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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 216

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Episode 216. Lesson (1)


Judging by the clear exclamation marks in his eyes, it must be Jesse Heinness this time. Anyway, I’m the one who should be surprised. For some reason, Jesse looked much more surprised.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you in a place like this, Chief Lee Ho-yeol!”

It seems that he doesn’t remember what happened in the social space of time and space.


The posture of bowing at a right angle was polite, so I responded without even realizing it.

“The aftereffects of magical exhaustion seem to have improved.”

It’s good to say hello. This is it.

But there is a degree of direct entry!

did you just say

‘He doesn’t seem to remember what happened at the social gathering place.’

I don’t even remember meeting you.

How do you know that I suffered from magical exhaustion?

What if I ask you something?

I wondered what would happen if you looked at me strangely.

“Magic Exhaustion…? After all, you are the chief! You noticed that the flow of my magical power is unstable! Thank you for your concern. I’m fine now!”

…At times like this, the accumulated karma can be helpful.

Anyway, I looked at Jesse.

Anyway, isn’t it a bit dangerous here?

‘It was in the early to mid-500 level.’

I dared to predict.

This battlefield is too much for Jesse.

Evidence was already visible.

Shoulders sway slightly.

It was Jesse who appeared from the portal.

The farther away the destination is, the faster the amount of magical power consumed to manifest the portal increases.

To the point where you can see that you are breathing. Jesse must have consumed a lot of mana to manifest the portal.

Jesse couldn’t have tracked the magical traces of the tower.

if so too.

Did you follow the class quest?

take a quick look around

So far, the top owner has not revealed his appearance.

I guess I need to exchange opinions with Jesse.

The more information about the enemy, the better.

In that sense, Jesse is a strong supporter.

‘In a way, it’s because he’s the party.’

I knew the story behind this incident to some extent through my conversation with the tower owner.

I didn’t know the specific purpose.

Even if there was a quest, it was overly concise.

– Stop the conspiracy of the archmages. (In progress)

Face the tower owner’s body. (Failure)

Destroy the overcrowded body of the tower owner. (in progress)

kill it.

because it was written that way.

But it wouldn’t be Archmage Jesse.

My guess was correct.

“You really guessed! That’s right, because of the class quests. I may not be as crazy as Chief Lee, but… I was working hard in my own way!”

I nodded heartily.

It’s not because Jesse is unique.

It’s because I’m special about Lee Ho-yeol.

Because I really struggle to death every day!

Why is that even today?

Let’s say that it somehow worked out, solved the emergency update, and returned.

Whether it was Youth or the Magic Tower, what I would do after returning was obvious.

The body to improve the [tenacity].

That too will be overworked to the point of reaching the limit.

where is that only?

After learning that there are rivals in Kii’s realm, including high-ranking demon lords.

We cannot neglect research on gii.

‘Just thinking about it makes me tired.’

But the Highest Pride.

There was no way I would be embarrassed in front of other people.

I spoke resolutely to Jesse.


There’s something the top lord said.

Even if it wasn’t that, it was because I fell into magical exhaustion.

by the way.

Let me add just one more word to you.

I spoke shamelessly.

“But the most important thing is not to sink.”

“…Ah, you mean magic exhaustion!”


Not just words, but sincerely.

I would like you to refrain from overdoing it until you run out of magical power.

My luck has already ended. It means that there is no guarantee what kind of archmage’s personality will emerge from the conical hat.

“Yes, I will keep that in mind!”

It took a while for Jesse to answer with an exclamation mark.

I got to the point.

So what is the goal of the archmage class quest.

What is the top master’s plan…!

“This class quest is a [class]!”


the moment you hear that word.

The questions that had been scattered like a puzzle began to come together.

From the moment the tower lord summoned Jesse to the Mage Tower, this moment.

Even the reason that led Jessie to this space that was too daunting for Jessie.

Even after the top lord dwells in the conical hat.

To teach the next archmage Jesse.

He left his body behind.

Jesse is an adventurer.

An existence with no magical knowledge whatsoever.

Even so, the existence of another world that is absolutely necessary to stop the conspiracy of the archmages.

A special method must have been needed to pass on vast magical knowledge to Jesse.

Jessie said as she held onto the wand with both hands.

“The goal of the quest is to encounter the body of the former archmage! I’m a little nervous and excited! It’s the first time I’ve seen the body other than the cone hat!”

Compare my quest goals with Jesse’s.

‘…destroy me. Encounter Jesse.’

Something quite different nuance.


Jesse won’t know about my quest unless I tell him.

So it’s understandable how excited you are.

But i know

“Jesse Heinness.”

“Yes, I am listening. Chief Lee!”

“This class will never be taken lightly.”

Before the full-scale class even started.

Wasn’t it the body of the tower owner who had 10 meteor strikes toward the earth? I’ve been through so many fucking situations. I felt a little bit

As if to answer my guess.

Beyond the changing psychedelic magic landscape.

In the turbulent waves of magical power.

The tower master’s body was revealed.

“Looks like class has started.”

At those words, Jesse’s pupils fall away from me for the first time.

The body of the tower owner who escaped from the opaque magic sphere.

Is it a man or a woman

An androgynous appearance that makes it difficult to recognize the gender.

What stood out more than that was the empty eyes without focus.

Suddenly, Jesse’s urgent voice is heard.

“…this chief!”

I know without saying

“The quest objective has been updated! But…”

“You can tell me.”

“That says ‘Survive this class’…!”

Survival is an impossible quest goal for Jesse, right?

But I think I know why he gave Jessie such a quest goal already.

Obviously in that conical hat. Among the rituals of the archmages. Something unusual must be happening, right?

Time is running out.

It no longer exists in a conical hat.

There’s no time left to take care of Jesse.

It must have reminded me of that situation.

If it is me who formed a circle.

Besides, if I, the founder of Kii, were with Jesse.

Arrangements for Jesse in the distant future.

You must have decided that it was okay to start at this point.

To sum up the situation in one word.

‘…It feels a bit like an observation class, right?’

When the body and consciousness are separated, it is impossible for the tower owner to control his body. If, at any rate, his own body runs out of control and tries to attack Jesse.

It was clear that I, who was watching, had to kill it.

‘No, he really looks like the manager.’

What’s the point of pampering your subordinates while reaching the quest goal?

But it wouldn’t be something to complain about.

That will be too.

All the magic currently manifested by the tower owner was literally for Jessie, the next great wizard.

Like Meteor Strike, super-high-level magic that can’t even be seen in magic books is poured out.

In that sense, open your eyes.

Let’s fix our thoughts, Hoyeol.

Let’s think of it as taking a class together, not as an observer.

『My innate magical talent was such that I could imitate most magic just by looking at it.』

Because I had the ability to absorb everything I witnessed in Grandfel.

good night.

Let’s start the class in earnest, Master of the Tower.

I spoke shamelessly.

“I wish I had something to learn.”


Magic Tower.

Yugweed looked at the assembled senior wizards.

Then, he raised the corner of his mouth benevolently.

“With this, the magic tower’s private parts have been exposed to the world.”

This chief has no face, especially you.

From the rebellion of the elders including Karimzeba.

to protect the mage tower.

to make it right again.

It was Ho-yeol who turned all his attention to himself.

However, even if the sacrifice is colorless.

“It’s a super-high-level magic manifestation. You are full of energy.”

The lord of the tower can be said to be the magic tower itself.

Our tower lord hit the back of the head with a heavy blow.

Of course, the seniors gathered here, including Yugwid, could not know the exact situation.

But one thing has become clear to me.

“I think I know why the chief kept his silence.”

“The chief couldn’t bear to speak.”


Matisse, the senior in Dark Magic, opened his mouth.

“Chief Lee always prioritized the Magic Tower.”

The silence in the Crystal Hall was also clear.

If the tower lord reveals and radiates hostility, the magic tower will have to step in and stop the tower lord. No one here would be happy to see such a situation.


“It is time to make a decision.”

It didn’t matter who the tower lord harbored hostility to.

The important thing here is the behavior of the tower owner.

Being a great threat to the world of adventurers.

“I can’t leave everything to this chief.”

“I am of the same opinion, Mr. Yugweed.”

“Such a senior in Valley.”

“I also.”

“Oh, Nasrou?”

Led by them, all twenty senior mages agreed.

Yugweed smiled once again.

It seemed that I was worrying for nothing.

“thank god. I was less worried about going out alone.”

Ugweed’s eyes quickly changed.

The gentle giant Yugweed.

Like Karimzeba and Senios, it wasn’t the tinnitus derived from “magic”.

Even after entering the Magic Tower.

It was a nickname that came on belatedly, passing from the senior to the senior elder.

The reason why Yugweed had such a nickname was simple.

“Then shall we start in earnest?”

Cool-headed judgment hidden behind a benevolent smile.

Ugweed had determination.

No one can stop a giant who has started taking steps.

In that sense, Yugweed was a giant.

Because I never backed down from a decision I made on my own.

Cool jokes continued.

“If you think about it, this would be treason against the tower owner, right? which isn’t bad Since you have set foot in the Magic Tower, it would be nice to sit in the seat of the tower owner, even if you are me. Whoops.”

Yugweed immediately followed the magic trail.

It would be much easier to track down the magic traces of this chief

rather than the magic traces of the tower’s head .

I thought so.

Yugweed let out a laugh.

“…Really not normal, Chief?”

Can’t even trace the magic scar.

Is this what [『Giggy』] means?

You are right.

For you, the circle was just a stage through which you passed.

“That’s why you returned the Tower’s Meteor Strike to the sky.”

It was so bizarre that even the elder Yugweed could not have guessed.

It’s a moment to admire the fresh shock.

Yugweed opened his mouth.

“Unless this old man is senile, this chief’s magic seems to have reached a level where criminals like us would not dare to pursue. Isn’t that right, Matisse?”

“The elder is right.”

“Bangrit, what do you think?”

“Yes yes! Now hold on!”

Pure Magical Senior Banglet.

He had the best magic sensitivity among seniors.

Sensitivity enough to be said to have been chosen by magical powers. It was okay to put Bangrit, a commoner who had not received proper magic training, into a senior position with a talent close to blessing.

“Elder Yugwid seems to be right.”

Of course, it was too much for such a banglet.

“It can’t be helped.”

Yugweed shrugged.

“I’ll have to get Chief Marcelo’s help.”

“If it’s Marcelo…”

“Come to think of it, I can’t see you?”

Marcelo Ramen walks the path of Kii with Ho-yeol.

He should be able to do at least tracking down the magic scars.

Yugweed passed the telepathy to Marcelo.

no i was going to


Bellier asked startled.

“What is it, Elder Yugweed?”

“It seems we procrastinated.”


“Telepathy doesn’t reach Marcelo.”

“What do you mean…?”

“Probably Chief Marcelo is in the same space as this Chief. So, it seems that you have entered the magical vortex manifested by the tower owner. Is this too much for an old man to chase after the two chiefs?”

Of course it was tough.

As I said, the giant has already set foot.

Yugweed immediately traced Marcelo’s magic traces.

A portal soon appeared.

Yugweed said.

“It’s late, but let’s diligently pursue the two chiefs.”




I looked at Marcelo standing across from me.

“Chief Lee Ho-yeol. I can’t trust you.”

Saying that, Marcelo raised his mana.

It’s a serious voice.

I couldn’t say anything more funny than this.

It has no choice but to be.

In a private setting like now, Marcelo’s address to me was fixed as ‘Sir’. Didn’t I tell you, top lord? The Mage Tower you knew and the Mage Tower now are a bit different.

So, get rid of these childish hallucinations.

“It’s too light to call it a class.”

I spoke with sincerity.

Topaz Hall, where the pre-verification of regular academic conferences took place.

Like the vicious words he spat out there.

“I hope you don’t lose face in the Magic Tower. Top owner.”

A voice came to me.

“I agree with that opinion.”

It was real this time.

“I bet you didn’t know. Sir, you just call me Marcelo. He doesn’t give the title of senior chief. Of course, the same goes for the elders.”

…How come you seem to be treating me as someone who doesn’t even know how to say honorifics.


Nice to meet you, the real Marcelo.

But somehow Marcelo’s reaction was unusual.

The eyes that should be dim in front of the pagoda owner…

Why do they seem to be on fire…?

I could soon understand why.

The fact that Marcelo was also a wizard.

It was.

Those blazing eyes are those of the permanent snow Senios.

“Well, that’s like you.”


“No, it looks the same, so it’s rather good.”


“Wouldn’t that be worth defeating?”

It seems that the tower lord and Marcelo’s relationship is firmly mistaken…!

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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