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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 310

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Episode 310. I will put an end to it (1)

Deleting the demon king.

Shocking regular updates.

The aftermath was hard to describe in words.

The changes in players were too serious to be dismissed as regular regular updates.

Seoul Station.

The whole area is full of people waiting for players.

A huge hunting ground called the Zero Mountains had been opened.

Only high-level players can enter the Zero Mountains, which boasts an appropriate level that is not recommended to anyone. Although the overall level of players has increased recently, the number of low-level players was overwhelming.

Lee Ho-yeol, Skaal Jessie, Nam Tae-min, Hisagi, etc…

They were the ones who needed to ignite their desire while looking up high.

“Ehh, fuck.”

No one has a smile on their face.

The faces that cannot be seen as dreaming of a brilliant future as a player.

Shouldn’t that be the case?

“…Do you really want to quit right now? player?”

Because I felt awkward for some reason.


I spit out the cigarette that had even been burned to the filter.

“Whoa—I thought the balance patch was possible even after the cataclysm. That bastard, Raymon Sean, watched people die because of demons, and just stood by.”

“A real piece of trash.”

“Even if you level up, die, isn’t it useless in the end? What would you do if you went through hardships and came back alive from the rift? If that bastard Raymon Sean hits the balance patch at will, it could be nonsense.”

As the trust collapsed, the hearts of the players were broken.

as I feared.

That was a more terrifying change than the disappearance of the demon lord’s threat.

Even if the demon lord was deleted in the first place, the threat of the devil did not disappear.

Demons hiding in reality.

To them, the news of the demon king’s deletion was rather good news.

The demons hiding in the shadows laughed.

‘It’s not enough to lose, so I thought you’d scatter these negative emotions and leave! If I had known this was going to happen, would I have tuned in to my role as king when I was alive?’

A sense of loss prevailed among the players.

The aftermath was already evident.

Nam Cheol-min was startled when he received the information from AAU.

“…What is this figure?”

Within a day, the crack collapse rate skyrocketed.

Players who voluntarily attacked the rift only had 24 hours.

I never thought the numbers would skyrocket because I neglected to attack the rift.

I rub my eyes in disbelief.

“Where did you miscalculate?”

Nam Cheol-min collected information and calculated while grabbing his hair.

But nothing changes.

There were no errors in the data from AAU.

sighs flowing out.

“You just didn’t feel it…?”

As I said, the level of players has greatly improved.

Not only the rankers of the Zero Mountains, but also the level of low-level players.

That is to say.

“In the first place, the frequency of cracks was much higher than before.”

As the players grow.

It meant that the number of rifts they risked their lives to clear was also proportional.


Nam Cheol-min swallowed dryly.

The AAU side must have sent these materials to themselves for a solution.


However, Nam Cheol-min lowered his head.

“Right now, we are also busy taking care of ourselves….”

The Great Union.

They too were players before the Crusade Alliance. I’m trying not to express it with pride in my heart that seems to be broken because of the fucking regular updates.

It was true that that alone was difficult.

‘If it wasn’t for the real Ho-yeol…’

What’s comforting is that.

It was thanks to the forces of Arcana Continent that Hoyeol had gathered. In the first place, they were Arcana people who were called NPCs in the past. Now come and get swayed by Raymon Sean’s balance patch?

Marcelo’s words ringing in Nam Chul-min’s head.

– “Because I’ve been through too many things.”

Therefore, the mental power of the Arcana people was strengthened in the ordeal.

“Reliable, really.”

Mage Tower Yusra Frost Muon.

Now the players are confused.

The Arcana forces have begun full-fledged activities.

It means that the preparations to attack the rift have been completed on behalf of the player.

Nam Cheol-min muttered.

“…But you have to look at the forest, not the trees.”

Even if it was urgent to put out the fire, it was a temporary solution.

‘of course. At this point, the Arcana people are strong.’

Currently, there is no player who can be confident that they can match their level, except for Ho-Yeol. However, players grow quickly.

This time, the words of Nam Tae-min, my younger brother, come to mind.

-“Have you been recognized for your talent by Master Harkon?”

through the system.

Because it was true that they could grow faster than the Arcana people.

Nam Cheol-min had it in mind.

‘If only the world was designed by Raymon Sean’s bastard.’

I can’t guarantee when it will be, but it’s clear that in the future, enemies that even the Arcana people can’t handle will appear. At that point, only mature players can respond to such enemies.


“I never thought I would plant such seeds of doubt.”

This made it clear.

Rayman Shen is an enemy of mankind.

That’s not normal either.

It is a vicious enemy who deceives mankind and drives them to ruin.

Nam Chul-min shook his head.

“Calm down, Nam Chul-min.”

We need to shake off our thoughts and come up with countermeasures.

Disperse the power of the giant coalition waiting in the Zero Mountains.

What if you put it into a rift that is showing signs of collapse and rotate it…?

It was the moment when I was rolling my head to come up with the best solution.


I felt a loud vibration on my wrist.


A smart watch on your wrist.

I set it to vibrate only in one case.

Arcana official website.

Only when a new post is uploaded.

Cheol-min Nam swallows dry saliva without realizing it.



Thursday has already passed.

It means an emergency update, not a regular one.

If it was like usual, what kind of update would you expect?

Even if it was because of an occupational disease, he must have accessed the website out of excitement.


But now I feel like I’m forced to connect. No matter what update came to mind, I couldn’t shake the feeling of playing in Rayman Shen’s hands, so it was natural that I was reluctant.

“Let’s get mental, Cheol-min-ah.”

Nonetheless, you must take responsibility.

Because that’s the pride an analyst should have.

Cheol-Min Nam accessed the homepage with a firm expression.


Urgent Update


As expected.

I checked the uploaded urgent update history.

Soon, a single word came out of Nam Cheol-min’s mouth.


It’s so different from what I expected.

no i didnt think of it.

Because it was an unexpected update.


The descendant of Twilight, a race of pure-blooded magicians, appears.


“…Suddenly, what is this again?”



Emergency call of the branch manager.

For some reason, a heated discussion ensues.

“So how am I supposed to take this?”

Park Min-jae nodded gently.

Is it because you know something?

I finally feel like working.

“What do you think? Descendants of the twilight pop out of nowhere at this timing! A race of pure-blooded magicians that was abandoned in the development stage!”

Baker, the head of the London branch, adds.

“As far as I know, there shouldn’t have been any setting that the descendants of Twilight are related to the Pandemonium… Why did they appear right after the Demon King was deleted?”

Park Min-jae nodded.

“That’s right. The Descendants of Twilight have nothing to do with the Demon King and other demons. The only setting given to them was to deal with ‘twilight magic’ and ‘twilight magic’ that ordinary wizards cannot use.”

From the name of the descendant of twilight, there is no choice but to be plausible.

Because they were a race related to the Hidden Class.

It reminds me of the memories of my time at Cosmo.

-“Yes, Mage has been overly popular since the opening days. Just the news that there is a hidden class in the overflowing wizard class has caused class imbalance. Descendants of Twilight? Does that also have mysterious purple magic? Isn’t the future clearly predictable?”

… said Rayman Shen.

Rayman Shen abandoned the Descendants of Twilight project for that reason. At that time, the number of developers who swallowed regret, including Park Min-jae, was considerable.

someone says

“Thanks to blowing that setting, the mage class was blown up.”

especially among them.

The hidden class [Archangel Wizard].

Archmage Jesse Heinness.

She was a valuable specialty power to mankind. Although AAU was unable to provide much information and help to Jesse due to a cataclysm during the setting stage…

“If the Descendants of Twilight had been realized, the setting that the Descendants of Twilight would appear at the end of the archmage’s class quest would be Will there be some left? What do you think?”

“I wish I could. How long can we not rely on the general manager for everything? Jesse Heinness It would be nice if she gained something from this update and grew up…

It was a sharp point.

AAU’s settings are only rough sketches.

I realized painfully through my experiences so far that no one can be sure how it will be realized. So there is no choice but to find silence again.

Baker asks suddenly.

“Anyway, you are quiet today, Mr. Park?”

“Haha, is that so?”

Park Min-jae would have been more passionate than anyone else in a frustrating situation. Regular updates are not enough, urgent updates. He would have breathed life into Rayman Sean as if he were going to kill him.

However, Park Min-jae calmly looked at his watch.

someone quietly asks

“Looks like you have some good promises behind you.”

Park Min-jae waved his hand.

“no. Just checking the time.”

“Is this a date?”

“…For that reason, the condition of the clothes is zero.”

It seemed like an excuse to anyone, but it was the truth.

Because Park Min-jae was only looking at his watch before attending the branch manager’s meeting.

The reason is simple.


AAU general manager.

Ho-yeol’s reasoning statement.

The deadline specified in the note is imminent.

‘No, it’s safe to say that it’s practically the same time.’

The deadline specified by Ho-Yeol.

And that’s when the urgent update came to mind.

That was the reason Park Min-jae could be calm.

Besides, had Ho-yeol never betrayed his faith?

“huh? What is it?”

Breaking news delivered to the branch heads soon.

That was news from the Magic Tower.

Among the staggering branch managers.

Only Park Min-jae nodded.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Mr. General Manager…!”


The top floor of the Magic Tower.

I went down the stairs of the magic tower.


intermittent exclamations are added to the sound of the shoes.

“It has developed in this way.”

A descendant of the twilight, a race of pure-blooded demons.

‘A lot of gilding.’

How come modifiers and names snipe ‘someone’s taste’?

But let’s put that aside.

There are so many other things to think about.

Let’s start with the basic premise.

‘So Cloudy is involved in that too.’

The remoteness of a great family is amazing.

Now even in places I don’t know.

That influence would be extended.

of course.

‘Now that the past has been settled, the important thing is now.’

Debts I don’t even know about.

Not only was he reluctant to accept such a thing, but he also said that he should pay off with bad omen.

I won’t say anything.

Why, even if it wasn’t, the debt was enough. Thanks to the diversion operation of me and Akshan seniors, Mary’s clan, the descendents of dusk, have been restored and reappeared on the Arcana continent.

“I don’t know if this will help me.”

Mary looked around the magic tower and said.

I stuck out my tongue.

That’s not humility, it’s deceit, Mary.

‘It was an incredible power of expression.’

The portal manifestation that goes back and forth between reality and the Arcana continent consumes a lot of mana even for me. Moreover, this time, he was in a state where he repeatedly suffered from exhaustion and refusal. Even in the midst of that, he did not forget his promise of time.

‘It must have been a group of people alone.’

Even so, I was able to return to the Magic Tower on time.

It was thanks to Mary who gave me ‘power’ when I was manifesting the portal.

The reason why it is expressed as power rather than simple magic power is simple.

Mary’s purple magic helped tremendously not only with magic, but also in the entire process leading to the manifestation of search interference. Magic that perfectly harmonizes with the magic of others.

‘There is no such thing in the magical knowledge I know.’

Don’t you know it’s a parachute?

How many studies have I published?

Now that I’m the chief of the Mage Tower, so am I?


“You don’t have to limit yourself, Mary.”

I witnessed the possibility in such “twilight magic and magic”.

I brought Mary into reality.

[Quest: Marcelo’s Study]

Marcelo, the chief wizard of the Wizard’s Tower.

In order for him to reach an advanced level of magic.

want to be with you

─The Chief’s Weight (repeat) ▲

─Approach to Kii (success)

─Progress toward Kii (in progress)

Figure out the source of the magic tower. (Success)

●Trace the unknown source of ill omen. (failure)

Carve out new solutions. (In progress)

Now that I know what a bad omen is.

Wouldn’t it be unimaginable that Grandfell’s noble pride would borrow the power of bad omens? I saw the power to replace such bad omens in Mary, a descendant of twilight.

Not only that.

‘There must have been an uproar.’

Reality while I’m gone.

Most players don’t know about bad omens. In such a situation, it underwent a regular update called the demon king deletion. I can imagine how everyone is feeling.

Yes, Mary was the card that would reverse this atmosphere.

balance adjustment.


Raymond Shen’s intervention.

A card to let them know that all of that is meaningless.

In fact, I expected Mary to be enough.

Even if you say why in front of reporters with the Grandfel style of speech.

AAU will be following up with supplementary material on Descendants of Twilight.

However, you are always out of the ordinary, our Grand Fell…!

Eventually we reached the lobby of the Magic Tower.


a flash that goes off in time with the sound.

In front of the crowd of reporters, I declared.

“I know your concerns. But everything is groundless.”

You ripped Raymon Shen right.

“Nevertheless, if you need proof, I will show you.”


The jacket of the dawn on my shoulder swayed before I knew it.

Undeterred by that, he spreads his arms and finishes his speech.

“For the sake of balance, deny my existence first.”

To translate the Grandpel style of speech.

It means to delete me, player Lee Ho-yeol.

Now that the bad omen has been caught by the Akkshan seniors.

There’s no way that would be possible!

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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