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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 214

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Episode 214. The tower owner disappeared

to ask the person concerned .

All mages of senior rank or higher in the Mage Tower quickly gathered in the Crystal Hall.

Of course, that includes me as the chief. Even that was not enough, so I stood on the podium of the Crystal Hall as the first witness.

Even in this situation, the neck and back are overly upright.

Thanks to their upright posture, the faces of those gathered can be seen at a glance.

Most of them have dumbfounded expressions.

I hear Banshee and Bangrit whispering.

“What is this, Mr. Bangrit?”

“Did you not hear the news?”

“No, that’s because I’m crazy…”

“What else is that paper you’re holding in your hand?”

“Oh you mean this? It’s nothing.”

What is it? It’s an application form that was rejected by me.

Judging from the rough atmosphere, it seems that Banshee is the only one who doesn’t know the seriousness of the situation. Of course, that doesn’t mean that everyone has to wrinkle their faces with serious expressions.

‘Because most of them won’t have contact with the tower owner.’

Even the senior mages who had faced the elder mages were counted on one hand. How many people would have faced a tower owner who was harder to see than that? Of course

, there were only a handful

of them .

Among them, I don’t even need to add anything to Marcelo.

“The tower lord has gone missing.”

Marcelo sat down and opened his mouth.

“It was Chief Lee Ho-yeol who first discovered the site.”

That’s absolutely right.

That’s why I’m standing upright on the podium like this.

Soon after, Yugweed winked at Marcelo and took over the horse’s tail.

“And I found this chief like that.”

That’s right too.

I nodded lightly and someone said.

“Then, fortunately out of misfortune! Chief Lee Ho-yeol, not anyone else, was the first discoverer. I’m sure you’ve found any little clues!”

…Is that messing with me?

It was Banshee who uttered suspicious remarks.

I wondered if this was the revenge of the tower application.

Banshee’s notice is shocking, so let’s be kind and understand.

In fact, what I couldn’t understand more than Banshee was my stubborn stubbornness.

The eyes focused on me—

They must have thought that I knew the whereabouts of the Tower Master.

Of course I’m guessing.

The goal of the quest, clearer than the clues, was floating in front of my eyes.

– Stop the conspiracy of the archmages. (In progress)

Face the tower owner’s body. (Failure)

Destroy the overcrowded body of the tower owner. (In progress)

…I thought it couldn’t work out this well!

It is clear that the body and consciousness are separated.

How did the tower owner’s body wriggle his fingers?

From the time I had that question, I was anxious and anxious.

The course of the incident was the same as the objective of the quest.

The tower owner’s body, which was floating in the magic sphere, ran out of control.

After breaking the sphere, he ran away from the mage’s tower, leaving his consciousness intact in the conical hat. It is not known where the tower owner’s body went, but one thing was certain.

Defeat the body of the runaway tower owner. (in progress)

It will never come out favorably.

Even so, there were specific circumstances and a clear alibi.

As I said, my stubbornness.

No, Grandfell’s stubbornness was the problem.

“There were no clues left on the top floor of the Magic Tower.”

yeah that’s not wrong

The clue is in my quest window.

Because it’s not on the top floor.


‘There is a saying that you can pay a thousand nyang with words. Why?’

Always earn a hawk with your mouth.

Are you saying only the words that make you a seed, Grand Fell?


Banshi was taken aback by my resolute declaration.

Bangrit next to him speaks for him.

“Then, what do you know about the tower lord’s whereabouts…?”

My answer to that was even more spectacle.

“I will not answer.”


In his own defense, this wasn’t just a joke.

It’s because of the pride that I have no choice but to protect the words I spit out.

Yes, I had definitely told the tower owner that.

– “I will keep this matter confidential for the time being.”

But no matter how confidential it is.

‘It’s not for nothing that they say that silence is positive.’

Can’t you turn around a little bit and say it!

The atmosphere in the Crystal Hall subtly changed at my shameless declaration.

Yugweed opens his mouth.

“Then may I ask why you found the top floor of the Mage Tower? Although the Chief of the Magic Tower has the right to freely enter and exit the top floor. Didn’t Chief Lee usually go in and out of the top floor?”

Why, of course, because of the quest.

However, it was a quest that started with the tower owner in the first place.

according to the spoken words.

I had no choice but to remain silent in response to Yugweed’s question.

This time, what I said was the same.

“I will not answer.”

There is no such thing as a mouth of genuine fear.

I am such a suspicious person.

As advertised, I was exercising my right to remain silent.

Even so, the gaze toward me did not change to doubt.

‘This kind of reaction is a bit touching.’

Of course, it doesn’t end without suspicion.

Marcelo’s gaze lowered his head.

The empty eyes that anyone could see looked at me.

“…I’m sure there must be an unavoidable circumstance for the Lord to say that. But would you please consider my feelings just this time?”

say it again

On the continent of Arcana, wizards are.

Among them, the wizards of the Mage Tower are absolutely not saints.

Didn’t you hear about the anecdote of the Mage Tower that proves this through rumors from afar, and from yeska?

‘They blew up the area simply because it got in the way.’

Those wizards were trying to understand me, who was suspicious to anyone.

I didn’t want to feel it this way.

I can definitely feel that the Mage Tower has changed.


“I’m sorry. Chief Marcelo.”


“Even so, I cannot accept your request.”

It was all because of Marcelo that I didn’t answer, raising unnecessary suspicions. Yeah I hope Marcelo doesn’t disappoint.

‘Because the owner of the Tower, who is waiting anxiously, is already dead.’

At the point when the body and consciousness were separated, the tower owner was as good as dead. Otherwise, Jesse wouldn’t have been able to inherit the archmage class.

That’s why I didn’t panic.

‘This must also be part of the Tower Owner’s plan.’

I still don’t know what the plan is.

As it came to mind in the quest goal.

A plan that will come true only when the body of the tower owner dies.

So no one else knows.

He said he could never say anything to Marcelo.

Even if

“…I understood Sir’s meaning.”

Even if you are disappointed in me.




Bellier looked at Matisse, a senior in black magic.

Matisse just kept his eyes closed.

It was just a procedure, not an investigation.

Even so, because he was the first witness, he probably didn’t want to see Chief Lee Ho-yeol answering questions from the podium. In fact, Bellier’s feelings were not very different.

‘…No, everyone must feel the same way.’

Even if a skilled apprentice wizard doesn’t know.

All the wizards of senior rank or higher gathered here knew it.

Chief Lee Ho-yeol, who was an adventurer, carried the burdens he carried for the Mage Tower.

The magic tower’s mistake.

The moment the elder wizards, including Karimzeba, turned out to be devil worshipers, Chief Lee Ho-yeol turned all the attention and arrows of the world to himself.

Not only that.

To prevent the staggering magic tower from collapsing completely.

To move towards a new truth.

It was Chief Lee Ho-yeol who led the wind of change.

‘Everyone knows, so it must be that kind of expression.’

Because Lee Ho-yeol is the chief.

Everyone in this place was trusting.

Even if they don’t give any answer to the tower owner’s whereabouts.

He believes that there will be unavoidable circumstances for the chief.

“There is no objection to the question.”

“I also have no questions left.”

“You think it’s better to finish soon, don’t you?”

Pure Magesology Banglet Tom.

Earth Magic Maia Deian.

Enchantment Kiko Armin.

Elemental Magic Payyan Lot…

“I agree.”

Finally, he and Matisse Senior Wizard.

It had nothing to do with class.

Elder Yugwid was also nodding his head at the declaration of his seniors.

Marcelo was the only one in the crystal hall who did not express his opinion.


Bellier knew very well what kind of existence the Tower Master was to Marcelo.

Because I know it all too well.

Sometimes, I felt sorry for Marcelo.

‘I know it can’t be helped.’

Bellier thought from Marcelo’s point of view.

After Topju showed his reaction for the first time.

Not even a day has passed.

The top lord has disappeared.

It was the first time I discovered the site.

Fortunately, chief Lee Ho-yeol.

Marcelo must have put his mind at ease more than anyone else.

Chief Lee Ho-yeol must have thought that he would have caught something in the traces left by the top owner. However, Chief Lee remained silent.

He declared that he did not know and would not answer.

‘I know it’s a complicated mind.’

If it’s your personality, Marcelo.

Thinking that I shouldn’t dare to resent Mr. Lee.

That you’re blaming yourself.

But Belle could have guessed.

Chief Lee Ho-yeol’s feelings were not much different from Marcelo’s.

Because Belle was the only person.

‘Chief Lee…’

Knowing the real reason why Ho-yeol entered the Arcana continent alone.

In the midst of millions of demons attacking, he noticed that Simuard had returned after curing the time-limiting curse.

Because of that, he was the only person who witnessed the spectacle of returning to the Mage Tower covered in blood.

‘If you tell the truth, Marcelo…’

I’m sure you can understand Chief Lee’s feelings.

However, thanks to this, Marcelo might fall into even greater self-reproach.

Besides, didn’t Chief Lee tell you?

-“Severe mood swings are not good for him.”

It was Bellier who had not revealed the truth of that day to anyone until now because there was a request.

But just because it’s unknown doesn’t mean it’s not something that didn’t exist. So Belle had no doubts.

‘I’m sure you’ll make everything right.’

Bellier looked at Hoyeol.

The back of her as she exits the Crystal Hall.

Suddenly, Ho-yeol’s words came to mind.

Apparently, the chief said so.

– “To live is to swim in solitude.”

“…Are you carrying it alone this time?”

Belle murmured softly.

“…How can you bear that weight?”




Anyway, this guy’s dark history confuses many people!

It’s just that everything is the tower owner’s plan, and the tower owner broke the magic sphere with his feet and left the magic tower. Do you really think I’m going to fly somewhere if I cover it?


In particular, Marcelo has no face.

How much have I received from Marcelo so far!

Even if it was for Marcelo.

I never thought something would happen between us that we need to keep quiet about.

‘No, why should I say useless things…!’

A mouth that shamelessly spits out despite my self-reproach.

“It’s nice. Top lord.”

Who the hell is going to say that, Grandfel.

‘I didn’t want to go this far, but…’

Did you think you’d die embarrassing yourself in the Crystal Hall?

Yes, because equipment is like life to a player. Besides, the Dawning set wasn’t much different from the suits I usually wear. Even if you say you pass.


But isn’t it a bit harsh to wear this guy’s jacket over your shoulder in everyday life? It seems like the way they look at me is because of the way I look, and I feel like a victim.

“I will formally hold you accountable for your selfish behavior.”

I also want to formally hold you accountable for your shame, Grandfel.


That’s not what’s important right now.

From now on I

Just like Sword Master Shagwin.

At the same time as the Transcendentalist, I had to kill the Tower Master, the great mage of the previous generation.

To be precise, it’s not the Tower Owner’s body, but the Tower Owner’s body.

in such a serious situation.

I calmly recited.

Adding to the aftermath in the Crystal Hall.

“You are the tower owner who answers Marcelo’s question. not me.”


I hope you can make it come true this time too.

I hoped earnestly and moved on.




【Arcana Continent Electric Official Website】

※Emergency update notice

『The worst enemy is coming to your side.

A new boss monster tower is added.

The area of appearance is ‘the entire globe’.”

On that day, mankind realized.

What kind of existence is the Transcendental of Arcana Continent?

Hundreds of meteorites falling from the sky.


“There are tons of shooting stars falling from the sky!”

“Hehehe, God, please…!!”

I witnessed in despair.


As if you hit the rewind button.

“I don’t believe in gods or superstitions.”

A cluster of meteorites traveling back into space in the night sky.

“If you were still making a wish.”

A strange existence that surpasses even such a transcendent.

“I will make it happen for you.”


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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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