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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 225

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Episode 225. I will engrave it in my mind

『A new region is coming to your side.

A new area ‘Demon Castle of Conflict’ is added.

A new boss monster is added.

Demon Lord Andras: Lv.888

A new named monster is added.

Demon corps commander Panarun: Lv.600

Demon corps commander Yugar: Lv.600….]

The appearance of the demon king.

The update history quickly spread to the world.

Of course, the players who were hunting monsters in the Zero Mountains.

Yusra Muon Frost.

The Arcana people who did not stop training in each region also heard the news.

There was no hesitation.

No, beyond hesitation, everyone rallied.

Yes, because under the Holy War they were one.

The battle with the demon lord is an event that must be prioritized above all else.

For this day in the first place.

Aren’t they the ones who have been hunting and training repeatedly?


Knights of the Lionheart.

Captain Harkon said as he put on his helmet.

“Ironically, it’s the day of a regular academic conference.”

I hope the news doesn’t reach Lord Hoyeol’s ears.

“We’ll have to finish it quickly on our line so it doesn’t get in the way.”

Kingdom of Yusra.

Shadow Mercenaries.

Vice-captain Wolf looked at Kichi.

You must have fainted from being drunk since daytime, our captain.

‘It’s annoying, but I can’t help it.’

Wolf opened his mouth in front of the members.

“There is only one Demon King that has appeared. Therefore, the number of people to move is three, including me. Let’s see, except for our captain who is taking a nap, it looks like everyone has gathered…”

“Me! me! me!!!”


The one who shouted and ran to Wolf was the rock kid.

Rockkid’s muscles were already full of anger.

On that subject, his face was clear again.

Nine-seok Deshev smirked.

“There is no reward for hard work in the holy war?”

“I know.”

“But why are you so eager? To the point where I get annoyed watching.”

“Ughhh. I heard rumors.”

“…rumor? What rumors?”

“Rumor has it that if you get close, you can share teacups!”

…not a drinking cup, but a teacup?

He was a lock kid who didn’t even use a drinking glass.

Because he was the one who drank all the alcohol in the first place. I laughed when I remembered the image of such a rock kid holding a tiny teacup, but…

that expression was so serious that I held it in.

Wolf lowered his head trying to hold back his laughter.

Lockkid begged Wolf.

“Wolf. No, vice-captain!”

He was a lock kid that no one in the mercenary company recognized except for Kichi.

Even so, the vice-captain.

The reason for the dignified title was simple.

“We must return the hat to that big-eared bastard!”

It was because of the unpleasant aftertaste.

Elf Elsidore.

I swam out of the Nether to repay the debt to him.

That damn bastard had become an ally at some point.

Beyond that, he was tending Ho-yeol’s flower garden, the savior of life.

That it has become an existence that cannot be touched hastily.

Lockkid gnashed his teeth.

“I’m thinking of clinking teacups and formally asking for permission.”

That’s right, the person to clash teacups with is Ho-yeol.

“Approval for a duel with that big-eared bastard!”

After hearing the specific reason, the shadow mercenaries didn’t really want to stop them. If you get hit, give it back. It was also one of the iron rules of the Shadow Mercenaries.

Wolf continued.

“Then I’ll take the other one.”

static flowing.


Wolf looked around the members once and continued.

“Then, win with Pimbi.”

“…yes? Why do I have to go!”

“A big and archer. Because the remaining one is suitable for a wizard?”


4 Seok Pimbi grumbled, but did not object.

When Captain Kichi is absent, Vice-Captain Wolf’s orders are absolute.

“Uh ha ha. let’s all do well Don’t hold on to my ankles.”

Rockkid’s loud voice is getting farther and farther away.

As the three escaped, silence fell in the hideout.

The one who broke the silence was none other than Isabelle Marle of the 6th seat.


As far as dealing with the dead.

She is more sensitive than anyone to her breath.

Isabelle Marle looked at Kitsch.

“Why did you pretend to be asleep, Captain?”

how did you know

did you hear

Kitsch muttered softly, not even shivering as usual.

“…I hear a name I want to avoid.”


Crusade Alliance.

Including the Great Alliance.

Most of the guilds gathered except for the unification of the world.

In addition, the Knights of Lion Heart and the Holy Knights of Muon.

It’s different from before.

It’s different from the past when you were helpless with the status quo of the devil.

Rather than losing momentum in front of the devil, his morale soared.

Harkon muttered sadly.

“This is the moment you have been waiting for.”

It was an advantage even when comparing the forces calmly.

Even if Hoyeol and the Magic Tower don’t join forces.

It means that at least one demon castle can be attacked without difficulty with only the current power.


“The problem is that the demon castle has appeared in an area that is not a rift.”

It was Nam Cheol-min who always suggested the best solution.

Couldn’t do that this time.

big city.

among the buildings.

A demon that appeared out of nowhere.

Most of the citizens were evacuated.

Those who did not had to exist.

The aftermath of the demon castle that appeared as if it existed from the beginning.

“To put it simply, it is pushing the building where the demonic castle that rolled in was embedded. Moreover, thanks to the fact that the territory of the Demon King’s Castle was buried together, even the ground was endangered. Because of that wind…”

Cheol-Min Nam’s finger pointed towards a heavily tilted building.

An adjacent building was showing signs of collapse.

Nam Tae-min’s brow twisted.

“So… there are people in that building?”

Hisagi opened her mouth.

“A hasty move could have accelerated the collapse of the building. It looks like they are waiting for rescuers inside. The rescue team seemed to have moved quickly, but they were late.”

Harkon, who grasped the situation, spoke.

“If we enter, will we be able to rescue survivors?”

Hisagi opened her eyes and answered.

“You won’t be able to save them all. To put it more calmly, it wouldn’t be strange if it collapsed the moment you entered it.”

From the moment the demon king appeared.

The building leaned steeply without any escape.

I was watching it though.


Still couldn’t find a way.

It had to be.

Even though science can build skyscrapers.

Because I couldn’t prevent the collapse of such a skyscraper.

Talim Ever, leader of the Order of the Holy Knights of the Goddess Church.

He opened his mouth with a sad face.

“There is also a way to think after a collapse.”

“What do you mean, Lord Talim?”

“If it is the prayers of the priests of the Goddess Church, the vitality of the area can be temporarily but extremely increased. Even if he suffers a fatal wound that destroys his heart, his breath will remain.”


extreme option.

But even that makes me feel welcome.

It was a situation where the answer was not visible.

Then, suddenly, an idea came to me.

“If neither science nor prayer… what about magic?”

As long as it is magic that is not bound by the laws of physics.

Could this situation be resolved?

Second Sun Schraig shook his head.

“All wizards belonging to the Second Sun attended the regular conference.”

“The same goes for the Great Coalition.”

“We too…”

Camilla of The Shining raised her hand at the end.

“Sorry, but neither are we.”

Annihilate until the Shining.

That’s right, there is only one wizard in this place.

There was only Pimbi, a shadow mercenary.

But even Pimby shook her head.

“I can prevent the building from collapsing completely…but no magic can protect the people inside. Jung If you want to find the best way…”


Pimby pointed alternately between herself and the building.

“Are you trying to rescue by continuously manifesting portals?”

If it is a portal, the survivors can be rescued while minimizing the impact.

However, the exact location of the survivors was unknown.

Modifying the coordinates and continuously manifesting portals.

It was a burden for Pimbi as well.


“Anyways, are you going to just watch that thing…?”

I couldn’t concentrate on the building forever.

Even at this moment, the evil spirit coming from the castle of demons was getting stronger.

A terrible howl came from the demon castle.

Leonie frowned.

“…what the hell is Cloudy doing that?”

“Were there any players like that among the rankers?”

“I don’t remember.”

Also called Cloudy.

while calling out unknown names.

It was truly an uphill battle.

A mercenary who is sure of gains and losses more than anyone else.

That’s why Wolf made a cool decision.

“Look at the situation of Pimby and join us.”

“I don’t know how many people I can save…”

“As long as you’re not in danger.”

You can’t save all lives.

If there is something to be gained, there is a way to lose it.

Nam Tae-min gritted his teeth at the conversation he heard.

‘Are you saying we have no choice but to compromise this time around?’

I always feel it, but it’s unfair.

“…that’s petty.”

Arcana flood.

I thought I barely started fighting back.

Still, I couldn’t keep everything perfectly.

I had to weigh every moment what to give to minimize the damage.

It’s unfair to the point of grinding my teeth


Still, I couldn’t delay.

Because the gates of the castle were finally opened.

Even at this moment, the weighing continued.

After all, the best defense is offense.

You have to enter the Devil’s Castle before the demons pour out.

Because it will be able to minimize the damage to the city center.

Nam Tae-min opened his mouth.

“Please, Mr. Pimby.”


“I won’t let anyone get in the way of the rescue.”

“Okay, but please don’t expect too much.”

“thank you.”

Allied forces including Nam Tae-min.

They head towards the Mawangseong.

It was the moment I took a step.


There was the sound of something fluttering.


Everyone’s eyes move naturally.

A silhouette revealed in the backlight of the portal.

A dark azure uniform.

A badge that shines brilliantly against the background of the uniform.

silver hair.

It is a ray of light that shines in the middle of a dilemma.

“Nothing to worry about.”

said the woman.

“Because I am here.”




I always feel it, but I’m really good at words…!

Having said that, I felt like I was going to die of worry.

Why even at this moment.

Because the terrible name was resounding from the Devil’s Castle.

‘No, what is it really?’

The regular conference was also during my presentation.

Even so, I couldn’t stand it without running.

It’s Cloudy!



Is that name coming from the mouths of demons?!

‘…Did the demons know about it?’

my name…?

Wasn’t I the demon hunter?

That’s why I know very well what kind of tribe demons are.

what is a devil

Depending on the situation, even if the mouth is light, there is no other family that is so light. one in a million If the demons really know my name as [Granfell Cloudy Arpheus Romeo]…

‘It’s only a matter of time before it spreads to the world!’

waiting for the disgrace.

It is the finality of life at the end of the term.

So I had no choice but to run even if I was worried about my life.

How did you take the weight of the chief and threw away the society and ran?

Let’s sell our worries.

Who is Grandfel?

There is no scale in the dictionary of Grandfel.

There is no sacrifice of the small for the great.

Because that is the heavy pride of Grandfel.

Nam Tae-min opens his mouth.

But why….

What a troubled expression.

“…I shouldn’t be happy. It should be enough to attack this demon castle even if Hoyeol isn’t there. I honestly lost my mind.”

“It’s not because I doubt your abilities.”

“…Thank you for saying that.”

No, these are not empty words to comfort you.

‘Even if only the name Cloudy hadn’t come up.’

I wouldn’t have opened a portal and appeared here like now.

who am i

Isn’t that the handsome commander-in-chief?

Thanks to that, I was the one who knew the strength of the allied forces better than anyone else.

“You guys are doing well enough.”


It is the allied temple army that overwhelmed three devil castles.

Everyone has grown a lot since then, but only one castle?

If you’re worried, that’s probably distrust towards your allies.

Hisagi added.

“Rather than that, what do you do with the conference here…”

As you said.

I haven’t given up on anything

Of course, I did not give up on the conference presentation.

My tower that jumped out of the crystal hall.

Because I was part of an outdoor class to help understand 『Reversal Magic』.

“There is nothing to worry about either.”


By now, Crystal Hall should have a panoramic view of this place in your mind.

Why did I keep a close eye on it in the Crystal Hall waiting room?

The magical structure that projected the appearance of the Crystal Hall in real time.

To put it simply.

manifest magic.

It means that the real-time relay video was uploaded to the Crystal Hall.

How do you use up your horsepower?

That too is nothing to worry about.

Even with the [Blessing of the First World Tree], I was no longer lagging behind even compared to the owner of the Marcelo Tower


Because that wasn’t enough, you met the devil, right?

[The skill ‘Natural Relations’ is activated.]

The meaning of those words was simple.

Allied Crusade.

Wizards of the Mage Tower.

And cameras that will be broadcast all over the world.


in the midst of that, I raised my magic power.

[Reversal Magic]

Then, the collapsed building immediately began to stand.

As if nothing had happened.

Broken windows too.

Even bent rebar.

Even the collapsed outer wall.

It began to return to its original form.

A groaning sound is heard.

“It’s nonsense.”


To realize that absurd deterrence.

I have struggled desperately up until now.

not giving up on anything.

Is it really possible to not even sacrifice?

You can’t quite understand?


Then you don’t have to understand.

I will engrave it in my mind.

Inversion magic too.

“What is this incredible amount of magical power…?”

The relationship between the demon hunter and the demon’s nemesis.


Lastly, pride.


shut that mouth

Come out when you say good things, Demon King.

Yeah that damn Cloudy.

Cloudy you’re looking for so much, I’m here.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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