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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 191

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Episode 191. Gift (1)

Even until you lie down in bed.

A smile did not leave Lee Ye-rim’s lips.

one and only brother

Because I smiled at the thought of making fun of Ho-yeol.

“Lee Ho-yeol, you are really caught.”

Let’s say it’s a good thing to send a long letter of regards every day. I’m usually busy, so even so, isn’t it childish to see my face once in the family when I take a vacation?

“You’re worried about it even though it’s not a joke.”

Of course, if mom and dad say something like that.

-“I’m going to harass my sister again.”

– “Yerim, if someone hears it, they will know that I am a filial daughter.”

– “Our third daughter. Be good to your daughter or mother.”

For some reason, the arrow was directed at me.

Still, Lee Yerim had something to say.

The words you say while laughing.

“There is no formality to be found, my brother.”

I knew very well about Ho-yeol’s location outside the house.

He is a hero of mankind, a symbol of peace.

You should have been talking so much on TV.

But as I said with my sisters.

At home, Ho-yeol was still the younger brother.

Ten to be happy in the big lake.

as the name implies.

Our maknae who is a joy just by being there.

The corner of Lee Ye-rim’s mouth went up even more.

“…Just imagining this older sister is fun.”

It’s been a while


Why should I say that it is a pleasure that Ho-yeol has not been able to feel since he grew up? Recently, when I look at Ho-yeol, I suddenly think of the past.

Lee Ye-rim frowned and thought deeply.

“I’m sure I’ve heard that tone before…”

It had been over ten years, so I couldn’t quite remember it, but for some reason, I wasn’t unfamiliar with such a hot temper. Lee Ye-rim, who was retracing old memories, suddenly muttered.

“I think I’ve heard of the same long name.”

…What Romeo was that?

That name should have been so long and difficult.

Okay, let’s ask Ho-yeol when he comes tomorrow.

next day.

It was eight o’clock in the morning when Lee Ye-rim woke up.

However, Lee Ye-rim was astonished the moment he went out into the living room.

“…what what?!”

The deafening scream made Ms. Choi furious.

“Oh, that’s noisy. Ho-yeol came and went earlier!”

“What time is it?!”

“Five in the morning!”

“Five o’clock?! Isn’t he crazy?”

Wow Jangchang!

It was the moment when Lee Ye-rim’s grand plan collapsed.


Only three older sisters.

The youngest son of a rich family.

I am Lee Ho-yeol.

I’ve said it before, but in order to survive among my older sisters, my hair had no choice but to develop. I was proud to say that I finished a fruitful vacation without a single point of shame.

Why did you say you would see me tomorrow?

It’s not a lie even if I visit you at 5:00 in the morning, right?

Nor did he move early to avoid an encounter with Wen Su without pride.

Even if it wasn’t so, thanks to the effect of the [Blessing of the First World Tree], I was able to spend a lot less time sleeping.


Me who always struggled from dawn.

Lee Ye-rim, can you catch him?

– “Your face has become half-faced, my son.”

My mother, Choi Kang-hee, hugged me as soon as she saw me.

You probably wouldn’t have expressed it separately, but it’s about that you couldn’t sleep because you were worried about your son. I know it because I told my sisters.

-“You’re a little more reliable now, Hoyeol-ah.”

My father, CEO Lee Jun-wook, said that he would cut and scrap all newspapers in which I appeared. In any case, it was fatherly in that he desperately tried not to reveal his true feelings.

“I should have seen you a little earlier.”

Is it because I write a letter every morning?

I didn’t think it had been a long time since we met face to face.

Besides, more than anything, there was something wrong with the family.

‘Until I was number 12.’

Calling the older sister or second sister sister and saying honorifics…

Yes, I can tolerate it.

But to say something respectful to Yerim Lee.

It was a formality and something that I couldn’t stand.

‘In that sense, I passed it well, Hoyeol-ah.’

That life pattern of sleeping in late even on weekdays.

It’s been the same since before, my reason.

Anyway, I headed straight to the magic tower.

It’s already seven o’clock in the morning.

I found my hometown at five o’clock in the morning.

Time passed quickly as we talked about the delay.

Anyway, to speak in this tone in front of your parents.

I was really embarrassed and felt like I was going to die.

Our boss Lee said something very good.

– “Your tone of voice has become more serious, saying that a seat makes a person. Yes, if you are in that position, you should have that much weight.”


Thank you so much for misunderstanding.

I was sincerely relieved.

‘…I don’t want to find out that it’s because of the dark history.’

I mean, I want to completely avoid shame in front of my family.

Enter the portal that was soon manifested.

When his eyesight returned, he saw the Mage Tower’s office.


I ran my finger across the desk.

Then he muttered in a low voice.

“You don’t need to dust it off.”

Anyway, everything from dressing up to pretending to be tidy is trembling, Grandfel.

Even when Ms. Choi hugged her, her clothes were crumpled.

It makes me wonder how I stayed still at that time.

Rather than that, why are you boiling the water as soon as you arrive?!

“You can’t skip a meal.”


What is put down on the desk is something piled up in a cloth.

“Among them, breakfast is comparable to tea time in the afternoon.”

You should just say you’re hungry…!

Anyway, I unwrapped the wrapping cloth.

There was no way I would pack a lunch in a cloth.

It was the morning that Mrs. Choi prepared for her son.

Anyway, why do you think the wrapping cloth is so piercing?

“Silk is a place where rules and irregularities coexist. Great.”

Don’t attach meaning to common patchwork, Grandfel.

Wait a minute for me to tackle as always.


someone knocked on the door.

I do not have meetings that are not promised in advance.

However, you may need to be flexible on the first day of your return.

Well, it doesn’t seem like Banshee.

I opened my mouth.

“You may come in, Marcelo.”

“Good morning Sir…”

Marcelo looked at me and hesitated.

“Have you been eating?”


“I should have told you beforehand, I’m sorry.”

“Wasn’t I absent? Never mind.”

“no. It’s not urgent enough to interrupt your meal.”

The curse of the Simuard family time limit.

Marcelo freed from the contract with the devil.

Thanks to this, unlike before, it seemed that he had the stamina to focus on his research.

If you look at the documents he brought with you in both hands.

‘Those must be materials related to strangeness.’

A work bomb as soon as you return!

It reminded me of the office worker days that I had forgotten.

How could the pride be able to turn a blind eye to the chief’s duties?

Moreover, research on oddities cannot be overlooked.

‘It’s a skill that worked even for a high-ranking demon king, Gamigin.’

At that time, I was surprised that Gamigin resisted Gii.

Come to think of it now.

It was right to be surprised that Kii was connected to Gamigin.

In that sense, it must be worth digging deeper than other wells.

‘By the way…’

Marcelo looks precarious with both hands full of papers.

No, the curse of the time limit has also disappeared.

Why are there still only bones? Marcelo.

I doubt whether he is eating rice or not.

“Have you eaten?”

“I couldn’t eat because I was not in a hurry.”


Again, I have to show Mrs. Choi’s taste.

I said to Marcelo.

“If it’s okay, why don’t we eat together?”


“Skipping breakfast is a bad habit.”

Marcelo paused and looked at the box of side dishes on the desk.

How come you are wondering what this is.

There won’t be any food that looks like this in Arcana.

You might as well be curious.

It’s not difficult to explain.

“This is a dish prepared by gathering grains, meat and vegetables from the fields, and it requires considerable care from the preparation of the ingredients. Also, depending on the cooking method, the taste also changes markedly, so if you compare it to magic, completely different foods are revealed depending on what you add to the interference process…”

Oh my God.

‘Although fried dumplings and steamed dumplings taste completely different…!!’

I don’t think anyone would explain dumplings so grandiosely!

However, it is not wrong to say that Mrs. Choi’s sincerity went into it.

The taste is also the taste of raising four siblings.

That’s why I’m not recommending dumplings to anyone, Marcelo.

“…Can I have some precious food like that?”

“You deserve it, Marcelo.”

“Then I will sit with you without shame.”

“How is it?”

“Oh oh…!”

“I really don’t need to say anything.”

“More than that…”


“Can I have a drink too?”

…No, there’s nothing wrong with that.

It’s 300 won each, so what’s the difference?

Why is Marcelo even looking for tea bag green tea?


Iron Castle No.

The Dwarves who looked down on the continent were astonished.

“Three OMG!”

Arcana Continent.

Even in their hideout, the Zero Mountains, which had a strong presence, disappeared. Even in one day. Leader Chainwalker opened his mouth in a serious voice.

“I was expecting it, but.”

Akkshan’s last survivor and adventurer.

exchanges with heat.

Thanks to this, Chain Walker had some understanding of the rift.

The rift is a passage connecting the continent of Arcana and the world of adventurers.

The fact that such a zero mountain range disappeared from the Arcana continent…

“So, does that mean that the zero mountain range appeared in your world?”

The Dwarves murmured at the Chain Walker’s words.

“Are you all right?”

“well. Isn’t the Zero Mountains just huge?”

“If something like that falls out of nowhere… it must be equivalent to the shock of tens of thousands of magic bullets.”

The creator of complicated mechanical devices, the Dwarf.

Is that why?

The damage caused when the Zero Mountains appeared out of nowhere was clearly pictured in my mind.

Of course, that was a story only applicable to dwarves.

The residents of Dredsen, who had been listening in silence, whispered.

“…Uncle Gardner. Can you believe it?”

“Can you believe that, Ransha?”

“I feel like something is really happening.”

The site of the Zero Mountains.

It was so flat that not even hills were visible.

“…I’m worried in many ways.”

ship in the sky.

The Iron Castle was heading to Antonium, the capital of the Empire.

It was to settle Dredsen residents in Antonium.

‘A ray of light in the infinitely deep darkness…’

I heard that the name, not the other name, was Kyung Ho-yeol.

Lansha learned about Ho-yeol’s achievements while staying aboard the Iron Castle.

You said that you recently dealt fatal damage to the demons, causing them to recoil. From Ransha’s own eyes, it seemed that the activity of the demons had significantly decreased.

‘I’m less worried about the devil…’

Will we be able to adapt well to the capital city of Antonium?

It was true that I was worried.

Dredsen was a small and poor village that was shunned by everyone.

However, Ransha clenched her fist.

‘Because we survived.’

Dark Spirit Diend.

Because I didn’t forget the pride Diend said.

Rather, Ransha has more time to worry about Ho-yeol.

It was because the dwarves’ expressions were so serious.

“Are you all right?”

Ransha didn’t know much about the amount of shock, but…

just thinking about it, it didn’t seem like an ordinary thing.

If you think about the fact that the surface of the river is still swaying even if a person jumps into it.

If the Zero Mountains fell, how wild would the water be?

Gardner gently closed his eyes.

“I can only pray that you are safe.”

Hoyeol, the savior of Dredsen.

What they can do without having anything.

Just praying for the savior to be safe.

And it was only about spreading the heroic story far and wide in Antonium.

Chainwalker looked at Ransha and Gardner.

“As you said, I can’t help but worry about the safety of Lord Hoyeol’s world. The shock of the appearance of the Zero Mountains, even if the Lord could somehow block it.”


the chain walker swallowed dryly.

“The Zero Mountains are dangerous in and of themselves.”

The Arcana Continent, where numerous strong people were born and lived.

Even so, no one has ever reached the top of the Zero Mountains.

It was because of the existence of the dragon guarding the top of the Zero Mountains.

‘…It’s not that I doubt Sir’s abilities.’

Wasn’t Gyoido a human after all?

humans and dragons.

It was safe to say that the weight class was the difference between the earth and the sky.


But the dwarves knew.

innate weight.

Because they are shorter and thicker than anyone else.

Because he knew better than anyone how to overcome it.

The Chain Walker’s eyes flashed.

“The time has finally come for you to need equipment!”

Even if it wasn’t so, the equipment for Hoyeol was being smelted by the Dwarves. In particular, the armor was being quenched with utmost elegance under Hiel’s spell.

Magic Platinum.

A high-purity magic stone.

Indigo butterfly thread….

It was an armor made of rare materials from the Dwarf’s treasure house, so it’s safe to say that its performance was the best of the Dwarves.

“It’s something to look forward to, sir.”

Suddenly, the chain walker’s gaze turned to the tightly closed iron door.

“…Kuhm, except for the weapons.”

Walsweil, the best blacksmith of the dwarves.

It has already been dozens of days since he closed the door and worked hard to smelt noble iron.

It had to be.

A voice came through the iron door.

“lack. You are ridiculously dull!”

“Shut up. The smelting is not over yet.”

“Dwarf, think of the enemies he must slash!”

…Sir, did you find such a noble iron even if you were looking for it?

The voice of Gwicheol continues.

Chain Walker gently closed his eyes.

“I have to be sharper. It means that you have to cut the eyes of the stars in the sky. The grindstone of this continent is not enough. It literally means to forge me with the ‘Milky Way Whetstone’, a whetstone that fell from the sky!”

on the subject of minerals.

I know a lot.

The demand is more.

“I’m really a Milky Way whetstone.”

A magical tool that had been handed down only as a legend among the dwarves of the world.

How the hell do you mean find it and forge it?




…wait for a sec.

Milky Way whetstone?

Shagwin’s voice immediately came to mind.

-“It doesn’t matter to me who wears that crown. I just lent my strength to the princes to get my hands on the magical tool, the Milky Way Whetstone.”

Didn’t I say that it was in the warehouse of the Imperial Palace of Antonium?

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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