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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 236

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Episode 236. From this time on,

I heard the sound of the

prey .

I noticed it without even turning my head.

It was the sound of Shagwin putting Atlas into the scabbard.

What he meant was simple.

The swordsman’s intuition.

There are no more threatening signs here.

Thinking like that makes me wonder if I did something wrong.

I’m going to throw a punch in the face of Raymon Sean.

In the cracks that were cleared, [「Reversal strangeness」] was manifested.

‘Are you saying the entity didn’t even exist from the beginning?’

Even if it’s unfair, I’ll have to search the control room.

The [Blessing of the First World Tree] effect is still active.

But the magic power is not enough. Even at this moment, I was forcibly holding on to the rift that was about to close. However, there would be no difficulty in expressing only one light.


The sphere light of light illuminates the control room.

I hope this is not real?

Of course, I didn’t make an appointment, but I was half-forced to enter the hideout.

So I don’t really have anything to say…

‘You didn’t mean to meet me in the first place, did you?’

Indeed, it was he who put the mannequins covered with polymorphs at the fore. It seems that I was trying to trick you, as I have been doing all this time. In that sense, I should be thankful that I didn’t play around.

Of course, whatever.

“You are not proud to the end.”

I don’t know.

To Grandfel, Raymond Shen’s evaluation was that he had reached the bottom.

Well, it means that it’s almost on the same level as the devil.

The voice of the Illusion Breaker.

-The sword has become sharper. Is it an inescapable child?

He was talking to Shagwin, not me.

Even though I was shaking inside, it didn’t show on the outside.

Unlike me, Shagwin was showing his emotions to the fullest.


It’s a look of sincere regret for the fact that I missed it.

Actually, I can’t express it, but I feel the same way. Shagwin.

So, I’ll have to look for clues.

‘Control room.’

Information will remain in one way or another.

No one can guarantee what form this place will remain once the rift is cleared.

Now, with the strange twist of reversal, the clearing of the rift is being blocked. It means that this may be the last chance to find traces of Raymon Shen.

So I look around…


A familiar ‘something’ caught my eye.

In fact, it was Shagwin who discovered it first.


Shagwin touched that something with the scabbard.

Then he lowered his head and carefully brought his ear to him.

stare blankly at me

-You ask if the baby is an egg of a beast.

an egg of a beast

It may seem that way to the eyes of the Arcana.

But not for me.

Let’s see, the last time I saw you was ten and a few years ago.

I couldn’t forget

stuck to something

Even if it’s because the red scab was clearly left in my brain.

The days when Arcana was just a game.

A dedicated connector for Arcana Continent Electric.

It was Cosmo’s VR capsule.

The connector that cost 10 million won for one.

In the control room illuminated by lights, there was nothing except the connector. There were no traces or items that could be called rewards. So that’s what it means.

That connector is right there.

This is the purpose of Raymon Shen’s invitation to me.

The reward for clearing the dungeon.

I finally realized

‘It was damn dark under the lamp.’

immediately after release.

It was Arcana Continent Electric, a virtual reality game that was evaluated as having surpassed human technology by decades. Yes, everything is visible as far as I know. Now that I think about it…

that was definitely a technical skill close to that of [Giggy].

I muttered.

“I see.”

That special connector that looks like an egg.

It was the road to the Arcana continent.

The moment I realized, a message popped up in front of my eyes.

[World Quest: 10 Adventurers]

10 prototype connectors hidden in code cracks.

That is the only way to return to the Arcana Continent.

Adventurers, Arcanaians.

Get your hands on the chance to take everything on a continent in chaos.

─CODE Discover the cracks. (Success)

─Clear the rift and acquire the connector. (Success)

─Enter the Arcana Continent through the connector. (In progress)

It’s really a revamped work until the very end, Rayman Shen.




As you can see from the quest content.

The quest wasn’t just for Ho-yeol.

Players watching the video were startled.


The moment you realize that it is a connector.

Because a message popped up in front of my eyes.

It’s also a world quest.

“What is this atmosphere all of a sudden?”

Kingdom of Yusra.

The Golden Calf Tavern.

Rockkid looked at the tavern where the silence had come.

The adventurers’ expressions were unusual.

I sip my beer and look at my eyes.

‘It’s a must to just roll your eyeballs…’

Aren’t they the kind of eyes that only want to stab each other in the back?

I was able to notice it because I was a rock kid who had gone through all the prenatal battles.

A strange tension flowing between the adventurers.

It was unavoidable for the players.

‘A connector.’

‘Are you saying you can enter the Arcana continent with just that prototype connector?’

‘It might be crazy to just enter the Arcana continent… but there is a quest. It’s also a world quest.’

Even class quests give huge rewards.

There were rankers who were dozens of steps ahead of others simply by completing class quests.

But what if you could do world quests that are rarer than those class quests?

‘This is my chance!’

The reward would be unimaginable.

The players looked into each other’s eyes.

Since Ho-yeol found one connector, there are only nine left.

Naturally, no one thought to intercept Hoyeol’s connector.

‘Do you touch Lee Ho-yeol for being crazy?’

‘If I’m sane, it’s unimaginable.’

‘And no matter how much it’s a human cub…’

How much did you get from Ho-yeol?

Besides, it was Ho Yeol who discovered this World Quest. So the players had no choice but to fight for the remaining nine spots.

The news reached AAU as well.

“Ha ha…”

Park Min-jae spat out a laugh.

How long have you been thinking about it?

Ever since the magic tower rose in the middle of Seoul, the capital of Korea.

I mean, I’ve been thinking about it every single day.

What to do with the Arcana people.

I wonder if I can send them back to the Arcana Continent.

It was not just a human problem.

Because the Magic Tower also clearly declared it.

– “The purpose of the Mage Tower is to return to the Arcana continent.”

Both mankind and the Arcanaians made desperate efforts.

To return to life before the cataclysm.

But as if they were laughing at the effort.

“You really make people laugh until the end.”

Rayman Shen simply gave the answer.

It’s called the Arcana Continent Electrical Connector.

A VR capsule that Park Min-jae is very familiar with.

Yoon Soo-gyeom asked Park Min-jae.

“Do you know the branch manager?”


“The connector shape is slightly different from what I know.”

“If that’s the case, it’s no big deal.”

Park Min-jae desperately suppressed his anger and continued.

“The days of beta testing. It’s a prototype connector. that one.”


“You really saw us as two bodies, Rayman. In the first place, Arcana Continent Electricity was just a means to him. It was all just a build-up for cataclysm.”

It was.

Everything was fake for Cataclysm.

It is said that the beta test, the arcana continent electrical connector, and the arcana service were all preliminary work for the cataclysm. A feeling of goddamn helplessness gripped my body.

‘Then what have we been doing all this time?’

From the beginning, I was playing on the guy’s palm.

‘What did your bastard think when he saw us?’

How distasteful it must have seemed to you to create the AAU as if you knew everything and make a fool of yourself by arguing to respond to a cataclysm. Park Min-jae gritted it.

‘…But I can endure it.’

The deceived bastard is at fault.

It means that you can persevere with a rebellious temperament.

However, the problem was that Lei Men Shen’s deception was not yet over. Even if everything was smoke and illusion, he had experience servicing Arcana Continental Electricity.

AAU Korea branch in shock.

Park Min-jae opened his mouth.

“I want everyone to pay attention.”

The buzzing noise subsides.

Anyway, the faces are really spectacle.

As I said, it was because I had the experience and the future was clearly drawn.

“To sum up the situation, only 10 players… No, General Manager Lee Ho-yeol should be excluded. It is a situation where a total of nine players are given huge rewards.”

Of course, great competition will follow.

However, the problem was that it was not just a competition between players. The ones who want to return to the Arcana continent more than anyone else must be the Arcana people who have fallen in reality.

someone opened up

“…Still, isn’t the general manager here?”

Park Min-jae nodded.

“that’s right. As long as the general manager is there. Mage Tower or Lionheart Knights Muon. Even the shadow mercenaries and other giant forces won’t move. But you know they’re not everything, right?”

like the ones mentioned.

If there are those who are fused with reality.

“Even with the Carpen Rebels and the Red Wing Warriors.”

There were also those who did not.

If they get this news…

“They will gladly jump into the competition.”

Park Min-jae was able to assure.

“Even if I threw Rayman candy, I threw a very big candy.”

Unity of Humanity and Arcana.

In order to break the new discipline established at the sacrifice of Ho-yeol.

Rayman Shen was offering compensation.

A reward that neither players nor Arcanaians can overlook.

Park Min-jae swallowed dry saliva.

“You don’t know what kind of ugly thing will happen in the future.”

what happened in front of the competition.

Wasn’t it confirmed recently in the Zero Mountains?

advance with their own aircraft carriers.

For example, the unification of the world by attacking the Zero Mountains.

“This means that the target of the ship’s cannon may move from monsters to players or arcanas. It’s hard to start anything The moment when an incident erupts? I believe everyone knows what will happen.”


“I believe you know that Liuo Junchun will not hesitate to start. Hasn’t Arcana been infamous since the days when it was just a game?”

class lord.

overwhelming violence.

It was Liuo Junchun who rose to his present position as a tyrant.

Even after the cataclysm.

No, I would rather add more.

The unification of the world that remains in the Arcana database.

You can tell just by looking at the abnormal level distribution of the guild members.

“He forces others to sacrifice for his ends.”

In Unification, the number of players whose level growth completely stopped was uncountable. Would that have changed since the cataclysm?

“As the monarch is a class with tremendous potential, it has a major drawback in that it cannot be easily leveled up. But what about Ryuo Junchun? Rather, after the cataclysm, it rose steeply in the rankings. I built a three-way battle with Scalox.”

Park Min-jae shed a rotten smile.

“It’s not just Ryuo Junchun. Several notorious players, including Supernova. And even the Arcanas. Rayman Shen laid the plate for those dangerous guys.”

A child who incites a fight is no different from a devil.

So there was no time to hesitate as long as he knew the intention.

Minjae Park said.

“Of course, the only thing that can stop the unification of the world is the state.”

“…Are you referring to the Chinese government?”

“Yes, the world has no choice but to come forward and appease.”

The moment Liuo Junchun pulls the trigger, chaos begins. If you can restrain Ryuo Junchun for a while, you will be able to put your mind at ease.

“The branch manager meeting for that will start from now.”

Minjae Park is the monitor.

To be precise, I looked at the Ho-yeol that appeared on the screen.

Hoyeol was just staring at the connector.

Park Min-jae clenched his fists.

‘This time, we will share the burden you have shouldered.’




Rayman Sean.

The level of repair work is no different from that of the devil.

Is it because he performed more quests than others?

The inner meaning of the quest was clearly visible.

In short, you’re fighting over ten connectors.

As Grandfel said, it was a cataclysm that would be difficult to respond to even if we were united with pride. But even though you can’t help, you’re going to interfere in this way?

I recited coldly.

“Is this an imitation of the battle for the demon lord?”

If only the connector was changed to a throne, it would be like a battle for the demon king, right? In that sense, the room for conversation that I had left with Raymond Shen disappeared as of this time.

I declared

“Then I will also consider you a prey.”

Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m going to fix it.

─Enter the Arcana Continent with the connector. (In progress)

To the quest goal.

like letters.

If you think you’re going to play, you’re mistaken.

That’s right, in my eyes, who entered the realm of oddity.

was showing

The structure of the prototype connector.

What does that mean?


It means that I, like the dragons, have tore apart the dimension.

oh oh oh!

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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