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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 247

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Episode 247. Convening all dragons,

Dark Dark Dragon.

It seems that what he said to me was right.

A satisfied voice came out of Yunaxus’ mouth.

“It’s Kudhanax’s peer.”


Who else is he?

You are calling me, a first-timer, by the terrible name Dark Dark Dragon!

Grab it by the collar if you can.

I wanted to ask if there was something wrong with me.

It couldn’t be.

[Hidden Peace: Temple of the Dragon]

I could see the scenery of the temple through the dimensional gap.

As it is a temple of dragons, it is a scale suitable for its size. Just looking at the towering pillars makes my heart feel magnificent. However, to fit the modifier [Hidden Peace], no one could enter.

[Appropriate level: Only dragons can enter]

Conditions specified instead of levels.

A place only for dragons.

It must mean that it is impossible to enter without a dragon. And that was the reason why I couldn’t resist the terrible nickname of Dark Dragon…!

Yunaxus continued.

“Dark Dark Dragon. I don’t think there is a nickname that can adequately describe Cloudy.”


I am thanks to the damn nickname of the dark dragon.

Because I have qualified to access [Hidden Peace: Temple of the Dragon].

It wasn’t just words, it was a message that came to mind.

[Dark Dark Dragon (黑暗龍): Your reputation that has not been revealed is not too much to compare to the Dark Dark Dragon that swims in the dark, so you deserve the name of the dragon. – You can enter the ‘Hidden Peace Dragon Temple’]

…It’s always important to have a positive mindset.

‘Yes, thanks to that I was able to enter.’

It was a situation where he had broken through Bingryong’s snowy mountain and was right in front of his destination. However, if he had not been able to enter because he did not meet the conditions, he might have died out of exhaustion rather than a suicide.

It doesn’t end there.

‘You did well in unsummoning Diend, Hoyeol.’

If Diend had witnessed this situation, would he have stayed still with his personality?

I’m going to go all over the place, and I’ll go to the middle of the day.

I’m known as the dark dragon among dragons.

‘It will only be a matter of time before the world finds out.’

Among the people of that world, my numbers are included.

Even now, I was saved as ‘infinitely deep darkness’ in No. 3 Lee Ye-rim’s contact information. Man Lee Ho-yeol does not have the confidence to endure such shame.


‘…Still, what’s not a Black Flame Dragon?’

If it was a title like that, there wouldn’t even be an excuse.

Ok positive mindset.

Thanks to that, I calmed down and opened my mouth.

“It’s a nickname fitting for Cloudy.”

It was just a passing word.

Yunaxus didn’t listen to me.

You’re just adding an additional explanation.

“Kudhanax, who lived at the same time as this old dragon, must have guessed. Cloudy’s immeasurably huge truth… That’s why I couldn’t easily trust my words. However, now that I have come to realize it, this old dragon has one less regret.”

Couldn’t the gilding for the Cloudy family stop there?

It’s painful in many ways, really…

but because I was determined to use it.

You have to endure it with evil.

Above all, now is not the time to be shaken.

‘Dozens of dragons are waiting for me.’

The majority of dragons are clearly against me.

The moment you enter if you haven’t remembered the oath.

It wouldn’t have been strange if it had been oxidized by the pouring breath.

But whatever the specific story was.

at last.

I was the one who brought out the oath.

[You have entered the Temple of the Hidden Peace Dragon.]

What came into my field of vision.

towards me and Yunaxus.

All dragons lowered their heads in unison.

As I said, the majority of dragons didn’t like me. To the point where I could tell at once that I had to bow my head forcibly because of the oath. The uncomfortable planting is transmitted as it is.


I wonder if the sound of grinding my teeth would be so loud.

Even the vast amount of mana flowing from the gigantic body.

I’m just keeping my head down

‘I’m obviously threatening you.’

But no matter how intimidating it is.

It is not the pride of Grandfel that will be broken.

I got down from Yunaxus’ back and stepped out.

He calmly straightened his clothes.

Of course, neither I nor Lee Ho-yeol were scared.

‘As long as the oath exists.’

Dragons won’t be able to show their animosity towards me.

In order to reveal it, you would have to give up your life as well.

In that sense, I had nothing to lose.

That’s the life I gave up anyway.

Even if you die on the Arcana continent, you will not die.

‘Even if you look at it like this, I’m the [last adventurer].’


Where should I listen to all the stories?

On the other hand, what kind of stories came and went at the Convocation of the Jeonryong?

Did he drive Yunaxus to death, who was trying to follow the will of the World Tree, and even try to ignore Cloudy’s oath? I mean, where do you come up with an excuse?


I stopped right in the middle of the dragon temple.

Unfavorable glances poured out, but this is also familiar.

The first time I stood on the podium of the Crystal Hall of the Mage Tower with a parachute.

The eyes that poured out at that time were just like this.

I casually opened my mouth.

“Let’s start, Yunaxus.”

spoke shamelessly.

“Now that the last dragons have gathered for me.”

While willingly accepting the title of Dark Dark Dragon…!

“A real dragon meeting.”




dragon temple.

Humans set foot in a place that only dragons could enter.

What he meant was simple.

As Kudhanax said.

That man could be called a ‘dragon’.

They were the only ones with such qualifications as human subjects.


It really was Cloudy’s return.

Young dragons of a similar age to Prosnax did not know the seriousness of the situation. Because the body that grows differently day by day makes us forget the past insignificantly.

However, the hatchling period has passed.

The dragons, who could be considered adults, were guessing.

Cloudy reappears on the Arcana continent.

what he will do to them.

Yunaxus opens his mouth.

“The will of the mother realized through the death of Noryong. It is to sprout the seed of the Mother World Tree that exists in my body. In order for that seed to sprout, the old dragon’s lowly body must be nourished.”


with an oath.

I will order you to fulfill the will of the Mother World Tree.


But I couldn’t admit it.

Even though he knew that it was his mother’s will that he could not go against.

Like Yunaxus.

Even though they also have the seeds of the world tree in their bodies.

It was unacceptable.

“…why us!”

Because he was born as the king of all things.

Did you say that you should be responsible for it?

That’s not even funny, Yunaxus.

“What is a king?”

have lived for eternity

But those eons.

They were the ones who spent most of their time in a boring sleep.

Because it has so much power.

Even though they had wings, they couldn’t fly over the Arcana continent as they wished, and they were the ones who couldn’t even cry to keep the continent from trembling with anxiety.


“After handing over the illusory kingship of all things. Are you going to ask me to take responsibility for it now? Are you willing to sacrifice your life? we can’t tolerate Even if it is my mother’s will, I cannot accept it…!”

Yunaxus did not answer.

‘That’s right.’

Elder Dragon.

He was the one who had lived the longest among his own people.

I could understand their feelings because I had been through everything.

That’s why…

‘Maybe I didn’t resist.’

He also said that his mother’s will is full of contradictions.

Because I was thinking in the dark.

In that sense.

‘I’m the same as my mother. I have committed a great sin against everyone.’


Maybe he accepted death.

However, it is now irreversible.

Yunaxus looked at Hoyeol.

‘As long as Cloudy stepped forward.’

More than he mentioned the oath.

Because the right to veto did not exist for him and his people.

And finally, Ho-yeol broke the silence and opened his mouth.

“Exactly as expected.”

Were you contemplating everything as expected?

“If that’s what you mean, it’s better not to follow it.”

That’s right.

It’s right not to follow that meaning…?!

Yunaxus was taken aback.

Because the unexpected words came out of Ho-yeol’s mouth.


I wonder if it’s time to really close my eyes.

I looked around to see if

my ears had been deaf.

Everyone is astonished.

even hostile.

so that it fades in an instant.

Faces full of questions.

But the doubts did not last long.

It was because Ho-yeol had spoken.

“The World Tree is alive and breathing even at this moment.”





From the Round Table Conference in the Magic Tower.

An imperial meeting of Yusra Kingdom.

Until the meeting of the AAU branch heads.

If it’s a meeting, wouldn’t I be the winner again?

That’s why I listened to the agenda of the Jeonryong meeting.

Then, he always nodded his head.

‘…Still, I’d be glad if this was enough.’

First of all, it’s different from the elves who can’t see even the slightest bit of room for regeneration.

Above all, the dragons had a good reason.

Why were the dragons born as kings of all things not free?

Because I guessed the reason.

‘It’s because of the system.’

Before Cataclysm.

The days when Arcana was just a game.

Balance was an extremely important factor.

‘For example.’

A time when players were only level 100-200.

Let’s assume that thousands of levels of dragons fly around the continent.

Of course, the Arcana continent would not have been able to develop as it is now. A single hit from Dragon Fear would have knocked out all creatures on the continent, making it impossible to even function properly.

‘Unlike the Elves, it’s a rebellion with a reason.’

Let’s change our stance.

Do you think the country would have been unfair?

What would you do if you were born as the king of all things?

I couldn’t even use that power properly.

In that sense, the Dragon Demon War may have been a genuinely enjoyable game for the dragons.

Why was there no one to play with them all their lives? Imagine that the wizards came and shot a strange magic.

‘How fun it must have been.’

Of course, that’s not just my opinion.

The sacrifice of the small for the great.

Because the one I hate more than anyone else is Grandfel.

Even if that was the will of the World Tree, would it be possible to follow it?


“The World Tree is alive and breathing even at this moment.”

like spit out.

On the Arcana continent, it follows the first world tree.

A new world tree was alive and breathing.

They all look like they can’t believe it.

Why would you even tell me the exact name?

Goo [Swampland of Predators].

It is currently the [Secret Garden of the World Tree].

If you still don’t believe me, I’ll show you the quest window.

[World Quest: The Seed of the World Tree]

The crisis of extinction of the Arcana continent has arrived.

in a great crisis.

sprout new hope

—Germinate the seeds of the World Tree. (In progress)

1 Seed of the World Tree currently found / Unknown

1 Seed of the World Tree that has now sprouted / Unknown

Sprout the World Tree scattered across the Arcana Continent.

Because that was the goal of my World Quest.

So that’s not to say I didn’t mean anything.

“Didn’t you tell me, Yunaxus?”


“No mother wants her child to die.”



If the world tree was really meant to sprout its own seeds by using the corpses of dead dragons as food.

Having sprouted the seeds of the world tree through Hiel’s blessing, I was no more than an uninvited guest.

As an uninvited guest, there would have been no reason for the World Tree to bestow blessings on me.


I asked the dragons including Yunaxus.

“Did you truly swallow the seeds of the World Tree, Jeonryong?”


“I am asking if the world tree you witnessed is a true world tree.”


That’s when the feeling came.

Between the world tree and the dragon.

To the point where he’s plotting something that doesn’t sound like it.

There was only one tribe that could not grasp the subject.

yes it’s the devil

A moment when a demon hunter’s intuition kicks in.

My eyes flickered.

This is my main job.

[Class Quest: The Knowledge of Good and Evil]

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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