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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 229

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Episode 229. Mouth of Ruin (1)

Marcelo put down the feather pen and sighed.

“Seriously, it’s not easy sir.”

theory magic.

A concept that can summarize all existing magic into a theory. However, 『Reverse Magic』, which Ho-yeol created, was not easily caught in the frame of theory.

“I’ve been holding on to it since yesterday.”

Marcelo had temporarily put down his duties as chief.

No matter how fascinated by the theorem of reversal magic.

It is impossible for Marcelo to ignore the chief’s duties.

That there is a good reason.

“It’s good to see you awake, too.”

Yes, because the master of the tower has returned to the mage tower.

Marcelo left his vacant seat to the tower owner.

Someone will ask if it’s not a hypocrisy.

With the top owner putting off work.

Because I was fooling around.

“I never taught you like this, little chief.”

Tower owner, with the cat’s body drooping.

He licked his fur with his tongue.

The act was laggy.

“Above all, I am injured. In other words, the internal wounds he suffered on the day he was runaway still haven’t healed. Ugh, my joints still ache. Please refrain from cruelty to animals, senior kid.”

different from what you say.

The rustling of the tail that cannot be hidden.

The owner of the tower, who just lay there wagging his tail, didn’t really seem to have any intention of working.

‘It can’t be helped.’

Marcelo eventually resorted to a last resort.

“According to Lord Hoyeol’s words.”


“There is such a saying in the world of adventurers. Those who do not work must not eat.”

Just quoting Hoyeol’s words.


The pagoda owner’s tail soon stiffened and said,

“what? Are you saying you’re going to starve me?”

“It can’t be. How could I starve the tower lord? But now that the Lord has guided me to the manifestation of gii. I, too, have become proficient in the use of Kii.”


What Marcelo took out was none other than a smartphone.

If you use the product of [Science] in the 『Magic Tower』, it is Ki.

Marcelo, who was infected with the sophistry of hot fever, continued.

“You know? You can summon objects in front of your office with a single flick of your finger. You can summon anything you want without consuming mana.”

“…is that true?”

Top lord’s eyes widened.

It was because it was a method he had never seen while working with Jesse.

What a strange thing.

“What does that have to do with starving?”


The moment the tower owner raised his ears.

Marcelo moved his finger.

“A popular cat treat.”


“Have you ever heard of Churup?”


The higher the level of transformation magic, the more fully the nature of the transformed target.

According to the instinct of the tower owner.

I couldn’t help but twitch my nose at the smell.

“What is it?”


What Marcelo took out of the drawer was a long stick.

It was a bonito-flavored chulp, which I ordered through Kii Rocket Delivery.


The tower owner, driven by instinct, rushed at Marcelo, but he didn’t even bother.

The curse of the time limit has been lifted.

There is no way that Marcelo, who has regained his stamina thanks to this, will have his juice stolen by a mere cat.

“He said that those who do not work should not eat.”

“Give me first and I will work.”

“The tower owner is someone who hasn’t worked yet.”


You can’t beat your instincts.




In the end, Topju had no choice but to print the soles of the cat’s paws on the parchment.

Marcelo grabbed the feather pen again and began to organize the reverse magic.

‘As you can see, there is no need to worry about the Mage Tower.’

short short.

a week’s rest.

I hope you find what you are looking for.





golden palace.

Hakuna, the king of Yusura, stole the beads of sweat.

It was a sword he had picked up late, but he felt he had a knack for it.

Because the number of agreements exchanged by one per day has increased.

Hakuna gave a small smile.

‘If I work harder, I’ll be able to do my part.’

I also have to help the benefactor.

While Hakuna was resting with a promise.

I was surprised by Harkon’s words that helped me with training.

“You said that the benefactor was away at the Mage Tower too?”

“That’s right.”

“I thought he would be busy with the work of the Mage Tower…”

There was no choice but to do so.

Hoyeol had also conveyed the will of rest to Yusura Kingdom himself.

Of course, that period was extremely short, a week.

However, it was significant that it was unprecedented.

Harkon thought as he sharpened his sword.

‘There must be something. kyung.’

The angry spirit of Ho-yeol that I felt in the castle of the devil.

It was unfamiliar even to Harkon.

So I was able to guess at least vaguely.

‘Something intertwined with Sir Cloudy.’

It was a pity that Harkon fell here.

If this was the Arcana Continent.

Run to the capital of the empire, Antonium, and give your Majesty the Warlord’s Library.

He should have obtained permission to enter.

『The Emperor’s Library』.

The sanctuary of knowledge that has supported the empire.

It was safe to say that the history of the Arcana continent lay still there.

Of course, from what the meaning of cloudy is. If Ho-yeol had any questions about Cloudy, he would have been able to hear the answers to those questions.

As he swallowed his sigh, Hakuna continued.

“It’s still painful to not be of any help.”

“I think so too.”

“You must become strong.”

Hakuna clenched her fists.

It is only now that he has overcome the past and started to grip the sword correctly.

I know it’s impossible to face the demons right away, but…

‘If only I could have joined the expedition.’

What happened to the benefactor?

I should have known too.

But I had to save even the time to feel sorry for him.

Hakuna grabbed the sword.

“Halkon, please continue to train.”

“You are very motivated.”

“How long can’t you just be indebted to you?”

“You are saying what I have to say.”


Swords with the same meaning collided.


Since the Magic Tower is not enough, submit a leave of absence to Yusra Kingdom.

Is there a reason you suddenly took a leave of absence?

It’s because there’s something more important than work.

It was.

It was because Skal found me.

He said his dragon knight class quest was sparkling!

Now that we know that Dragon and Cloudy are related.

Skal’s quest was no longer someone else’s business.

Of course, it was important to scrawl a disqualification on Banshee’s tower application and to examine the face of Yusra Kingdom. Because this was like an emergency.

‘By the way…’

A bunch of light from the portal being lifted.

I almost fainted when I saw Skal’s mansion exposed.

I wanted to use an excessive aristocratic tone from the first meeting….

Isn’t your taste quite noble?

‘It’s too old-fashioned aside from the big ones?’

Why are there so many statues in the yard?

It was no ordinary statue either.

Just looking at the fact that no vicious words came out of Grandfel’s mouth, that’s the case.


Any compliments beyond that?

What he meant was simple.

It means that each and every statue is a masterpiece that will remain in the history of mankind.

Did you spend all the money you earned from ranking first on something like this?

Even while I was lost in snobbish thoughts, I heard a sound for a while.


I wondered what kind of horseshoe sound it was, but it was Scal.

“I have to go, but I apologize, Sir Ho Yeol!”

That’s a more talkative tone than historical dramas.

As expected, it is not easy to adapt to hearing the warning sound from the player.

However, there could be a change in emotions in this brazen skin.

I answered calmly.

“Nothing to worry about. It was not a bad impression.”

It took a while to evaluate the statue.

Skal immediately got off his horse and guided me.

The inside of the mansion was even grander.

Above all, there are a lot of portraits hanging there.

Because there was no real aristocratic mansion.

‘Of course it should feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable…’

This guy’s formality is really great.

It’s not enough to be comfortable in a mansion like this.

The fact that it feels familiar makes me think of many things, really.

Anyway, the thoughts were there.

As I said, while taking a week’s leave of absence.

Even visiting Skal’s mansion.

I had a different reason for running.

“Lord Hoyeol said he wouldn’t believe me, but I apologize.”

“I have no apologies for that.”

“I am ashamed to understand. Then I will tell you the matter.”

…I am.

I felt like I was going to pass out because of that tone of voice.

Skal continued with an extremely serious face.

“The summoning of all dragons, led by Noryong, has ended.”

Time on the Arcana Continent is four times faster than in reality.

No matter how many stories have been exchanged.

I thought the story would have been over by now.

By the way…

“That’s… First of all, I’ll share the quest goal!”

I was taken aback when I saw the updated quest goal.


What the hell did those nobles do when they got together…

[Class Quest: Calling All Dragons]

Noryong exclaimed.

The ‘great family’ has returned to the Arcana continent.

All dragons want to know the truth of the incident.

– Witness the dragons gathering on the continent. (Failure)

─Encounter the dying old dragon Yunaxus. (In progress)

‘Suddenly, Yunaxus is dying…?’

I didn’t know anything else, but I could guarantee this one thing.

Yunaxus was not hostile to Hyel.

Far from being angry at Hayel who climbed on the bridge of his nose.

It was because he had transmitted telepathy even to me who was watching.

– “Nothing to worry about. Because everything is the mother’s will. Even if I die, there is no reason to be sad. Dawn.”

There is no brother better than the older brother.

Yunaxus Are you saying you’re going to keep what you said too?

Unless that’s it.

Did something unexpected happen at the Battle of the Dragons?

It was unknown to me.

But what is clear.

“You never gave up on your will.”

Because I can’t keep the words I spit out.

It’s a caution that will come true.

When I heard the telepathy from Yunaxus.

I chanted like that.

-“The meaning of the world tree. It is too much of an illusion.”

-“There are no parents who want their children to die.”

-“You’ll need a conversation, Yunaxus.”

So what I’m going to do is decided.

I looked at Skal.

Skal is restless and his legs are shaking.

“I can’t. The number of dragons I’ll ride is going to decrease by one…”

…It seemed like the direction of my worries was wrong, but it doesn’t matter anyway.

I declared to Skal.

Starting with the [Bad Dragon Hunter] quest.

Why does it seem like I’m intercepting the quest?

“I will ask for your understanding from Skal.”

“What do you mean, sir, to understand me…?”

“I have a story to share with Yunaxus.”

“Yunaxus… is that the name of an old dragon?”



Are you surprised?

I guess I didn’t think I knew the name of the old dragon specified in the quest. In fact, I only found out about it while peeping at the continent through the [Mystic Eyes Telescope]


“As expected, you were far ahead.”

Even when Skal spoke in a melancholy voice, I had no choice but to listen.

But before I had time to comfort him, Skal opened his mouth.

“Actually, I was prepared.”

…Tears welling up, are you prepared?

“It must also be related to pride. If so, you can give up as much as you like. Of course, I would be very sad if I couldn’t live up to the name of the Dragon Knight…”

I was worried about something.

Were you worried that you wouldn’t be able to board the dragon?

The mindset is straight-forward, Scal.

“Actually, I know it’s too early to face a dragon. Even if you force yourself to follow Lord Hoyeol, it will only get in the way. It was thanks to Lord Hoyeol that my class quest suddenly progressed.”

Skaarl nodded as if he had made up his mind.

“I hope you will encounter Yunaxus on behalf of me, who is lacking. If it is Sir Hoyeol, not anyone else, I can trust him and entrust the dragon…”

Anguish is transmitted from the slack horsetail.

Thank you for your understanding, Skal.

Thanks, maybe I can answer your question.

“By the way, weren’t the dragons, including Yunaxus, located on the Arcana continent? With the knowledge I know, there is no way to access the Arcana Continent…”

I wanted to give you a cool answer, even thanks to you.

In fact, I don’t even know yet.

But the words spoken must come true.

Didn’t our Grand Fell declare?

I will return to the Arcana Continent.

“You have nothing to worry about.”

Some people are worried, but they talk really well.

‘It doesn’t matter if I go or not, it’s a problem.’

Gajani, the Cloudy family is at stake.

If you don’t go, you’ll get Yunaxus.

In the end, you will have no choice but to act according to the results.

‘If I find a way, I’ll go.’

How to enter the Arcana Continent.

Exploring that method was also one of the reasons for submitting a leave of absence.

From now on, I had to do my best to find the means and methods.

Shall we start by purifying the demon lord’s spoils dropped by Andras?

‘Who knows if there will be another effect like [Man.Tong.G]?’

To purify the devil’s item.

how the devil needs it.

I guess I’ll have to focus on my demon hunter job for the first time in a while.

“Such a feeling was in a hurry and overlooked formality. How is tea…?”

“I refuse.”


Don’t get me wrong, Skal.

It’s not that I have any special feelings.

It’s simply because I don’t like tea.

‘If it was green tea, I would have taken it lightly.’

It was the moment when I got up from my seat leaving behind Scal.


I suddenly felt a vibration.

A message from Minjae Park, Director of AAU Korea.

In a way, it looks like a text message from a co-worker.

Come to think of it, I didn’t submit a leave of absence request to AAU.

‘I must have gotten a lot younger.’

Wasn’t Grandfel stricter than anyone else when it came to discipline?

no matter how busy you are

The role of general manager of the Yusra branch should be fulfilled again.

After checking the text message, I was dumbfounded and stopped.

…Seriously, there’s no such thing as a doom snout.

Grandfel says.

You said you would return to the Arcana continent.

– A message from Raymon Sean to General Manager Lee Ho-yeol…!

…The missing Rayman Shen has returned.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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