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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 265

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Chapter 265. With the collapsed

mansion in the background, a quest window pops up.

—Train your weakened body. (Repeat)

─Enter Sisli, the land of the elves. (Success)

– Encounter the primordial evil rooted in Sisley. (Failure)

─Trace the evil in the beginning. (In progress)

Defeat the by-products of primordial evil. (Success)

Judging from the fact that ‘success’ came to mind in the goal of the last quest.

Is it safe to say that the [Force of Good and Evil] class quest has been completed? I don’t know when it will be, but I’m going to have a good time until I come up with a new quest goal.

‘I was expecting it.’

I didn’t think I would be able to finish it here.

The scale should have been so big.

More than anything, at my level right now, even half of my success is appreciated. Of course, this was all possible because of Cloudy’s ‘halo’… but

now that the intruder is gone.

I finally gazed at Cloudy’s mansion properly.

What worries you most.

I am not Lee Ho-yeol’s shame.

It was Grandfel.


The dark past and background.

To the extent that I am called the infinitely deep darkness.

It provides an immeasurably vast ‘adequate horsepower’.

Now facing the source.

My body must be overflowing with suitable mana.

“My lord…!”

If it’s a dark spirit, it’s natural to recognize it.

It wouldn’t be strange if Diend blurted out his words.

If Matisse, the head of Dark Magicology, saw me like this.

‘I wouldn’t have been very worried.’

It’s because it doesn’t show.

It was me who did not neglect the things I had promised to use.

The same goes for black magic.

according to that procedure.

He had also meticulously read books related to black magic. Thanks to that, I know why Matisse sometimes looks at me with concerned eyes.

He must have been worried.

[Blackening], in which the body is consumed by suitable magic power.

‘What kind of side effect’s name is blackening, really.’

But at this moment, the important thing is not the name.

It’s important that I know.

No, no one else knows, but I have to know.

Because that was the weight I, Lee Ho-yeol, had to carry.

“There is nothing to be upset about.”

Yes, because I brought it all on myself…!

‘I resent the consistent taste.’

Really, it can’t be a dark history that I fucking regret.

But you said you wouldn’t look away as long as you promised, didn’t you?

You have to face it in order to use it.

I continued talking to Diend.

“I’m just lost in my old thoughts for a while.”

It’s not an old idea.

Black history is the problem.

Still, my unwavering perseverance always helps me this time too.

Thanks to that, I was able to control the surge of mana.

Diend’s trembling voice is heard.

“Forgive me, lord. While that Diend Crisiad Eternal Darkness stays by the master’s side. I couldn’t fathom that your lord had such a past.”

No, please don’t think about counting.

And if you’re going to ask for forgiveness.

the name I gave you.

From the overly proud spitting out full name.

How can I not apologize…?

Of course, this nasty feeling.

There was nothing to express outwardly.

I was just speaking calmly.

“Don’t dwell on the past.”


“Even for those who have passed by.”


“We must look ahead and move on.”

Is it because you returned to your hometown?

The meaningful words of a true successor are pouring out.

But I agree with that statement.

I really don’t want to look back at all….

That was the moment I thought about it.


I heard Tempest’s howl.

It’s as fast as the name it gave it.

Following such Tempest, Hi-L in the air.

Agentress appears from the portal’s group of lights.

Highell lowered his head.

“Unfortunately, I couldn’t fulfill the lord’s order.”

I guessed that.

The moment the evil of the beginning kicks out.

The by-products that were scattered on the continent must have disappeared together.

Of course, since the goal of the quest is success, there is nothing wrong with it.



Tempest wrinkled his nose and then drooped his tail. Judging by the sudden death of the grass, it seems that the original evil has disappeared without even collecting it.

‘It’s evil like a devil.’

Wasn’t it possible to hide that smell in the first place?

sure there

primordial evil.

He wasn’t planning on taking Cloudy’s estate without a word. It was a plan to destroy Cloudy’s estate right in front of my eyes when I came to realize that fact belatedly.


Maybe I wanted to see the collapse of Grandfel.

Even if it’s not that, deception is a daily life for demons.

‘of course.’

You couldn’t have imagined that I could solve it so easily.

but did you say

Cloudy’s halo will be beyond imagination.

To the extent that I am afraid.

“Did you figure out the subject even late?”

I don’t think it’s a bad match.

For now, let’s be content with being the first to thwart his plan.

I was trying so hard to stabilize Grandfel…

Suddenly, I heard the voice of Argentress.

“…Can I ask you something?”

No, what else are you curious about?!

Whenever Agentress has a question, his heart skips a beat.

But as expected, he nodded his head because he couldn’t express himself.

Then the question immediately follows.

“Is this the Arcana Continent I know?”

Determine the intent of the questioner.

Let’s start with the personality of the presenter.

It was Argentress, an elf staying in Sisley. As he said with his own mouth, the Arcana Continent must have been an insignificant place that could not even be compared to Sisley.

So you must be surprised

“I never thought there would be a land like this on the Arcana continent…”

In Cloudy’s estate.

sister is talking

me at that time

That’s what I mean by the word ‘great’.

It’s like taking all the good things from Grandfel and pasting them together.

Even in the estate of the great family Claudius.

The good thing is that I took everything that came to mind and put it together.

The first starts with shallow knowledge.

『The sun never sets on Cloudy’s estate.』

A country where the sun never sets.

Starting with the setting with the motif of the British Empire.

I mean I took everything that sounded really good and put it together.

If such a land has been realized.

[You have entered the Hidden Peace ‘Claudi Territory’.]

There is no shortage of being called Hidden Peace.

Argentress looked around and couldn’t help but admire.

Later, he even muttered to himself.

“Isn’t that how you’re no different from Sisley?”

That’s the best compliment an elf can say.

The human heart is so deceitful.

I should be embarrassed, but somehow, somehow, I felt proud on the other side of my heart.

[The ‘authority’ function has been activated in Cloudy’s territory.]

Cloudy’s realization and recognition as Hidden Peace.

Then, the ownership of such Cloudy’s territory was natural.

As Cloudy’s survivor and successor, I will be with Granfel.

‘I don’t even need to consider the relationship or influence.’

But at the same time, great power comes with responsibility.

Noblesse oblige or something.

That’s what I was living with in my mouth.

I looked at the collapsed mansion.

It is truly a ruin.

All that was left was the foundation.

Just looking at it makes me imagine the majesty of the days when the chest becomes magnificent. But i know Cloudy’s disastrous downfall was because of ‘who’.


maybe it’s because of me

Lee Ho-yeol in the past may be the culprit.

『He was the heir of a great family, but that family was ruined by the devil.

The only survivor of the family, Grandfell Cloudy Arpheus Romeo and younger Grandfell walked the path of a demon hunter to get revenge on that demon.” If I hadn’t written down that setting


The Cloudy family might not have been like this.

That’s why I desperately tried to turn away from Cloudy.

‘I can’t be sure.’


because of me.

If Cloudy had come to exist on the Arcana Continent…

I wouldn’t have been able to raise my face in front of Grandfel.

Even so, I promised to admit it.

It also includes a commitment to it.

It means taking responsibility for the past like an adult.

Even if you have cramps in your legs from struggling.

Even if there is a limit to sinking.

It means that I will make Cloudy great again.


Of course, when I think of that setting, I can’t help but sigh.

compared to the glorious past.

Because there was nothing left of Cloudy now.

But don’t worry, Grandfel.

Thanks to someone, I am struggling so hard.


I put my hand on the pile of stones scattered across the ruins.

No matter how many years have passed.

Even if it was destroyed horribly by some cruel demon.

Does not matter.

I can reverse even that.

Because there is reverse magic.


mana shimmered.

wrap around a pile of stones

It is being reversed from the wreckage to its original form.


It must be a building that suits the noble taste of Grandfel. Anyway, a stone statue in the mansion. As I watched the scene, a memory came to my mind.

[Earl Ascura’s territory]

Why was that rift created in Russia?

‘At that time, I really only lived with my mouth.’

Those were the days when I didn’t even have a rat.

If it wasn’t for the reverse magic, it wasn’t enough that he poured out harsh criticism on the moving stone statue that he couldn’t have defeated. It was because he once again spat vicious words in Ascura’s face that he was not up to par.

At that time, I wondered why this guy’s snout was like this.

Now that I see it, I understand.

…That’s right, Grandfel’s sense of aesthetics wasn’t heightened for nothing. If you see a statue like this every day, of course you can’t help but raise your nose!

One two three…


were a total of four stone statues erected with reverse magic.

Their appearance was not unusual at all.

To those who see it, I am an unusual stone, as advertised.

From the posture with the sword drawn or the posture of kneeling, there was no reverence.

It must be Argentress’ reaction that touches me more than the description.

From the perspective of a lofty elf.

Argentress, who would not be greatly inspired by most things, blurted out his words.

“It’s truly amazing….”

I am also amazed.

Are you surprised by the level of the stone statue?

No, how can Grandfel’s aesthetic sense be ordinary?

Even if I think I’m satisfied, it’s me who doesn’t easily spit out admiration.

Besides, this is Cloudy’s manor, to put it simply, it’s the front yard, right?

“It’s been a while.”

There is no reason to be surprised by the statue in the front yard.

So, why am I amazed?

It was a little different from Agentress.

‘It’s really amazing, Hoyeol….’

How did you think of taking such an outrageous setting and attaching it to a mere statue…? It would have been enough if I just called it a splendid statue.

『A symbol of loyalty to the 4 Arcana families』.

Do enough to paint my face.

I cannot lift my face in shame.



『Four Families』

The four families that influence the rise and fall of the Arcana continent.

Not many people know their true identity.

No wonder.

Because the owner of the Arcana Continent was the Empire, and the owner of the Empire was the Emperor.

But that’s wrong.

The reason why the first emperor of the current empire was able to unify the Arcana continent was because the 4 families allowed it. Evidence of that was evident here and now.

A banquet was held on the upper floor of

the 『social hall of time and space』 .

Numerous delicacies are placed on the round table.

Foods with rare flavors and effects that can only be obtained at social gathering places in time and space. The number of gold coins invested in the banquet was telling them what kind of existence they were.


The top-notch wine, worthy of being called the drop of water of God, fills the throat and overflows, flowing down the corners of the mouth.

But there is no sign of regret. He said it while still holding the wine in his mouth as if he could pour more.

“Isn’t it strange, Cloudy?”

The main course of the banquet.

It was no fancy food.

It was Cloudy, the ghost of the past.

“On a fictitious day, I was stuck downstairs and smoked a terrible cigarette, so my head must have lost its taste. Well, I’m not going to get rid of it? You’ve been through a lot of terrible omens.”

Witch of the South Sea.

The Transcendentalist who delivered the news of Cloudy’s return.

The family heads continued the banquet with Cloudy and the witch as snacks.

The news from Arcana Continent could not be left out either.

“I guess it wasn’t really bullshit, though.”

“is that so?”

“You know, aren’t the legends floating around? I wonder if it’s a dark dragon.”

It’s a dark dragon.

Hearing it again, it was a nickname suitable for Cloudy.

But that was all.

as the witch said.

As the legend says, Cloudy has returned.

“Hasn’t it gone by too much time?”


Even if Cloudy survived.

The Cloudy family did not exist.

“The ancestors feared and reverenced the Cloudy clan, but aren’t we? What can we fear about the ghosts of the past?”


The family heads clinked glasses as they chatted.

In the end, though, I didn’t insist on spitting on my family’s grave.

The ancestors were overly cautious.

“Isn’t it really sad? Even though they have the ability to hold and shake the continent, they cannot spread it. Who recognizes humility like this?”

“yes! How easy it would have been for us to have seemed like devils, would have invaded the territory of the 4 families?”

“It’s a grievous thing.”

Of course, the territory of the 4 families was not captured.

To the demon of true name, even to the demon king’s offensive.

The walls of the four families did not shake in the slightest.

someone will ask

so great yet

What is the reason you haven’t shown such a strong presence until now?

Burning intoxication.

The truth finally comes out.

It was all because of the cowards of the predecessors.

“I’m afraid of only Cloudy, so I’m like this.”

But the cowards are dead, and Cloudy’s lauded family is a thing of the past. Even if Cloudy’s survivors returned to the continent.

The news of his return was rather welcome to the heads of the four families.

“Maybe it’s time to prove it.”

We are better than Cloudy.

That the 4 families are great.

Isn’t the opponent the fallen Cloudy?

Proving it would be easier than drinking wine.

‘The problem is…’

They were in front of me.

passing gaze.

A strange war of nerves went back and forth between the clashing glasses.

‘The golden elite soldiers of Maxima are annoying beings.’

‘I thought those twins were still serving Yugrik.’

‘If it weren’t for the savages, I’d have the Cansel in my hands by now…!’

‘Is it a time when I need an ally to use and discard in moderation?’

There was no Cloudy in that war of nerves.




I looked at the completely inverted stone statue.

The reason why I said that the stone statue of Ascura, which was alive and moving, was terrible soon appeared. Yes, the stone statue in my house went beyond moving and even talked…!

Kugu Palace!

towards me

Four stone statues lowering their heads in unison.

If you ask me why there are 4 families?


A voice full of sincerity takes the place of the answer about it.

“The Four Heavenly Kings meet their owner, Cloudy.”

Hoyeol-ah, were the Four Heavenly Kings really cool…?

If that wasn’t enough, he is the master who reigns over the Four Heavenly Kings.

What a terrible taste!

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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