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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 282

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Episode 282. You are not special (1)

As if taking a deep breath.

Concentrate on handling the magic sword [Concentration] naturally.

He is an appropriate opponent for the practice.

‘Level 820.’

It’s also a named monster.

Because it was an opponent that made me feel nervous because I couldn’t help but be vigilant.

Practice against a monster like that.

A real liver came out of the stomach.

But what can I do?

A training quest that stimulates the limit every day.

An Excalibur wielded with [Stubbornness].

Not… but even a sword that was manifested from a rock.

Because this was the conclusion I came to and the path I had to take.

Still, a series of high school students are the basis for confidence.

In addition, if the knowledge accumulated as the head of the Mage Tower is the basis, it will be the basis.

‘I’m sorry if I think it’s less powerful.’

Magic tools crafted only with magic exist in the Mage Tower.

Because magic tools were mainly dealt with in enchantment studies.

The performance of such magic tools?

‘Even if there is no jackpot, the minimum is guaranteed.’

There is no reason for impurities or interfering elements to be mixed during the smelting process.

To express the arcana systematically…

it is classified as a minimum [rare] maximum [unique] grade item.

The problem is that its efficiency is severely reduced.

‘Because they’re in charge of the deficit in the Mage Tower, the Enchanting School is.’

Refining magic tools with pure magical power is the only way to create something out of nothing with magic. However, as long as the [Blessing of the First World Tree] exists.

Isn’t it me who can be relieved of worrying about magical power?


The power of the sword created with pure magic is not as excessive as that of ghost iron.

It wasn’t even normal.

Yes, it means that it is perfectly appropriate as a cane.

[‘Confusion’ occurs to the champion challenger giant rat.]

“Stand upright.”


“Didn’t you tell me? My teaching will be severe.”



Where did the spirit that challenged the champion go?

Even after my cold scolding, I immediately come to my senses.

It attacks with its large teeth.

‘Whether it’s magic or swordsmanship, I can easily drain it.’

However, the most important thing is the use of the flowing magic sword [Concentration].

[Concentration is converted into magical power.]

Directly convert [Concentration] to manifest magic.

The magic to manifest is the most familiar building magic.

The cumbersome process is boldly omitted in the special lecture.


A rock wall that eventually rose.

Because the process of search and interference is completely omitted, even the process of rising is not visible. It’s not self-praise. The players’ reactions are proof.

“Walls were created out of thin air?!”

“What is that. I haven’t seen anything like that in the Mage Tower…?”

“You’ve made another step forward, Commander-in-Chief.”

Among them, Hisagi, who speaks meaningfully with snake eyes open, is particularly burdensome… But as expected, he can’t express it. Besides, how can I, who values procedures, turn my attention in front of the subject of discipline?

“If you can’t focus on discipline, I will make you do it.”

It was me who couldn’t concentrate.

Again, a shameless word.

The Giant Rat tilts its head in amazement.


However, soon, the rock walls rising from all sides completely surround him.

thump thump!!

At the sudden restraint, he crashes into the rock wall with his heavy body.

However, he could be said to be the founder of architectural magic.

This is the wall built by me, Lee Ho-yeol.

“No fuss. There’s nothing you can do about it.”


Even if it’s cracked.


This time, I can really turn it back to the 『Reversal Magic』 I created.

So accept your fate.

Poor little beast of the mountains.

“From this time on, I will increase the intensity of the corporal punishment.”

Focus on magic swordsmanship.

The road to the Trinity under the guise of discipline.

It means to cooperate with the move quietly.




Take it—

the gigantic mice collapse with a shriek.

[Your level has risen.]

Hisagi looked at the situation while leaving the flashing message behind.

With the appearance of the goddess, the atmosphere was completely reversed.

Above all, the [Blessing of the First World Tree] played a bigger role.

The effect was tremendous, as expected.

“Are there any injured?”

To Hisagi’s question, a loud answer immediately came back.

“Everyone is safe!”

No damage even after fighting a level 800 monster.

It is a criminal past that cannot be explained in words.

Hisagi spoke proudly.

“It must be thanks to the goddess of victory being with us.”


…Are you aware that a modifier has been added to the goddess before you know it?

Toyomo took a deep breath, but it was only for a moment.

battle ended.

Because the players’ eyes naturally moved to Hoyeol.

‘Nevertheless, it’s not easy.’

beyond imagination.

The Hundred Thousand Caves in the Zero Mountains were not easy.

Shall we take a dungeon or a labyrinth as an example?

Usually, the number of named monsters does not exceed 5 per boss.

‘That’s why demon lords are special.’

A named monster commanded by the Demon King.

The average number of demon commanders started at ten.

However, common sense until now did not work in the Zero Mountains.

“This is the 10th animal…!!”

It was just the beginning.

It was a sanctuary where you don’t know how far it leads. The number of named monsters that appeared at the entrance has already reached a point where you can’t count with your fingers.

Hisagi counted his strength with narrow eyes.

‘The only thing that allowed us to survive.’

As I said, the effect of [Blessing of the First World Tree].

It was because the giant rats he faced were normal monsters.

Because there is a simple pattern.

It is said that he had a knack and was able to deal with it skillfully.

Tomoyo quietly opens his mouth.

“If the commander-in-chief hadn’t been there…”

“It’s a blessing, and we wouldn’t have been able to respond.”

“I guess so too?”

It’s definitely different just by looking at the movement.

I don’t see any particular pattern.

Those [champion challenger giant rats] rushed at Ho-yeol.

It was just one word.

Hoyeol did not allow a single effective hit.

Hisagi laughed lightly.

‘It’s embarrassing to the point of shame.’

Warm care that touches the skin.

Even if it is a cave in the Zero Mountains.

It would have been nothing more than a trivial hunting ground for the dragon lord and the commander-in-chief, the Dark Dragon. No, if you think of the level of passion that you can’t dare to guess, you can’t even call it a hunting ground.

‘Even if it’s a level 820 named monster.’

Considering the required experience of Ho-Yeol.

Even if they were to hunt thousands, it would be an insignificant figure.

In that sense, it could have been a meaningless waste of time.

‘To think that he only gave his valuable time for us.’

It is still an infinitely deep pride.

More than I realized that fact.

He didn’t have the time to stand still in front of Hisagi.

As much as he gave his precious time, he must live up to Ho-yeol’s expectations.

You also have to respond.

Hisagi ordered.

“Let the full-scale search begin.”

Explorers belonging to the Great Alliance.

They started searching the cave with their class-specific equipment magnifying glass. You might be able to acquire loot as well as information that can be connected to the quest.

‘I don’t think these will be reciprocated.’

Perhaps Ho-yeol knows more about this cave than the explorers. It’s not like blind faith. How to know ten by looking at one.

Because it was Ho-yeol who pulled out Excalibur that had been buried somewhere in the sanctuary.

Even so, Hisagi knew.

The important thing is that it is always proud.

So, he muttered in a low voice.

“Please do not deny our pride, Commander-in-Chief.”

It couldn’t have been a promise that would make the conversation chill if the person in






Considering the level gap, it’s natural that it wasn’t easy.

However, Leonie’s job is a berserker Berserker.

It is a class that grows stronger in adversity.


Undying Fighting Spirit (Master): Strength and Agility HP regeneration increases significantly as HP decreases. It also converts critical hits into ‘bleeding’.


Continuously occurring damage is often referred to as dot damage.

It means damage that lasts like a dot.

‘Bleeding’ was one of the representative dot damage status abnormalities.

Bloody Leonie spat out blood



It was a spit in my face, but no matter how I think about it, Berserker is a class with many flaws. He had to risk his life every moment while dealing with high-level monsters to demonstrate his performance.

‘I really want to catch the baby I made by the collar.’

It was only in the days when it was just an arcana game that it ended with logging out.

However, after the cataclysm, he quit his job.

It means crossing the River Styx if you make a mistake.

[Abnormal status ‘bleeding’ occurs.]…

In that sense, bleeding is shitty, but it was necessary. If I could turn critical hits into dot damage, I wouldn’t suddenly fall into incapacity.


Leonie’s twin swords rushed incessantly.

There is nothing different from other guild members.

A fighting style that pushes oneself to the limit.

Because the Berserker Guild was a guild that accepted only those who were as good as themselves.

“Hah ─”

But now I’m overwhelmed ….

“Zenjaa Ahn ─”

deep lamentation rises.

Even a Berserker specialized in fighting strong enemies would not be able to make up for the gap of at least 250 levels. In addition, it is natural that the longer the battle, the lower the concentration.

That was common sense, but Berserker is contradictory.

“This is really fucking annoying!”

A class that exhibits its full potential only when both the body and mind are in tatters.

It looks like it will fall off the line at any moment.

Because I had to endure the pressure now to move forward.


A huge coalition that knows that fact.

Berserker’s guild members looked at Leonie with pity.

It was Leonie who pushed herself to the limit every moment.

That personality is becoming eccentric for no reason…

“You guys thought I was fucking right right now, right?”

“…Uh huh? What are you talking about?”

“Fuck you for pretending.”

Leonie laughed.

Did I mention that there are people whose personalities have strangely changed after awakening as players?

Maybe I was also properly influenced by that awakening.

In order to relieve the pressure that is different from reaching the limit in each battle.

I had to spit out curse words.

So, I thought it was the limit.

“You must have thought that it was very fucking right for the first time in a while, everyone?”

Yes, to keep his formality.

Because I was being careful with words that didn’t fit.

But I guess it will be more difficult.

Leonie murmured softly.

“…Still, isn’t pride more important than formality, Commander-in-Chief?”

The sight facing the monster is dyed red.

It seems that the blood that flowed from the hemorrhage got into the eye area.

It was lukewarm and covered in strangely sticky blood.

General Lee Ho-yeol.

If that person who pays attention to every single detail of my clothes sees me…

I’m sure they’ll be shocked.

Leonie laughed.

‘By the way… what if this is my pride?’

Leonie hadn’t forgotten.

The day that announced the beginning of the great union.

The evaluation of the pouring public.

-Gaon and Inazuma united??

-ㅁㅁ It’s something to live in the world for a long time to see hahahaha

– But what is a Berserker that isn’t the second sun?

-So, suddenly, the grade drops sharply…?

-They were rookies not too long ago.

I’m not saying that your evaluation was wrong.

It’s not that I’m wrong, it just made me more angry.

Of course, I’m not the type to die anywhere.

He gritted his teeth and swung his sword to pursue Nam Tae-min and Hisagi.

Only then…

‘Because I thought you could follow me too.’

But it’s what I felt while working as a giant coalition.

To follow the two weights.

Also chasing him.

I realized that it was impossible while being formal.

‘Because I’m not as elegant or noble as you.’

like me

Like a zealot, I have to be desperate.

It means that they realized that they could chase after them.


Leonie burst out laughing.

Yeah, what is his pride?

I still don’t know.

“Then you understand everything, don’t you?”


that’s the end.

A sword fell from Leonie’s hand.


damn it It was a moment


Leonie thought like a Leonie.


a group of lights floated in the air.


familiar footsteps.

A voice was heard.

“You seem to have a big misunderstanding about formality, Leonie.”


“But I will pass.”

A jacket that no longer flaps.

With a halo more brilliant than ever.

Ho-yeol appeared and continued.

“It is enough for me to realize my pride now.”




I immediately manifested a portal.

-The target coordinates are [Citadel of the Rosevine]!

This is Nam Cheol-min, an analyst briefing three caves at the same time. He decided that Leoni’s side needed support, so I was thinking of moving straight through the portal.


As expected, the mana consumption is considerable.

After arriving, I’ll have to deal with it with sword steel for a while.

It was the moment when he set foot in the portal while making a plan in advance.

Hisagi asked politely.

“If you need any help, I will follow.”

Thank you for the words.

‘Sustainable calculation is zero…’

It seemed that the amount of mana consumed to move each person to the portal would be more burdensome than receiving support from each person. With such a meaning in mind, I answered in my own way.

“Alone is enough.”


Hisagi, as if he knew that, immediately bowed his head and saw me off. Even if you owe me a lot since Frost, that’s true. That reaction is very burdensome, Hisagi…!

‘…It’s complicated to explain.’

Swallowing the rising sigh

It was the moment when I was moving into the group of lights.

A message popped up in my darkened vision.

[The skill ‘Natural Relationship’ is activated.]

Experience in the Arcana Continent.

Could it be because of the pursuit of the primordial evil while carrying out class quests?

A sharper sense was speaking.

This is the moment the coordinates change.

It was a presence felt not in the cave, but in the Zero Mountains.

…But are there any coincidences like this in the world?

“You presumptuously reappeared before me.”

I don’t know.

There was no way that Granfell couldn’t remember the demon he had once faced.

This was the day of the Mage Tower’s regular academic conference, where the senior mage, Bangrit, ran out of control.

[Dimensional Rift] The demon of the question mark that we encountered in the rift.

The guy’s presence was clear.

with his right arm out.

The giant guy who tore through the dimension and escaped.

In that sense, the timing was right.

This one, too, was finally fully prepared.

[Level: 700]

I finally get to wear it properly.

Great from its name.

[Jacket of those who wait for the dawn]!

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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