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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 246

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Episode 246. It’s not arrogant, it’s humble.

Don’t forget to grasp the subject.

Before entering the Arcana Continent.

I was the one who wanted to be fully prepared.

From non-medicinal doping to magic tool rental.

Also keep in mind the possibility of encountering dragons including Yunaxus.

Rolling my head, I wonder if I’ll still be spared a fatal death if I’m a Jipi keeper.

From reading books related to the Dragon Demon War left in the Mage Tower to gathering information.

‘If the opponent was a devil, that would have been enough.’

It doesn’t matter if it’s a gigantic monster or a high-ranking demon lord.

Rather than being broken in front of the devil, it was the pride of Grandfel that was getting higher and higher.

Besides, the demon hunter’s only strength.

It would have been possible for him to worry about his unique skill [Relationship with the Natural Enemy].

Well, if that wasn’t enough.

‘There are our Akkshan seniors.’

The [Hell’s Torch] that I borrowed from the Explorers’ League leader, Fabian, is still in my inventory. If the opponent was a devil, he would have been fully prepared and confident.

‘But the probability of that was low.’

Why do you think about the flow?

Death fell upon Yunaxus right after the ‘Calling of the Dragons’ was over.

The most probable possibility is…

that he was attacked by his own people after the summoning of all dragons was over.

So I had to reach out to my last resort.

…to that possibility that I sincerely wanted to turn away from!


It was Cloudy.

It was the Cloudy family.

‘If it exists, I can’t turn away forever.’

I came to realize it when I contacted Raymon Shen.

I don’t know about arcana yet, but I don’t know for a while.

It’s the same even if you look at Raymon Shen, who is full of doubts.

Of course, demons including high-ranking demon lords and giants.

Like Urs or the woman on the broomstick.

Transcendentalists who each have their own meaning.

And like dragons or elves.

Even the forces that have the power to shake the Arcana continent.

It is said that he decided to do it thanks to his specialty in grasping the subject.

‘…you have to face it and use it.’

I was able to come this far thanks to the realization of Grandfel’s settings.

So, if the Cloudy family really came true.

I have no choice but to use that setting and move forward…!

‘Guests or shame…’

It’s the same as dying anyway.

After making that decision, he entered the Arcana continent and gave missions to Hyel and Diend respectively. As you know, Hyel was given a mission to pursue the presence of Yunaxus.

for the end.

-“Find the darkest place on the Arcana continent.”

I ordered it in the Grandpel style.

-“That must be Cloudy.”

And now it was.

Damn it—

Dend’s voice pierced his brain.

I canceled the manifestation of [『Absolute Zero』].

A message pops up before your eyes.

[The distorted flow of time returns.]

In the chill that freezes even the flow of time.

I didn’t know exactly how long it had been.

But I bet you.

The time to make a fuss like that wouldn’t have passed.

You can tell that just by looking at the state of Prosnax and me.


I hadn’t even finished a cup of green tea yet.

I don’t like cold green tea.

It might be because of Grandfell’s picky taste for slowly tilting the teacup.

You can tell just by looking at Prosnax’s eyes, which are still full of repulsion.

“In the end it will come. You labored in vain, little thing.”

Just look at how he’s trying to strike back right away.

If so, someone will ask.

Why did you suddenly turn off absolute zero?

What I have to say is simple.

A word from Deend.

That word of having found the Cloudy family’s mansion.

Because it brought back my memories.

A vast dark history that has been forgotten for decades…!

『The symbol of the Cloudy family is silver hair that emits dazzling light. Even on the Arcana Continent, that silver was more brilliant than the precious magic platinum. someone said Didn’t Cloudy’s great ability come from her silver hair…]

…Now I understand.

Why is Yunaxus?

You were so shocked to see me.

‘I didn’t see through my status window.’

Silver hair, the symbol of the Cloudy family.

enough to blind my eyes.

He must have recognized it when he saw the brilliant silver hair.

Anyway, it’s really great. It’s me in the past.

‘What kind of silver hair and this kind of setting…!’

But hair was just the beginning.

The setting of the Cloudy family that burrows into your head.

that’s really

Just like the history of a family.

Because it wasn’t too bulky.

‘That’s why my grades in middle school were like that, Hoyeol-ah.’

At this point, I am amazed at myself.

not really boring.

not even ashamed.

You scribbled the settings very specifically.

‘I really want to hide in a rat hole.’

But as I just said.

After figuring out the subject.

It was me who decided

‘…Yes, death is the same whether you die by freezing or by shame.’

And even if it really means death by shame.

In front of those I will encounter in the future.

The heir to the Cloudy family.

I’ll admit I’m in a position to use even the horrific background.

So, there was no hesitation.

“Dragon. Their presence on the Arcana continent was regarded as a legend. Until they made their presence known by howling at the top of the Zero Mountains. However, there was a hidden truth in that case.]

When was this setting brought in again?


a child of the past.

Taste is always the same.

Starting with a great family that made even the emperor bow down.

invisible real estate.

Even the true owner of the continent hidden in a veil…

You were seriously ill, Ho Yeol-ah.

moment of realization.

Shame welled up, but he did not show it.

I said confidently.

“That I am Cloudy’s heir has returned.”

It was announced that Cloudy’s heir had returned.

Someone who was listening would ask again.

So what do you mean?

No, he would ask if the dragons knew about it in the first place.

Why would you have heard about it from Yunaxus as well?

But don’t underestimate the Cloudy family.

It means that I added the modifier that I was great at that time…!

『…The dragon was saved by Cloudy. The cry that resonated across the continent on the day the legend returned was an act of awe toward Cloudy. The truth of that day was communicated only between Cloudy and the dragon. As an oath that will be valid even if eons of time pass.]

That’s right.

That was the reason I turned off absolute zero.

What is that….

After quite a long time, you guys too.

It seems I didn’t remember either.

It seems that there was something called an oath between us.


I’m afraid my words will run out.

Prosnax’s head begins to break.

It’s like he’s trying to bow his head to me.

Even without knowing English.

It’s like he’s desperately trying to resist.



He’s still a hatchling, so he doesn’t seem to have a good grasp of the situation.

It’s no use trying to resist to the point of breaking bones like that.

An oath is not an ordinary promise.

Even if it means giving up one’s life.

It is an oath that must be kept.

And except for Yunaxus, you broke the oath.

In that sense.

There may be no more mercy for me.

I said coldly.

“Understanding the strokes of a young day is that far, hatchling.”


“Don’t get in my way.”



Prosnax twitched his huge body.

I looked at Prosnax with the same gaze.

However, their eyes do not meet each other.

‘What is he?’

Because Prosnax avoided my gaze.

The reaction was all too familiar to me.

It was like a demon terrified in front of me.

As if responding to my thoughts, a message comes to mind.

[‘Fear’ occurs in Bingryong Prosnax.]

In the end, Prosnax completely bowed his head.

at the same time.

The scenery of the snowy mountains began to disperse into the air.

[You have cleared the Snow Mountain of Hidden Peace Bingryong.]

Even when entering.

I didn’t know it would clear like this.

Anyway, this is also a dark history…

No, it was thanks to full preparation.

I said to the end.


“Speak, my lord.”

“Let’s talk about the mission later. According to the procedure, I have things to prioritize.”

“Dend will obey your lord’s command.”

With this, the next goal on the Arcana continent has been decided.

Now that I’m determined to use it.

In order to use it better, we need to properly understand the reality.

‘I have to go. The estate of the Cloudy family.’

even if it collapsed.

It seemed like there would be some elements that could be used in the newly emerging settings. However, as I said to Diend, there is an order to everything.

I looked at Yunaxus and was startled.

‘Why are you lowering your head again?’

It’s really burdensome.

spoke quickly.

“Raise your head, Yunaxus.”

“I will follow your orders. Dear Cloudy.”

“Can I ask you to guide me to the dragon temple?”

“It is a great honor.”


Yunaxus spreads his white elytra and flies towards me.

It’s a bit like the picture that it comes down and gets on again, but…

I can’t help it.

I stood upright on the back of Yunaxus again.

‘Damn the weight class car.’

To hold Prosnax at absolute zero.

The consumed mana must have been so extreme.

Now, with the dragon temple in front.

No one knew what kind of unexpected situation would happen.

That’s why I had to recover my mana as much as possible.

It means that even the mana consumed by levitation must be saved.

‘By the way…’

I looked at Prosnax from the back.

Right now, Cloudyra is cowering in fear, but I don’t know how she will change again later. In that sense, it must be firmly imprinted until the end.

‘I mean even more shamelessly.’

I spoke with the utmost dignity.

“I will not hold you guilty, Hatchling.”


“But keep in mind.”

And always beyond expectations.

Isn’t it the Grande Fell style that transcends imagination?

Thanks to that, I declared with the utmost arrogance.

“Even the most ferocious hounds do not try to bite their masters.”


…Do you really have to earn a hawk with your mouth to clear your mind, Grand Fel?

Comparing a dragon to a hunting dog is also sensible.

Because this meant that I couldn’t do anything.

I’m starting to worry about this.

‘It’s like this even now that I haven’t witnessed with my own two eyes.’

That it was Cloudy’s mansion that Diend had discovered.

If you see it with your own two eyes.

How far can Grandfell’s arrogance go?

Do you know if you know how I feel?

said Yunaxus.

“You are infinitely humble.”

Are you humble?


Is that irony?

“Even though you’re not in a position to show mercy to anyone…”

A halo that made even such arrogance look like humility.

A petit bourgeois who will suffer from the halo of the Cloudy family in the future.

Because it reminds me of poor Lee Ho-yeol.

I’m already starting to get dizzy…




dragon temple.

All dragons looked at each other with their heads bowed to the floor.

Just like Bingryong Prosnax.

The relatively young dragons were unable to grasp the situation.


As if clinging to the floor, his body wriggling around except for his fixed head. He was desperately denying the helplessness he felt for the first time in his life as the king of all things.

But with Cloudy.

The dragons were not aware of the ‘oath’ involved.

Gradually he was approaching.

as close as possible.

I did something called understanding the subject.

They say that the promise is to break the heart.

that it is not something that can be resisted.

and such an oath.

That the time has come to pay the price.


The Earth Dragon, Kudhanax, let out a small laugh.

A more serious situation.

Laughter out of the blue was enough to make the dragons angry.

Sharp words poured out to Kudhanax.

“What’s so funny, old dragon.”


He was an old dragon who lived at the same time as Yunaxus.

So I just kept silent.

It wasn’t because he objected to what Yunaxus said.

It was because I couldn’t trust his words.

It was so hard to believe that Cloudy had returned.

However, I realized it belatedly.

That’s why I laughed.

“You still haven’t figured out the subject, dragons.”


brain dragon.

wind dragon.

Yeom Dragon.

and even yourself.

Arrogantly, he seemed to have forgotten.

“Who would claim to be king of all in front of them?”

If we dare to compare ourselves to ourselves,

Cloudy They are the Arcana Continent.

in the shadows.

He had contemplated and coordinated behind the scenes.

It was like an immeasurably great dark dragon.

Kudhanax let out a majestic peer.

“All dragons, pay homage to the entrance of the Dark Dragon!”




…what did bar just say?!

Heh Dark Dragon’s entry…?!

Are you sure I’m talking about that dark dragon?!

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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