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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 321

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Episode 321. One point difference (3)

It was the shouting that woke Gremory out of despair.

“Risk your life to protect it!”

…Okay, Power has nothing to do with the fear I feel.

I try hard to calm down.

The power of the mixed race was still uncontrolled.

Rather fortunately. Even at this moment, regardless of Gremory’s loss of fighting spirit, the players and monsters did not hesitate to devote themselves to protecting the queen.

Wow wow-!

Before long, the monsters of the Zero Mountains appeared through the bushes. Just as Akshan aimed at Gremory, they also attacked the demon hunter who was targeting the queen.

Gremory’s eyes flashed.

‘…It’s a gap.’

No matter how lunatic they may be, they are human after all. You won’t be able to aim at me until the claws are down my throat. If you’re looking for that gap, it’s enough to escape from here and plan for the future…


Of course, that was an illusion that came from ignorance.



Even if they get stabbed in the heart.

Those who do not stop hunting if there is a demon in front of them. And although Gremory didn’t know about it, the current Akkshan was a [legend], not a human.

Moon Glaive Bear.

Even if it was hacked to pieces by the vicious claws.

That he didn’t even let out a scream or even a small moan.

still holding on to silence.

It only looks at its prey and does not stop its actions. The sight shook Gremory’s spirit even more. But reality still hasn’t abandoned Gremory.

“Hey, calm down. hey!”

“When did we fall into a state abnormality…?”

“Alluring? Is it the higher compatibility status of fascination?”

The agitation of the awakened players.

“…What are those black clothes? Where is that guild?”

Although those negative emotions are just as fleeting.

It’s been a strength.

It pushed Gremory’s judgment to the limit.

Gremory gnashed his teeth.

‘I can’t be thrown into hell like this.’

I looked at my own body.

It’s still beautiful.

You are the flower that blooms in the mud of the Demon World. Even the humans and elves of the Arcana continent cannot come close to their beauty. Putting someone else’s shell on top of Gremory’s high self-esteem? There was no way I was interested in possessing things.


I touch the long apricot-colored hair one last time.

Then I made a decision.

Now is not the time to be stubborn.

‘I need a new body.’

Taking advantage of the confusion, possessed by humans.

I had to evade the demon hunter’s pursuit. Gremory’s gaze turned to the swarming slaves of power. Then, there was a human who caught Gremory’s attention.

‘That’s enough…. It’s worth watching.’

Uncommon black hair and appearance on the Arcana continent.

However, to the extent that it is considered different rather than lacking.

It was flawless beauty.

To the extent that it does not bother the high aesthetic sense.

Gremory did not hesitate.

Immediately attempted to possess the target.

At the same time as occupying the body without difficulty.


The knowledge and common sense of reality that penetrates the head.

And even the player’s abilities.

‘Oh dear.’

Awakening in a new body, Gremory thought.

‘I never thought the price of abandoning my pride would be so sweet.’

The admiration also swallowed for a moment.

If only I could survive here…

‘…Really, revenge is not a dream!’


Somewhere near the top of the Zero Mountains.

I’m sitting in an old-fashioned chair. If you ask me out of nowhere in the middle of the mountain where I got a Renaissance chair… I will answer that there is no limit to my architectural magic and the use of [aesthetic].

And it doesn’t matter where you sit.


how come

to a place like this.

It is important to sit in this position!

Jesse and Mary’s Archmage Class.

At some point, I became an observer of the class.

‘To be precise, I started as an interpreter…’

It wasn’t easy just to realize the difference between magic and skill.

But twilight magic?

I thought communication would be impossible without my help.

But contrary to concerns, I didn’t have to step out.

I’m shameless on top of the dizzying peak.

I looked down at both Jesse and Mary.

static flowing.

I couldn’t hear the conversation from a while ago, but the purple magic flowing around me shows that the archmage’s class is going smoothly.

‘Thanks anyway.’

As an observer, I could see the twilight magic.

Unlike the timid promise to peek over your shoulder.

I was proudly watching and learning to the point of passing by.

I must say, Mana’s talent was amazing today as well.

“The opportunity to explore the root is rare.”

The grandiose self-talk was also amazing.

Eye level of the Chief of the Magic Tower.

Twilight magic was amazing even by that distant evaluation standard. Shall we give an example? What must have been the reason why Marcelo’s theoretical magic has led to the greatest magic in the Mage Tower lately?

‘It’s because it was compiled as one.’

It was because the magic that had been divided into dozens could be grouped into one just by looking at the schools of the Mage Tower. In that sense, Twilight Magic is…

the root of all magic.

It would be appropriate to compare it like that.

I understand now.

Why was Mary able to intervene in the search interference manifestation process without understanding the structure of the portal I manifested?

I looked at Jesse, who closed his eyes.

‘I wonder if it’s possible.’

It was Jesse who needed a lot of time and effort just to understand simple 『magic』. Thanks for your hard work though. Among the players, Jessi was the only one besides me who could manifest magic.

‘It won’t be easy.’

To be honest, I didn’t expect much.

But that, too, was presumptuous.

how much time has passed

The magic of the purple twilight began to stir in Jesse’s body as well.

I was taken aback.

‘…No, he must be faster than me?’

The influence of the class quest is certain.

In fact, from witnessing the magic of twilight that even Marcelona’s seniors had not witnessed. Jessie’s ability to learn must have been verified in the twilight only.

I calmly opened my mouth.

“Considering that it’s the first day, it’s not a bad performance.”

Anyone who hears it will know that I am a teacher.

‘I’m really worried about my future, but this.’

Thinking back to the days when I was learning magic by watching nettube… I don’t know if I’ll have to write at least a few books at the level of a thesis to deal with the magic of twilight.

‘More than that.’

according to the procedure.

Is it because I finished my promise?

Finally, the nerves are directed in the other direction.

‘I must have found it, but a half-blood demon.’

Materialized Akk’shan Demon Hunter.

It seems like he says it every time he uses [Legend], but it’s not enough to emphasize it several times. The fact that the strength of a [legend] depends on how widely it resonates.

‘It’s obvious, but it’s worse than aid.’

Hell’s Akkshan seniors never stopped hunting demons in Hell, so it’s only natural that they’re strong. And are those demons normal demons? It’s because even if it’s only a high-ranking demon king, it’s amazing.

The same goes for the Akkshan seniors who sealed the bad omen. The ability that came out of that tenacity was so bad that they couldn’t handle it. In fact, even without comparison with the seniors, the materialized Akkshan legend couldn’t be strong.

– “Akshan? It was so long ago that my memory is fuzzy.”

– “Aha demon hunter! Yes, there were classes like that.”

– “After all, weren’t the Akshans losers?”

Even in real life and on the Arcana continent, Akkshan wasn’t treated very well. Of course, compared to the completely forgotten past, the situation is better now, but…

“The relationship between the natural enemy cannot be violated.”

Well, to Grandfel, all demons are the same demon anyway.

It was an unusual reaction, though.

Unlike the cube, I couldn’t shake the feeling.

because i know

The ability that the half-blood demon showed.

It wasn’t enough to seduce the monsters, so there were even signs that were not detected by [Natural Enemy Relations]. Maybe it was because I hadn’t met him in person, so I was worried even if it was old-fashioned.

Of course, the pride of this guy who is so complicated.

It’s basic that you can’t show it with your facial expression. It is unacceptable to be swayed by demons and not follow the procedures. Even figuring out the situation during the procedure was unacceptable.

“Let’s finish today, Miss Jesse Heinness.”

Eventually, until Mary finished her archmage class.

I had to open my eyes and focus on the observation.

Then, brazenly, she stood up in a renaissance-style chair.

“Then see you again at this time tomorrow.”

I left a short word and moved on.

The first thing to do is set.

Let’s start by checking the smartphone that was vibrating earlier.

A text message from Cheol-Min Nam greeted me.

-I’m sorry, Commander-in-Chief! I have urgent news so contact me like this…!

It was simple to summarize the contents of the text that felt embarrassed.

Akkshan’s Demon Hunters have appeared in the Zero Mountains.

It was about them fighting against the player.

Nam Cheol-min didn’t know, but I wasn’t surprised.

‘It must have been during the exorcism ceremony.’

Do not be mistaken. Still, the demon hunter’s attacks during the exorcism only damage demons. Players won’t take any damage.


‘Did a demon hunter get treated like a badass for no reason?’

A demon hunter whose fighting power is weaker than any other class without a natural enemy relationship. Even if I fight with the player with stupid words, I’ll lose 100 times? If it’s not real, and if it’s a demon hunter whose legend has materialized, it’s even worse.


Check the next letter.

I’m not really an analyst.

There is no text relay, right?

It is so vivid that the war situation can be drawn in your head just by reading it.


Even that broadcast was currently in progress.

-The last demon hunter just fell…!

As expected, Nam Chul-min was surprised.

He also has nothing to worry about.

A system message pops up before your eyes.

[The materialization is released.]

An immediate reaction came.

-…but it disappeared without a trace?!

‘Anyway, it’s impossible to explain this in words.’

Let’s go.

At that point, I put my smartphone in and boosted my horsepower. First of all, it was necessary to clear the situation. First of all, the Zero Mountains were unintentionally in a mess.

‘I’m the only one who can fix it.’

Let’s summarize the flow of events.

Players led by a half-blood demon stood in the way of the demon hunter.

Presumed to be a mixed-race demon.

The woman called the queen suddenly disappeared.

An ongoing battle between Demon Hunter monsters and players.

The fallen demon hunters disappeared without leaving corpses behind.

Fortunately, all of the players got out of the status quo…

‘Although it seems to have been roughly finished.’

It’s not over yet.

The high-level monsters that came down from the highlands will remain there.

It needs to be cleaned up before it becomes a threat to lower level players.

‘Did I miss it right now?’

In fact, a tycoon who was about the size of a half-blooded devil.

I didn’t think it would be easy to hunt.

There was no need to be restless.

Did you get the information differently than before?

“It’s a futile effort.”

Akshan’s dependable guardian spirit, Tempest.

Tempest, who tracked the evil in the beginning, should be able to track down the half-blood demon easily from the traces left behind. Let’s see, to put things right… I think this evening schedule is going to be tight.

‘Let’s hurry up.’

enter the portal.

As my vision changed, a loud noise greeted me.

Players and monsters mingled and shouted.

“What happened?!”

“If you wake up, eat your equipment first! Apparently Akkshan saved us. Don’t let that sacrifice be in vain!”

“…Akshan will save us? So you’re saying the status message was the devil’s work? Crazy Then why can’t I remember at all…”

“Damn it’s a pack of mountain wolves!!”

It really feels like the devil has swept away.

It means there is no mess.

But it doesn’t matter.

I raised my horsepower.


There was no such thing as moderation in the dictionary of Grandfel.

What I was preparing was none other than the twilight magic I had just seen and learned. By the way, isn’t it the first time since you awakened as a player that your mind is complicated while manifesting magic?

I feel like I’m being forced to do that.

‘As expected, the clothes don’t fit me.’

Descendants of Twilight.

And it has a quest line related to the Descendants of Twilight.

Twilight magic must be something only the archmage class can manifest.

However, where is Granfell’s coercion? Ordinary coercion?

Goo Oh ─

A purple magic that blows faintly in front of you.

I finally managed to do it this time, with a lot of unreasonable settings.

message comes to mind.

[The first world tree’s blessing rejects the ‘Curse of Twilight’.]

It’s the Curse of Twilight.

The effect of the debuff was rejected, so it was unknown, but I could guess why it appeared in front of my eyes. A warning about wearing clothes that don’t fit. But do you think you’ll pay attention to the yard where [Blessing of the First World Tree] is active?

I arrogantly opened my mouth.

“Don’t you dare try to swing me.”

It was a self-talk towards the debuff.

Can listeners even guess?

In the end, the players who noticed me were startled.

“This Lee Ho-yeol!”

“Don’t try to wield it…? Are you guessing the cause of the situation? Or rather, was it Hoyeol-nim who moved Akkshan?”

“That’s just Homen.”

…I am also very surprised by the reaction for a while.


purple magic covered the entire area.

The interference of pure magic science is manifested in the magic of twilight.

It was an unfamiliar use of twilight magic.


The effect was clear.

Even though [Natural Enemy Relations] has not been activated.

With only magic alone, he subdued over a hundred monsters at once.

[The level has risen.]

Even if the level that did not fluctuate seldom rose, I couldn’t be happy. is it natural I missed the devil. Grandfell’s planting was not an acceptable situation.

‘Before I tremble in anger.’

Hurry up and summon Tempest and start the chase. By the way, there are many people who see it like this… Do I have to say the bizarre full name of Tempest Over the Horizon…?

It was a fleeting but painful moment.

– Excuse me for something urgent.

Telepathy that suddenly penetrates my head.

It was Marcelo’s voice.

Nam Cheol-min was like that, and it was something that rarely happened.

However, to put it the other way around.

It must be such an urgent situation.

Marcelo didn’t say anything and immediately added a reason.

Look, isn’t there a reason to omit the pre-arrangement?

-The devil came to the Mage Tower with his own feet.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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