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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 215

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Episode 215. “The worst enemy is coming to your side


A new boss monster tower is added.

The area of appearance is ‘all over the earth.’

The shocking news spread quickly.

It was none other than AAU that was more embarrassing than anyone else.

The new boss monster is the tower.

If that statement is true…

Yoon Su-gyeom swallowed dry saliva.

“It will not be an exaggeration to say that you are your worst enemy.”

Ever since Arcana was just a game, wizards have been treated with great respect.

Regardless of the level, it was enough to join a famous guild just because the class was a wizard.

It was natural.

Wizards per day.

Beings who can do more than that according to their abilities.

Including the cost of being invested in one of the aristocratic classes of that time. The level of difficulty in training was extremely high, but it was a class that would definitely reward you if you trained it.

“Because the Arcana settings were like that.”

I could tell just by looking at the Empire.

It was an empire that could be said to have unified the vast Arcana continent. Compared to the countless number of soldiers, the number of wizards belonging to the empire was nothing but new blood.

“To be honest, it was a setting made for balance. The Magic Tower.”

Wizards were beings that could shake the balance of the Arcana continent.

So, when it was just a game, the Mage Tower served as a shackle to prevent such wizards from rampaging.

However, now that Arcana has become a reality.

The magic tower wizards were not NPCs, so the setting could not last forever.

At first, how much did that fact alone make your heart tremble?

I still couldn’t forget the day the magic tower appeared in reality.

“It was a complete super flight, us.”

“You worked overtime every day until the Mage Tower officially announced its position, right?”

“Thinking back then, I should be grateful now.”

A magic tower that surpasses nuclear bombs in terms of danger alone.

I didn’t know that such a mage tower would become a reliable support force for mankind.

It must all be thanks to Hoyeol, the head of the Mage Tower.

In that sense, this update was bound to be even more shocking.

“Has there been any contact from the Mage Tower?”

“Even so, I received calls from players who were staying at the Mage Tower as apprentice wizards. Elder mage Yugwid will reveal his opinion regarding the case!”

“Whoa. Didn’t everyone in the Magic Tower turn around?”

in a bursting sigh.

Seong Hyun-jun and Yoon Su-gyeom exchanged glances.

Because they both had the same question.

Seong Hyun-joon’s mouth trembled.

“Why isn’t it Hoyeol-sama this time?”

Until now, it was Ho Yeol who revealed the Mage Tower’s attitude to the public.

The powerful chief and player of the Mage Tower.

Because there was no one who could perfectly play the role of connecting reality and the Mage Tower like Ho-yeol.

Sung Hyun-jun’s eyes widened.

“…Could it be that you’re anticipating an emergency update and moving first?”

“No, no way.”

“yes? Do you have anything to point out, senior?”

“There must be a reason why the tower owner turned into an enemy of the players. If you are Ho-yeol, you must know why. No, I can’t know.”

“…because you belong to the same magic tower?”

“Yeah, Yugweed must be aware of it too.”

Yoon Soo-gyeom nodded his head confidently.

However, Yoon Su-gyeom’s assurance did not last long.

The lobby of the Magic Tower.

Elder Yugweed appeared in front of reporters.

-“I didn’t expect the Tower Master to show hostility.”

At her declaration, Seong Hyeon-jun stuttered,

“…you mean you didn’t even show any sign of a meal?”

It was an unpredictable AAU that the head of the tower fell into a state of suspended animation and was floating in the magic sphere.

But if you couldn’t predict exactly, you could guess similarly.

“Is that the reaction you were expecting?”

“Yeah, looking at the calm voice… I noticed that he was aware of his whereabouts. Shit, I should be able to find out what rice cakes are in the magic tower.”

“Right. I don’t know how any setting would have been realized.”

Haven’t you seen it countless times?

The scene where the few lines of settings added to not harm the balance of Arcana Continent Electric became a ‘real’ boomerang and flew into reality.

In that sense, further speculation only made my head hurt.


Yoon said, shaking off his thoughts.

“Okay, let’s just think about the immediate crisis.”

The circumstances of the magic tower?

That was nothing in the face of an immediate crisis.

The sorcerers of the Arcana Continent are said to be amazing.

The magician’s pinnacle tower.

Because it was a situation that appeared as an enemy of mankind.

“Damn it, it wasn’t long ago that the dragon flew up.”

Rough words came out of Yoon Soo-gyeom’s mouth.

It meant that there was no answer.

The most important thing was that the tower owner did not appear in the rift.

Just jump out of the mage tower.

It just jumped out into reality.

As if to remind you of that fact.

It is also clearly stated in the update history.

The area where it appears is ‘All over the Earth’.

“Does the pagoda intend to fight flashingly in the east and in the west?”

“The only thing that can keep up with that kind of mobility is…”

“Among the players, Ho-yeol is the only one.”

AAU who rolls his head in his own way.

But it was wrong from the start.

For the tower owner, take the portal from the east.

I didn’t even have to show up in the book.


a loud warning sound.

Front monitor screen automatically switched.

It was a sudden warning sound, but no one panicked.


I’ve been hearing the same warning beeps lately.

It was.

The moment the dragon soared from the top of the Zero Mountains.

Branch manager Park Min-jae opened his mouth.

“Damn it, this is the transmission from Another Space.”

His voice trembled strangely.

“A cluster of asteroids falling toward Earth.”


“Under the circumstances, it is presumed to be a meteor strike manifested by Tower Master.”


Because the transcendent was such a being.


You’re running wild, our boss!

Also reading magic books.

It was one of those days where I never missed a day.

thanks i know


what kind of magic is that meteor shower pouring down from the sky?

‘It’s 10 crazy Meteor Strikes.’

Even if it’s part of the plan.

Are you determined to blow up the earth? What?!

Meteor Strike.

It was magic that most wizards didn’t even know existed.

If you just look at the expression process, you’ll be able to notice it, right?

Search for asteroids floating in space, not even in the sky. It means that it is a magic that requires you to pour enough mana to make it fall, intervene, and reach the manifestation process.

How many people have that level of magic expression power! In that sense, I’ll bet.

In order to manifest Meteor Strike, you must have a ‘circle’.

I opened my mouth.

“Are you celebrating your escape?”

He spat out his impressions of the great magic Meteor Strike.

“But the direction of the fireworks is wrong, tower owner.”

A nuclear bomb like that is a firecracker.

Pretentiousness really….

But I don’t spit out words that I can’t keep.

[Reversal magic] manifestation.

I looked at the retrograde Meteor Strike.

Yes, on the contrary, it stretches straight into the sky.

As Grandfel said, it’s like playing with firecrackers now.

Suddenly a voice is heard.

“what…? Meteorites upside down?!”

“for a moment. This is Lee Ho-yeol!”

“what?! where?!”

“Mom, it must have been fireworks, not shooting stars!”

Citizens sticking their heads out the windows and looking at me.

As you can see, this was a densely populated downtown area.

The words are spitting out calmly, but they are genuinely dizzy.

‘It’s a shame because I really struggled with all my might and dug all sorts of wells, and even that wasn’t enough, so I even grew and ate elixirs myself and formed a circle…!’

What if you struggled and got a cramp on your leg?

At this moment, I wouldn’t even be able to search for Meteor Strike.

No wonder.

I wouldn’t know if I had manifested it again.

Because it was an unfamiliar magic manifested by someone else.

‘Generally impossible.’

However, if I am also a transcendental person, the story is different.

[Transcendent: Your transcendent state is enough to be called a transcendent. – Current Achievement: Circle (Increases all magic expression power by 1000%) / Unfinished Quick Sword Skill / None / None…]

Expression power is a concept that encompasses all stats related to magic.

That includes search and interference capabilities.

Even if it wasn’t so, thanks to the strange setting, Grandfel’s vision, which was at a phenomenal level, became 1000% brighter. In that sense…

Maybe me and Grandfel are oddities themselves.

『Settings』 and [System].

It’s because they’re using two completely different concepts sparingly.

by the way.

It was impossible to be swayed by the tower owner forever.

I raised my magic power and traced the traces of magic power on the pillar.

It was not difficult to pinpoint the location as it searched for Meteor Strike and identified its magic power. Without delay, a portal was launched directly toward the coordinates.

“…Go for it!!”

Suddenly, a voice from the back of my head grabs my feet.

A word spoken by someone with courage.

That voice became a signal flare and cheers poured out on me.

“Hehe, thank you… Really…!”

“Please win, Ho-yeol-nim!”

“I will support you with pride!”

…It’s the first time I’ve ever heard something like that.

Well, I was the one who bumped into the players a lot.

I never had to face the general public.

Maybe because I was conscious of that fact, my shoulders are very burdened.

Is it because of the pressure?

I would rather!

I recited shamelessly.

“These are truly simple wishes.”


There was no way this guy’s pride felt burdened.

The reason why the shoulders are burdened, of course.

In the midst of this, it’s because of the flapping jacket….




There’s no such thing as morality anyway, Rayman Shen.

No matter how urgent the update is, isn’t it a national rule to notify the level in the details? Of course, even if it is at a stage where the meaning of the level fades from the transcendent.

‘Can’t you guess though?’

After escaping from the portal, I raised my head.

And I realized

That I was as good as ignoring the ability of the circle.

The tower owner did not need a battlefield.

Because he was able to create a battlefield.

To the naked eye, it looked like an ordinary sky, land, mountain, forest.

Dark magic power overflows in the area.

was soon noticed.

‘It’s not real.’

That everything is a ‘mass of magic’.

Everything in my field of vision was hallucination magic.

It is truly astounding magic realization power.

‘I’m sorry to Nasrou, but.’

Senior psychedelic magician Nasrou.

His hallucination magic is so different that it is embarrassing to compare it to.

If normal illusion magic is to deceive the target, this is the level of trying to deceive the world. Actually, I was standing on the mass of magic power with my two legs.


“Is it hallucination magic again?”

Who am I?

Those days when I had just awakened as a player, and at most I was around level 100.

Without an invitation, he stumbled into the magic tower where the regular conference was held. I was the one who saw through the hallucinatory magic of the Tower Master.

So, you can talk nonchalantly.

“Unexpectedly, Tower Master, you have no progress.”

What is the ulterior motive of the tower owner?

I don’t know.

but top lord.

To be precise, the hostility of the Tower Master’s body.

It was clearly identified with 10 meteor strikes.

So I have no choice but to be sincere.

The direction of the hexadecimal brooch to align.

Adjust your clothes and check the active buff.

Although [Natural Enemy Relations] did not activate.

As stated in the update notes.

Tower owner’s body is a boss monster judgment.

[Spring Star Brooch 2/6]

[Set item effect applied]

[Currently applied set effect: 2/6]

[1. All basic stats increase by 2 points.]

[2. When attacking a boss monster, all damage increases by 10%.]

In the absence of a [Natural Enemy], even a 10% power increase is precious. ] cannot be omitted.

Besides, the tower master’s body.

You don’t have any magic tools like me, do you?

You must have come out of the magic sphere with your bare body.

Even if you put aside the fluttering jacket of dawn.

I’m not often seen in the Magic Tower.

It means that both of them were covered with epic grade items.


Unwillingly, thanks to the higher rank demon king, he even experienced the greatness of Kii.

Against the worst enemy of Tower Zura.

It means that there was a reasonable yet complicated calculation to go out alone.

But it didn’t end there.

Magical power suddenly swaying in the air.

In a portal that is slowly manifesting.

Because unexpected reinforcements appeared.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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