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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 268

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Chapter 268. Too much.

The world of adventurers changes rapidly.

This is thanks to the news spreading at a speed unimaginable on the Arcana continent. The Mage Tower found out about this after accepting the player as an apprentice wizard.

Floating Garden.

“Isn’t it really too much, you bastards?”

Humans are animals of adaptation.

Among them, the tribe of players is exceptional.

Rifts with various dangers.

In order to survive there, they must quickly adapt to unfamiliar environments.

Thanks to that adaptability, it didn’t take long to stand still in the mage tower.

More secretly than apprentice wizards who deal with new chicks.

The players whispered.

“No, look at the interview with Junchun Ryu. We are the unification of the world. I have no intention of clinging to a single connector. We just need to monopolize the remaining nine. Aren’t you really an asshole?”

The hot potato was, of course, the unification of the world.

The point at which the Zero Mountains became a reality.

They are the ones who have acted as readers in earnest.

The move, regardless of means and methods, was like a thorn in the eye again this time.

“Did you see the video? Did you realize what you just imagined?”

“What video? Didn’t you see me?”

“What did you do during the regular conference without doing anything else? you.”

“Eh? what to do I tried to understand magic.”

“Eh. Aren’t you listening? Look at this anyway.”

What else are you doing at school?

If ‘someone’ who can’t die and live by the rules heard it.

Wait a minute for the remarks that would have poured out a cold gaze.

The pupils of the player who checked the video widened.


It’s not just a gun.

“… not. That’s it, a weapon for the Great Monster!”

Monsters flowing back from the collapsed rift.

In order to efficiently deal with them, mankind’s science has advanced.

Yes, the strange thing was not a weapon for the Great Monster, but a person.

“Are you a player? But why…?”

Human civilization, including weapons for monsters, was not treated as [equipment] in the Arcana system.

“There’s no point in hunting with something like that, right?”

“right. Especially considering the location of the Zero Mountains. Thanks to it rising like a new continent in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I don’t even have to worry about the monsters causing direct damage to mankind.”

“Then what is their purpose?”

It’s not an equipment, so the [Proficiency] doesn’t rise, of course.

Because it was not defeated by one’s own ability, [Experience] is also not acquired.

Because of that, unless it was an extreme situation where they had to save their lives, the players did not touch the monster’s equipment.


he put his finger to his mouth and whispered more secretly.

“But it has meaning for one person, doesn’t it?”

“…one person?”

“Lord Liuojunchun.”


The moment the name comes and goes.

The players watched. It is a unification of the world without any exchange with the outside world, but despite that, the unification of the world was good at information. What he meant was simple.

Birds listen to day words, and mice listen to night words.

That the unification spy might be hiding somewhere.

A table far away.

The cat then stretched out.

Just like any other place.

The manifestation of magic is forbidden in the Floating Garden.

It’s natural.

Cats are not spies of forces that unify the world or something.

There was even less thought of eavesdropping on the conversation with magic.


“What do you mean by hearing it?”

It’s because cats’ hearing is overly sensitive.

Anyway, thanks to eavesdropping on the conversation, the cat.

The top lord has something to say.

It means that he can properly harass Marcelo.

“Hey, little chief.”

silent answer.

While you couldn’t see this little boy, you only became stubborn.

The tower owner purred and spoke again.

“Hey Chief Marcelo.”

“What’s going on, Tower Lord?”

“You are getting more and more mean.”

“Is that so?”

“It means that his personality will resemble Chief Lee Ho-yeol.”

“Thank you for the undeserved compliment.”


It was a word meant to scratch the inside.

How come I couldn’t find anything to be happy about?

Topju, who had given up early, said as she lay down with her belly uncovered.

“It seems that there is a particularly noisy author among the adventurers.”

“I have heard of it.”

“I know, but can I be so carefree?”


Only then did Marcelo stop the feather pen. It wasn’t because the top lord was bothering him. It was simply because the quest for oddities had come to an end, albeit a little.

“Because I know, aren’t you clinging to your research without yielding to the tower lord’s interference? Be quieter than that. Doesn’t your hair fly?”

“The way you talk is also starting to resemble Chief Lee.”

“I will take that as an undeserved compliment.”


After that conversation, the two of them were silent for a while.

If you ask if it’s because your feelings are hurt, it can’t be.

Since Marcelo was a real kid, these conversations had been a daily occurrence for the two of them. There are other reasons for the current silence. Topju’s cat mustache trembled.

“Isn’t it funny?”

“What do you mean?”

“The tower owner and the chief mage are struggling with one adventurer.”

“no. It’s not funny at all.”

“okay? You’re still a kid, but you’re not stupid.”

this is the chief

Even if you exclude it because it has already surpassed the bowl of adventurers a long time ago.

To focus on one adventurer.

Because it was worth it.

“I thought it was time for the name of the monarch to come up.”

To the player, [Monarch] was just a class.

It’s just a class with a slightly special growth method. Because of this, I did not know how the class of monarch was realized on the Arcana continent. However, the two were not two Arcanas.

So it couldn’t be overlooked.

Marcelo opened his mouth.

“Every time there were turbulent times, ‘monarchs’ appeared.”

Those who called themselves monarchs had the ability.

It wasn’t exceptional magic power like the magicians of the mage tower, and it wasn’t even a force enough to become one with the sword. Yes, they had the ability to treat humans like weapons.

The tower owner’s tail waggled.

“The people who live only with the goal of reigning.”

What were the actions of those who claimed to be monarchs?

There was nothing to look back on.

Just looking at the fact that the owner of the Arcana Continent is one emperor, I could see the outcome of the other monarchs.

However, if it was the same as before, they are beings that I wouldn’t have cared about. I didn’t know anything about the power of the continent.


‘Is this also thanks to you, Chief Lee?’

suddenly realized.

That the ruler is like a mosquito.

The monarch grows in power by sucking the blood of others by parasitizing on others.

In this turbulent world, the white sea useless beings were those called monarchs.

The top lord said indifferently.

“As expected, erasing it from this world will have no regrets.”

It was the simplest and most mage-like solution.

Because it was the mage tower of the past that pulverized everything that bothered them and moved forward.

At the frightening words, Marcelo spat out a laugh.

“Tower Lord.”

“I am listening.”

“You seem to be less able to lie than before.”

“Hey what are you talking about?”

“There must be a reason why you say something you don’t mean to say, right?”

But that was what the mage tower did in the past.

What’s more, now that Ho-yeol is in the chief’s seat, his eyes are wide open.

It would be impossible for the transformed Mage Tower to repeat its mistakes.

Top lord said nonchalantly.

“Can’t you see it too?”


“It is certain that it will become a boil in the new era. The things that are monarchs.”


Marcelo was silent.

The product of science handed over by Ho-yeol.

Through the magic tool of this world that adventurers call a smartphone.

Marcelo used to get real news.

According to ‘who’.

Because the grandiose bizarre quest wasn’t enough.

There was information that I came across through the temple allied forces meeting at the Yusra meeting.

The news of Nam Tae-min and other ranker players and AAU.

So, Marcelo nodded.

“It’s definitely likely to happen.”

The pagoda’s tail stood upright.

“I’m serious, Chief Marcelo.”

A nickname for a little kid.

pointed ears.

The bristling hair shows that Topju is sincere.

“How about dealing with me and you?”

I was just an adventurer.

It is said to be the vessel of a monarch with variables.

Right now, it’s just a weak being that can be scattered like dust by magic.

The top owner continued.

“Isn’t it intrusive enough just now? In defiance of the rules laid out generously by our Chief. It’s like declaring that you’re going to walk the path of conflict where the pitfalls are obvious to anyone.”

Marcelo also answered sincerely.

“I understand your feelings, but I will refuse, Tower Lord.”

I knew that.

Topju didn’t feel much regret because he didn’t expect it.

I just wanted to ask why.

“Is it because of his pride again?”

Marcelo laughed again.

“haha. And that’s not all.”

“I can’t say completely no.”

“I just want to hear your will.”

In fact, Marcelo’s thoughts too.

It was not much different from Topju.

The actions of the tribes called monarchs on the Arcana continent are revealed in the history books.

Before the Empire unified the Arcana continent.

On the continent at the time when the monarchs were scattered, there really was no end to bloody blood. To put it a little exaggeratedly… To some people, the monarch and the demon king were no different.

So Ho-yeol’s thoughts were even more important.

‘The empire was in decline.’

Now that the empire has lost its power.

The vessels of the monarch who were holding their breath will move.

It seems that among the adventurers, there is only one man, Liu Junchun, who is the ruler.

The situation on the Arcana Continent will be different.

Marcelo painted the future.

Will the Continent still belong to the Empire when the Crusade is won and peace is restored to the Arcana Continent? Now that I have given my all to the Magic Tower. Continental supremacy was not important to Marcelo… but

he needed to know one thing for sure.

‘What kind of picture are you drawing?’


The Mage Tower’s response to Ryuo Junchun had to be different depending on the picture Hoyeol was drawing. Marcelo intended to talk to Ho-yeol about it.

‘Because he said he wouldn’t last more than a day.’

You should be back soon.

It wasn’t long until Ho-yeol returned to reality.

There was no reason to make hasty decisions and act.


“You are still a boring man.”

I wonder if the top owner has lost interest.


I scratched my head with my back foot and stood up from the table.

Then, I finally heard a voice.

“Thank you, Tower Lord.”

“Suddenly thank you? What do you mean?”

“That this teacup is mine.”


Marcelo held a teacup with a green tea bag in front of the tower owner’s nose.


The stray hairs of the stupa float on the jade-colored tea water.

…what if this was the Chief Teacup?


Thinking of the cold gaze made the hairs on her body stand on end.

Even so, for a moment, Top-ju felt startled.

‘Could this chief be the reason why you hate cats…?’

Following his instinct, the tower owner licked the fluffy front paws with his tongue.

‘…Is it because of the hair?’

Then he shook his head.

No matter how harsh, sharp, and cold this chief is.

Because of just one hair.

could you hate me?


I immediately ran out of the imperial palace Antonium.

I didn’t really run out, but through a portal.

Is it because it’s an uncomfortable situation anyway?

‘It felt like my ears were itching, really…

I saw people approaching me.

They were the soldiers of the Empire who were guarding the recaptured city.

He probably came after seeing the group of lights in the portal.

“I am carrying out His Majesty’s orders.”

They are very tense faces.

Even if you don’t know who it is, I’m telling you not to disturb it as much as possible.

But I’m in the same business as you?

‘Of course, I wasn’t given an order, but a request.’

I checked the quest window.

[Main Quest: Warring States Period]

A time of upheaval.

Is it simple power to go to?

Is it the emperor’s incompetence?

Or is it an irreversible fate?

The strong men of the continent covet the throne.

Let your choices create a new flow.

—Capture Antonium. (Success)

─Regain the glory of the brilliant empire. (In progress)

Recover the collapsed city of Makima. (In progress)

Restore the collapsed town of Hold’em Wood. (In progress)

Recover the collapsed city of Polestar. (In progress)….

Main Quest Warring States Period.

It was the main quest that came to mind when Antonium was besieged by Shagwin and the rebels. As the hegemony of the continent is at stake, it would not be a waste even if the modifier Main was attached.

‘The development has changed depending on my choice.’

Even now, the burden I have taken on is overwhelming.

I refrain from even getting involved with the empire.

He had no intention of destroying the empire and establishing a new nation. But if I wanted to destroy the empire… the main quest would have really flowed that way.

‘Because I actually had that option.’

But let go of the annoying things.

I am also loyal to Lee Ho-yeol.

I threw straws into the Knights of Lionheart…

No, what Harkon did to me.

How can you hit the back of the empire?

‘And there is no ally like the Empire.’

I don’t know when it will be.

Starting with me, real Arcana people and players will find the Arcana Continent. Until then, if the Empire is holding on strong, we will be able to create a synergistic effect.

of course.

‘I must be faithful to the quest given right now.’

I wonder if the noble Grandfel would be interested in quest rewards. Wasn’t I, Lee Ho-yeol, always in a bad position? Moreover, this quest had the taste of expecting the reward.

Why do you think of the [Milky Way Whetstone]?

It was a magic tool stored in the warehouse of the empire.

It was the last point that made Gwicheol a legend.

‘Similar to the Milky Way whetstone…’

It was the underground treasury of the empire that kept such a whetstone.

As a reward, I wondered if I could get items equivalent to a whetstone.

I had worldly thoughts.

‘It’s not time to stay still, Hoyeol.’

Hold on to the futile thoughts.

I immediately raised my horsepower.

Then they built a wall right after interfering with the land.

Good luck!

After all, actions speak louder than a thousand words.

“…Are you a wizard from the Empire?”

At some point, the soldiers let go of their guard and ask politely.

But this time too.

Again, actions speak louder than words.

In the process of interference, [aesthetic] that reached [top] was added.

Then, the faces of the soldiers were astonished.

“This is not the level of the Imperial Wizard I know!!”

“…How can the walls be built in one fell swoop?!”

“I’m sorry, but where are you from?”

If it was me normally.

She must have opened her proud chest even more.

But I couldn’t.

Because I was too busy to be astonished by the message that came to mind soon.

Is this really true…?

‘11.1 million…?’

No, it’s good because it spreads from the beginning.

At this rate…

isn’t the empire’s capital drained as a quest reward?!


─Current contribution: 24900000p


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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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