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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 314

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Episode 314. What if he is also me? (1)

Silence flows in the office.

Unlike usual, the number of heads increased by two. No one, including me, opens their mouths. Anyone can see that there is a strange war of nerves going on.

I’d rather be like that too…


take out a teacup for entertainment and swallow a sigh as I look at the magic brazier that heats up the water. You fucking thought that one day this would come. I try hard to catch my heart.

The point at which you can go back and forth between reality and the Arcana continent. And from the moment I made up my mind to fully admit my dark history. I had in mind that there are no eternal secrets in the world.

But still, this is too sudden!

I am grateful for the body that moves calmly even in this situation.

Of course, proudly serving tea bag green tea is a bit like that… but

now is not the time to care about green tea.

Jesse and Mary.

He is not saying whether he wants to keep the formality until the end. However, their faces look full of questions. In the end, you must be waiting for an explanation, not my explanation.

‘To be honest…’

I feel like I want to pretend I don’t know and move on because I’m one more shameless. However, the difference between Grandfell’s lofty pride and arrogance is more than one step.

So I put down the teacup and broke the silence.

“I will listen to your business.”

In fact, it’s not too late to let go of the pretense here.

Anyway, there must be a reason why the two of them waited for me.

Can’t you simply answer the question?

But as said.

Passing over Eoyeongbuyeong must be an act that the pride of being a great person cannot tolerate.

Thanks, I had to add a comment.

“However, the first thing to do is to settle the question.”


The eyes of the two people who were silent turned to me.

“Lee Ho-yeol and Grandfel.”

Isn’t this the first time I’ve spoken those two names with my mouth in real life…? A complicated feeling that I couldn’t describe came over me, but I didn’t express it and finished my words.

“He is me too.”

A concise explanation.

For once, Mary nodded.

In fact, Mary’s side shouldn’t be too surprised. Lee Ho-yeol Even though my name isn’t common, it’s not strange enough to scare me, right? It was a name given to me by my grandfather with great joy.


‘Even if it’s a bit weird, I’ll just let it go.’

Given the relationship between Mary and Cloudy, it’s natural. In fact, even if it’s not a halo. I became like a benefactor to Mary while restoring the Descendants of Twilight.

The problem was on Jesse’s side.

It’s Jesse’s personality that I know very well. A personality that persistently digs into things that he does not know, including magic. Thanks, I had a bit of a hard time.

Again, questions abound.

“Is Grandfell the name of the Arcana Continent?”

It’s an ID from the days of Arcana Continent Electric.

In hindsight, it was a sharp question. Of course, since I didn’t ask for the full name, I will never say it first. Just in case, the cubic pavilion would go ahead, so I quickly answered.


Jesse then asked.

“Then, is the name Granfell known to everyone on the Arcana continent? If not… Is it a name known only to a few?”

What is the intent of the question?

‘Is it an unfamiliar name that is widely known?’

I wanted to look at Jesse’s expression to guess what he was thinking.

I couldn’t see it well because it was covered by a cone hat.

So I have no choice but to answer straight away.

“Now everyone knows.”

Actually, I tried to hide it until I could


Why is the legend of Lee Ho-yeol, the dark dragon, floating around the Arcana Continent? If that wasn’t enough, the loud dragons would have shouted. I don’t know the full name, but I think everyone knows about Grandfel.

I was wondering if there was an answer.

It was good enough for Jesse.

Only then do I feel the familiar exclamation mark in my tone.


under the hooded hat.

Just by looking at it, the tired pupils are revealed.

Jesse continued.

“It’s like the infinitely deep darkness or the dark dragon!”


…Unbeknownst to me, I shook the teacup finely.

Indeed, humanity’s special power.

Archmage Jesse Heinness.

I saw right through to the core.

yeah, there’s not much of a difference.

Is it safe to see it as a synonym?

But my astonishment did not end there.

“You look good on me, even the name Grandfel!”


What does it mean?

Maybe it’s because there’s so much to hide, but I keep getting paranoid about it.

‘Is this enough to fix it?’

Still, you endured well, Hoyeol.


I explained with high pride, now it was my turn to listen. I am Lee Ho-yeol. The shame made the two of them feel useless, but they couldn’t be grumpy.

Leaving aside what pride does not tolerate.


It sounded like a situation where the two of them would ask for an interview.

Descendants of Twilight and Archmage.

AAU’s report was correct. It seemed that a link called a new class quest had been created between the two. Mary was frank about everything.

“With my gun that had lost its luster, I couldn’t quite grasp what the class quest meant… but I thought I might be able to help this girl.”

It’s not a matter of general name.

I knew very well how difficult it is to acquire knowledge of a completely different world from the player Arcana. So, the part that shocked me was because of the word girl.

“Am I not a girl?”

Jesse looks at Mary too.

“Is this rude? I haven’t heard your name.”


Didn’t they even say aloud while standing side by side? It was only then that Mary’s words were true, and Jesse lowered his head and introduced himself to Mary.

“This is Jesse Heinness. The class is a great magician.”

“The Archmage…”

It seemed that there was a reason for Mary’s confidence as she pondered meaningfully.

Now that the class quest has progressed, Jesse didn’t seem to mind it either.

But there’s no way this guy’s nonsense will go unnoticed.

“Are you really sure, Mary?”

Mary answered without hesitation.

“I am sure. But if you have any concerns, I will listen.”

It’s not a huge concern.

As I just said, it’s not easy to understand something in a completely different world. It must be an unusual case that I am eating raw thanks to Lee Ho-yeol in the real world suffering from the Arcana Continent’s Grand Fel.

“Ability doesn’t matter. It’s just that we can’t understand each other because the foundations we built are different. Do you think you can truly teach and receive lessons from someone like that?”

The same goes for Jesse.

‘I must have witnessed it purely thanks to the Archmage class.’

A job that is not omitted even in front of guests.

As soon as I entered the office, I inspected the parchment on the desk. There were written the senior officials and Marcelo’s evaluation of Mary’s proof.


Unfortunately, the seniors including me did not witness anything.


Unable to evaluate due to lack of competence.

What even Marcelo of the world could not witness was the magic and magic of the twilight. It was an unreasonable expectation that Jessie, who had finally taken her first step into 『Magic』, would understand the twilight.

Mary answers.

“Considering Miss Jesse Heinness’ expressiveness, Grandfel-nim is right. Also, if an element unknown to me, such as a class quest, gets in the way between me and Jesse Heinness…”

Mary blurted out her words, and Jessie seemed to have nothing to say, so she remained silent. It’s obvious, but I didn’t bring this up to kill spirits.

“Then there must be only one way.”

Who am I?

Even if there is a struggle.

If a problem arises, he has the personality to put an end to it somehow.

I immediately got to the point.

“I will accompany you in that practice.”

I will tell you in advance.

To put it bluntly, this was a far-fetched move, but strictly speaking, it was a far-fetched trip with a reason. From the point of view of the commander of the Allied Forces of the Holy War, it is only natural to develop Jessie, who is a special force.


‘Actually, I’m interested too.’

Twilight magic and magic.

I have experienced the effects firsthand. However, I don’t know if I can handle the twilight, as I’m neither a descendant of twilight nor an archmage related to the descendant of twilight.

‘There’s nothing to lose by taking on the challenge, right?’

More than declared that we will be together.

Even if I was rejected, I was the one who would push through somehow.

Fortunately, the two were not reluctant to notice.

“I wonder if I’m causing unnecessary trouble…”

“I’m sorry but I’m reassured, Chief Lee Ho-yeol!”

then what happened

I quickly shifted my gaze away from them and looked at the teacup.

It probably wouldn’t have been revealed on his face because

he couldn’t show it…

Is this really an act full of pride…?

I’ve been wondering

It ended up being spit in my face.

“Then take it.”

At times like this, it was best to just drink green tea….


It was Thursday.

The world was enveloped in a strange tension.

Today is Ray Men Shen and Ho Yeol.

Because it was the day when the winner was determined between the two.

On the thin ice, Ho-yeol was no different than usual.

Take on the role of Chief of the Mage Tower.

He did not forget the work of the general manager of the Yusra branch.

“…how could you do that?”

“I knew you weren’t nervous, but…”

“If it were me, I would have taken a vacation today, really.”

Even in the midst of the world watching Ho-yeol’s move and whispering.

Time has passed and the time for regular updates is imminent.



Nothing happened.

Seoul Station.

Players run amok.

“I told you! Raymon Shen is that pure braggart?”

“Who said that until just now, he smoked heavily?”

“That’s… yes! It’s because of the crack withdrawal phenomenon!”

There are no more balance patches.

I will prove it.

Like that declaration, it was the passionate heat that proved it.

“Then, let’s go around the rift while you’re talking.”

“call! I’m good!”

“How about betting loot on it?”

“Call that too!”

last week.

The suppressed core was released.

It wasn’t a metaphor, it was actually like that.

Crack status updated in real time on AAU.

The people who wrote it laughed.

“I guess everyone has been waiting for this moment. Except for a few cracks that are currently confirmed to be created… All of them are entered by players. In terms of percentage, it is close to 95%, Branch Manager!”

only one week


Is it possible to change the hearts of players who have gone beyond erratic and even eccentric like this so dramatically? Suddenly, I am amazed at the ability of General Manager Yusura.

Baker, the head of the London branch, grinned.

“You have written a miracle of a new age beyond the miracle of London.”

A new era after the cataclysm.

In a reality where lives come and go in the rift, Arcana, players, and the public were closely connected. So, the good news for the players was also the good news for the world.

[No regular update…. Will it become a new driving force?]

[Raymon Sean, a fictional being proven by this.]

[Intensive coverage: Lee Ho-yeol hasn’t changed today.]

However, there were some who couldn’t enjoy the festive atmosphere.


unification of the world.

And it was Ryuo Junchun.


Liu Junchun stared at the screen without saying a word. As of today, there are 7 connectors that I have acquired. Based on him, I believed that I had gained the momentum to move ahead.


“That’s absurd.”

Lee Ho-yeol played differently.

Liuojunchun’s eyes turned to the connector.

to get my hands on it.

Played with Raymon Shen’s rhythm and suffered considerable damage.

But what about Lee Ho-yeol?

He trampled on Lei Men Shen, who made fun of him, as if to show off.

Did he notice Ryuo Junchun’s uncomfortable planting?

Smart –

the door opens just in time.

“Success, lord!”

Liuojunchun got up from his seat without saying a word and moved on.

“Meet my lord!!”

Where he headed, there were seven prototype connectors and the same number of Unification Guild members. One thing to notice was that they all had an eyepatch covering one eye.

Is it a mark to recognize each other on the Arcana continent?

If that’s the case, why not?

Questions about him did not last long.


The Holy Grail, which has risen to its fullest, is placed in front of Ryuo Jun-chun.

Junchun Liu looked at the Holy Grail.

To be precise, I looked at the water surface shimmering with liquid.

[The ‘Holy Grail of Severe Contract’ effect is activated.]

[Share the contractor’s view.]

[Current contractor: 7 people]


Then, seven subtly different visions appeared on the surface of the water.


what is it about ordinary people rolling around in the Holy Grail at that point?

It was bound to raise doubts, but Liuo Junchun was not ordinary.

“Consider it an honor to be my eyes.”

“Honorable name!”

Because in his mind, there was only one thought of looking at the Arcana continent through the Holy Grail. He couldn’t be satisfied with the experience gained on the Arcana continent.

‘It will be visible to me.’

Liuo Junchun could assure.

A land suitable for a monarch to spread his will.

It’s called the Arcana Continent, which isn’t reality.

At this moment, those who lay down on the connector were sacrifices to realize Liu Junchun’s assurances. The buzzing connectors became quiet, and one by one, the eyes began to appear on Liuo Junchun’s Holy Grail.

Liuojunchun clenched his fists.

‘I will not settle for reality, Lee Ho-yeol.’

You are the actual Mage Tower and Yusra Kingdom.

When you waste time on crap.

I will witness new possibilities on the Arcana Continent.

‘I won’t mind Lee Ho-yeol.’

Even if you saw the Arcana Continent first, I have a vision that you don’t have. It means that there is a [Monarch’s Eye] that can grasp the continental flow.

Before long, seven visions fully emerge.

The corners of Liuojunchun’s mouth slowly go up.

It was like that too.

“ha ha ha.”

Spring and Autumn Period.


No, the stage of the tyrant was right there.

“What do you mean that continent is devastated?”

Liuojunchun laughed.

“You fooled everyone, Lee Ho-yeol.”




Liuo Junchun’s mistake was overlooked.


Even if you can share your views.

That you can’t even peek at the message printed to the contractor.

A message comes to mind to the members of the Unification Guild.

“What is this?”


“Lee Ho-yeol Lee Ho-yeol is dangerous, my lord…!!”

So many unbelievable messages.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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