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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 305

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Episode 305. Even if the world has abandoned them (1)

Bad omens move.

There is no sound or rumor.

Not even a message is output.

The role of the bad omen is to secretly devour the deletion target from the Arcana Continent. If you don’t keep an eye on bad omens like the witch of the southern seas, it’s natural that you can’t notice them.


However, it is different from the past.

Because there was a watcher in the sky above Arcana.

Are you human?

No, with human technology, it is impossible to even rise to the sky in the first place, so there is no need to talk about that possibility. The same goes for wizards who use magical powers.

A wizard who has nothing to do in the world.

Would you use your enormous magical power just to keep an eye on the Arcana Continent?


“What is that?”


the fact that I was able to witness the appearance of a bad omen.

A dwarf with technical skills.

It was thanks to them keeping a close eye on the Arcana continent from above.

The young dwarf urgently shouted into the communicator.

“Mr. Gunner! Are you watching?”

“Yes, I am watching.”

“Demon Lord…!!”

holy war.

To win, you need to have an edge in information.

So, monitoring the enemy’s movements was an indispensable part of the dwarves’ daily routine. However, the Dwarven pilots, including the Gunner, had no choice but to doubt their eyes.

“It disappeared in a matter of seconds!!”

as if cut out.

Because the demon castle was being swallowed up by a huge ‘something’. I just had to express it as something. I really couldn’t explain what that grotesque shape was.

The Gunner is bombarded with questions.

“Is that a demon too?”

“Gunner, would you like this situation?”

“If you swallowed the demon castle, there is a possibility that it could be an ally, right?”

I shook my head once.

“Everyone be quiet. The judgment is not ours.”

I answered strictly.

‘shit. What’s going on?!’

No matter how much you roll your head.

Even if you look at the continent coldly.

I couldn’t comprehend the unfolding situation.

Wouldn’t it be unknown

if only one demon castle had disappeared… ?

The demonic castle did not disappear.

The demonic ‘s’ disappeared.

Gunner continues.

“Be mindful. Our role is to gather information.”


“You have to accurately convey what you witnessed. Got it? Okay, how many demon castles are left at this point? There were a total of 30 demon castles we were monitoring.”

A message from the pilots arriving before long.

“The two demonic castles located southwest of Antonium cannot be identified…!”

“North is also invisible.”

“It’s the same situation here, Gunner.”

One two….

‘Twenty twenty one twenty two…?’

Gunner’s face, which was trying to sort out the numbers in his head, came up white.

It was an instant and a blink of an eye.

“…Demon Castle is destroyed?”

Thirty demon castles that I discovered.

All of them disappeared from the Arcana continent.

This was no time for useless pride.

Gunner, realizing the seriousness of the situation, grabbed the steering wheel.

“Everyone is returning to the Iron Castle right now! We must deliver this news to Chainwalker and Lord Hoyeol!”


The chain walker’s expression sank seriously.

“It’s a crisis in a different sense.”

What is the dwarf’s temperament like?

Like molten iron, once a fire was ignited, they were the people who boiled intensely from the inside. Because of this, he was confident that he would not back down even if he faced any enemy in the temple.

But this…

“Now you mean an unknown enemy?”

There is a saying that the enemy of an enemy is an ally.

However, it was unreasonable to regard something that swallowed the castle in an instant as an ally.

So no one can be sure?

The gaze toward the place where the demon castle was.

Right next to them were humans who fought against the devil.

The chain walker had unknowingly had a terrifying imagination.

‘…What if there were humans in the castle?’

It must mean that they too have been swallowed up by something.

The thing that awakened the struggling chain walker.

It was Wallsweil, the best blacksmith of the Dwarves.

“What are you so worried about? Nothing will get better if we worry about it. When you’re thinking about something else, just use a hammer. You’ve become too classy, Chainwalker.”

“I’m in no mood to talk back, Wallsweil.”

“I’m serious.”


You couldn’t even call it an enemy.

It would be close to a disaster that no one could avoid.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I gave up early.

The dwarf has already made the best decision.


Wallsway tapped the chain walker’s drooping shoulder.

“I’m waiting for an answer from Sir Hoyeol.”

I told Ho-yeol the news through D-End.

Of course, you can’t predict this situation and come up with the correct answer.

Even so, Chain Walker was able to feel a little relieved.

‘At least he’ll make a better judgment than us.’

Slowly –

how much time had passed.

Diend returned to the Iron Castle.


In fact, it was a quick return that made me wonder if it was delivered properly.

Chainwalker asked Diend.

“What did the Lord say, Diend?”

If you said you needed more information, sortie right away. The Dwarves were ready to fire the Iron Castle’s magic cannon if firepower was needed.

In a word, it means that you are ready to do anything.

But what came back.

It was an unexpected answer.

Diend’s low voice was overshadowed.

“Little comrades, there is nothing to worry about.”


“Because your lord has arranged this situation as well.”


It literally happened in an instant.

As you can see from looking down, something that swallowed the castle has now disappeared without a trace. Gunner, who had been listening to Diend by his side, interrupted as if he was frustrated.

“Dend! Is it correct to properly convey the location of the castle? I’m not just talking about one or two demon castles. Demon Kings all over the continent disappeared at the same time. To that guy called something! Even that grotesque guy completely disappeared…”

No matter how passionate he was, by what means.

Can you track that something?

Common sense didn’t make sense, so Gunner had no choice but to raise his voice.


If it was the same as usual.

Even Chain Walker, who would have stopped the hot-tempered Gunner, couldn’t stop him.

It was because Gunner’s question matched his own.

But is this even expected?

Diend immediately continued his words.

“Also, the lord added.”


Diend goes to the window of the Iron Castle.

Finish talking while looking down at the Arcana Continent.

“The hunt will begin from within.”



Does that mean there are enemies in the allies?

The dwarves’ faces were stained with tension.

But fortunately.

The dwarves’ misunderstanding did not last long.

That moment.

Goo Goo Goo!!


in the belly of the bad omen.

Because the hunter met the prey.



Antonium’s elite soldiers.


They woke up with a groan.

what happened…?

Clearly, he succeeded in approaching the Devil’s Castle.

He dug the ground in front of the wall and buried the prepared magic tools.

A detestable clan demon.

Currently, he is stuck in the Demon Castle and does not even show his shadow. The soldiers of Antonium did not forget their true nature. The moment you’re not careful, they’ll reveal their true colors and trample on the empire.

He grabs his throbbing head and asks.

“…What about the trap magic tool?”


It was a magic tool to bind the ankles of demons.

If it can bother you a bit.

It will give us time to activate the Kürnberg Machine Tower.


“Magic tools are not important… What is it? What is this vibration?”

“Hey, it’s not important. What do you think of the mission…?!”

“Watch out under the rice!!”

Koo Goo Goo…!

The ground shakes.

Did the buried magic tool malfunction?

no it can’t be

This is the power of a magic tool, so strong that it cannot be mistaken.

Kwak Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwam!

The ground began to shake.

Soldiers who hurriedly raise their bodies.

I forgot that I was in front of the demon castle and shouted.

“Retreat at once!”

It urges the staggering body.

In the meantime.

I suddenly had a question.

…Wait, why did we lose our minds?

I paid careful attention.

I am confident that I did not suffer from the devil’s status abnormality. In the first place, to come now and get tired of fear. These are the elite soldiers who survived all the battles of childbirth and survived.

‘If so…’

Could it have something to do with the tremendous vibration I feel under my feet? Then, can we, who have to protect the empire, just run away like this?

make decisions in an instant


The body is rejecting it.

with a hazy mind.

I shout to turn away from this place and run away.

But the man gritted it.


What if you don’t stop at the castle and head to the empire?

The Empire will be exposed to threats without knowing why.

However, if you witness the identity of something, the story changes.

‘This is not a proud appearance.’

Besides, didn’t you promise not to look away anymore?

Dark Dragon, a ray of light in the infinitely deep darkness.

Didn’t you promise to see him?

“Hasn’t the Empire already launched a counterattack, gentlemen!”

Yes, there is no further retreat for the empire that has only one thing left to do.

Even if they said they would fall here.

using them as a stepping stone.

It is the empire that must move forward.

“Everyone keep an eye!”


“Keep a close eye on what is moving under your feet. Witness what is happening here. And whoever it may be. Tell His Majesty what you have seen and heard!”

Because that is our role.


an irresistible instinct.

Suppressing it was an experience.

No, it was pride.

Thanks to you, I was able to witness it.

Quad de de de de deuk—!


The appearance of ‘something’ rising from the ground and engulfing the entire Demon Castle where they were just a moment ago. Not even surprise Because it didn’t feel real.

“Uh uh…?”

Mawangseong site.

even the wreckage.

Not even the blood of the devoured demon is visible.

“No way…”

As if it never existed in the first place.

The Demon King disappeared.

The Demon King has been deleted.

The Mawangseong, which was like a thorn in the eye, has disappeared.

couldn’t be happier

Because it was something I couldn’t understand.


that “something” is looking at them.

I was certain for a moment.

Causes of shattering headaches.


The pain was so strong that I forgot everything white.

Just like what you are witnessing right now.

It seemed like they were threatening to forget everything.

but bite it


Beep beep!

The sound of grinding teeth hits your eardrums. Still don’t give in Didn’t you promise This inexplicable phenomenon must be conveyed to His Majesty.

“Damn it!!”

What else should I explain?

The words came out right away, but it didn’t matter.

Because the soldiers had confidence.

Even if His Majesty cannot find a way out.

Wasn’t there a dark dragon in Antonium?


“Run, soldiers of the Empire! Towards Antonium!”

Dada da da!

Soldiers scattered in all directions.

Even one person is fine.

If we can overcome the extreme pressure and deliver the news to Antonium, we have done our mission. It was the moment when the soldiers overcame their instincts and moved.



The evil spirits also moved together.

[Deleted] The operation does not require unnecessary witnesses.

Why was the existence of a bad omen unknown to the Arcana Continent?

He began to show why.



Bad luck was also overlooked.


what you just ate.


Even if the spleen resolution becomes colorless.

something quiet.

The soldiers took a rough breath and quietly turned their heads.

and startled

“Why are you like that?”

Queen —

Something huge twisted as if it was a ride. But the doubts did not last long. Yes, because there were those who showed through actions rather than words.

They encountered the prey.


A shape protruding from the torso of the evil omen.

The soldiers narrowly open their eyes and watch.



Specifically, the human forearm.

To describe it in more detail, it is the forearm of a man holding a silver sword that is not flashy, sharp, durable, or unsuitable for battle.

“The black one looks like clothes, but what’s so big about it…?”

Including the empire in the crusade.

Arcana Continent.

They were abandoned by everyone, but they did not lose their [tenacity].

“Wait a minute!!”

Even if

Even if they are the soldiers of the empire that abandoned them, they do not turn a blind eye.

Such crazy people are unique even on the vast continent.

“That outfit is from a demon hunter…? I can’t believe it…!!”


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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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