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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 299

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Episode 299. We have to go back to the days when the bad omen

arcana was just a game.

“I think the general manager knows better than anyone else, but the Mage Tower is special. everything! I put a lot of effort into it from the planning stage. In many ways.”

mage tower.

Arcana’s best armed group needed a background suitable for the setting.

Antonium, the capital of the empire. It had to show an overwhelming appearance in a different way from the golden palace of the ancient kingdom Yusra.

“Certainly, it was difficult to express with magic alone. At that time, we also had to think about balance. Because magic was rumored to be omnipotent, I had to avoid all players choosing a mage.”

That’s why I used ‘that setting’ for the Mage Tower as well.

“The setting that the Magic Tower is a creature of bad omen.”


Park Min-jae picked up a paper cup.

I wanted to moisten my dry mouth…


What’s so hot?!

‘Such an informal fuss.’

Take a moment to come to your senses quickly.

Park Min-jae’s wonderful eyes turn to Ho-yeol, who is sitting across from him.

How did you drink this hot green tea without changing your expression?

‘…No, this is not the time to admire things like that.’

Isn’t it time to explain bad omens?

I will pay for the meal

Park Min-jae, who made a promise, continues.

“I don’t know if you have heard of it. So bad omens exist for a kind of probability. To put it simply… I guess it’s just a setting for a balance patch?”

Although Arcana claimed to be another world, Arcana was clearly a game.

In the days when it was just a game, it means that the production company Cosmo’s balance patches and updates have been continuously made. Of course, it was Rayman Shen who was in full control of the process.

“Anyway, deletion is essential in the patching process.”

Arcana is not an ordinary game. It means that ‘something’ with the ability to delete, rather than simply deleting it, had to be released on the Arcana continent.

“Simply, is swallowing a bad omen a deletion, spitting it out a creation?”

It was [Imperious Omen] that took on that role.

“Anything that is capable of virtually anything is a bad omen. It was a setting given because I needed that role in the first place. The marvelous function of the magic tower also came from the power of bad omens.”

old past.

The place where the bad omen stayed.

The magic tower was built on that site.

Park Min-jae shyly scratched the back of his head.

“I am embarrassed to tell you about this, Commander-in-Chief. I feel ashamed because it seems to have been revealed that the players handled things appropriately as an unknown factor.”

If I had given a more specific and reasonable setting rather than bringing and attaching appropriate settings like bad omen… I would have been able to provide more decisive help to the general manager.

But even in the past, that was a long time ago.

Of course, there was no time to be lost in thought.

“yes?! So are you okay now?”


Park Min-jae touched his forehead when he saw Seong Hyeon-joon making a fuss.

The green tea was just hot enough to burn the roof of my mouth.

Now to the point of casually engaging in conversation?

Park Min-jae managed to suppress his old-fashioned instinct and smiled.

“What do you mean, a castle temple?”

“That… Didn’t we already admit that Arcana was another world that actually existed, Director Park? In fact, in reality, elements of Arcana continent that we do not know about have been updated.”

“Yeah it was.”

“Then, that terrible omen will come later…!!”

I wanted to ask a question, but if it was a question like that, I could ease my anger. Even if it wasn’t so, I was just about to give the general manager an explanation about it.

Park Min-jae puts on a good-natured smile that doesn’t suit him.

“Good point. Castle temple.”

“…a castle temple? Just call me Seong Hyun-joon as usual.”

“Heh heh, even a joke.”


Park Min-jae’s gaze toward Ho-yeol.

Since he doesn’t show any signs, he continues talking.

“If that’s the case, don’t worry. Would we have wanted a bad omen with a ridiculous setting to be released on the Arcana continent? It means it was buried meticulously.”

“You buried it? bowels of the earth? Or hell?”

“Can it be?”

Didn’t you confirm that the underground or hell exists?

Yes, the bad omen had to exist and not exist.

Park Min-jae added to Ho-yeol.

“The place where the bad omen is located is the far deep sea. It is a deep place in the southern waters of the Arcana continent, the Dead Sea, where nothing can even exist.”

The moment the main theory ends.

Hoyeol finally opened his mouth.

In a voice that is not different from usual.

“It was a good story, Branch Manager Park Min-jae.”

“Thank you…”

“Except for one thing I overlooked.”


“The southern sea is not the sea of death.”

The bomb exploded again.

“So, bad omens must also live and breathe in the deep sea.”




“No, it can’t be. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the setting of the southern sea was added because of bad omens in the first place…!”

Park Min-jae spits out words like a rapid-fire gun with a puzzled expression.

But what can I do?

I’m saying this because I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

Sisli, the land of the elves.


Sisley was located on the southern sea.

This time, let’s look at the southern sea from Kii’s point of view.

‘It’s a place where unrealized rice cakes gather, right?’

To put it simply.

It can be seen that the elements that will be updated in the Arcana Continent Biography in the future were trapped in the southern sea. However, among them, the bad omen must be on a different level…

‘It’s fortunate.’

Let’s imagine that the bad omen was related to the devil. Wouldn’t Grandfel’s unpredictable ramblings have unfolded without fail?

‘Just imagining it makes my head pound.’

Anything with the ability to delete and create.

The lofty pride would never back down.

After a while, I checked the quest window.

─Progress towards Kii (in progress)

Figure out the source of the mage tower. (Success)

Park Min-jae’s words seemed to be the correct answer.

I don’t know the next quest goal because I can’t remember it.

Perhaps it’s a target related to bad omens.

Park Min-jae stutters and asks.

“A bad omen might be living and breathing in the southern sea… Do you know anything about the southern sea, sir?”

“of course.”

I was the one who went beyond just knowing and uncovered the secrets of the world tree and primordial evil together with the elven leader, Agentress. Thanks to that, my chest is proudly flat. An arrogant voice escaped spontaneously from between the lips.

“There, too, my arrangement exists.”

Are you okay this time too?

Let’s express it once, really.

What’s not wrong though?

It was because he had built up relationships and influence enough to take over [command authority] from the elves, including Argentress.

Of course, if I were to follow the process, I would have to go back from the time I was threatened with the [Hierarchy of Blessing], but… Explaining it in detail is also not suitable.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t have imagined this!”

To Min-jae Park, who was astonished, I delivered only the key points.

“If it were the elves, they would have been monitoring the bad omen of the southern sea. We might be able to learn specific information about the bad omen through them.”


Park Min-jae.

And did you say Yun Su-gyeom and Seong Hyun-joon?

The faces of the three men are stained with astonishment.

Elves, the elves’ hometown, Sisley, must suddenly want to hear something.

I think it’s progressing too fast.

But I can’t help it.

‘Because the time on the Arcana Continent is four times faster than in reality.’

Put it simply.

That’s four times as many things.

I spoke.

“If it’s too much for you, it’s okay to accept it.”

“…Ah yes! I will.”

Each ballpoint pen smartphone writes down my remarks in their own way.

Seeing such a scene…

I’m starting to get anxious about this again?

“The elf regained his pride after a bitter lesson.”

This guy’s cubic state.

“The World Tree has sown new seeds on the Arcana continent.”

smearing gold on one’s face

“Dragon and Elf, they have also recovered the pride of blood.”

I think very naturally…!

“And I was among them.”

The three men finish writing with a lost face.

Min-jae Park,

who shakes his head and comes to his senses, asks.

“Rather than that, Commander-in-Chief, would you mind telling us this top-secret information? I’m just guessing, but it seems like there’s a huge quest involved just hearing the story?”

Maybe it’s because they were once operators of Arcana.

You know the player’s world well.

Especially information about such a large quest?

There’s nothing good about having a lot of people you know.

But who is Grandfel?

“Everything is give and take.”

The owner of a tired personality who has to keep his words.

“You gave me trust, so I just give you trust.”

Of course, I, Lee Ho-yeol, am not a saint like anyone else.

There’s a reason why you said it willingly.

That will be too.

The primordial evil intertwined with the elven World Tree Dragon.

The quest related to him is…

[Class Quest: The Knowledge of Good and Evil]

The last survivor of Akkshan.

The Last Demon Hunter.

It’s a class quest that only I can complete.

In that sense, let’s thank Hoyeol again.

‘What would have happened if the devil had come out here too?’

It is a high-ranking demon king, it is a gigantic evil, it is an evil in the beginning.

There are not one or two demons to worry about.

If even the bad omen at the root of the mage tower had been linked to the devil, there wouldn’t have been any breathing room left. Yeah, I don’t know what kind of ignorant guy he is, but first of all, thank you. bad omen

‘And keep quiet for as long as possible. It’s a quest.’

Three men who were completely conscious.

Their eyes sparkle differently than before.

It seems that vitality has returned to the dying face.

“I was thrilled that you said that. General Manager. Then, the general manager’s achievements on the Arcana continent will be immediately announced to all AAU branches!”

“When information is gathered from each branch, meaningful results may emerge.”

“I feel like I skipped work today, but…! it’s okay. Rather, it is an honor to meet you like this, Commander-in-Chief!”

…How will the achievements spread like this come back to me?

I can’t guess, but one thing is for sure.

I don’t think I can live with a mug for a while…


Looking down at the swaying sea.

I try to ignore my throbbing head.

He bites his lips and says.

“Hey, haven’t you been talking more lately?”

Witch of the South Sea.

She said to the great cataclysm of the deep sea. My hometown, my family, my friends, my lover… The bad omen that took everything from me was whispering constantly even at this moment.

“Destruction. Not even greedy.”

With trembling hands, he lights a cigarette.


the reason for smoking strong cigarettes is simple. It was only for a moment, but my mind used to be clear. Thanks to this, the people the bad omen devoured came to mind one by one.

“I know? McEnna’s feather pen was a great masterpiece. It’s made of griffin feathers. Do you remember Snow Country? By now, the whole land would have been in full bloom.”

It is not only the story of the ancient kingdoms of the distant past.

Even recently, less than a hundred years have passed since the bad omen.

Because it emerged from the depths of the sea.

The witch blew smoke and asked.

“But the ‘that’ I swallowed at the end. Are you still not satisfied after swallowing it? I can’t even guess what the hell it’s for.”

Cigarettes that had burned to the tip at some point.


the witch threw the cigarette toward the southern sea.

“But do you know? I don’t know about anything else, but the last thing I swallowed was obviously wrong. Wherever you go, rumors spread. Those crazy guys.”

if they

Even if I fall to hell, I will not forget the humiliation. Regardless of whether they were strong or weak, they were a more tenacious group than anyone the witch herself knew.


the witch laughed bitterly.

‘I won’t ask for help from you anymore.’

Hey Cloudy.




I doubted my eyes.

…presbyopia has arrived.

no i can’t

The quest window in front of me was blinking.

Before you even check it out, a lament comes out.

Yes, that’s what my seller does.

‘There are so many that I wouldn’t even know if I died from overwork…!’

It was a moment of lamentation, as usual.


The shiny quest wasn’t what I was thinking of.

[Class Quest: Akshan-style diversionary strategy]

…Class Quest?

at this timing?

What is Operation Diversion?!

At the same time, talking cubic.


Updated quest objectives.

-Track down the bad omen of the southern sea that swallowed Akkshan. (in progress)

I finally realized.

Bad sign Even if you touch it wrong, you touched it wrong for a long time.

Did you touch our seniors?

‘What kind of nobles are those nobles?’

Even if you become a demon and fall into hell.

They are nobles who hunt demons.

But you swallowed it fearlessly?!

The aftermath of that was already appearing in the quest goal.

“Is it a new prey?”

Track the bad omen through the mark left by Akkshan. (In progress)

“The desired sea. Akkshan.”

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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