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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 294

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Episode 294. (3)

The Blue House was an emergency.

Jeong Han-taek.

The face of the president, who is famous for being gentle, was distorted.

“빌어먹을 새끼들이 적당히라는 걸 몰라 적당히를.”

How much do you take and eat?

Even if I stretched out my hand, how far did I reach out?

Jeong Han-taek felt resentful of his fingers.


I gritted my teeth because I was resentful.

“If only I hadn’t been for that bastard’s pact…!”

International AAU Convention.

After Cataclysm.

An agreement made on the belief that the free activities of players will protect mankind from rift erosion. The first page of that provision was clearly stated.


Nations cannot influence players.


Jeong Han-taek has been desperately keeping the AAU agreement.

As I said, wasn’t Korea a lucky country that was chosen by Arcana?

Besides, Arcana was not his field.

It was obvious that no matter how influential he was, good results would not come out.

Because there was a good anti-war teacher in a neighboring country without having to go far.

From China, which did not even sign up for the AAU agreement and exerted enormous influence, but was instead eaten by the player Liuo Junchun. Even the Japanese government, which broke the AAU agreement and tried to put a leash on the player, but rather lost the main pillar called Inazuma.

‘I firmly believed.’

After Nam Tae-min, Lee Ho-yeol shows great success.

Jeong Han-taek looked at them and was relieved that his judgment was not wrong. Trusting and looking at the player, he thought it would be best to drink ssanghwa tea.

By the way…

“Even if you feed me candy, you feed me like this?!”

Even in a world turned upside down by cataclysm.

Those bastards who are showing off old-fashioned politics.

I thought you were making such a fuss.

Jeong Han-taek blamed himself again.

“I should have trusted the bastards I trusted.”

It is Jeong Han-taek who has been rolling along with them in the political arena.

Because we saw each other together.

I didn’t expect to be quietly crushed.

But there is such a thing as degree.

If it’s his own fault…

‘It’s probably because he went over even after realizing that they were obsessed with mythology.’

Member of Shinhwa Group.

Myth Guild.

It’s not a normal guild.

‘It was a mistake to think it was a new affiliate.’

They are simply eating bribes from chaebol families.

Since it was an unusual mythical guild, it was a mistake to tolerate it.

Jeong Han-taek’s eyes glow blue.

“I should have cut it out then.”

It should have intervened even if it violated the AAU agreement.

What I neglected has come so far.

Shinhwa became Inazuma and eventually reached out to unify the world.

As a result.

“If you’re afraid, Ho-yeol Lee will personally take me…”

Han-taek Jeong couldn’t bear to raise his head in embarrassment.

However, time is passing even while the head is lowered.

A sigh comes out.


I know it’s too late at least.

It may be like losing a cow and fixing a barn.

Hisagi’s face suddenly comes to mind.

‘Maybe Lee Ho-yeol might turn his back on Korea…’

Wasn’t there a precedent called Hisagi?

Arcana’s ancient kingdom, Yusra, appeared in reality.

It was Hisagi who broke ties with his ugly country and defected to Yusura Kingdom. And in Yusra Kingdom, it was Lee Ho-yeol who wielded an influence comparable to that of the king.

Jeong Han-taek clenched his fists.

“If that happened… Damn, that’s a unanimous impeachment feeling.”

Still, what needs to be corrected must be corrected.

It’s not something you can avoid just because you want to avoid it.

Lee Ho-yeol had no choice but to express his will to him.

Like declaring war on crime.

I had to show that I was declaring war on the Yeouido rats.

However, Jeong Han-taek was at a loss.

“…Where do I start robbing it?”

The root problem cannot be solved by robbing rats alone.

Because those nerds are good at accepting and eating.

After all, you won’t be able to solve the problem without the player’s help.

‘Does he know something?’

My head is lowered by itself.

Integrity itself.

It was impossible not to know about Lee Ho-yeol’s actions.

Even a deranged rat could have demanded a bribe from him?

Jeong Han-taek, who was in agony, raised his head.

“You have to wish for what you wish for.”

Implicitly asking for help from Ho-yeol.

“I can’t be like this even if I don’t have shame, Jeong Han-taek.”

The moment when the president calmed down.

Beep beep-!

A magical response was captured in the Blue House.

Responding to the threat of Arcana after the cataclysm.

It was the long-cherished wish of all governments.

A threat transmitted over the attendant’s radio.


The attendant spoke urgently, but Jeong Han-taek guessed.

I looked at my watch and it was exactly on time for my appointment.

“I know.”

Then, I headed directly to the entrance of the Blue House to greet Ho-yeol.

A form that soon emerges from the portal.


…not one?

One, two, three.

Even everyone is a familiar face.

The moment you check their faces.

Jeong Han-taek was able to relieve his worries.

“I can’t be this happy…!”

Lee Ho-yeol.

And Nam Tae-min and Baek Yi-seol.

It seemed like I could rob rats properly.


It’s a new feeling, but…

you really have no backlog, Grandfel.

You’re the president from the start.

‘He’s really my nephew.’

Although there is a saying to take out the horns of the ox horn as well.

He said he never imagined that he would suddenly come face to face with the president.

But it makes sense.

‘When am I digging corruption.’

No matter how wide the ojilap is.

If I touched this far, 24 hours a day would really be insufficient.

Besides, neither I nor Grandfel are experts in this field.

Isn’t that why you’re getting help from these two?

Nam Tae-min and Baek Yi-seol.

1st and 2nd Guild in Korea.

Guild Master of Gaon and Shinhwa.

“I thought I was going to die from being bothered, Mr. President. Seriously!”

The perpetrator may not know, but the victim never forgets. Especially in the case of Baek Yi-seol, didn’t he have exchanges with numerous political figures because of the succubus?

Thanks to this, Baek Yi-seol felt the force of an expert.

“In the age of cataclysm, it is rare for Shin Saimdang to come and go to the apple box. Item or Artifact. Because there is a bribe in the world of Arcana that is difficult to trace but whose value is guaranteed.”

Well, it’s basically a billion sound…

There was definitely a lot of information that came out of experience.

At Baek Yi-seol’s words, Nam Tae-min also swallowed admiration.

“No, did you communicate so meticulously? It wasn’t a joke, are you? Well, I mean, the media always praises Shinhwa, and we have to fight against each other…” ”

I’ll say it again, but it’s all in the past.”

“know. Surprised, yes, surprised.”

Of course, I let out a sigh of relief.

‘Because I’m faithful to my job, days like this come.’

exorcism consciousness.

Thanks to that, I came into contact with Baek Yi-seol.

At the bottom, I was easily eating something that would have been very annoying.

Let’s assume that you came to the Blue House alone.

Just imagining it makes me feel out of breath.

‘I guess the conversation didn’t go as far.’

Maybe he just poured out vicious words at the president.

However, Baek Yi-seol had a specific list.

realized there

Why did these guys take it?

Are you making excuses with absurd logic?

‘Because if things fall apart, everything will be revealed.’

In that sense, I am grateful for Grandfel’s integrity and innocence.

I am Lee Ho-yeol.

After awakening as a player, really.

‘I’ve lived my life without a single bit of shame, looking up to the sky.’

thanks i

Without even putting a finger on the ssanghwa tea on the table.

I opened my mouth.

“If you didn’t know, you were incompetent, and if you knew and neglected, you were an accomplice.”


A stone fastball that makes people’s hearts melt when they just listen.

This is also because of the pride of the guy who can’t go over anything.

Again, the follow-up is my responsibility.

“But if there was a procedure before that, I would understand.”

President Jeong Han-taek.

The reason he couldn’t come forward was because of the intricately entangled AAU agreement. I am also well aware of how complex the agreement is, as the general manager of AAU’s Yusra branch.

I’m a work addict who can’t neglect anything.

‘If it was another excuse, I would have disposed of him…’

Thanks to that, I was able to understand and move on.

There was no room for long conversations.

As said, procedural agreements are important laws.

‘Maintaining a deep relationship is a specification for me.’

Even if you don’t know Grand Fell.

Going in and out of the Blue House through the portal.

As a petit bourgeois, I am quite uncomfortable.

It was fortunate that the President took care of himself and arranged his words.

“As much as you trusted me, I will definitely pull out the roots.”

Jeong Han-taek’s promise soon became known to all of Korea.

Breaking news that doesn’t stop at night.

That rat is an article that will chill the conversations of the writers.

It was literally non-stop.

-[Breaking news] Chung “I will eradicate the forces that eat away at the country.”

-[Breaking News] Chung “I cannot forgive treason for exchanging dirty money for national security….

-[Breaking News] Blue official “The list has already been obtained.

Are you saying the rants weren’t empty words?

There is no end to strong statements rarely seen in politics.

If you do this, I won’t be able to go out.

“Unless it smells bad.”

The stench is, of course, a sign of the devil. I didn’t feel the devil’s presence in the blue house that I stopped by unexpectedly. If that’s something to be relieved of, I guess it’s something to be relieved of.

Take a moment to think.


The time has come for me to stick to my routine.

Yusra Kingdom’s office.

I sit in front of my desk and look at my teacup.

‘I must’ve had itchy mouth ever since Ssanghwa Tea, really?’ As if to quench


thirst, I took a sip of green tea from a tea bag.

get to the point

You’ve been through a lot in your own way, haven’t you?

Kill the Seven Deadly Sins of Jealousy.

Messages flashed before my eyes.

The time has come to appreciate the loot one by one…!


The upper layer of the social space of space and time.

In the upper layer, halfway transcendentalists cannot enter.

Because I had to prove my qualifications as a transcendent.

“It’s definitely unfamiliar.”

In the past, it was a place that was far less secluded compared to the lower floors.

Even though only the heads of the 4 families are staying in the upper floors.

The upper floors were relatively more crowded than the lower floors.

“Because they’re not the only ones who died.”

“It’s just that you’re beaten by the hybrids of the Demon Realm.”

“It’s unfair to be treated as a transcendental person like this.”


Because I didn’t like being tied to the wholesale level.

Going downstairs was something I was reluctant to do.

The golden Maxima family.

The Yugrik family in the forest.

Valorous Cansal Family.

Trembling Arcamond family.

The four family heads had a conversation while hiding their true intentions.

“The empire is about to rise again.”

The main course of the day was Empire.

It was clearly an empire that had few days left to collapse. They were looking for an opportunity to keep an eye on each other and see when they could take action to seize the hegemony of the Arcana continent.

“It must be frustrating to be huddled in the manor, right?”

Even if they are omnipotent.

It was not possible to be fluent in the news of the empire in the family’s territory located in the corner of the continent. Because the cities and towns that would serve as a window for rumors on the continent were not intact.

But it was predictable.

“As expected, there is only the Dragon of Darkness.”

Heung sneer is back.

“Cloudy? Well, that could be it.”

It’s been said that the only survivor of the collapse is Cloudy.

A crumbling empire.

It must have enough power to ignite that last flame.

“Actually, if you say the guys around the empire, aren’t they hybrids of the demon realm? No matter how toothless Cloudy is, she will be able to do that.”

“To think that you can’t even do that is definitely an insult to Cloudy… and at the same time, wouldn’t it be like spitting in our ancestors’ faces?”

“Whoops. It will be just a struggle anyway.”

Why are the 4 families not afraid of demons?

It was simple.

They were the actual owners of the empire.

Even if you are proud to know everything about the Arcana continent.

I was holding a level of information that was not an exaggeration.

The information about the demonic hierarchy was just one of them.

at that time.


a piece of paper falling from the chandelier.

“…Are you judging at a time like this?”

The 4 families who witnessed the achievements specified in

the “Request for Examination of Upper Level of the Society in Space and Time” .

The pupils of the family heads widened.

Because it was clearly stated there.

“Suppress jealousy of the Seven Deadly Sins…?”

True evil, different from the hybrids of the demon realm.

Proof that the monster was brutally hunted.

But it didn’t end there.

“Who the hell did this feat…?”

There are no secrets in space and time.

The name of the person who left such a ridiculous achievement must be written.

Soon after, the faces of the heads of households who confirmed the name turned white.


Grand Fell Cloudy Arpheus Romeo


Golden Maxima.

Homeowner Ignite Maxima.

His golden pupils fluctuated helplessly.

“Time, time and space. There must be something wrong with this!”

he shouted at the chandelier.

“It can’t be, it can’t be…”

The five stages of accepting disposition.

first negative.

He expressed his feelings vigorously.

“That Grandfel! To think he’s alive…!!”

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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