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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 250

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Episode 250. (3)

The sunlight shining through the window is bright.

…to the point where I couldn’t bear to raise my head.

I try to look around.

In this case, the unrealistic structure of the mage tower is savagely helpful.

A crystal scepter that was automatically expanded to match the size of the dragon.

Even those who glanced at such a dragon.

There is enough room to sit together.

‘…I can’t just let it go.’

that nothing happened

My plan to get rid of pretentiousness was completely ruined by the dragons’ fuss…! At this moment, the aftereffects of dragons’ tears were in full swing on Earth.

‘I’m glad there’s no hostility.’

Speaking of the blood that dragons spit out, it’s the dark dragon.

Will there be anything more than screaming my tinnitus?

Thanks to that, everyone must have ended up staggering.

I was well aware of the power of Dragon Fear, which had the intent to kill, because I disciplined Prosnax.

‘It’s terrifying to imagine that he did something like that.’

Even if the player does.

Ordinary people may have been threatened with their lives.

It was something that could have led to a dangerous situation if done wrong.

“The reason I summoned you is simple.”

The pride of this guy who is not ashamed no matter where he puts it out.

Can you keep your mouth shut?

So we gathered in the Crystal Hall like this.

“I thought you might need an explanation.”

Even while spitting out, the taste is bitter.

I keep getting concerned

For good reason.

All of a sudden…

why is it ‘him’ out of dozens of dragons?

Why is it the Earth Dragon Kudhanax with a criminal record…!

“As you know, I entered the Arcana continent through a portal.”

In fact, it is not difficult to explain all the details.

Can’t you separate the trivial things and explain it boldly?

Why is it like what Granfel usually does well?

“The principle mimics connectors.”

It’s just a matter of listing the facts.

“The purpose was to save the elder dragon Yunaxus. Furthermore, it was to keep the promise I made with him.”

I can hear the sound of dry saliva going over here.

It’s a prior oath with the dragon.

It may sound grandiose, but it was a promise I made alone.

Anyway, everyone is already surprised.

The real story starts now.

I spoke calmly.

“And in the process, I instructed and educated the dragons.”

Indeed, it was the summary of Grand Fell down in the world.

It’s a map education.

In fact, there was no one-line summary that was as clear as that.

Solve the misunderstanding between the mother world tree and the child dragon, reconcile Yunaxus and the dragons, and make them realize their pride… Guidance education is correct.

However, the problem was that the process was omitted too much! Fighting to death with Bingryong, discovering a hidden piece called the Dragon Temple, breaking a teacup there and dying.

You just blatantly omitted it, Grandfel.

It’s just an ordinary explanation.

By the way…

‘Should I still be thankful?’

If anything is different from usual.

Is there an audience that knows my high school student?

Yes, I am talking about Kudhanax.

Kudhanax, who watched everything, nodded gently.

And I was glancing at that Kudhanax.

‘Please keep shut like that.’

Lee Ho-yeol Cloudy.

Or, I’m afraid he’ll bring up the title Dark Dark Dragon.

I am truly afraid.

Still, a quick-witted Yunaxus would have understood the meaning behind my implied words… Unfortunately, Yunaxus was on the Arcana continent.

‘Because the Jeonryong didn’t appear in reality.’

Probably because the twenty-one dragons split into two and glide across the continent of Arcana and reality, searching for me.

The more you think about it, the more frightening it becomes.

‘Because the reality is not enough, even the Arcana Continent…!’

It’s called the Dark Dragon.

My damn tinnitus must have rang out.

But let’s eat hard, Hoyeol.

‘It’s fine if you don’t get caught.’

Only Kudhanax needs to crack down on nonsense.

in that sense.

I was extremely grateful for the little fuss now.

“…I didn’t hear that wrong, did I?”

“You said that you taught and trained dragons.”

“As expected, there must have been a reason you were away for 15 days.”

“…Do you really believe what you’re saying?”

“You lack pride, Leonie. believe. just.”

Nam Tae-min Leoni Hisagi Schraig.

Yes, whisper like that like now.

Move your gaze and look towards the arcana audience.

“You’ve done something really ridiculous again, sir!”

“With today as an opportunity, we must rewrite the history of the Great War of the Dragon Horse. Isn’t that right, Tower Lord?”

“It is beyond imagination. Our handsome chief always.”

Harkon Yugweed, Marcelo Tower Master…

Likewise, it’s okay to keep buzzing.

For today, I will allow small talk.

More than that chatter, it was more important than anything to give Kudhanax a chance to even open his mouth.


Kudhanax nodded his head and listened to the story.

I wondered if there was a reason…

but only after everyone had left did Kudhanax speak to me.

“Whoops. I believe that if you are Cloudish, you will be able to know. The fact that even ‘legends’ have power. And the power contained in the legend depends on how much it is talked about in the world.”


Did you say it was an old dragon that lived at the same time as Yunaxus?

Thanks to you, I really knew a lot.

Even if it was just a story about a legend.

‘Legends really have power.’

If you look at it this far, it won’t be an abstract story.

Just as there are [Legendary] grade items such as ghost iron.

There may be a system called [Legend] that I don’t know about.

‘A new flesh hole is always welcome.’

I don’t know what effect it has.

Aren’t I in a position to cover up?

while thinking.

Kudhanax smiled contentedly and continued.

“So I watched. Indeed, even in this world completely different from the Arcana continent. I wonder if the legend of Cloudy and the dark dragon is resonating enough.”

The words sent goose bumps down his spine.

…so that means now.

Didn’t you mean that you were watching for an opportunity?

So, in vulgar terms.

It meant that if he hadn’t been able to talk to me, Kudhanax himself would have come forward and talked about the fame and status of Cloudy and the Dark Dragon…!

‘no wonder!’

I thought I was nodding too much.

If I make a mistake, even the dark dragon isn’t enough.

Because I think the story about Cloudy was almost revealed.

A sigh of relief flows from the depths of my heart.

“It’s useless to worry.”

“Whoops. It’s the old dragon’s old heart.”

Of course, I couldn’t spit it out.

“Then I will return according to your order.”

…because it’s called Myeong anyway.

It seems I gave orders to the dragon without knowing the real subject, Kudhanax. I did talk to him, but it wasn’t like an order, it was out of genuine concern.

The fruit of the World Tree, containing only pure malice.

They were dragons that swallowed evil fruits.

Don’t you feel a lot of energy that doesn’t seem good for your body just by listening to it? So, I was the one who recommended that it be better to spit out the fruit as soon as possible.

“I hope you find a way.”

But as you can see.

It seemed that he couldn’t easily spit out the evil fruit he had swallowed.

Whether that’s the limit of the dragon’s digestive system.

I couldn’t figure out if it was because of the effects of the department of evil.

Well, I’ll try my best on this one too.

Don’t worry, Kudhanax.

“I’ll try to arrange a way too.”

I shamelessly answered “I”.

‘Actually, I should ask the experts rather than me.’

In reality, the healing magicians, including Senior Belle and Klee, must be having a hard time. All I can do is scrawl a permit on the application form so that there is no disruption to their research.

“I don’t know what to do with the grace of Kudhanax.”

At the end of the burdensome greeting.

Kudhanax tore through the dimension and returned to the Dragon Shrine.

With this, the fuss is finally over.

‘Why is the day so long?’

It’s okay to catch your breath for a while.

This guy’s work addiction.

I don’t get tired of it and think of what to do next.

I recited meaningfully.

“Is it finally time to reveal the hidden darkness?”

obscured darkness.

To translate the Granfell style of speech, it meant the mansion of the Cloudy family that Diend had discovered.

I was the one who vowed to use even the halo of the disgraceful Cloudy family.

‘Positive mindset.’


In fact, at the time when you are desperate to turn away.

Maybe it’s better to get used to it.

‘Damn Romeo…’

Of course, I’m not sure if I’ll get used to it…!

Still, I can’t help it, Hoyeol.


It is time to show the pride of an adult who takes responsibility for his past.

“But even that will have to follow the procedure.”

Selling early is better.

In fact, I also wanted to witness with my own two eyes that it was the Cloudy family right away.

Why, thanks to the dragons shedding tears, the story of the Dark Dragon was even on the Arcana Continent. The legend must be spreading.

‘Before I can’t carry my face on the continent…!’

I wanted to witness the mansion as soon as possible and check the settings that could be used. However, the [Last Adventurer] penalty held him back.

[Cool time: 21 hours 42 minutes.]

The days when Arcana was just a game.

The [Last Adventurer] penalty effect equal to the death penalty. Because of this, whether you open the portal or use the connector, you will not be able to re-enter the Arcana continent for the next day.

Besides, you have to carry a lot of luggage.

‘It’s been 15 days.’

I’ve been away for 15 days.

As the chief, general manager, and authority.

It is natural that piled up work is no joke.

Let’s try to relive the social experience.

‘If it’s 15 days without notice… It will take a week to fix it roughly, right?’

But who am I?

Owner of [Blessing of the First World Tree].

Thanks to the constantly regenerating life force.

Isn’t he a selfish person who sits at his desk and does his job as if nothing had happened even after carrying out the nogada class quest that stimulates the limit every day?

A confident declaration.

“One day is enough.”

It would be disappointing if the Granfell style of speech fell out again.

“Even the passing time is just a number to me.”

you did well Grand Fell.

‘Anyway, I don’t fall for being proud.’

I’ll have to come to terms with the harsh reality…

after seeing the dragons howling because of me.

Such thoughts disappear completely.

Beyond that, it’s rather scary.

‘This is why puberty is so important.’

I wondered if I was getting more and more arrogant the more I went on like this. And how long can I endure the growing shame…!


‘Let’s worry about it later.’

As you said.

Even if you bring everything in front of the opponents you will face in the future, it may not be enough. Yes, it means that even this arrogance should be used as a driving force to move forward.

attitude at all times.

Is it thanks to

I immediately remembered what I had to do.

[Class Quest: The Tree of Good and Evil]

In the crisis of extinction, the world tree has borne fruit to sow seeds. However, contrary to the will of the World Tree, good and evil do not coexist in the fruit and are divided. The last demon hunter. You are the only one who can find the sinner who separated good from evil.

—Train your weakened body. (Repeat)

─Enter Sisli, the land of the elves. (In progress)

Quest objective and another destination Sisley.

We must not forget to gather information about him.

I remembered what Marcelo had said.

-“Today, the tower lord has filled the gap in the sutra.”

Lazy cat gets things done right.

I don’t know if I’ve done enough to meet the standards of Grandfel.

There must have been more work in Yusra than in the Mage Tower.

According to that priority, I manifested the portal.

Target coordinates, of course.

It is the golden palace of Yusra Kingdom.




golden palace.

If the owner of

the 『Painting of Dignity』 finds out.

It was Elsidore who gave the frightening name to the herb garden.

“Everyone deserves to see it now.”

The reason was simple.

Is the elixir herb that you touch treated as a mere flower?

Because the elf’s pride was unacceptable.

of course.

“What would a mere lizard know?”

Even at that moment when the dragon howls.

Elsidore cultivated the elixir without agitation.

But wait…?

What is it?

What about those excessively large petals?

A lumpy fruit?

Elsidore’s hands trembled.

‘…Could it be because they didn’t harvest?’

The guess was correct.

For 15 days, Ho-yeol

hadn’t been looking for a garden of medicinal herbs… no, no classy garden.

It was an overgrown non-herb that received overflowing blessings.

Elsidore remembered.

‘That person values beauty more than anyone else.’

Dare to evaluate.

Even compared to the elf, the human’s passion for aesthetics was never far behind. What would he say if he saw not only those flowers blooming in the garden, but also ugly fruits?

-“It looks like you were comfortable while I was gone.”

I got goosebumps at the thought of the next words.

– “Was it my mistake to feel proud of you?”

I still don’t know what his pride is…!

What is certain is that there is no pride.

It was that he could not take back his mother’s blessing.

Elsidore made a decision.

“…don’t pull it out.”

Would you notice that one of so many flowers disappears?

It was the moment when Elsidore, who had made up his mind, boldly reached out.

I heard a sound that made my body freeze.


a voice was heard.

“It’s a classy flower garden.”


“What are you doing? Elsidore.”





…Elsidore, what were you doing while I was away?

[You have entered Hidden Peace ‘Garden of Dignity.

I really can’t carry my face with the dark dragon alone!

Now I’m doing it, but I’m going to have a good time in the garden. Is it okay for siblings to bully the youngest child like this?

‘I’m sad because I’m the youngest…’

It’s been a while since I lamented.

I approached the hesitant Elsidore.

so what is it

What you hide behind your back

I desperately want to hide it, but it’s no use.

“Back off.” [The elf Elsidore has a ‘hierarchical order of blessing


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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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