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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 205

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Episode 205. A lucky day (1)

A majestic triumphal arch with aesthetics.

At the end of the leading road is the heart of the dungeon.

There was a siren, the boss mob of the dungeon.

Until then, I was genuinely amazed.

It’s just that it’s not an additional effect of the [Upper] rank.

‘What is a wayfinding service?’

One hundred thousand caves.

It was only the first cave.

It was as if he had been drifting in a sea of lava from the start.

In a sense of bewilderment and bewilderment.

It was like sweet rain in a drought when the time of the wise would almost come.

‘If I do well, I’ll be able to play solo in the future, right?’

In the end, should I get help from Fabian or an explorer?

I was seriously thinking about it.

There was no particular reason to dislike Fabian.

From Lord Hoyeol to Commander Hoyeol.

I don’t like the title Fabian calls me.

‘Hayel Diend’s ghost train wasn’t enough, so it went all the way to Fabian?’

Listening to their chatter…

it seemed like I might faint from dizziness before I could clear anything. It was a moment when I was grateful for the aesthetic and moved forward with a much lighter pace.

[Quest: Lava Siren]

The quest came to mind, and now it was.


The siren’s clear voice resounds.

Dean finally shut his mouth.

Highel gently closed his eyes and poured out his impressions.

“It’s a song that makes even the listener happy.”

Indeed, Highell.

Like Grandfel’s alter ego, there’s no corner left out when it comes to culture. Of course, it is also sweet to the ears of Lee Ho-yeol, who has built a wall with classical music.

‘by the way.’

The amount of horsepower to check quietly.

I used up half of it in one go.

It deserves it.

‘Because it’s difficult to fine-tune it in the first place.’

It was not a good idea to blindly freeze it.

The purpose was to make lava as cold as the sea.

Because of this, he had no choice but to express general freezing magic instead of absolute zero.

Anyway, it’s hard to listen to Grandfel’s insistence.

– Defeat the lava siren. (Failure)

– Fulfill the lava siren’s wish. (Success)

Even so, it seemed like a good thing to choose below from the options.

Even if you don’t know the circumstances.

Killing the siren even knowing it would have been something he was reluctant to do.

An 800-level dungeon boss monster.

Although the experience is worth it.

Monsters aren’t the only sirens.

Maybe it’s because I’ve accumulated experience and eaten jjambab.

It wasn’t too difficult to figure out what was going on.

The days when Arcana was just a game.

It is only natural for monsters to exist in dungeons.

It is only natural that the background and setting follow.

But now that the arcana has become a reality.

Arcana was outside the realm of Cosmo AAU.

As can be seen from the information provided by AAU.

As if things that were only concepts in the development stage existed from the beginning.

That he is alive and breathing on the Arcana continent. They only appeared in reality through cracks.

‘Each person has a background and setting.’

yes that’s AAU.

Arcana is no longer a game.

That’s why it was officially announced.

‘Siren also had a story.’

Instead of killing such a siren.

I solved the quest related to that story.

‘It’s tough. It’s hard.’

I felt it in Teppern too.

Why is there no easy way to tell the story.

Whips were heard in the middle of the murmur.

“…a song that touches my heart, my lord.”

Is it a sympathy for those with a story?

Diend was wet like a dark cloud.

As expected, like the alter ego of Grandfel.

It takes as much work as you do.

‘If it’s not me, who else will comfort me?’

But before that.

Let’s start with the quest reward.

[Dungeon: Lava Siren has been cleared.]

Although the boss of the dungeon, the Siren, has not been defeated.

The clear message clearly came to mind.

That is to say.

It means that I and Siren are no longer hostile. I don’t know how other players feel, but for me, sirens are not treated as monsters in the system.

Do you have anything to add to the explanation?


Not even paying attention to my gaze.

You can tell just by looking at them swimming through the cold lava.

In addition, messages came one after another.

[Hidden place: You have entered the lava sea.]

A hidden place.

The name of the dungeon was changed.

Like areas like Euthra Frost Muon.

[Relationship with Lava Siren has increased significantly.]

[Influence in the sea of lava has increased.]

[Friendship with Lava Siren has reached its maximum level.]

Messages that pop up one after another.

This is the moment when speculation becomes certain.

In other words, the friendship with the region has reached its maximum value.

This means that you can activate the ‘permission function’ in your region.

‘wait for a sec.’

…This was not something to waste experience points on.

Didn’t I just succeed in the zero mountain range?

100,000 Caves, of course.

To reach the top of the mountain range.

It sounds like you’ve built an outpost.

“Everything starts with the first step.”

This time, it is acceptable to hold the form to the fullest, Grandfel.

Let’s think about the distant future.

The reward for this option seemed much better than the experience.

‘Right now, my bubble… It was also covered by a very rich bubble, so even the devil seemed unable to grasp the situation.’

as much as in the temple.

Humanity and Arcana Continent were invariably inferior.

I can be said to be a third force in such a situation.

It was to enlist the monster as an ally.

‘Of course, it could be that only the siren is an unusual case.’

There must be any number of monsters openly entangled in evil ties with humans.

But don’t worry about mistaking it.

Yes, because I had [simmi].

only when the road is open.

Only when the quest comes to mind.

Can you follow me?

But as I said, it’s not an easy road.

‘No, even if it’s just a siren.’

Even if I knew the story, it was virtually impossible to realize it. It wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t have the [Blessing of the First World Tree] morale buff.

Either way, it’s bound to fail.

In that sense, I might have done a great job…?

“Sometimes the scenery of an unfamiliar road isn’t bad either.”

However, the proud Grand Fell never showed condescension to others for his hardships. After all, the only thing that recognizes my injustice is the system.

[Siren’s song blesses you.]

[Luck greatly increases.]

[Remaining time: 23:59]


I was told that the tone was very sweet even for my ear, which is not familiar with the sound, and it was a buff.

It was also the first [Luck] stat increase buff I had ever seen in my life.

‘It’s a huge rise?!’

The days when Arcana was just a game.

[Luck] The role of the stat was not specific.

Literally good luck.

At least it hits a critical hit and lets you evade it.

In a big way, it makes equipment enhancement successful.

At best, that was only about it.

But it was me who knew it through experience.

Why 1 point each?

Something happened every time I invested as if it was good luck!

And when you dismiss such [luck] as superstition?

‘Isn’t the devil suddenly pouring?’

Anyway, it was a mess.

In that sense, this.

It was a message that could never be overlooked.

The duration of the buff is only one day today.

There is a reason to spend the rest of the day to the fullest.

I opened my mouth.

“Hyel, I won’t leave this place to you.”

Telepathy is more effective between us than a hundred words.

Because it became an area in a dungeon. It would need a base to call it a region.

Right now, the priority was to create a space to set foot on.

“I will obey the will of the High El master.”

Its role is similar to, but opposite to, the ‘Aquariu Oak Tree’, which grew up with a huge amount of water as its nourishment. It is a ‘Bloodia ornamental tree’ that grows with enormous heat as food.


Hyel immediately manifested his {nature} ability.

Then the sea of lava.

Bloodia ornamental trees springing up from the bottom.

It’s gorgeous like an ornamental tree.

Can a cat pass by a fish store?

Grandfelre pours out of your mouth.

“It’s a pure heart befitting a pure land.”

Interpretation is that the trunk of the tree is transparent.

That was the reason why it had a name related to blood in a tree subject. The way the lava spread through the rhizomes and leaves was like blood flowing through the veins.


A song that suddenly stopped.

A siren is examining a growing ornamental tree with his face half out in the lava. It’s surprising. Because it was growing at such a rate that you could see it growing in real time.

well i’m used to it

‘It’s a blessing to grow an elixir as an elixir.’

It’s like an ornamental tree in Bloodia.

It’s natural to let it grow.

It seemed that the thick branches could serve as a stepping stone.

‘Then be safe.’

Now is the time to use the effect of the greatly increased luck.

The first thing that came to mind was, of course, hunting.

As I said, I shouldn’t dwell on the level.

Isn’t it a situation where you have to level up and fall into a contradiction?

When I turn around, the jacket flutters without notice—

‘Even if the remaining level limit is set aside.’

Even to check the effectiveness of [Obsession].

You had to level up and get stat points.

So I immediately manifested the portal.

The target coordinates are Zero Mountains.

From now on.

Let monsters without a story tremble in fear.

“Follow me, Diend.”


Another Space No.

Another space station orbiting the Earth.

After Cataclysm.

It was a spaceship belonging to AAU that surfaced to respond to the rift. It was thanks to Another Space that the location of the cracks created in real time could be identified.

No signs of abnormality were detected—

a middle-aged man looking at the instrument panel.

He let out a quick sigh.

I just realized it.

“There really is no regular update.”

“You have a lot of doubts.”

“doubt? If you are floating in the dark space and looking at the earth, you will inevitably have doubts that you did not have. I still doubt it sometimes.”

Zero Mountains can be seen clearly even from space.

Where do you see clearly?

Its highest peak rises so high that it can be felt close even from space.

So, of course, what exists at the top.

It should be clearly filmed through the observation lens of Another Space.

“I wonder if this is a hidden camera. They think that what we are seeing through the lens is actually a manipulated video. Look, do you think it makes sense? Clouds in space.”

Fog in space

A phenomenon that cannot be scientifically explained is a bonus.

It is impossible without magic.

The man playfully got angry.

“Shit! If I hadn’t seen magic with my own two eyes, I would never have admitted it. damn i watched it A scientist who believes in magic.”

In lamentation, the woman shrugged.

“Still, it’s nice to see you looking lively after a while. Well, even though Rayman Sean is a fucking bastard, he hasn’t lied to you all this time.”

That there is no update history.

There is no problem with cracks that do not appear in the history.

At most, below the proper level of 200.

Most of them were quickly cleared by players who were eager to level up.

“So let’s not focus too much on the good days.”

“Ugh. What.”

“It’s a hot pack.”

“Why are you covering this hot thing over your face?”

“Because I’ll be looking into it instead. Please close your eyes for a moment.”

The man grumbled, but then let out a moan.

It’s definitely a feeling of fatigue.

Just like that…

It was the moment when the man fell into a short sleep without realizing it.

“Senior Seo?”


“That one over there…!”


His eyes bulged reflexively


A hot pack that fell on the floor.

I could intuit the urgent voice.

It exploded.

One possibility pops into my mind at the moment.

Urgent update.

resulting in the appearance of cracks.

Another Space’s role is at least part of it.

It was to quickly locate and inform the Earth of the location of the rift.

“Damn magic.”

However, it was impossible to fully understand the concept of Arcana by another space ship that floated in space based on science. Therefore, a fully automated system could not exist.

Reality and Arcana Continent.

To overcome the gap between the two worlds.

Even though he was a scientist, he had to change his body after witnessing magic.

“Where are you?”

Like when you close your eyes.

The man widened his eyes.

The man’s gaze turned to the instrument panel.



There are still no detectable signs of abnormality——

the man thought.

…Is it a real hidden camera?

But in the words that followed, I realized.

“Not over there, over there…!”

The place where the finger points is none other than Earth.

It was.

The top of the Zero Mountains was distorting.

“black hole…?!”

So violently that I can’t help but think.

It is distinctly different from cracks.

This is a scene as if force were forcibly tearing space apart.



The two had witnessed similar things.

[Cracks in broken dimensions] From the appearance of cracks.


But then things were different.

Distorted space like a black hole.

Huge figures gliding through space.

The man radioed to Earth in a trembling voice.

“This is AAU Another Space. An anomaly detected at the top of the Zero Mountains. The dragon began to glide after tearing through space… no, tearing through dimensions!!”




[Magic Eye’s Telescope].

The landscape of the Arcana continent illuminated by a telescope.

I was overcome with an overwhelming sense of betrayal.

No, I heard that luck has risen drastically?

Dragon elves, transcendentalists, and even demon kings.

not just luck

Was it a lucky letter?

What a mess this is all of a sudden!

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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