was very painful to lose the ‘Milky Way Whetstone’, a magical tool that was sleeping in the storage room of the imperial palace.


“Also, I will withdraw from Antonium.”

You can’t risk your life to get magic tools.

More than anything, I didn’t want to overdo it with this body.

Shagwin thought to himself.

‘Don’t admit it. You are strong now.’

But I have regained my youth.

Even if it was a youth that was acquired ugly.

After all, time is on my side.


The moment Shagwin reached for his sword to leave.

A voice was heard.

“Wasn’t your goal the throne?”

Heung Shagwin snorted.


To ask such a question while being a transcendental being of a different rank.

It’s to spit out an honest purpose.

There was no reason why I couldn’t tell the plan in the yard that crossed the water.

“Whoever wears that crown is none of my business. I just lent my strength to the lords in order to obtain the magic tool, the Milky Way Sharpening Stone.”

Milky Way Whetstone.

When he revealed his specific purpose, the man said.

“I will believe you.”

“Thank you.”

“Then the next question.”


However, at the words that followed, Shagwin clenched his fists.

‘…Is this kind of humiliation not enough?’

In an instant, anger flared up.

However, Shagwin did not express himself.

Right now, the top priority was to safely retreat from Antonium without disturbing the man.

Shagwin nodded, and the next question immediately followed.

“Shagwin why would you…”

That was an unexpected question.

“Does it smell like an ugly devil?”





don’t know anything else

I can’t help but smell the devil.

—Encounter with Shagwin. (Success)

─Find the link between Shagwin and the devil. (in progress)

I’m sure.

Shagwin smelled like a demon.

I stared straight at Shagwin.

That expression is really worth seeing.

The swordsman and the continent’s only Grand Sword Master.

Shagwin glared at me and answered.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

If you think that such pretentiousness will work for a demon hunter, you are mistaken.

Above all I know That time that is fair to everyone flows faster on the Arcana continent.

Harkon had expressed his feelings for Shagwin.

-“The word ‘heyday’ was meaningless to the Sword Saint.”

I had my doubts there.

The Shagwin I saw was a fresh blue young man.

Why do you talk like someone past their prime?

I wondered if I was mistaken.

Because face to face.

I was finally able to figure it out.

I opened my mouth.

“What did you exchange for that youth?”

Devil worshipers are ashamed of interacting with demons at all.

It was like that since Karimzeba.

He said his purpose was ‘the true truth’.

He said that he was only using the devil.

If I had no experience.

The connection between Shagwin and the Devil.

You may not have noticed it easily.

But I know from experience.

What is eternal life on the Arcana continent?

An authority that can only be possessed by those who have received the [Blessing of the First World Tree].

Didn’t the elf prove that fact for you? Proof of this is that he showed up on a continent that hadn’t been seen even in nose plucking to get the blessing back from me.

“…it wasn’t traded. It is the effect of the elixir.”

It seems like the only thing that came to my mind was an elixir.


There is no such elixir on the Arcana Continent.


I got up from my seat.

Shagwin What did he change with his youth?

I don’t know.

But it doesn’t matter.

“Every human being lives one day and dies one day.”

Blinking Quest Objective.

—Encounter with Shagwin. (Success)

─Find the link between Shagwin and the devil. (Success)

I don’t know if I’m self-aware.

—Hunt down the true name demon Shagwin. (Ongoing)

Shagwin You’re no longer human.

As if to prove that fact, a message appeared before my eyes.

[The skill ‘Natural Relations’ is activated.]

“You’d better appreciate the procedure of the social principal.”

It’s not a bluff.

Now that the transcendence level circle has been opened.

With the effect of [Natural Enemy Relationship], it would not be unreasonable to confront Shagwin. No, apart from the group, the pride of Granfell is rather heightened in front of the mighty devil.

I sighed coldly.

“Because I am desperately patient right now.”


“Sword Saint. No, you swordsman uglier than the devil.”





A never-ending siege.

The exhausted soldiers looked up at the night sky.

The damn demon eyes were looking down on them.

“…Still, I saw hope.”


in this situation.

on the brink of continental extinction.

You mean you can put a knife in the back of an ally?

In the end, the soldier who couldn’t hold back his anger shouted out of the wall.

“You bastards worse than the devil!”

What a madman!

A shower of arrows will pour forth.

It was the moment when the soldiers quickly raised their shields.


Despite his determination, nothing happened.

Through the shields, the soldiers slightly poked their heads out.




The sound of the horses’ hooves was getting farther and farther away.

Suddenly, an unbelievable sound came.

They shouted that they were bastards worse than the devil.

from a mad man.

“We are retreating!!”


“The troops are retreating!!”

The unbelievable news reached the emperor on the wall.

The emperor looked at the battlefield.

Indeed, the enemies were retreating.

In Antonium, which is about to be captured.

It was retreating as if it had thrown out its backside.

Is it a strategic retreat?

Is it a cunning ploy?

The emperor thought of all the numbers.

However, the words that came out of my mouth…

“… am I dreaming?”

It had to be.

From the sky I suddenly looked up.

Because I saw a lion.


“Your Majesty! That pattern…!!”

The symbol of the Knights of the Lionheart.

A flag with a lion pattern on it.

Because the spirit was descending with that flag flying.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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