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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 249

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Episode 249. There was nothing (2)

only one person left blank.

I never thought it would be this big.

Lee Ho-yeol Until he disappeared.

Rather, those who did not know the context did not worry.

“Who is the commander-in-chief in a position to be worried about?”

“therefore. When you have time to worry, just worry about us.”

“Really, what is this, Level Koraji?”

according to the words exchanged.

Ho-yeol is not a person to be worried about by others.

There was nothing to prove, and I could tell just by looking at the past.

Even if it’s just an activity that turns concerns into baseless.

Wasn’t it too much to count?


under any circumstances.

It was a passion that had never been broken.

“Yeah, everyone doesn’t worry too much. Chief Lee.”


the top floor of the Magic Tower.

Topju was lying on the floor and wagging his tail. However, unlike usual, the movement of the tail was subtly bristling, so the reason was, of course, the heat.

“It’s expensive to see, yes.”

fortnight ago.

The day Ho-yeol headed to the Arcana continent.

I wish I had

just taken a nap like usual .

“It’s a portal to the Arcana continent. I guess I can turn away…”

The problem was that his instincts as a wizard were acting up.

I did it without knowing until a day or two.

since about a week later.

I was so nervous that I couldn’t even properly stamp my feet on the parchment.

Suddenly, Marcelo’s voice is heard.

“Are you giving up your work and lying down again?”

“Little Chief. I am in a serious situation right now.”

“Serious and work are separate things.”

“It’s rude. Don’t answer me.”

“Noisy. Be still.”


Marcelo grabbed the pillar of the tower, which had fallen on the floor, and lifted it up.

After that, he moved the pagoda head to the appropriate head seat.

like a thing.

An undesirable gaze leads to the owner of the tower.

“Soon the seniors will find the top floor.”

“Seniors? on the top floor? why?”

“What do you think it is for?”

The top lord was startled.

…I wonder if he noticed that he had accidentally stamped his feet.

Did they come here to raise an objection as a group?

Nyangsim… No, because my conscience was stabbed.

Fortunately, there was another reason.

“It must be because of concerns about Chief Lee.”

mage tower.

The senior wizards, including the leadership, knew what resolution Ho-yeol had entered the Arcana continent.

Ho-yeol didn’t say his determination with his mouth, but he could tell from his actions.

The top lord just grumbled.

“Why did you bring a magic tool for a decisive battle…”

His grumbling ended there.

Soon, twenty senior wizards.

Everyone stepped onto the top floor of the mage tower.

Elder mages behind them.

Yugweed comes out coolly.

“I explained enough to the seniors, Tower Lord? There is nothing to hide from our leaders. It’s not like we know all of the chief’s intentions.”

The representative of the senior mage.

Senior Black Magician Matisse Dean Carr.

he opened his mouth

“I didn’t come here to ask the chief’s will.”

Yugweed turned his head and asked again.

“Then what is your business, Mr. Matisse?”

It’s a business.

Simple and clear.

can’t wait forever

That was the business.

“Please permit the use of the magic tool connector.”

The meaning of renting two out of ten magic tools for decisive battle is clear.

Chief Lee entered the continent of Arcana after being prepared to face an enemy he could not have imagined for himself.

And the fact that this chief did not return to the Mage Tower for over 15 days means…

“This chief is obviously in a situation where he needs help.”

A spleen hovered on the top floor of the mage tower.

Although the top lord’s tail was shaking.

Again, that hair stands out.

“If that were possible.”


“Before allowing you to use that magic tool. I must have used the strange magic tool called the connector first. Even if it’s not me…”

Tower owner looked at Marcelo.

Marcelo nodded as if he would not object.

Because he also had the same idea.

With the top lord and the seniors.

“I’m sorry, Matisse. I can’t.”

beyond the fortnight.

even for several months.

Even if Chief Lee Ho-yeol does not return to the Mage Tower.

It was unacceptable to enter Arcana through the connector.

The reason is simple.

“Didn’t Chief Lee, the principleist, declare?”


“I will definitely use it according to the procedure.”

It wasn’t that he didn’t think of entering the Arcana continent as a leader. Just because there were words left by Ho-yeol. I just erased the option of connecting device from my mind.

‘Because Sir, you wouldn’t want help that broke the procedure.’

Marcelo added.

“Also, if you are the Chief I know, you will definitely return to the Mage Tower in order to follow the procedure. No, I have no doubt that he will.”

senior power.

“you’re right. Not like that.”

Among them, Bensh William, who has been stunned by the procedure, nods vehemently. It was the moment when the sudden meeting was about to end like that.


in an instant, the tower’s hair stood on end.

It wasn’t just the top lord’s presence.

senior senior appointment.

Even the skilled apprentice wizards below the top floor.


I had an intuition of an unfathomable gigantic presence.


The sky became dark in an instant.

pouring rain.


The records of the Great War of the Dragon Horse that come to mind as if overlapping with the scenery.

It was.

No matter how you look at it, this was a precursor symptom foreshadowing the dragon’s appearance.

Their purpose was unknown, but the tower owner responded quickly.

“As of this time, all members of the Magic Tower are allowed to leave the tower.”

Lessons from the Dragon Demon War?

Don’t forget to keep it simple.

Don’t you dare try to face the dragon.


But if you don’t fight.

What is the world of adventurers like?

The Mage Tower was well aware of the level of player adventurers.

With the exception of Hoyeol and a few others, they were weaker than apprentice wizards.

It was a world where such people were revered as heroes.

“The 2nd Dragon Demon War with incomplete power.”

That’s why I had no choice but to go out even though I knew I couldn’t face it.

To think the Mage Tower was prepared to sacrifice for others.

It’s funny even when you look back on yourself.

But at the same time, it is unavoidable.

“How come the vacancy for this chief is bigger than the vacancy for the head of the tower?”

Now that senior Ho-yeol is away.

Carrying the huge burden he had been carrying instead.

It should become a mage tower including yourself.

Because that is the procedure of the Magic Tower.

“How did you carry such a heavy load alone, Chief Lee?”




It wasn’t just the magic tower that moved quickly.

Zero Mountains.

Because the players who were in the middle of hunting also felt the change.

“Everybody stop.”

“What is this…?”

“The sun was shining until just now, but why is it raining all of a sudden?”

It was too much to simply dismiss it as a shower.

As if there was a hole in the sky.

Rain started pouring from the sky.

“How come this guy’s weather forecast has never been right?”


“why? Did the rainy season start? Or a typhoon?”

“No, it’s not like that…”

Things that were incomprehensible to common sense began to happen.

“That’s because I’m a liberal arts major. Is it possible for it to rain all over the world at the same time? And scientifically…?!”

It was literally.


desert that does not rain a single drop all year round.

It even rains in polar regions where it should snow.

It was so strange that I was at a loss for words.

Again, the doubts did not last long.

because I heard

Crow, wow, wow—!


because it came to mind.

[Caution: Your mental power is too low.]

The formidable aftermath of Dragon Fear.


Even top players called rankers did not dare to resist the status ailment. Not to mention ordinary players, and ordinary people were helpless against peers.

But so far, it’s literally just portents.

“Not one. Three no five… six!”

Seven eight nine….

A total of ten dragons appear tearing apart the dimension.

It began gliding across the globe.

Most of all, it was AAU that shocked me.

Korea branch.

“Ha ha…”

Park Min-jae spat out a dejected laugh.

Because they knew what kind of dragon they were.

How hopeless the current situation is.

could be noticed at once.

A trembling voice is heard.

“…yes! You have senior Skal!”

I’d rather not know is medicine?

In a situation where it is not strange to fall into a panic.

Seong Hyeon-jun grabs Yoon Su-gyeom and continues the conversation.

“If you are a hidden class dragon knight, how would you come up with a way out of this situation? No, if it was Skal… he might have already taken action!”

if it were a normal situation.

He must have slapped me on the shoulder, saying it was a good way to think for a jjambab.

However, the condition of the dragons that appeared on the monitor was a problem.

Park Min-jae quietly opens his mouth.

“It’s a skal and no one will be able to approach it.”

Heavy rain pouring down all over the earth.

To put it in a word, those were dragon tears.

It is not a figurative expression.

For some reason, the flying dragons were actually shedding tears. Aren’t they speaking with their dragon fear?

“I won’t stop listening to anyone.”

“…the branch manager.”

“Until I find that dark dragon.”

As a result, all AAU branches were in a state of emergency. The emergency decree that the dragons must somehow identify the identity of the dark dragon they are looking for.

But no matter what database you search.

“…not found.”

There was no information related to the dark dragon.

“okay? It seemed so.”

Park Min-jae shed a rotten smile.

“Dark Dark Dragon, there’s no way I’d ever forget a name like that.”

Then, as expected, it is Rayman Shen who knows about this situation.

There will be only that child.

No, Ho-yeol might know something…

‘…I can’t depend on the general manager.’

Ho-yeol is vacant.

Besides, you can’t just take it forever.

Let’s regain our conscience, Park Min-jae.


Park Min-jae calmed himself down with a dry wash.

Then he opened his mouth heavily.

“As expected, it would be best to provide information to the Mage Tower side.”

Currently, Ho-yeol is away.

The strongest power of mankind was, without a doubt, the Magic Tower.

Above all, the magic tower is the moment the dragon appears.

Everyone came out of the mage tower to counter the dragon.

It meant a sure ally.

“Of course, the information must be passed on to the Allies of the Holy Temple.”

The Allied Crusade forces leading to Muon, the sacred ground of Yusra Frost, were also a strength that could not be overlooked. However, the target of comparison is the dragon. It was a problem that it wasn’t just one or two, but…

‘I don’t expect to win.’

I just hoped it wouldn’t crash.

The damage that will follow whether you win or lose.

It will be incomparable to what it was before.


“I’m sorry…”

Park Min-jae could only clenched his fists and prayed earnestly.

Not God, Buddha, or Allah.

To the most undesirable being.

Without hesitation, I had to pray again.

“…General Manager.”




Wizard of the Mage Tower.

Allied Crusade.

And the players looked up at the sky.

“Your resolve is becoming colorless.”

Harkon murmured calmly.

A legendary dragon.

A situation where dozens of the living legends appeared.

I promised to give my life.

It seemed that this place could not be called a battlefield.

“Why are you crying like that?”

“I mean.”

“It makes even me depressed…”

Nam Tae-min and Leonie blurted out their words.

Hisagi said while wiping her wet chin.

“Your feelings are coming through.”

I didn’t have to put into words what that feeling was.

Because the flowing rain was representing their feelings.

The magic tower was also surprised.

Banshee whispered to Bangrit.

“How come it seems to be a little different from the dragons in the Dragon Demon Wars I know.”

“Iknow, right. It was written that it was very violent.”

“Yes? It’s not that I misread it, Senior Banglet! It was written that he laughed happily at the pouring high level magic…!”

Is that the arrogant dragon recorded in the Great War of the Dragons?

Even watching it, I was in doubt.

I was wondering at the same time.

“What kind of existence is that dark dragon to them…?”

king of all things.

The dragon mourned, longed for, and howled.

are you looking for him?

Of course, that question did not last long.

Because the party soon showed up.

Again –





The sound of this guy’s shoes always draws attention.

Meet the eyes of those who look back.

Marcelo Harcon, Nam Tae-min…. Even the cat I hate.

I think we met a few hours ago at most.

In real time, half a month has passed, right?

If so, I can understand the expression of the color that turns like that.

…But aren’t you?

I looked up at the sky.

And our eyes met.

An exceptionally shiny dragon.


Bingryong Prosnax and the horse.

‘This is my guess…’

The extreme cold is certain to have a negative effect on the temper of any human dragon. Otherwise, Senios and Prosnax’s rampant emotional changes couldn’t be explained.

‘They rushed at me like they were going to kill me, and now they’re crying…?’

I was dumbfounded.

I can’t express myself.

I just opened my mouth like always.

“Didn’t you tell me?”


“You too.”

He shifted his gaze once and spoke.

“And you have nothing to worry about either.”

Yes, because I’ve seen you live like this.

Are you done now?

Especially to you dragons…!


Because the me who thought I was dead is alive.

You’d be surprised, yes.

I can kindly understand that sentiment.

Just in case.

Don’t you think of calling me by my name?

Don’t even think about calling me by this name.

‘Lee Ho-yeol Cloudy Dark Dragon…Anyway, nothing works!’

I want to spread the dark history to the whole world.

I’d rather be misunderstood as a touching reunion.

I can’t help it, just keep crying like now…!!

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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