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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 189

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Episode 189. Clearly exchanged.

Appearance of the Zero Mountains.

Destructive damage was expected to return everything that mankind has built up to zero. Scholars from all over the world put their heads together over the setting of the Zero Mountains.

“A dragon lives at the top?”

“…Is this nonsense springing up on Earth?!”

“Cosmo made such an unreal mountain!”

“Even if it appears from the sea right away…!”

As the mountain range rises high, there will be a huge wave on the sea level.

What is the destructive power of the earthquake and tsunami that will occur because of that?

This is not a problem exclusive to a few countries.

“No country will act as a breakwater in front of a tsunami like this. Literally every country and every civilization will be covered by the sea!”

The devastating news also reached world leaders.

“…how to minimize the damage?”

No one could answer the question.

It has to be.

Even before the cataclysm.

Since then, human science has developed at a frightening speed.

However, wasn’t that direction limited to the direction of destruction?

That was the reason why I couldn’t brush up on the lack of an answer.

It was.

Until then, humanity had been overlooking it.

A completely different concept from science.

The fact that [magic] from another world exists in reality.




Seoul, the capital of Korea.

mage tower.

News about the Magic Tower began to spread around the world.

The lobby of the Magic Tower.

Yoon Jong-jin urgently called somewhere.

The recipient was, of course, PD Hyun Yong-seok.

“…senpai, did you say that I would definitely make up for it?”

-You must be busy, but what are you talking about all of a sudden?

“No, Ho-yeol’s flower field incident!!”

Today Arcana.

The touch of the main camera director.

That it was a dungchok was revealed to everyone while covering Ho-yeol’s garden. Ho-yeol’s appearance in the flower garden became a hot topic among viewers.

Because it was writer Kim who was with me who recognized the possibility.

I will make up for that mistake.

Just grab a camera and carry it.

Yoon Jong-jin was waiting in the lobby of the magic tower as if hiding.

“It was worth fighting for a few days.”

he spoke meaningfully.

-I’ll send you the screen. Edit yourself and try it out.


Yoon Jong-jin said that and hung up the phone.

Hyun Yong-seok frowned.

Even otherwise, the station was paralyzed.

“I am an idiot for being briefly excited about the Zero Mountains.”

No matter how scary the occupational disease is.

To think that the idea that broadcasting material would never cease came to my mind before the destruction of the earth.

Of course, if you’re worried.

There is nothing a mere broadcasting station PD can do in the face of a natural disaster.

Anyway, this guy’s occupational disease flared up again.

“…Let’s see what the fuss was about?” Click

one click and you’re done.

Yoon Jong-jin’s angle comes to mind in real time.

Hyun Yong-seok’s pupils widened after confirming that.

“What is it?”

On the stairs of the strange magic tower.

A bizarre number of wizards were descending.

Unlike the past, it was a mage tower that started outside activities.

However, it was only at a limited level.

Because there were only a few people who appeared outside, including Marcelo.

But now.


Headed by the chief wizard Marcelo.

All twenty senior wizards followed.

After that, a procession of hundreds of skilled apprentice wizards continued.

That alone was surprising enough.

Soon, Yoon Jong-jin’s angle took a close-up of someone.

A woman with a gentle impression, closer to old than middle-aged.

A robe with exceptional decorations and patterns.

You could tell her status just by looking at her attire.

Hyun Yong-seok murmured.

“…Could it be an elder mage?”

The elder wizard who is said to be a half-god?

What he meant was simple.

Except for the tower owner, all the wizards of the Mage Tower have appeared in the world. This was a sight unheard of even when arcana was just a game…!

“For what reason…?”

Possibilities that appear out of nowhere.

It was.

At this moment, they had only one reason to move.

“Zero Mountains…!”

Hyungseok asked himself a question.

‘Is the world’s magic tower just because of that one reason?’

Today Arcana PD.

Hyeon Yong-seok had arcana knowledge suitable for his position.

He knew very well what kind of tribe the wizards were in Arcana.

‘Wizards are arrogant.’

To be honest, it’s worth falling for arrogance.

Unlike other classes, which required equipment appropriate to their level, for wizards, the [magic] that flows through their bodies was both a weapon and armor.

‘The Mage Tower is the pinnacle of wizards…’

Moreover, stagnant water rots.

It is because the Magic Tower has not interacted with the outside world.

I couldn’t believe what I was doing right now.

However, Hyun Yong-seok made a quick decision.

“Whatever it is, a scoop is a scoop.”

Without hesitation, I started preparing for the special broadcast of Today’s Arcana.

Hyeon Yong-seok’s judgment was exactly right.

Channel VBC.

Special Feature Today Arcana.

On the screen, Marcelo opened his mouth.

– Since you have been saved, I will give you salvation.

…The world’s magic tower was saved?

“What are you talking about?”

among billions of people.

There was only one person who immediately understood the meaning.

Only one Ho-yeol stared at the screen.




The words that I almost lived with in Grandfel’s mouth.

“There is a give and take in everything.”


The words that are full of the back end.

You were taking it seriously!

Even if it wasn’t so, I was wondering if I should return to the Mage Tower. Why, as soon as the update details came to mind, there was an uproar.

‘Suddenly Zero Mountains.’

In the aftermath of its appearance, a super-large natural disaster would follow.

Not monsters, but natural disasters that caused mankind to perish.

Because the news experts took their words very seriously.

But I didn’t even send a telepathic message.

I never thought Marcelo would make the first move.

To be honest, I was a little moved by the magic tower…

“Procedures must be followed.”

…You’re shameless even when you’re impressed, Grandfel.

Since I submitted a leave of absence form, it must be the basic thing for them to handle it on their own.

However, unlike the remarks.

I was fixing my clothes.

Even if it was a parachute, I was also a member of the Magic Tower.

I looked out the window at the elixir field.

“Excessive moisture rather rots the roots.”

…Don’t compare a super-large tsunami to water in a watering can, Grandfel.

In any case, it is impossible to sit still in the face of such a natural disaster.

“Also, after trials there are rewards.”

Besides, it was not another area, it was the [Zero Mountains].

A dragon lives at the top.

In fact, until the end of the Arcana Continental War.

It means that it is an area that can be a stage for activities.

After entering level 500.

He ate the accumulated experience in the Kirnberg machine tower and…

no, he acquired and raised the level to level 95.

‘Thanks to that, I couldn’t feel the increased experience required.’

Naturally, it was impossible to raise that level by clearing the rift alone.

It might not be a crack that disappears when you clear it, but a hunting ground where monsters are endless.

‘Certainly, I might be able to ease my worries about experience points.’

As long as you can safely pass over the overly loud updates.

If you ask me if I have the confidence to prevent a natural disaster on the level of the end of the earth, of course I will answer that I am confident.

Lee Ho-yeol, who was escorting Ho-ga from behind the magic tower like before, is no longer there.


Regardless of whether you skipped the middle course.

Because I had a circle in my heart.

[Current Achievement: Circle (Increases all magic expression power by 1000%)]

If an attribute has affinity, magic has expression power.

I was thinking of checking the power of such a circle.

There was no bird to hesitate.

When I raised my mana, it definitely felt different from usual.


Is this the power of the Circle?

A high-ranking magic portal that appeared straight into the air.

It was a portal where even Marcelo had to work hard on the interference process.

So much so that it could be said immediately.

I thought it would manifest quickly.

It was a growth that would surprise even myself.


I, Grandfel, were not shaken like always.

“It’s the first time I’ve ever faced the laws of nature.”

I was just chanting and walking.

“I will not adjust my strength to go against the providence.”


“Come, nature.”

Seriously in many ways…!


The location of Zero Mountains has been specified.

Pacific ocean.

Humanity is in trouble.

“Shouldn’t Baek Expert be happy about this?”

“I’ll tell you, though, that we’ve avoided the worst.”

“My opinion is a little different.”

“What do you mean, expert Hwang?”

“It was impossible to get through without damage. Rather, if it was created somewhere on the continent, even if the area was devastated, humanity could have minimized the damage. But this…!”

“Are you saying that a cow has to be sacrificed for your sake?”


It may have been a cold word to some people.

It was true.

“Don’t you all know? This is not a damage that can be lost by dividing it!”

However, when I came back and turned on the heat, nothing changed.

Zero Mountains generate in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

The entire human race was faced with a situation where the aftermath of its creation could be endured as it is. The threat of a tsunami hundreds of meters long, seen only in disaster movies, is coming to life.

Because everything has become a predestined fact.

It was then.

“I’m sorry for what you said. Breaking news…!!”


What’s new in the studio?

The anchor continued urgently.

“This is news that all the magicians of the Mage Tower have started their outdoor activities. According to the AAU side, this is unprecedented even before the cataclysm, but more information is on the scene…!!”

The magic tower started moving.

Senior Senior Adept Apprentice and Senior Mage.

The Mage Tower’s full power moved beyond the portal.

With only one word left.

– Since you have been saved, I will give you salvation.

The magicians of the Mage Tower were captured.

A helicopter flying to photograph the Zero Mountains.

It was in the camera angle.

Quad deuk-!

The Zero Mountains soared with a roar.

Its size and speed of creation made it safe to say that a new continent was being created in real time.

At the same time, the rolling waves were also something I had only seen in CG in disaster movies.


However, the camera was not directed to the Zero Mountains.

It was in the direction of the wizards of the Mage Tower floating in the sky.

Bansh, senior fire magician, shrugged.

“Science is inefficient. Isn’t that right, Senior Bangrit?”


in order to fly in the sky.

To have to board that roaring mechanical device.

Bangrit, the senior in pure magic, answered awkwardly.

“It must all have merit.”

“Do you have a knack? Senior Bangrit What do you view magic as right now? There is nothing like magic in the world. like now Can’t even those rough waves calm down like this?”

“That’s… not my idea, but what Chief Lee Ho-yeol said? Everything has its pros and cons. The search for [Giggy] started with that recognition.”


When did you say something like that without me knowing?

I can’t believe I heard senior Matisse nagging me at the roundtable.

Is it that time when I was curled up and fell asleep for a while?!

Bangrit asked the bewildered Banshee.

“You can’t believe you don’t agree with Chief Lee’s words…?”

“Oh no! Could it be?”


Benshi hurriedly raised his mana.

“That’s just a moment’s lost focus on this apparition. Aren’t you clumsy if I’m not burning magic again? Haha… You know my heart, Senior Bangrit?”

The magic of stepping on the Pacific Ocean.

No complicated interference process was needed to calm the sea.

Wizards of the Mage Tower, each of whom is called the Chosen One.

Their vast magical power was easily controlling the waves.

“It is hard to believe even after seeing the report!”

A spectacle spread across the world in real time.

like a lie

No, like “magic”.

The tide that almost dragged humanity to destruction began to recede.

Elder Mage Yugweed laughed.

“This kind of cooperation is new again, Marcelo.”

“Thank you for being with us.”

“It’s also new to be upset over a thank you.”


“Nong. Farm.”

Yugweed looked at the Zero Mountains, which slowly appeared.

Indeed, it was a gigantic mountain capable of moving the entire Mage Tower.

Why is that topmost nest…

“It’s starting to smell like an old bad relationship.”

Because the dragon, the winner of the Dragon Demon War, was crouching.

It was because of them that everyone in the Magic Tower moved.

A dragon that fell asleep in its nest just in case due to the turmoil.

If even one of them wakes up…

“The real disaster will come.”

It was a tower to cope with such an unfortunate incident.

That’s why Yugweed, who had been keeping a close eye on the Zero Mountains, soon.

I was able to notice an unusual feeling.

“…Chief Marcelo.”

The Demon Tower, the loser of the Dragon Demon War.

The lesson that the magic tower learned.

No one should wake the dragon from its slumber.

in order not to forget the lesson.

The magic circles that had been manifested at the top.

One of the magic circles had been destroyed.

What he meant was simple.

“It seems that there is a variable.”

We won’t be able to find out who did it right now.

It is the vast Zero Mountains just by looking at it.

Because there was an even deeper abyss called the Hundred Thousand Caves.

So, what should be prioritized?

“I will focus on restoring the magic circle.”

It was the restoration of the destroyed magic circle.

Marcelo, the founder of theoretical magic.

Although Yugweed knew his abilities better than anyone else.

I figured it wouldn’t be easy.

Wasn’t the Dragon Demon War a thing of the distant past?

Even if you figured out the structure of the ancient magic circle, it was a different matter to search for and interfere with it. Ugweed murmured softly.

“…those winged lizards won’t be very patient.”

However, Yugwid was also overlooking it.

As impatient as a dragon.

Because such a person also existed in the Mage Tower.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

“Everyone has a lot of trouble.”


“I will also return to my chief’s work as of this time.”

fluttering silver hair.

consistent outfit.

A consistent voice spoke.

“I’ll take care of the magic circle’s restoration.”


“… Chief Lee Ho-yeol?!”

I had to do it all together.




What does it have to do with being an ancient magic circle?

『Reversal Magic』.

It means restoring a room to its original condition.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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