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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 322

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Episode 322. It’s a different twist, but

it’s starting to make sense.

only a few years

The reason why adventurers were able to shake the continent of Arcana in a mere moment…! Gremory chewed through the bodily memories that burrowed into his head, to be precise, the player’s knowledge.

‘I can’t believe I was holding such a blessing.’

If he had been given this ability…

he wouldn’t have needed a long time.

Even if there were only a few years of time similar to the adventurers.

He would have been able to seize the strength to challenge the tenth throne.

That alone was a satisfying enough possession.


Even his own eyes were not wrong.

I simply chose the shell in pursuit of beauty.

There was no such thing as a windfall.

Gremory murmured softly.

“I thought she would be more than just a girl from a noble family.”

Shinhwa conglomerate group.

I couldn’t guess the meaning of the words.

However, one side was visible in the memory of the body. A position to lead a luxurious life, worshiped by so many. There could be no better environment to hide in.

‘Now there is no bird to hesitate.’

Gremory moved as his body led him. Now that he had succeeded in possessing him, he did not think that Akkshan’s lunatics would be able to pursue him. It’s going to be hard to deal with the slaves of power. Even so.

‘Be alert.’

Furthermore, this land is more than those lunatics.

The Last Demon Hunter.

Isn’t it the hometown of the silver-haired man?

Let’s see, a man of that level would have a reputation in this world. You should be able to find out information about the man from the memories of the owner of the shell.

Gremory’s prediction came true.

“…Lee Ho-yeol.”

The name came right out of my mouth.

But something was strange.

Gremory felt a strange sense of deja vu in his shell.


It’s okay to say it’s your first time possessing.

Even if you praised it generously, it is just a human body.

The sensations I felt must have been unpleasant.

It felt strangely familiar.

If it was the same as usual, it would have gone unnoticed.

Didn’t you promise not to repeat the mistake?

Gremory closed her eyes for a moment.

‘I’ll have to look inside.’

And it wasn’t long before I realized why.

‘It is indeed a miserable life, woman.’

To give oneself to the devil twice.

‘True name Baek Yi-seol.’

Baek Yi-seol.

Inside the woman, traces of the devil were clearly visible.

That, too, was the smell of a tribe that could be said to be of the same kind as the Rust man.

Gremory clicked his tongue.


To be vulgar, the demons are counted as one-handed in the demon realm. It was Gremory who liked Baek Yi-seol’s body. That’s why she secretly whispered to Baek Yi-seol’s inner side.

‘It’s okay to be grateful. Because I’m different from a succubus. I’ll make you reborn as a true queen, not a ghost at best.’

The first step for him would be going back to Baek Yi-seol’s mansion. After that, he thought of dealing with Baek Yi-seol’s blood relatives and aides, who would be the first to get in the way.

‘Wouldn’t it be annoying if I found out?’

Even if you put on a human shell.

Gremory had no intention of accepting the humiliation of imitating a human. You have to get rid of everything that gets in your way and fill your surroundings with only faithful slaves of power.

It was the moment that Gremory had promised.


that buck


My feet moved at will.

At first, I thought my body was reacting according to my will.

until you look around.


Couldn’t there be something like Baek Yi-seol’s mansion on top of this precarious staircase? Gremory urgently looked back at Baek Yi-seol’s memories. To be precise, common sense as a player.

‘There is a portal at the entrance of the Magic Tower. Adventurers freely travel around the world through the portal of the Mage Tower. On top of the stairs of the Mage Tower, there is a space only allowed for wizards…’


However, no matter how much I looked back on my memories, there was no reason to climb the stairs. Is it because of that? Unnecessary attention is focused. The eyes of the humans who were hanging around at the entrance of the magic tower followed him.

not exactly.

“Oh senior. That’s Baek Yi Seol, right?”

“…uh? Wow, you really are Baek Yi-seol!”

“Why is Baek Yi-seol in the Magic Tower…”

“Wait a minute, is this an extension of that incident?!”

“Listen to the camera first!!”

Baek Yi-seol.

Headed towards the owner of the shell.


Gremory gnashed his teeth.

‘Does it have a relationship with the Mage Tower?’

There won’t be any discovery of the fact that they covered the shell… but the machine that those worms are holding will spread this situation to the world. Faced with Akkshan, this attention was not welcomed.

‘Don’t move on your own, girl.’

Gremory shot inside and seized control of the body…

no, to be exact.

The footsteps that are afraid to stop are moving again.

that buck


Gremory was astonished.

I cried inside

me the devil

Even that was not enough, I swallowed up the power of the giant.

Are you saying that only humans are going against it?

‘This is impossible!’

But that was just the beginning.


The one who blocked Gremory from climbing the stairs was a skinny man.

His reputation is even in the demon realm.

Even among the demon lords, he recognized it right away.

‘Marcelo Seymourd…!’

If the fact of possessing was discovered, it would not be able to go over smoothly.

Gremory was seriously anguished. Should I exercise the power of Rust even now? But can I break this man’s sanity? No, before that…

‘…Wait, why are you all right?’

Gremory himself had obviously not been able to control the power of his runaway lust. It means that thanks to the rampaging authority, he sometimes messed up and barely saved his life.


“See you soon. Mr. Baek Yi-seol.”

Marcelo casually took himself.

It was like treating a shell.

To say that he offset the authority with his distant mental power.

‘Even the bugs downstairs were fine…’

Gremory guessed.

‘…Could it be that I can control the authority?’

It was, of course, a wild guess.

Mouth moves by itself.

The head is bowed arbitrarily.

“It’s been a while, Chief Marcelo. First of all, I apologize for violating the rules of the Magic Tower. I would like to formally apologize for entering the upper floors without permission.”

…Damn it!

I had no intention of spitting out words like that to Gremory. It would have been the best course of action to leave the humiliation and turn around and get out of the Mage Tower when it was time to make excuses like that.

Marcelo shook his head.

“Nothing to worry about. There must be a reason why you came here. come up I don’t think we can have a proper conversation on top of the stairs.”

that buck

It’s not too late even now.

Don’t follow that man.

Don’t you dare go against me.

Even if you shout inside, the body still doesn’t listen.

Eventually, he reached the top floor of the Magic Tower.

The conversation continued at a point where no one could see.

“I can guess why you came. There is only one point of contact between me and Baek Yi-seol. It must be something related to the Allied Temple.”

What is the Allied Crusade?

Gremory was stunned. To think that the allied forces were organized under the name of a holy war in this completely different world. When I was on the Arcana continent, it was an unexpected situation.

“That’s right.”

Gremory’s lips seemed to dry up.

‘Such a dog.’

Now that I know of the existence of the Holy Temple Alliance. The situation when Marcelo became aware of his presence was depicted more clearly. Gremory shouted as if begging inside now.

‘Please, please shut up.’

However, Baek Yi-seol’s mouth moved mercilessly.

“It’s nothing else, it’s like being possessed by the devil again.”

…Were you aware of the possession?!


Grasping the situation, Gremory struggled desperately from within.

Maybe thanks to that, I realized it belatedly.


Baek Yi-seol was possessed for the second time.

In other words, the succubus that first possessed Baek Yi-seol no longer exists inside her. Gremory recalled the feelings he felt after possessing it.

‘…I witnessed the possibility.’

Revenge was not far off.

The system is more than authority.

Sitting on the 10th seat is not a dream…

‘Am I the only one who had such a dream?’

Didn’t he know that he was a succubus?

that it is

That the succubus had no intention of giving up this body of its own accord.

‘It was.’

Gremory finally came up with an answer.

‘…the succubus is being hunted!’

A puzzle begins to come together in my confused mind.

“Impossess. If so, you must have come to see Chief Lee Ho-yeol.”


and Lee Ho-yeol.

Why did Baek Yi-seol’s body go to the Mage Tower?

“Yeah, looks like I’m in debt again.”

Why did the strange feeling of deja vu still not go away?

It was.

The subtle sense of déjà vu wasn’t what I felt when I saw the succubus.

An instinctive reluctance towards nemesis, inscribed in the demon’s genes.

Gremory finally collapsed.

‘…You mean it’s not okay to struggle like this?’

Are you saying that you can never go against the relationship of the heavenly enemy? You mean the hunt started the moment you stepped on this land? Does that mean you couldn’t escape by any means or method once you got caught by the demon hunter…?

Before long, a bell rang in Gremory’s ears.

“Looks like you’ve been waiting too.”




‘Oh no…’

The whistle of the train bound for hell.


The top floor of the Magic Tower.

the moment you enter.

A familiar message greets me.

[The skill ‘Natural Relations’ is activated.]

I was honestly surprised.

“It’s a fresh reunion in its own way.”

Baek Yi-seol, the master of the Shinhwa Guild and a member of the Holy Temple Alliance.

I thought she was possessed by the devil again.

I was startled even though I said hello casually.

‘Am I really okay?’

According to Marcelo’s telepathy.

I heard that Baek Yi-seol entered the Zero Mountains and was possessed by a demon. It seems that I went straight to the mage tower with the highest probability of being there. Thanks to the concise flow, the conclusion comes naturally.

‘The one possessed by Baek Yi-seol is a half-blood demon.’

As if it was the correct answer, the quest target blinked.

– Hunt the devil. (Repeat)

Follow the bloodstains to the half-blood demon. (Success)

Defeat the half-blood demon. (in progress)

That’s why I was surprised.

‘Baek Yi-seol, you’re also really…’ I

wondered if I was suffering the most from Grandfel. Even so, I can’t complain in front of Baek Yi-seol, who has been possessed twice by the devil.

Besides, you’re not an ordinary devil this time, are you?

However, Baek Yi-seol was no different from usual.

“Gremory. According to my memory, he was the 56th rank demon. And judging from the fact that he kept mentioning authority… It seemed like he believed in something.”

I was silent.

I just stared blankly at Baek Yi-seol’s pupils. You can fool the eyes of others, but not the eyes of demon hunters. Indeed, Baek Yi-seol’s eyes were definitely stained black.

So it’s more questionable.

‘How the hell are you all right?’

Demons feed on negative emotions. Because of this, it drives the possessed humans to further destruction. Even if you only think of Baek Yi-seol, who was possessed by a succubus in the first place…

‘It was completely different from now.’

Why trials make people stronger.

‘Did the experience of being possessed by a succubus benefit you?’

I don’t know, but I think I’ve become as hard as mentally. There was a time when the story of Baek Yi-seol was endless, even in the entertainment industry.

I am Lee Ho-yeol.

My head was cluttered with many thoughts.

Who is Grandfel?

“You too have grown up.”


“It must be that you finally realized your pride.”

Founder of the Noble Pride Theory.

At my words, Baek Yi-seol let out a small sigh.

“Whoa, thank you for saying that! I was actually worried. I wonder if I’m being possessed again and bothering the commander-in-chief. But, as you said, is it because of not forgetting pride? As in the case of the succubus, the terrible dark history… no, I was able to avoid repeating the mistake.”

…It’s a dark history, so I know how it feels.

I nodded gently, but suddenly.

A meowing sound is heard.

“What the hell are you saying?”

“Stay still, tower lord.”

“I still don’t know what pride is.”

So, that one!

Did you sleep less?

Why are you talking like that?

Is a nobleman named Top owner taking a nap on the top floor and watching this embarrassing scene? In any case, it is impossible to overshadow Baek Yi-seol’s performance.

“Let’s get straight to the point.”

Prepare for the [Exorcism Ritual] without hesitation.

mixed-blood demon.

I haven’t been able to figure out what it means yet, but it’s certain that if the demon king has added power, he’s not an ordinary magnate. What you need to hunt such a being is the item of the sacrificial devil.

It’s also an item that fits the class.

‘There’s something suitable for me.’

Similarly, the loot left behind by the titans.

[Cocoon clogged with jealousy]

[Rating: Legend]

[Restriction: Unknown]

[Effect: Sealed]

[Description: The effect was sealed by the devil’s curse. In order to know the proper effect, it must be purified.]

That’s right.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Jealousy.

It’s going to be a legendary item.

‘I’m sure it’s an item equivalent to a ghost iron, right?’

I was expecting quite a bit.

Because of this guy’s integrity and innocence, I can’t show my dark feelings.

I put on an expression that was more solemn than ever.

Baek Yi-seol. No, he declared it to the half-blood devil.

“I will start disposing of it from this time.”

[‘Cocoon clogged with jealousy’ has been selected as the sacrifice.]

[The skill ‘Exorcism’ is activated.]

[Invite the half-blood demon Gremory to the ‘ritual’.]

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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