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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 244

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Episode 244. Kkondae

『Thirty Ways to Make Bingryong Fall』

A magic book written by Senios.

Contrary to the grandiose title.

It was written in the foreword.


Freezing magic is trash.


It is too early to be surprised by the first sentence.

From the next sentence on, it’s even more spectacle.


If you, the reader, are a freezing wizard, it would be beneficial to get rid of freezing magic even now. The Ice Wizard has no advantages other than being cool in the summer.


As I read it, I thought…

Senios was an outlier among wizards.

How could such a temperamental hair.

No, to the point where I wondered if he had risen to the position of an elder mage with his character.

Of course, the doubts did not last long.

I found out about it while reading the books he left behind.


That he was an uncharted genius.


I was proficient in all elemental magic. I am sure that freezing magic is the worst of all attribute magic. The public’s evaluation of the most beautiful attribute magic? It means pretty trash.


Freezing Magic Garbage Theory!

The sermon continued until about twenty pages were turned.

How did you feel when you read that far?

I just wanted to ask Senios back.

Then why the hell did you choose ice magic?

Fortunately, on the next page, the answer was there.


The reason I chose freezing magic is simple.


Even if he was really crooked, he was crooked to the utmost. Our Senios Elder.


I want to prove the strongest with the weakest.


Attribute magic has an affinity for biting and biting.

However, if I had to choose the best among them, I would say that it would be fire magic.

Just as Karimzeba was called the Fire Dragon.

Because the overwhelming scare had the power to overturn even the opposite sex.

To make it easy to understand with science…

‘Intense fire evaporates even water.’

In that sense.

Senios subtly revealed his ambition in the book he wrote.

To prove the strongest with the weakest?

People who don’t know me might just think it’s a cool word and move on.

When I saw what was going on inside…

‘You’re just going to beat Karimzeba.’

I really thought you were the same nobleman from the past.

But I was the one who witnessed the battle between Senios and Karimzeba.

That’s why I knew.

The fact that Senios really almost proved the strongest with the weakest.

– “I thought you would risk your life. Surprisingly.”

– “…!”

-“However, I risked my life as well.”

Overcome the limitations of attribute properties and virtually draw.

Although Karimzeba overcame the crisis by burning her own heart.

Karimzeba was also injured, not alive even if she survived.

Senios of such an ice cap.

like self-help.

It was Bingryong’s strategy book written down.


What I wanted to write in the first place was a hypothesis about overcoming the nature of attributes. However, no matter how hard they tried, they came to the conclusion that freezing magic was trash. So I changed my mind and decided to describe how to make Bingryong fall.



To the point where he called his own freezing magic trash.

It was Senios who must have persistently looked into the weakness of freezing magic.

Bingryong for him?

It must have been nothing more than a shiny garbage dragon.

Thanks to you in my head.

Bingryong’s strategy he left behind clearly existed.


Bingryong Prosnax looked at his body.

“Are you the wizard of the Mage Tower?”

You suddenly look like you want to know what this is?

He couldn’t have imagined that the ice would melt even though he hadn’t touched the flames. But if you’re so surprised, write it. It’s starting now.

And don’t be ridiculous about a wizard.

“I am the chief. I am not the chief mage.”

It makes a face that says what’s different.

But strictly different.

With a class like a demon hunter.

My desperate struggles until now.

It means not to underestimate it by treating it as a mere wizard.

‘…Of course, it’s not something I would say with the magic tools of the Mage Tower.’


the one that lifted it into the air was none other than the [Small Magical Sun].

Appointment of fire magic.

It is the magic tool that Banshee is keeping an eye on.

[Small magic sun]

[Rating: Epic]

[Limit: Lv.1000]

[Effect: Absorbs flame magic when using it]

[Description: A mechanical sphere that was the sun in a world where the sun never rises. It swallows the flames and emits brilliantly the flames it has accumulated according to the user’s will.]

The level limit is a whopping 1,000.

‘Actually, it’s about the tower of the senior wizard.’

There is no big problem.

Especially now that the zero mountain range has protruded into reality.

Even if the senior mage were to stand on the Zero Mountains, it would be of great help to mankind. Its presence alone will give players a corner to believe in, and the momentum of the monsters will be greatly dampened.


‘The problem is that the purpose is absolutely impure.’

Benshe William.

Even if his priorities were wrong, his goal for the tower was far wrong.

Even if you have a reason, please add it in sincerity.

It’s a tower to use magic tools without bottom or end.

If it’s a normal magic tool, then I won’t even say anything.

‘Where are you going to use such an outrageous magic tool?’

As you can see from the extraordinary level restrictions.

The [Small Magical Sun] was not a magic tool to be worn or wielded.

Strictly speaking, it is a magic tool that is like a living ally.

‘It’s a heterogeneous effect like an epic item.’

It does not reduce magic consumption or increase power during fire magic. Rather, it absorbed the flame magic expressed by the user. But its true value is now revealed.

Using the absorbed flame magic as fuel.

“…an intrusive mage.”

Even Bingryong would be startled.

just like the name.

It had the effect of emitting heat like the sun.

I looked at the iceberg melting in the heat.


Freezing magic is greatly affected by the environment. This is because in a place where water does not freeze, an enormous amount of mana must be consumed just to maintain the ice. Therefore, in order to crash Bingryong, you must gain an advantage in the environment.


Along with Senios’ attack.

Senios and Karimzeba.

Recall the duel between the two demigods.

‘The battlefield was the North Pole.’

Come to think of it, even then…

-“It is important to choose a battleground that is advantageous to a stronger opponent.”

Senios told me about the importance of the battlefield.

It seems like I often say that I see as much as I know recently….

I really have nothing else to say except that.

‘In the end, it’s the same for Bingryong.’

You didn’t make the iceberg rise simply to catch the form, did you?

Even if it was an unconscious act.

It must be proof that Bingryong also has the limits of the freezing attribute.

It is a situation where one’s weaknesses are clearly revealed.

Is it because he is the king of all things?

It seems like you’re not even aware of it at all.

“But it’s a futile effort, wizard.”


[Hidden Peace Bingryong’s Snow Mountain] freezes again.

to maintain the environment.

without even knowing it

I mean, you’re pouring a lot of magic into it.

In fact, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that a dragon’s magical power is infinite.

But close to infinity is not infinite.

More than anything, I know that.

‘Because they’re of the same blood.’

Just like the [Blessing of the First World Tree] has its limitations.

There must be a limit to your magic power.

that i know

In that sense, I muttered.

“You still don’t understand the situation.”

“Situational understanding?”

“Isn’t that more like a frog than a dragon?”


Frog in the well.

At the same time, it was an ambiguous expression like a frog that doesn’t even know how to slowly ripen in hot water…. There is a law that omission has a degree.

Oh, if it was.

“…a frog.”

I wonder if Yunaxus, who was so angry, hesitated.

But this is not the time to be surprised, Yunaxus.

The battle with Bingryong has to be driven into a long-term battle to have a chance of winning. It means that you have to endure Bingryong’s attack until it gnaws away your near-infinite magic power.

“Traitor Yunaxus. Are you playing with a wizard now!”


The frostbite gets stronger.

To the extent that neither the far-flung iceberg nor the gigantic Bingryong could be seen.

As if returning to a gap in a dark dimension.

The strong frost blocked all senses.

‘I’m glad I have this.’

I looked at the [Small Magical Sun].

Using the mechanical sun as a lamp, predict Bingryong’s next move.

In fact, I have the confidence to accept whatever happens.

Twenty-nine of Senios’ teachings still remained.

By the way…


Is this an unexpected pattern?


white elytra fluttered.

Yunaxus stumbles.

Damn, it’s been a hand-to-hand fight from the start.

You really have a great temperament, Bingryong.

But smart at the same time.

You must have instinctively recognized your enemy’s weakness.


Yunaxus counters Prosnax’s attack with his decrepit body.


The influence of the dragon heart that beats fast beyond the limit.

Thanks to that, I was not pushed back in the immediate power struggle.

I could tell at a glance.

‘The difference is extreme.’

If Prosnax is a dragon in its heyday.

Because Yunaxus was an old dragon that wouldn’t be strange even if he closed his eyes at any time.

The difference was also seen in the size of the body.

“You are arrogant, Yunaxus. Are you going to confront me with a human on your back? The experience accumulated over ten thousand years of living is colorless. It’s pitiful.”


A dull shock reaches me.

As you can see, it’s an urgent situation.

I asked Yunaxus.


“I’m listening to you, Cloudy Lee Ho-yeol.”

“Compared to you, how many years has Prosnax lived?”

“It’s only about a thousand years old.”

“Then I’m glad.”

It wasn’t just that he was so hot-blooded.

in terms of human age.

It’s the period of stormy rage, that Bingryong.

Then everything makes sense.

That attitude of not respecting elders.

Believing in one’s own physical ability and rushing into it.


Life is long and hands-on.

Middle school dragon guy.

“Because I haven’t passed the period of discipline yet.”

You know instinctively anyway.

Closing the distance is effective against mages.

It’s only natural that mages are vulnerable to melee combat.

But would you have said it clearly?

I’m not a wizard


pulled out the ear iron from the waist dance.

as if waiting

Gwicheol opens his mouth.

-O master. Can I slash that gore dragon?

Far from being intimidated, Bingryong was bloody.

Who do you really look like so full of confidence? Gwicheol.

There’s nothing wrong with being full of confidence, but you have to make sure of one thing.

“It’s not cutting, it’s noble iron.”

-If it’s not cutting…?

“It is corporal punishment.”

-That’s what I meant. Got it, my lord.

A dragon that I was afraid I could defeat even with all my might.

I’m going to discipline you with corporal punishment.

No matter who sees it, it can’t be a declaration that the liver has come out of the boat.

But even if I close my eyes in defeat.

i don’t die

The [Last Adventurer] effect is active.

Even if you lose to Bingryong, your experience remains.

It is a valuable practical experience that cannot be exchanged for anything else.

‘That’s why I said that even if I die, I should die well.’

In fact, it is the brilliant talent of Grandfel, who has reached the present by self-education alone.

What kind of results will Grandfel’s talent gain from the experience of death?

Because I couldn’t even guess.

over there

The knowledge Senios left behind.

Ear iron.

Dozens of magic tools for decisive battles.

And even Yunaxus.


It’s worth a try.

I said to Bingryong Prosnax.

“I will dispose of it taking into account the timing.”


“It means that I will personally guide you.”


Sweet baby!

The snowballs grow stronger at the sudden declaration.

The voice of Prosnax, bubbling with anger, continues.

“What are you talking about insignificant things?”


what can you see like that

For dragons who live thousands of years to tens of thousands of years, a human’s life won’t last even a day. But that depends on which standard you set.


The criteria for my Grand Fel.

It is a self that is not shaken under any circumstances.

That is, it was shamelessly recited.

“Two thousand years.”

“…Two thousand years?”

“If you equate human life with dragon life.”


“It means that there is a gap of about 2,000 years between you and me.”

Both Prosnax and Yunaxus were confused.

The age of human Lee Ho-yeol.

In terms of dragon age, it’s about 3,000 years old.

Because it was nonsense.

But it doesn’t matter.

As I said, the standard is myself.

Because I am also the one who proves it.

A jacket fluttering in the frosty wind.

I listen slowly.

No, I set up a cane of discipline.

“I’ll show you the gap of two thousand years, Hatchling.”




dragon temple.

Dozens of dragons realized all at once.

That the old dragon, Yunaxus, did not lie.

dragon heart.

The ‘oath’ imprinted on the heart has tightened the dragon’s body.

To the spiritual world of dragons that no one can touch.

A voice was heard that could not be ignored.

– Report to Jeonryong.



Then the dragon’s head fell.

thump thump!

one two.


The Jeonryong slumped with its head flat on the floor.

-That I, Cloudy’s successor, has returned.

before the return of the great family.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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